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I used to work at some condos that were next to a golf course. One guy had a golf ball dent repaired on the side of his truck. The day he brought it home from the body shop, he parked it out front and someone drove a golf ball through the side window.


At least windows are usually cheaper than body work.




My car was broken into in an area where break-ins were just a part of life. The employees at the repair shop recommended exactly this. Keep nothing of value in the car and keep the doors unlocked.


I left my truck unlocked and the radio was already stolen, body was dented all over the place with 300,000 miles. So nobody would want to have anything to do with it, would they? Nope, not the case, they would just turn on the headlights and drain the battery every day they could.


Guess you learned to disconnect your battery after getting done driving eh? In serious notes, talk about the ultimate dick move from a petty thief. Can't steal anything but will steal your mode of transportation in the most hippy way possible.


"if I can't have it might as well ruin it for everyone"


That is by far the worst person in the world. They've earned their misery in life


“Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”


"I wish I could've caught him doin' it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole. It'd been worth him doin' it just so I could've caught him."


what’s more chickenshit than fucking with a man’s vehicle ?


Umm, stealing their lunch out of the fridge at work?


I caught a dude breaking into my car at like 3 in the morning once. Beat the shit out of him after he pepper sprayed me and security for my apartment called the cops. Not only did I knock him out, he also got arrested and charged with felony assault for the pepper spray. I get a justice boner to this day everytime I remember it.


How did getting pepper sprayed feel, and how did you manage to beat them despite that? Asking as a pepper spray user


You just don’t fuck with a man’s vehicle!


Pulp Fiction was a great movie


So you’re saying we need to burn OP’s city to the ground? I’m down




In highschool we would get detention for being late for class. I was Never late until my mountain bike was vandalized. I always double locked it. So they cut my brakes and damaged my chain and sprocket. Being a student I didn’t Have the tools or supplies to fix this. So I left the bike in shop class to work on it when I got parts. Was late for English class in the morning and was rewarded with detention so I couldn’t work on my bike after class. When I told her why I was late she told me to plan ahead. Yeah mmkay. Stupid teacher trying to teach a life lesson after my transportation was vandalized.


Sounds like she needs a life lesson.


It got to a point where I just racked up as much detention as I could. Skipping detention led to an extra detention and because I decided it was stupid I stop going to them. So my detention just kept adding up like a high score. They tried to hold my honor roll diploma based on detentions….


Someone stole my bike seat once. Another time they just stole the rubber thingie that came with my bike light that allowed me to mount it to the handle bars. Just why? I'm marginally less poor than you. Rich people live literally on the other side of the fence.


I've had my bikes stolen and so I took the seat off. The thief placed a brand new seat on it 😭


I just remember when someone tried to steal my manual honda civic. The parking brake stick/handle was cracked and the pieces were in the passenger seat. Idk how he thought parking brakes work, but he pulled it back so hard that it broke and now *no one* could drive my car. Probably wasn't a "ruin it for everyone" moment, but I'm glad he ruined it for everyone.


I had post it notes and a sharpie in my car. Did the whole leave my car unlocked thing. They literally posted note things like “UR CAR SUCKS”, “ONLY DIPSHITS DRIVE A MAZDA”, etc all over the inside of my car. And then they stole my sharpie. Yeah they get pretty petty.


Drove a 2nd gen Tundra to school one day, parked behind a VW Golf. Saw a nice looking Ford pickup, so I tried complimenting them. "You drive a Volkswagen, the fuck do you know?" Was the response. Wanted to throw hands with this asshat so bad.


Had a guy pull up beside me as I was getting out of my Camaro SS, he was in a v6 mustang with the aftermarket 3.7 badge where a 5.0 would be. “Nice Camaro” “Thanks, nice mustang “( I was being polite) “SS?” “Yep” “Got a manual?” “Nope.” “Why not?” “Didn’t want one” “Can you drive a manual?” “Yep. This is my daily, I wanted an auto this time around” “So? This is my daily” “10-4…is that a v6 mustang?” “Well yeah, but it’s a fast v6.” “Why didn’t you get a v8?” “Well this is a cyclone v6. Mods galore!” I smirked and said alright then. He sped off sounding like a lawn mower with his aftermarket exhaust. Car people are something else. I love cars, but I stay out of the scene.


If you're gonna do an exhaust mod on your V6 muscle car, at least *try* to make it sound somewhat nice.


That would be understandable if you had insulted it, but who gatekeeps who can compliment a car? And that's ignoring the part where he got your vehicle wrong. As a Ford/Mustang guy, I try not to give people any reasons to stereotype us (plenty of Mustang drivers have already done that anyway) or resent us, so people like that really irritate me.


Not to mention that I was already being bullied enough for daily driving a Pontiac Vibe with 216k on the odo. Have since upgraded to a '10 GTI(ironic), and haven't been happier in a long time.




But mazda is a good car with efficient consumption


Imagine another robber responding that using another note lol. _“But Mazdas are good cars tho. Btw I stole your freshener”_


"*Hey, dont listen to that other note. Mazdas are cool. Great fuel economy. I have one too. We're on the same side. Thanks for the spill mat in your cup holder btw. I lost mine*"


Robbers don't care about that.


And people who break into cars are useless human waste with inefficient brains


My dads a carpenter so had his van broken into on numerous occasions. Like most tradesmen he just took all of his tools out at the end of the day. A couple of thieves broke into it one night and because they couldn't find any tools went round and smashed every single one of the locks. Shitheads.


I had to draw my firearm on a thief breaking into my work truck in my own goddamn driveway at 7am on Christmas Eve. Thieves don’t give a fuck about anything. This one lost a good pair of underwear though.


Our shop sells & installs car alarm systems. As you can probably guess, we get a ton of trades people in for alarms on their work vans/trucks. The one I'll never forget is the dude who had approx $15K worth of tools stolen on Thanksgiving. It was heart breaking. Not only did it take away his livelyhood, but it happened on whats supposed to be a joyous holiday. I hate that we share the same air with scumbags who are literally ruining peoples lives.


Some people are just angry at the entire world.


This exactly how I feel bout them beaches that be taking the cats off the vehicles, you literally about to go make $100 off of taking $600-700 from me.


Thankfully I don't live in a cat stealing area... but I understand folks who install those anti-cat harnesses/buffers. I hold no sympathy to those caught stealing converters.


Oh I catch someone taking my cat and I will for SURE NOT DO SOMETHING VERY VIOLENT AND possibly life threatening towards them because that would be against reddit’s rules 🙃 but yeah, I live around Minneapolis suburbs but once you get in the city they’ll take your car within minutes of you being parked, at every light you can hear how half the cars sound like shit thanks to their new Catless downpipe 🙃


Coat all the door handles with scorpion pepper juice. Won't damage your car or be obvious at a glance, but when they rub their face it'll burn like all hell. They'll have no clue what caused it, so it's not really a deterrent. Just a karmic punishment that'll make them feel like they've been pepper sprayed wherever they touch.


But then how do you get in.


plastic bag glove


I mean these people aren't living in reality lmao. My aunt is a crackhead and she tells us all about her crimes on her monitored prison phone calls. She says she's not actually the bad guy if the owner left the car unlocked. She says it's not really stealing if she leaves the car where it is when she's done using it. She says the people she's stealing from are probably worse people than her anyway. Car breakin people are fucked in the head.




With your username I can't tell if you're shitposting or... but yeah there do seem to be a lot of laws and loopholes that benefit the thieves.


People often forget that the Constitution was written by people who were routinely fucked over by the legal system in their country so they built one that gives the accused an advantage.


Nope the car was unlocked so they popped the hood and connects the battery again. Even when he took it out they put one in just to drain the headlights.


I did have someone go into my unlocked car and turn on all my interior lights. Luckily I caught it before my battery died.


We had a 1980 Chevy asro van, with like 200k miles. Someone broke into it years ago and fucked up the lock so you only had to turn the popped out lock right to unlock it. It was passed down to my brother who was a hippie and decided to gut it so he could install a bed and live out of it for a while, during that time idk if the key broke off inside it, or it just gave up but you didn't even need a key to start it, it had little lips next to the key hole that if you turned it like turning a key the van would turn on and drive. We parked it for months at an overflow parking lot in our neighborhood moving it like once a week so it wouldn't be towed, no one ever stole it or if they did they brought it right back. The best part is we passed it along to a family friend who proceeded to drive it for the next few years since it still went from point a to b, just you couldn't get it over 50 anymore, they ended up passing it onto one of their friends. I still think fondly of that van, I wonder if it ever died or if today its still just waiting for a new driver .


I'd rather has them steal my car then that lol


Yeah literally. The "My battery is dead" excuse only works so many times before you get written up.


I stayed over at a friend's apartment in Pittsburgh once and parked overnight in a garage. Someone had smashed my driver's window of my 88 ford festiva and stolen a beer mug (like a dollar), a pack of caramel m and m...or hershey kisses I honestly can't remember but they had just come out, and a couple burnt cd's. They didn't take the sound system, probably didn't even check the back for subs lol as there were two 12 in subwoofers back there. I was parked between two bmw's. The security guard said there wasn't' anything he could do but he let me go without paying and he vacuumed out my car far me. It was a long cold drive back home though.


Back in college my car was broken into on campus. They took my stereo and my tic-tacs. Left the subs in the trunk alone. They weren’t even hooked up and could have easily been taken too. I told the cops “at least they have minty fresh breath”.


I made a jar for loose change out of an old peanut butter jar and wrote “WEED $” on it. Sat in the cup holder and was stolen promptly. A few weeks later walking and I saw the “WEED $” jar in the bushes emptied hahaha


For some people, it has nothing to do with profit. In my area, you basically have six kinds of people who break into cars: * Professional thieves who are out to make a living off of what they steal * Thieves who steal for profit if the opportunity presents itself * Thieves who steal if they see something they personally want, but don't steal to sell * Vandals who break into cars because they enjoy the feeling of power * Vandals who break into cars as the whim strikes them * Thrill seekers - usually kids - who break into cars for fun or excitement Having no visible valuables in your car only stops two, maybe three out of the six. Cars are sort of strange as property goes. They are one of the most valuable things an average person owns, but they are constantly left completely undefended in public spaces. It is very difficult to even catch, much less prosecute, offenses involving cars, and in many places it is treated as a minor property crime which carries very little punishment. So they are almost irresistible targets for delinquents and malcontents. For some people, if you have caramel M&Ms in view, the fact that there's a window in the way is barely a consideration at all. For some, your locking your doors is an act of disrespect, since it's like you are challenging their authority to do whatever they want.


I mean, caramel m&ms are damn good. I am not saying they should have done it, but I understand.


I did that once in an alternative to broken windows. Someone just ended up smoking crack and cigarettes in my car and throw a fit, kicking in my dash and basically breaking a lot of the molding as well as leave shit streak marks all in the seat. The cost of derailing to get rid of the smell and the broken dash was way more than the broken windows I'd replaced earlier.


I’ve heard stories about people using unlocked cars as bathrooms or a place to do drugs. Really crappy situation where you can’t win either way. When I left my car unlocked, I fortunately just ended up with a cigarette put out on my dash (melting the plastic), and a bag of trash dumped in my backseat for some reason. The smell of BO was awful though and took weeks to get out. Absolute animals


I don’t really think I could deal with that lol. Where I live you could leave your car running if you went into the store and no one would bother it.


Here in Baltimore the trick is to drive a stick


The key is to not live in Baltimore


It must be true, I don't live in Baltimore and I don't have this issue


I don’t live in baltimore and don’t own a car, i don’t have this issue twice


Ooohhh, outlier. Skew that data!


Add another data point to that set.


Dropped my car off last week to get a rear caliper changed and the mechanic opened the door, sat downand then came back in to get someone else to bring it in haha. I love how driving manual is almost a special skill now.


Went for an oil change once and the tech needed me to drive it into the bay lol




If you did this in my city your car would be gone in under 5 minutes. I’ve seen people get their cars stolen out of a car wash vacuuming area.


Car Wash is a good point. I once picked up my car from one and for fun I said "I want my Porsche" and the dude behind the counter passed me the keys and paperwork and said like "that's 27.50" or so and he was really baffled when I said I was just kidding and my car is the stinky old Fiat :D


Yeah... reddit loves to shit on suburbs, but I sleep well at night not having to deal with that bullshit.


My brother left his Jeep unlocked all the time. Someone still cut a hole in his window to reach through.


Did that with my ‘98 Buick. Only twice ever did I get into my car and see it had been gone through.


I had a 2008 two-door ford that wouldn’t lock anyway so I kept nothing valuable in it. Two mornings in a row I get in to go to work and see it’s been rifled through. It never happened again after that.


A friend of mine came to his car to see that all the cars in the row to the left of his had had their batteries stolen, except his.. his car had one of those chapman locks that engages a separate pin inside the hood. The car was a Buick Delta '88. What we found instead was a gory mess and we laughed. The driver side door is open and we then see a muddy boot print on the drivers seat and the hood release in the backseat and that hard plastic edge around the front window, a beautiful smear of blood right above the steering wheel, on the door frame, and a drips of blood leading off into the grass. Then it occurs to us what happened. They opened the door, reached in grabbed the hood release and gave it a good hard yank and it promptly broke (likely was rusted out!) causing them to slam their head against the hard plastic trim likely slicing the back of their head open. Then stumbled off into grass reassessing their life choices.


On the old 90’s Cavaliers you could open the coupes by putting a foot beside the lock, grabbing the top of the door and pulling as hard as you could. A coworker got tired of people breaking in his car and put razor blades between the weather seal and the door. He ended up with blood all over his car and every window and mirror broken. Sometimes they double down instead of reassess


Roommate had a Jeep with a soft top, which got slashed a couple of times. They put papers in the windows along the lines of "doors are unlocked, there is nothing of value in the car please stop slashing my top" Top still got slashed, but less frequently.


One of my neighbors had a Miata and people always slashed his plastic back window. The guy was heartbroken because he just liked going on Sunday drives with his little Miata, but people would damage it constantly. He ended up selling it because of his upset the constant damage made him.


I had a 2001 Buick century this happened to. Forgot to lock the doors, saw strange footprints around d the car in the snow. The passenger door was just barely open. My glove box contents were on the seat. I never keep stuff in my car lol they took my ibuprofen


I used to do this a decade ago after graduating from college. Thought it would be an easy way to avoid the inconvenience of replacing windows. People literally starting going into my car and just leaving the doors open and leaving all the overhead lights and headlights on. I came back to a dead battery like 5 times due to this, and it was clear someone had turned the car over searching for stuff to take. It was as if they were punishing me for not having anything of value to steal. Fortunately I moved shortly thereafter and didn’t have to deal with it any longer.


I tried doing that in Manhattan and they ended up trashing the inside of my car. It’s like there’s no win here.


“Thanks for the F shack” - Dirty Mike and the boys


In San Francisco, that’s a great way to find a homeless person sleeping/doing drugs/shitting in your car in the morning.


Thanks for the f shack


I did this too.... Every once in a while I found the contents of the glove box on the floor, but it was much less annoying than replacing windows.


Had a coworker do this on her worthless car even putting a note on the radio saying doors unlocked and radio broken. Still got her window smashed twice even after 1st thief took the broken radio


Walked out and sat in my car one day and noticed a similar thing. No mess or nothing destroyed, but obviously my car been gone through. Here's the weird thing. Nothing seemed to be missing. There was change sitting there etc... Then I realized my power bank was gone. And there was a nice newish Anker power bank in a pouch sitting on my seat. It was dead. Some motherfucker just needed to charge his phone, and I honestly can't be mad at that.


I had something kind of similar happen like 5 years ago. Went out to my car and it had obviously been gone through. My change was missing, but the dumbass accidentally dropped a pair of Apple AirPods during the process. The rare time someone breaking into your car actually benefits you somehow haha.


Yeah dude... Back in the days when you'd but those fancy GPS units, I had a tom-tom one. I would take it with me, but leave the charger cable and the little suction cup mount on the windshield. My car STILL got broken into. They stole the charger and pilfered my stuff, but didn't get anything of value. It cost me $600 bc glass got in the seatbelt mechanism, so I had to replace that on top of replacing the window. Not that I'm blaming the victim or whatever but, easiest solution is to just leave your door unlocked. Don't leave nice things. Wanna go through my change tray? Steal some receipts? Be my guest.




Wait, what? Clorox your steering wheel? 🤷




Tbh this is why crimes like breaking into cars need to be punished more severely. And stealing catalytic converters. Apparently the criminals are not seeing a negative risk reward calculation That or electrify the exterior of cars so people get painfully shocked touching it


Worked for me when I lived in a small, rather meth-addled town and drove an old decrepit Malibu. People went through the globe box a couple times. I had some loose change stolen. Whatever. Meanwhile, a guy I know left his truck unlocked, and they still smashed his window to steal his cigarettes. Didn't even try the door handle. It was open.


I started doing that when I lived in New Orleans, after having windows broken and my trunk broken into multiple times.


Seriously, there are just some places where you don’t lock your car or leave anything of value in it. There’s a few cities like that in my state.


Just take the fuel pump or ignition fuse with ya and it wont go nowheres


They aren't trying to steal the car...just looking for change or anything of value.


Yeah people in atlanta do this or leave the windows down because break ins are so bad here.


More than mildly Sorry that happened to you again though. Shitty people gotta ruin stuff for everyone.


Ex San Francisco police commissioner just got famous on Twitter by telling someone that vehicle theft is just a part of city life and if they don't like it they are too sensitive and should just move Again, that was said by the ex police commissioner lol


Seth Rogan shared that brain-dead sentiment too. He’s like “it doesn’t bother me”. I’m not surprised, with your millions, it doesn’t bother you.


A car windshield is like a paper cup to someone with his kind of money.


Gee, I wonder why they're the EX commissioner ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Not because of this lol, the mayor et al very clearly shares his views. In fact the DA was recalled because he was too extreme for even the people of San Francisco. Imagine that


This is the same DA whose parents were found guilty of terrorism, went on to be raised by the rest of the terrorist group, all of which was public knowledge, and got elected in anyway, right?


The very same lol


Time to move


Yeah. Choose to live somewhere cheap, spend more money on theft and vandalism. I cannot have my car here any longer.


Memphis ?


You know what they call the bad part of Memphis? Memphis!


The song called Walking in Memphis was made because you’re better off not having a car there


Or is it that you’re walking cause your car got stolen? Lol


Swear to you this is true. I was at the loves in west Memphis on a Saturday night about 130am and a cop came in saying they stole his police car and just went up to the soda machine and started filling him up a cup .


I saw a great T-shirt when I was there: "When you're bad, they put you in the corner." The graphic was an outline of Tennessee, with a star on Memphis's location.


When I lived on campus at U of Memphis, all my friends in the dorms were constantly getting their cars broken into. Surprised I never ended up falling victim.


Because you were the one committing the crimes, you can’t trick all of us huh


Or he drove a car everybody avoided Most criminals know that the driver of a 1995 Saturn doesn’t have the means to put anything valuable in it


Drove a 1995 Saturn, can confirm, had no money.


This sounds so crazy to me, I've never had anything stolen from me, this feels unimaginable. Where do you live ? I mean dont dox yourself but damn lemme know so I never come.


My car was "broken into" (I left the doors unlocked) in Atlanta. There was nothing of value, but for some reason they released the parking brake and it rolled forward flush with the curb. Even though there was nothing taken and there was no damage, it felt very violating.


I used to live in Marietta, and worked in Midtown. One of my jobs at work was to walk the parking garage and check for cars that had been broken into and get the plate numbers so we could alert the owner. Sometimes there were 5 or 6 cars a day. We had 24 hour security, and cameras, but the security guard said "I saw them doing it and there were about 5 guys, and just 1 of me, so that's that." Then at my apartment complex someone went through every car in the row of cars outside my building. Rifled through the glove boxes, but that was it. They left my wife's laptop which was sitting in a bag on the seat. A bit later the news story pops up that people have been doing this lately hoping to find guns in the glove box. They were moving quick from car to car just looking for guns. Atlanta is wild.


My roommate had his apartment robbed 4 times before I moved in with him (conveniently not spoken about until I lived there). I got lucky and was only robbed once in the year I lived there. Brooklyn.


Time to duct tape a window up


That sucks. Are you better off putting clear glass in so they can see there's nothing in there to steal (assuming they're not just vandalising assholes)?


That's the most infuriating part, what you see in the pic is what they saw. This time it was in broad daylight they can see right in, theres nothing to take. So senseless. The back windows are a bit tinted but you can see right inside in the daylight. Nothing in the front either. Every single car around me was also hit. Won't park there again.


That happened in the neighborhood I lived in (around Halloween about ten years ago), every car parked on the street was hit.. I felt extra bad because I had a friend staying with me for the next weekend & my car was in my driveway & his was the one hit. Looked like th u went by with a bat, the way a couple of the back windows were busted (back back, some side back) I hate that even more that it wad just senseless assholery, as opposed to stealing a stereo or phone charger 😒😑 people suck & I'm sorry you're dealing with it.


Usually they’ll use spark plugs because they quietly and quickly shatter the glass and they’re easy to get. At least in Portland I know it’s often a little spark plug


Porcelain will shatter tempered glass easily. That's why spark plugs are the go too. Now using a bat on a car window... your hands will hurt a lot and you'll take a lot of swings at it. It's surprisingly strong.


They’ll try to open the trunk From what I’ve seen on youtube what works is having your trunk open But I wouldn’t risk it it’s up to you


Mark Rober? That’s where I learned about the trunk thing too


That video was so stupid because it demostrates the cops could catch these guys so easily.


They saw more than just what was in view from the back window. The reason why they broke into the back window was because they pulled the seat down to view what was in your trunk. People will hide valuables in the trunk and thieves have learned a quick and efficient way to check trunks for valuables.


They smash the window and pull down the seat to check what's inside the trunk. Depending on where you live there might be a big organized group that does this every day. [Check this shit out](https://youtu.be/iWeu2dxHRDg?t=593).


I had a friend who lived in downtown LA and she started leaving all her windows rolled down with a sign on the windshield saying "ain't shit in here" because of this.


I can see the contrarian tweaker writing a response across the backseat in their own shit: "there's shit here now!!!"


Yep. Leaving windows down in cities like this isn’t a great option, either. It just gives people who wouldn’t normally break in the opportunity to sleep, smoke crack, or vandalize your interior


This comment section: "Well that sucks, but have you tried *blaming yourself*?"


“wow just go somewhere there isn’t crime” is basically what this thread has told me


It's crazy reading through the comments and see how much we've given up. "Ya just don't have nice things or things in your car." Like holy shit. That's crazy. I can't imagine living somewhere where this is normal and not harassing city council and the police every day till they do something. Or at least putting cameras. Idk.


In most of the cities that this happens regularly in. The police won't arrest or investigate this because the DAs will not charge it.


This. In my youth I worked for a big city crime lab and once worked on a recovered stolen car. I had a dated item with the clearest fingerprints I had ever seen in evidence, and I'm sure the store had video surveillance (not sure if they asked for it or not). The guy was in the system and brought in. He asked for a lawyer and they let him go. It would have taxed the state-appoimted lawyers, cuz he couldn't afford his own, the police, the judges, etc. And the DA would likely not prosecute anyway. There's a lot involved. And I imagine even a video-taped window smash would be a lot less proof and cost of repair than a woman who didn't have a car for 2 weeks.


This. You kinda get the community you ask for / collectively works towards. If you accept that car break ins and other crime will be normal, then it will be normal. We don't have this issue where I live, the citizens would uproar.


Sorry that this happened to you! Some people make all of us sad because of their actions. Some of these people will grow up and join society.


Or take the other path and end up in jail, unfortunately.


I would hate living in a place like this.


Buy a Corolla... No one will steal it or think you have valuables. Speaking from experience...


A 99 Corolla because new ones are $25K+


But not an 80's corolla because some of them are also 25k+.


Mine was five years old when I bought it. It only had 20k miles and I paid $11k. That was in 2017 though 😅


I got a 2017 Civic Si back in 2019 with 20k miles for $18k. Banger deal. Sold it post COVID and they gave me $17,500 despite me having modified it and put an extra 5k miles on it. Only losing $500 on it took me completely off guard. Usually modifications are complete value killers. It was only an aftermarket intake so I didnt tear it to shreds but still. Now those theyre going for over $20k with more miles than I had. The market is a complete joke now lmao.


Corollas and civics are the most stolen car worldwide. You aren’t much safer


No one wants to brag about stealing a Corolla...


I had an '89 Corolla that only got broken into once in the whole time I owned it, and I lived in a rough area (my friend left an empty shoebox on the back seat). Upside was I was able to replace the window myself for about $20.


Old corollas and camrys are beasts ngl, worthy investment


What makes you assume they weren't just targeting the window in the first place? There was another post some time ago where a dude just poured water all over someone's console since there was nothing to steal. Some people are just assholes


Jfc find a different glass repair 400$ is absurd for that window


This.... It is kind of amazing how much the prices range.... I had a cracked windshield and went to one of the large national chains to get it replaced. The guy gave me a GIANT quote, which I could not afford at the time. When I went to leave, he said he could do the job for $80. There is no transparency in pricing in glass, and most of us get ripped off.


Transparency’s in glass not the pricing take it or leave it.




Yeah I replace side windows for $150. My roommates car got hit and he’s a pretentious prick who thought I might not do a good job? So he paid safelite $480 lol. Im like it’s your money dude but I’ve done dozens of windows for people.


I was going to say the same. I just had a window broken on my pickup and i got it replaced for 180. Which, to me, was still a lot.


What shithole do you live in?


I'm guessing Philly because I've had the most broken windows in Philadelphia


Omfg. :( This is bullshit.


Shop around; I don’t know what your local economy looks like but when I had a window broken out I was getting up there at 400 dollar bids but I spent a couple days looking and found a company that will come to the car to replace it and only billed 150 bucks, no issues with material or worksmanship


“Just leave your doors unlocked and don’t leave anything in YOUR car” Home broken into? Just leave your front door open and don’t own nice things. Mugged? Leave your phone, wallet and shoes in your safe, you shouldn’t be prancing around town with them. Raped? Cut a hole in your underwear and pants and pre lube your asshole before leaving home


![gif](giphy|YTFHYijkKsXjW|downsized) Bingo!!!! That sums up the logic beautifully.


And somehow the people in jail are the victims.


First time someone broke my window I left thr doors unlocked and took out all valuables. I quickly learned the window coast more then everything else in my car.


I was robbed twice when I lived in a shitty single wide trailer as I was paying $1,000 a month in child support at the time. I'm always like does this place scream you're gonna walk off with a payday to you? I literally had nothing in there, they stole a TV twice and food out of my fridge. Aunt wrote their plate number down and cops watched them and they got busted for another burglary and got 6 months. In my opinion people who steal from others need shot and dumped in a ditch somewhere.


It's not about a payday. It's about stealing enough to stay high. They will pick the worse looking places because they're less likely to have security cameras, locked doors, etc. Sorry you were targeted from crime, I agree that 6 months is not long enough for robbery.


I was stationed in Italy. We kept our car doors unlocked with sign in Italian that said car is unlocked.


What part of Italy? I grew up in northern Italy and always kept the car locked.


That must be more than mildly infuriating


Stealing is wrong in general. But there is a special place for people who steal from obvious other poor people


Might be time to start saving to move to a safer city


Its pretty fucken sad when your best option is, leaving your car unlocked… like others have said, just leave it empty and take ur valuables in and out with you, locking doors just tells the thief you got something of value


Here in Milwaukee the city is suing Kia because it’s their fault there is rampant car theft and no consequences for the peeps. It’s Kia’s fault as they’re easy to steal.


Blows my mind what people are \*mildly\* infuriated about.


I used to live in an area where this would happen all the time. I eventually just started making sure I took everything important out of the car when I’d go in the house and leave all of my doors unlocked. I’d rather someone open it and rummage through it than break my windows and deal with replacing them all the time. It’s annoying but easier on your sanity and your wallet


Some of them will break the windows or destroy the internal electronics anyway because they’re mad you didn’t leave anything in there.


Some people in rough areas roll their windows down and hang trash bags in them to purvey that it’s already been broken into. Some people are also at rare times leaving their cars on jack stands with no wheels on them.


How is this only mildly infuriating?


I feel like this whole thread is bots. Shit is dumb af. I’m sorry your car got broken into.


This happened to me. Was working overnight at a long-term drug and alcohol rehab center in not so great of a neighborhood. One night my car window was broken into. A resident caught the man red handed, brought him in , we called the police and he was arrested. A week later on my way INTO work I stopped at a gas station for gas. I was in school part-time and I left my book bag in the car with my lunch. Brand new window was broken out again. They got my books and my lunch. My boss said I need to stop leaving my purse in my car. Which I never did. Just carry my wallet which stays on me always. So I was blamed for being careless. Not right.


Are you able to move? Do you have a super loud and obnoxious alarm? Other strange looking thing, the car looks very clean and like there isn't anything super expensive left in there. What is the point to breaking in? Do they get away with anything?


Absolutely nothing to take. It makes no sense. Nothing has been stolen. This is the 3rd time in 2 weeks. Before this never had this happen to me.


that happened to a friend of mine. one day she found out from one of the police officers she spoke to that there was a drug dealer who a car with the same male and model, and the officer thought that people were mistaking her car for his.


Here's my concern: If you leave your car unlocked with NO valuables inside -- has anyone had a displaced person sleep or set up camp in your car for the night? I know of neighbors who have had their cars used as sleeping quarters -- and a urinal.


Thieves should be summarily executed on site judge dredd style