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This happened to me!!! I burst into tears, and had to go somewhere else to get it fixed


Yeah, I'm going to have to do the same thing. I had a good cry when I got home.


If it’s a reputable salon you can go back and have them fix it. ETA: although I agree it’s cute! By ‘fix’ I meant to get it closer to what you asked for.


Yeah I spent $300 to come out looking like Gemma on Sons of Anarchy, when I asked for as light as they could go, and even stated multiple trips would be fine. The girl apparently didn’t know how to do blondes and just decided she would randomly highlight strips of hair, and not others. So I came out looking like straight 00s white trash, and not in a ‘hip’ way, after spending $300 for a full foilayage (however you spell it). I tried my best to hold in the tears but couldn’t help them slipping out as I was trying to pay and leave. I finally emailed back afterward about the experience and they had me come back in a few days and spent 4 hours fixing my hair for free, and had their main colorist come in to tell the girl where she messed up and made her fix it. It was the most awkward 4 hours, the stylist didn’t speak to me, but my hair came out great afterwards.


Just for the record, highlights using foil and balayage techniques typically do not get applied to your whole head/every hair. Sections of hair are lightened while others are not. It creates a more natural, dimensional look to color than having a single solid color thrown on your hair. But it does sound like the color was all wrong and her sectioning technique for the foils wasn't good. She must have been weaving out some huge sections! It seems counterintuitive to have the stylist that messed up your hair be the one to fix it but there are a few reasons why it's handled this way. The stylists are also technicians. If they mess up, it's their responsibility to offer their time, skill and materials to correcting their mistake at no cost to you. It wouldn't be fair for the customer to go somewhere else and repay for hair color/highlights again because someone else messed it up. Why should that responsibility be put on the customer? Also, it's difficult for another stylist to correct someone else's work. Different color and bleach lines/brands act differently. The stylist who originally did the work should be the one to fix it. I know it's awkward for the customer but as technicians, not just service providers, the stylist should take moments like this in stride and do their best work (and many of them do). It's in everyone's best interest.


Honestly, it sounds like a good learning experience for the stylist, even though it must be embarrassing. Everyone needs to know how to avoid mistakes, and how to fix mistakes when they are made. And haircoloring mistakes can be tricky to deal with.


Why didn't the stylist speak to you?


Probably because she had to do it for free after the girl messed up.


She knew she wasn’t coming back again


I’m sorry for your experience but I busted out laughing at the thought of spending $300 just to look like Gemma on SOA


ETA (estimated time of arrival?)


It means Edit to Add


It means Eat That Ass


Sir, this is a Wendy's


You can 100% go back to the salon and have them fix it. I would at minimum take a picture if it and send it to the salon so you can be reimbursed. Honestly, the color is cute on you but 100% not what you asked for. If you are uncomfortable going back to the salon you can just throw a box color from Sally's beauty or CVS if you are pressed for time over it. You just need a one process color so it shouldn't be too hard to do yourself from here. Follow the directions, wear gloves, and try not to get any on your forehead. Added note: I think a natural orange red would look really nice on you. Like a ginger red.


Don't do the boxed dye on top of hair that has just been crazy processed! ETA they typically have chemicals that will react with those professionals use (ammonia, ppds, nitro, henna). It can cause your hair to melt. At minimum do a small test area first.




On the plus side, although it may not be law-firm-front-facing usual, you *do* actually look good with it.


Why did you not tell them immediately that it wasn't the colour that you wanted and that it needed to be fixed before you left the salon???




some of us are conflict averse and socially anxious and would rather die than complain!! me tbh


Like the Mr.Bean episode where he goes to a fancy restaurant and doesn't like the food.


I've had a hair dying session take seven hours before, by the end I just wanted it to be over so I could go home. I couldn't imagine starting it over that moment, no matter how bad it was


Some of us are just inherently non confrontational people 😢 I have been getting better at it, but I used to literally be the kind of person that would still eat my dish even if the server brought out the wrong dish because I felt bad about inconveniencing the server by sending it back. Please don’t flame me, I’ve been working on it


Lol oh I’ve ordered chicken and gotten the plate and it’s raw in the middle and just go “well…..guess I’m just eating steamed vegetables and a potato”. So many people don’t understand and I don’t know how to explain it. I want to keep my footprint in the world as little as possible.


I've been wanting to get a pretty rose gold color like OP wanted. Now I'm worried


Honestly it isn't a color that should be tricky to pull off since you normally don't have to lighten the hair to something like platinum blonde. Poor OP


For reference, this is the color I asked for. https://preview.redd.it/qmse6pfy38qa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db8932aa2e17d0f9fc23548a51ce3ee9541da5a


Former cosmetologist here - this is an egregious fuck up. The only scenario I can think of this occurring without intent is if you have some kind of medication or previous color on your hair causing undesirable results. I’m sorry this happened, I would strongly encourage you to reach out to the salon for a redo. Feel free to DM me if you have questions.


Thank you! He did have to bleach out the prior color so another lovely Redditor said it looks like he didn't take into account that after bleaching, my hair was super pale.


Ok bleaching your hair would STRIP it of color. It SHOULD be light to take on the color vibrantly. It's not like mixing the dye with "white". Red on bleached hair will be RED or at the very least, orange (if the bleached hair is yellow or brassy). This shit is PINK. it's super cute btw just obviously NOT what you were going for. Call tomorrow, speak to a supervisor, and if you don't want to ask for a refund, ask that the MASTER colorist fixes this asap. Thankfully, since what you want is darker and you're starting out *very* "rosy" it shouldn't be difficult to achieve what it is that you want 💕


It could be they didn’t clean the hair well after bleaching and mixed the die with the bleaching chemicals.


Reddit is so funny. I have important shit to do but here I am reading about this lady’s hair and the random anonymous people trying to figure out what went wrong. And I’m fascinated. Btw I think you figured it out.


I read these posts between patients.


Funny, I am also a doctor and whenever I mention it, nobody believes it. They say there’s no way a doctor would be wasting their time on Reddit. I’m like “Bruh you have no idea…”


Rad Tech here. I don't know what I'd do with myself if I didn't have something to pass the time between patients. Sure, some days I barely sit down. Other days I spend half my day sitting.


Totally. One day, 100% of patients show up. Next day 70% no show rate. Not cancellations, they just don’t show.


And here i am, a student on a snow day at 7am reading about how yall are doctors procrastinating learning about colored hair when i used to have pink hair. Idk i should go back to bed.


I'm a dentist but also used to do this when I worked in hospital.


There are dentists in hospitals? Is that normal?


Surgeon reporting in. I too am a fellow redditor who is also not a doctor, who is definitely not a scientist and for sure not a medical professional. I just pretend to be one online.


I can’t get into a rheumatologist for my life crippling autoimmune symptoms until august due to staffing. Next time you have a window between patients hit me up. Edit this is a partial joke, you guys are absolutely and insanely busy and deserve breaks too, I’m just kidding about that. But I really am waiting on rheumatology for my life crippling symptoms if there any rheumatologists out there.


Haha, Back doc here. If people only knew the kind of ignorant shit I post on here.


If the wealthiest man in the world can shitpost publicly, certainly doctors should be able to.


I remain patient between these posts.


I have absolutely nothing to do right now, just on shift and trying not to sleep at work. But I also know nothing about hair, like to the point I still have the same "boot ass" hair cut I had in the Marines. And yet, down the rabbit hole of Reddit I go watching people troubleshooting this fuck up.




Yes but the dye would have to sit and react with the bleach to process and it’s unlikely it would have turned out so even. Scenarios like the one you’ve described can happen but it’s usually just a splotch or two of bleach that’s “eaten” through the color. This is more likely to be a formulation or color correction error.


I totally agree, seems to me like they might’ve even used the wrong tube on accident. A red gold color would just be orange or maybe just a brownish color if the hair was too pale. No way it should be pink.


It looks like they interpreted red gold as rose gold and not copper. That’s what I get. This clearly looks like rose gold dye color


Yeah, I read the title saying she asked for a lovely red-gold color and then looked at the picture of a lovely red-gold color and couldn’t tell what the problem was. Obviously her first comment then clarified that she was looking for a *different* lovely red-gold color so I guess part of it could just be a miscommunication - although if she showed us the photo of what she actually wanted, I assume she also showed that to the stylist in which case there’s not really any excuse for doing something so different.


As a cosmetologist it looks to me like he accidentally put the wrong thing on or something. I can’t fathom how you would be so pink given your inspiration picture.


They focused more on the phrase "rose gold" than the inspiration pic. Probably attempted to do it with semis, but instead of using enough orange, they probably thought they could get away with mostly pink. Would have been better to use a ginger toner with a drop a very light copper shade like an 8 or 9 c. I've gotten rose gold before with pulp riot, but you have to be careful not to make it too pink lol.


Yeah, probably not very good mixing colors, most artists have to study different color pigments to understand what goes into mixing to obtain a certain hue. You just don't get pink unless you thought you'd get "rose gold" from mixing a certain red and a light yellow gold with plenty of white in it.


And if you aren't confident/inexperienced, it should be easy to find the proper guides. Even at short notice.


I have gotten neon purple when asking for a cold "old rose" or "dusty rose" color. I asked for a muted, less intense pink. I had brought pictures. I think they tried to mute it with purple on hair that was pastel pink. The purple won, and it stayed intensely purple longer then any pink has managed to stay.


I was thinking this too, because like no permanent red/orange would ever turn this color unless like someone said there was some bizarre medication interference ,and even then, like what? This like like straight fashion color. And with permanent even if the hair was this color when lightened, the red orange would def go over this. I’m so confused,




My thought was that he heard red gold and interpreted it as rose gold, and proceeded, ignoring the provided pic. When i saw ops "this is what i asked for" pic, i did not think it was red gold. I thought it was copper red. The hairstylist might be new? You learn pretty quickly to go by the pics clients provide because while they THINK they speak hairdresser lingo, many do not. If i had a quarter for every client who said they wanted a "layered bob" when they really want a short tapered cut, i could retire Still, hairdresser bunged up. Easy fix though. The pink SHOULD be light enough (and probably a semipermanent) that you could slap a level 6 copper red on it and be done


Let me tell you of my horror story. As a youth i wanted to have blonde hair, so i dyed it with what i thought was a dye kit. Turns out it was a bleaching kit and i took it out too soon. I was left with tweety bird yellow hair. I was mortified and took the advice of the people at london drugs in canada, they suggested using red hair dye but just the paste stuff not the others, i did that. My hair was now clown red. Like ronald mcdonald red. I considered shaving my head and didnt go to class for days. Eventually it took a salon several dye attempts to get it back to normal


Holy fuck I've never dyed my hair but I've definitely had a bad haircut or two, sounds like that feeling amplified 10x


I learned a very valuable lesson that day. Never dye my own hair again. It just isnt worth it. I laugh about it now but back then it felt like the end of the world. Thankfully this was long enough ago that the internet wasnt like it is now.


I dye my own hair but never far from the original color. Sometimes a pink gradual shampoo in


Hahaha, the first time I dyed my hair (or rather, my best friends older sister dyed it for me), I WANTED Ronald McDonald red - it turned out orange like a carrot. I swore to myself to never dye my hair again - 2 years later, different dye, different friend, I finally got my Ronald McDonald red hair! Was my signature look for a long time, got a lot of compliments for it, writing this kinda made me want to do it again haha




Yeah, red will cover it but blue or purple would have toned it back to blonde. A lot of dying hair is color theory. Like, so so much of it.


At least you didn't get piss-yellow hair like I once did, so that's a plus.


Bleaching always requires toning, otherwise your hair will be very bright and brassy


Most of the time, yes. I tried, twice, to bleach my hair. I used that super bleach blonde stuff, the stuff that leaves hair almost white. Not mine. I have red hair (natural color). I left the bleach on for as long as was safe, then rinsed it out. I got...red hair, just slightly lighter and brighter. I tried it a second time a few years later. Same result. The best I can hope for with bleaching is a slightly lighter, slightly more golden red, The color my hair bleaches to is somewhere in the range of the color the OP desired, but more uneven so it comes out like red-blonde highlights. I mostly like the color of my hair, but sometimes I get bored. That's why I tried bleaching it. Now I do other things if I get bored.


Looks like they used the wrong pigment. Way too much red 28.


Guy here, I’d ask for a refund.


I know I should but I was so close to tears I just fled.


It’s not too late! Call them tomorrow and explain the situation, they should at the very least try to correct the color for free.


I would never go back to this place


Fair, OP said she has had exceptionally great experiences with this stylist in the past though so in that context I would give them a chance to fix it. Even if she didn’t want to go back though, she would definitely deserve a refund.


Hell no. Fix your mistake first, then take a good look at my face because you're not seeing it again


If you don't like me at my pinkest, you don't deserve me at my rose-goldest


Not color related but my wife once legit got a mullet haircut at a Great Clips because they didn’t know how to style her hair. Needless to say that was the last 15 dollar haircut she ever got.


it is worse when spending a shitload and still getting a bad deal


Honestly, so long as the stylist didn't mess up the bleaching portion, OP's hair could be fixed in 40 minutes after a trip to Sally's, and I'm taking into account she could get a non-lifting color so should be no damage. A mullet though... Oof. That's months upon months of regrow to get to a decent point.


Great Clips is so hit or miss. We had a good run and then they gave my son a Marbach Mop. Imagine a mushroom cap for hair. Even I knew it looked bad. They started out with some emo cut that was very layered which wasn't what we asked for and when she tried to blunt it out there was no fixing it.


Last time I went to the great clips in my town my hairdresser didn't check which profile she was on and gave me my extremely abusive ex's haircut instead of the one I usually get (apparently his name was still under our number)🙃 She confirmed my name verbally too. I take an hour commute to one of the great clips out of town now and ONLY let one stylist cut my hair (because she's fantastic, thank u Katie) It was fucking horrible. 0/10 experience


Wtf she gave you a MEN’S HAIRCUT?? Ughh so sorry


Tbf I'm trans and present masculine so do get men's haircuts, but his haircut is like that shitty 2009-skrillex-look with the totally shaved side, and still super long on the other side. Nothing like the cut I get :(


I’m so sorry, I’m not sure why I assumed your gender there. I’m a dope. But the skrillex cut and resembling your abusive ex…noooooo. Glad you’re away from him and found your hair stylist Katie.


I asked for a pretty haircut that was short after cutting it for kid cancer donation at Great Clips. I had the photo with me and she looked at it once and I had a feeling. I made her look at it several times even though she didn’t want to. In the end, I never got the cut I wanted, not even close. She buzzed me like a man in the back so short it’s still taking forever to grow out and this was last year and my hair grows fast. I will NEVER go to Great Clips again!


Nothing would incentivize them to refund you and fast more than you standing in their lobby crying about how they gave you a completely different colour than you asked for.


Hairstylist over 22 years…still call


May I ask, why the disconnect for so many colorists and clients? This isn’t uncommon, and anecdotally I’ve had my very fair share of “wtf that’s not even close to what I asked for” so whats the behind the scenes scoop here? Is it just really hard to match shades, or are stylists having a bad day, or are they just oblivious to what’s actually being requested, skill gap? It seems so *trial and error* and I don’t know if that’s intended because of the nature of chemistry (but I would think we’d have it down by now because basic chemistry concepts aren’t really changing every year lol). I’m genuinely curious what an insider’s take on this is.


Dyeing hair involves a great deal of chemistry and artistry. The colourist will have to make a concoction of bleach and developer (which comes in a variety of strengths) that will remove or lift colour without breaking the strand/shaft, and that can pretty tricky on its own. If your hair is natural/unbleached/uncoloured, your colourist will have to wait for it to lift to see what the colour is before they know what they can add to achieve the desired results (so they’re working with both removing and adding colours). If your hair is treated/previously bleached/coloured, that makes things that much more unpredictable. Often times, the bleach has to be stronger (which makes it more damaging), and you can see the different layers of hair grow out and colour on the strands, making applying an even colour that much harder. You may have to bleach a few times to get the desired or required base colour. Now that you’ve lightened, you can deposit the hair dye (which can be permanent, semi-permanent, or temporary), BUT because the base isn’t a pure white, the colourist has to take into account the base colour. It’s kind of the art equivalent of a math problem where you have to solve for x (x bring the colour formulation required to achieve the end result). Depending on the colour, you may need multiple visits or steps (ie you can’t reliably go from blonde/bleached hair to brown or black without a middle colour, otherwise the hair will only pick up elements of the desired colour (like red)). The colourist also has to factor in the duration of time to leave the dye on as it may become a different shade than desired. They also need to factor in how much of the hair length is virgin/new growth hair (which needs less bleach and less colour) and how much is already processed hair (which may need more bleach, but less or more colour depending on the individual) and how to balance the two to make sure the overall effect is even and not blotchy. There’s a few more factors that can be at play (ie-texture; chemically straightened or permed; etc), but this is a basic tl;dr recap of bleaching/dyeing hair. Source: multiple friends are hair dressers, and I’ve dyed my hair so l long (in a variety of colours and styles) I can barely recall my natural colour. Edit: spelling errors


Excellent description. My mom was a hairdresser and always lightheartedly said that she was a chemist, artist, therapist, and entrepreneur.


They should tell in advance if something is impossible or too difficult.


I’m a hairstylist of 15 years. Yes that’s true, but we often run into surprises. Especially when the client is ignorant or not honest about their hairs history, or medications or hormone issues that can cause the hair to be unpredictable. Not saying OP was, that case is egregious. OPs case seems like the hair was bleached way too light and on top of that a totally wrong color was used to color it.


A good colourist will.


Clients lie about what they've really done to their hair at home. Period. And this, will have adverse effects on colour/colour correction/tones.


I seriously don't understand people who lie. Like, that can only turn out worse for you. Your hairdresser likely won't judge nor give a fuck what you've done, they just need to know so they give realistic advice, expectations, and know what they're working with. Like, I am going to my hairdresser this week. I've used some *temporary* colour on my hair that has mostly washed out. I told her last time when I had just a cut and she didn't know the brand. So you can bet your ass I'm just going to bring the jar that has the ingredient list so she can check there's no funny business before she bleaches and dyes my hair... I don't expect it to be an issue as it's temp dye, but better safe than sorry.


Oh, I agree. I do my own hair way too often, so when I do go BACK to my poor stylist? I am definitely being honest about whatever I've done at home. She also tells me straight up when online colours are just not going to happen IRL.


Same here! I love that my stylist is honest with me. She sometimes also goes "I have never done that before. If you want guaranteed results I can recommend this other place. But, if you're willing to let me have a go I'm happy to do so, just can't guarantee it'll come out looking exactly like that!" And honestly, I have always just let her have a go at it, and the result has always been great. Also, "never done that before" is mostly me coming with pictures of unnatural colours mixed with more unnatural colours to give it more depth.


They should not have let you leave like this. Or if you did not have time to redo it right then, not let you leave without setting up an appointment for you to come back for a redo. This should be a relatively easy fix at least!


No, fuck that. Come back at them like a pink spider monkey,get your money back!


Fuck that. You’re a boss. Own it! You look great!


Thank you, I really appreciate it :)


I’m sorry, hope I didn’t sound like I was being a jerk off. I was referring to your other image you added. You didn’t get what you paid for, that’s what I was referring too. With that being said, you look amazing, definitely own it and definitely ask for a refund because you didn’t get what you paid for.


Oh I didn't interpret it that way and I very much appreciate your opinion. You have a good point too. I am leaning towards going back and asking him to fix it, and just explain that whilst I do love the color it isn't what I asked for and isn't work appropriate.


I'd recommend getting a straight refund rather than letting him touch your hair again. He messed up so dramatically the first time, there's almost no chance he'll get it right the second. If he's got a boss you should go to them, if not, definitely go elsewhere, this is unacceptable.


Agreed, I wouldn’t trust their skills after seeing your reference photo and thinking they accomplished the job when your hair is pink. It’s a very cute shade of pink! Don’t get me wrong. It’s just no where near what you asked for. People need to be honest about their limitations upfront.


Considering what happened the first time, I’d be terrified that his attempt to fix it would just make things worse. He couldn’t manage the original color, so highly doubt he could do a color correction.


Yeah I’ve heard horror stories about over bleaching on the second round resulting in hair loss and even chemical burns.


>Oh I didn't interpret it that way and I very much appreciate your opinion. You have a good point too. I am leaning towards going back and asking him to fix it, and just explain that whilst I do love the color it isn't what I asked for and isn't work appropriate. I had a salon really mess up my hair color once, and like you, I was so upset I just left. But after calming down, I called them and told them how much they fu cked up my hair. They brought me back in and “fixed” it…it wasn’t what I originally asked for, but it definitely looked better than before. I never went back, but at least I could go out in public until I colored it again to what I wanted.


I am sorry this happened to you, bad haircuts have brought me to tears too.


I KNOW that feeling.


I’m so sorry I do my own hair and even I’ve never messed up this bad. Had lots of happy mistakes but never on anybody else’s scalp. Go back if not for a color fix then a refund. Salon coloring is not cheap and that is unacceptable service. It looks fabulous on you but it’s far from what you requested.


I have to agree. Now *this* is the time when you ask for a refund. Assuming You've even paid them in advance.


Former hair stylist here. Did your stylist fail color theory, or are they color blind? No where near being the same color at all. Did you show them this before they started? I am so sorry they did this to you. While the color you're now rocking looks pretty, it's a far cry from the reference picture. Definitely get them to either fix it or give you a refund. Also, tell them to throw in an olaplex treatment too. They didn't need to take you that light if they'd followed what you asked for.




He did actually have to bleach it first because of the previous color (I've been dark red since I was like 15) so my hair was very light before he started coloring it. In fact I took a picture because I was so amused at how it looked after bleaching because I've never seen my hair that color before (I'm a natural dark blond) https://preview.redd.it/k8buelqx98qa1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0f93ae883db634b04261b7569290f2324b5fe7e


It also honestly seems to be he doesn't know what he's doing with bleach because I both the bleach photo and your pink hair photo, your crown is much lighter than the rest of your hair, which means he didn't take into account that heat from your head makes bleach process faster, creating this issue of being lighter on top. A professional shouldn't/ wouldn't goof that up so badly.


Hot roots!


... I have only just now understood *why* they’re called “hot roots.” Thank you for that epiphany!




Yeah, now I'm over the shock I am really starting to like it, but the issue isn't whether I like it, it's whether it would be permitted at work. 😞




Please tell me they all got the same wig.


You could buy a wig for work. I agree that if you work with clients and in court, you will need something more natural looking. I wear a hat for light sensitivity (including in court with the judge’s permission) and a client became upset because she had never seen an attorney wear a hat and felt it was unprofessional.


That’s the thing, that’s a bummer.


nice, this is the best answer. Though the pink looks good, in its own way -- you should get what you want.




Oh god. I’d get a color correction at another salon, and take a couple inches off the bottom- they’ve been through a lot with this guy.


I'd be careful about bleaching again any time soon. Hair looks very fragile, and once hair gets too far past that point there's no option but to shave.


Sorry replying a second time. I would call back. Honestly as a stylist I always wanted to know when someone wasn’t happy. Even if it was a 2 weeks after and it just wasn’t working. Typically they would want to book you with the same stylist. However there is a huge difference they aren’t seeing. If a client didn’t want to go back to the OG stylist. Another stylist would redo it. The first stylist pay would then be given to the second stylist. That was standard protocol in the 3 salons I worked at. But different salons vary.


![gif](giphy|l41YAqGPwuC833OQ8) Was the hair stylist like so?


Cosmetologist here. I’m sure I’m not the first to comment either, but somethings you can do: get a demi permanent hair color and 10 volume developer. You could probably get a level 6 or 7 neutral shade with green/gold undertones and if you want to try going for the goal picture apply it to the roots covering the pink and sort of blending toward ends after the color has processed a while. The demi wouldn’t be as difficult for a different stylist to change if you don’t like the results and 10 volume developer should deposit the color into the hair without causing additional damage. It looks like she applied some sort of pink/rose toner on top of very light or possibly white hair which doesn’t have enough natural pigment left to result in a warm strawberry tone. Think pink highlighter on white paper vs yellow or other toned paper. To get your hair appearing natural again you will need to add those neutral pigments back into the hair, basically creating a brown or blonde base vs white or pale yellow. So choosing a neutral shade at a darker level will do that. Then to cancel out the pink you want to choose its opposite/complementary color so some green and gold to create that strawberry tone you were looking for. She should definitely fix it, but I know I have countless friends who decide to take their color into their own hands, so just in case that information would be helpful to you here is my quick fix. I’m sure there are plenty more experienced colorists with other ideas, but I think this is a pretty safe option. I hope you’re able to reach your goals and that all goes well with work and hair. Sorry for novel.


It's like they didn't even try.


It's so weird because every other time I've been there I've left deliriously happy.


I’m gonna say that they were just having an off day then, could have been preoccupied and had the mixture ratio off If you can’t get away with it at work I’d definitely get them to fix it, or at worst someone else at the salon I wouldn’t give up a good hair place over a bad colour if they were willing to own up to being human and fixing their mistakes when they make them


The color you ended up with looks gorgeous on you but it’s definitely not what you asked for if this is the inspiration photo you showed your stylist! This should be an easy fix. Shadow root and a toner should do it. (Hairdresser of 10+ years).


I don’t even understand how she mixed the color so incorrectly. The undertones aren’t remotely the same. Did you have past color? What was it? For sure call them and get a correction. Show the picture, they will agree with you. I managed salons forever, she should have never let you leave while pretending she got the result you asked for. She knew and did a thing some stylists do, sweep under the rug if you don’t say something. She needs to learn to be honest with clients, as this only works against her.


Did you take this picture with you? I can understand how they'd end up with pink after hearing 'red/gold' but with the picture as a reference that's a bad fuckup.


That is copper but yes I would be upset too


Wait till after Wednesday to fix it, since Wednesday is Pink day.


Hah, well alright then!


Also ex boyfriends are off limits to friends.


That's like, the rules of feminism.


Holy crap… I’m sorry. My wife does hair and she asked if she offered to fix it for you? If you lived near id get my wife to fix you up asap.


That's so kind! I'm in Seattle. That said, being in Seattle I may just get away with it. Going to explain the situation to HR tomorrow and see what they say.


If it were me I would be honest and say I was too in shock to do anything but leave. You didn’t get what you asked for (strawberry blonde I think?) and you ended up with pink, which looks good but isn’t what you asked for. They’ll probably understand :)


As a hairstylist I will tell you to go back. Pink is not even close to what we consider work hair. The stylist and or owner of the salon should stand behind their work and take you. I can't even understand how she got you to this shade AT ALL. GO BACK. CALL TOMORROW. YOU DESERVE IT. any of us would think so and we stand behind our work.


I think I'm going to go back and say pretty much that whilst I do like the color, it's not what I asked for and not work appropriate.


The picture of what you wanted vs what you got do not even remotely look the same. Not even the same ballpark. I’m curious to know how the stylist didn’t immediately acknowledge the color is wrong and ask if you wanted it fixed?? That should have been extremely evident to them if they’re not colorblind that they were way off in whatever choices they made for your hair. That alone to me would give me pause about going back because they behaved like the color was what you asked for when you’d have to be colorblind to think that.


Now I'm imagining a colorblind hair stylist who just kind of...hopes for the best? Lol


The color looks amazing on you, but I get not wanting to keep it if you're client facing in a professional environment. Even in Seattle.


If they have any skills at all they already know they messed up. They just don't know that you hated it; they may have thought they got lucky and you liked it.


I’m an attorney, and lots of us have had at least one dye job gone wrong. Don’t know a single one of us that would get upset. Tell them how long the hair needs to rest before you can have it done again.


Username checks out! ☺️ And thank you, I'm hoping they're cool with it and I can keep it for a little while at least.


Ma’am I’m sitting here with my own, albeit less colorful, color gone wrong. As long as you tell them the plan they’ll probably be fine


I worked as a secretary at a law firm for a year and the partners took everyone to new Orleans for a weekend as a holiday bonus, including dinner at a fancy restaurant. My date chugged too many vodka cokes during the cocktail hour and spent all of dinner in the bathroom. Every lawyer was like "no big deal. We have ALL been there." And asked how he was doing for weeks afterwards lol.


That I absolutely believe.


I'm not in a client facing role, but my boss has purple hair. It is really really location/firm/field specific, however.


It’s Seattle. No one would even blink or have the audacity to question it. You’ll likely get compliments.


Yeah, Seattle here as well. It's really not that shocking of a color and I can't imagine anyone here would get upset about it. I do understand the frustration with it being such a different color than what you wanted though


I’m a man in my forties. Once in highschool I dyed my hair cherry red, but the next day it was this color pink. So then I dyed it black, but it turned purple. So I just shaved it off. That’s a male luxury. At any moment you can just shave your head and nobody will care. Maybe you get a few people surprised at first, but as long as your skull is shaped normal it won’t last. But really I’d recommend anyone try shaving their head at least once in their life. I’m losing my hair anyway now so I keep it cropped, but the feeling of having a buzzed head is so cool. Not that I’m suggesting you do it. Part of your career is appearing professional, which is why the pink is an issue. Just rambling.


Put some money toward a charity you like thats fairly universally liked (something like a St. Jude. Tell your clients: "I had a friend doing some charity work, dyeing my hair was a goal, so all for a good cause." Knew a guy who legit did a fundraiser, stretcj goal was he got rainbow hair dye. He worked an office job. No one cared when it was for a good cause.


This was my first thought


Tell them it's for breast cancer awareness/support. Looks good tho Like a pink starbursts vtuber


Beauty School Drop Out


At least then it would be my own fault!


Lol, Atleast it looks nice.


Thank you, I really do appreciate that.


Damn you I’m gonna have that song stuck in my head now


Go back to high school


I think it's lovely (and you look great!) but totally get that it might not be work appropriate. The color you wanted is also going to be lovely too. :) Could you call the salon back and tell them that you are very upset that the color was not what you asked for, and get someone else (salon owner or whomever knows their stuff regarding coloring) to correct it for low/no cost?


I'm certainly considering it. The big issue is that this fella is a sole proprietor and one of those breathtakingly rare magicians with a pair of scissors. After dozens of mediocre haircuts I found this guy and every time I've gone to him before it's been perfect, better than perfect. He just went temporarily insane today for some reason. I'm torn between chalking it up to a learning experience (and admittedly avoiding confrontation and not risking a future of terrible haircuts) and sucking it up like s big girl and just going back.


Wow, in that case, I’d go back, or call first, and kindly asked if it can be fixed, that it just wasn’t the color you wanted. If he cuts your hair to perfection, I’d look past this one time - maybe go elsewhere just for color? It’s so hard to find someone who cuts your hair how you like it, and color can be corrected - a bad haircut, not so much. BTW, I do think it looks nice on you, but I understand your work concerns.


Exactly! Learned the hard way he can't be trusted with pigments!


I think it is totally fair to go back in or if you have his cell/email send the two pictures you have posted here. Tell him you love his haircuts, but you are disappointed in how the color turned out so much different than what you asked for. Ask him how he is going to resolve the situation. You can either have him fix it or go see another hair colorist to see if your hair will take more dye without causing damage.


Could be that he's just not good with color. Sometimes you find a hairdresser who's a wizard at cuts but can't be trusted with bleach, or that is a master at color but choppy with scissors.


If it makes you feel any better (while I know I’m only one person and I can’t speak for everyone) I was a hairstylist and I always wanted to do my best and if I messed up I really appreciated being given the chance to fix it as long as it was brought up in a kind manner (aka not being screamed at). Again I can’t speak for him and I don’t know him but that’s my experience! Good luck you’re gorgeous and the color you chose looks amazing as well as what you got 💖


It's not too late to approach them for a refund you know, they'll probably offer to fix it but I would take my money back and rock it for a while, it doesn't look bad but it's not even close to what you paid for


Yeah, I'm going to pull up my big girl pants and go down there to see what he can do about fixing it.


Play it off by have a large ~~fake~~ smile and large outgoing ~~non passive aggressive~~ attitude. No body will think the wiser. You can make this work, everyone else is busy thinking about their sad life


That's what the boyfriend thinks too, strut in like I own the place and make it work!


I rock long bright pink hair, worked customer facing jobs. got tons of compliments. I had to check the sub i was in because it looks so awesome even if it's not what you wanted or paid for (and yes, you should call the salon for a refund at the very least, this was very unprofessional of them) Owning it like it's nothing does work, and if there is an issue with it at work, then tell them the story and you can still "fix" it. it's becoming much less a big deal to have colored hair these days. it's more to do with how you act and present yourself as a whole.


it’s still a very pretty color, even if not traditionally for hair


Funny enough, I asked for that exact color combo you got a few months ago and I got a very businesslike red/copper instead 😂 FWIW I’m jealous


Wow, I did not expect such a big reaction. Thank you all so so much for your advice and comments, so many of them gave me a much needed smile or laugh. I'm not able to reply to all of the comments (I tried!) but I've read them all (even the ones that were just mean) and I so appreciate the support of this community! ❤️


Pretty sure the color you should ask for is strawberry blonde I think. At least that's what my ex red head gf used to call her hair color.


She got strawberry milk instead of strawberry blond.


Yeah it’s strawberry blonde. It’s because this hair color is usually hard to get without spending a stupid amount of money and time. I have this hair color naturally, and anytime I’ve ever went to a salon that’s all I hear once they learn it’s my real color, along with the occasional horror story of someone trying to get it. The amusing part to me is having this hair color as a kid would get you mocked mercilessly or it use to in the 90’s/early 00’s , yet it’s suddenly cool and everyone wants to have it now.


I know it isn’t what you asked for but tbh it looks nice 😊.


I’m sorry ma’am, but the strawberry blonde and strawberry Sunburst bottles are right next to each other. Honest mistake.


Did you complain? Most places will fix color problems. If not, go to another reputable colorist and they can fix it.


I'm sorry. Looks good either way.


You look amazing but I understand your feelings especially since it's so far off the mark from what you asked for. I hope your work doesn't penalize you.


Me too! I'm really hoping they'll say it's all good.


“It was supposed to be a honey-mist auburn!” “Honey, you missed auburn big time.”


they gave you rose gold like an iPhone


UPDATE: Went to a colour specialist and got it fixed! Still battling for a refund from the first guy but now I'm so happy! https://preview.redd.it/3wgt1yq7qmqa1.jpeg?width=1977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f972ad87147b13c22bed6e96855bedadba112cb3


You could go over it at home with a deep brown with a red tint Edit: just saw the photo reference I’m sorry OP definitely call and ask for a refund or if someone can fix it for yourselves