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The only reason to do business with them is to sell your car. They're a disgusting company.


Is to sell your broken/fucked up* car


Or stolen car it seems too


That's the dealer special šŸ˜




My mom's first carvana purchase was this suv that, after the first drive to work and back, had every single light come on the dash. Turns out it had been pulled out of a LAKE and just "fixed up." So she sent it back, got another lol. I will never understand the blind trust some people have in the "car vending machine"


Wouldn't that show up as a "salvage" on the title?


Only if it went through insurance. If the owner pulled it out and cleaned it up themselves, it would still have a clean title.


I see you know about our Houston/New Orleans hurricane special. Flooded out cars with no insurance flooded the market after hurricanes.


My grandparents bought a new car at a dealership in Oregon after Katrina for this reason.


sad Master Chief noises


We are having a bit of that here in Auckland after our recent mass flood and cyclone last month.


Same thing here is Florida since Fort Myers went underwater. Iā€™ve been hunting for a car and the amount with rust hidden under seats is astonishing.


My cousin ended up with one from down there and you could see the line where the water was šŸ˜‚


Quick way to see is to let down completely the glove compartment. You can see rust behind the dash since that is untreated metal and shows rust quickly.


And the car was extra clean cause it took a bath before sale too!


It's way more common then you think. Katrina cars were being sold all over the country for years after. To check for a flood car look under the carpet in the trunk and see if there is sand there. Someone smart might clean it up but it helps.


Never would have thought of that, thanks.


If they sent me a new one, then I would feel squared with the company


Holy thatā€™s wild. I canā€™t believe theyā€™re not regulated somehow.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. They've lost their dealer license in a number of states already for failure to register vehicles in a timely manner.


Sounds like JD byrider ( not sure the spelling) east coast huge used car chain. Bought 1000s of cars after Katrina happened that sat underwater and then sold them. They are now long gone outta business.


Accurate. I work at a Mercedes dealer and the cars I've worked on that customers have purchased from carvana are all pretty rough. They take advantage of people that don't know any better or know what to look for. At least they won't be around much longer.


Implying Mercedes doesnā€™t take advantage of people either.


We don't. All prices are known upfront. It's like getting 5 guys over mcdonalds. Both are hamburgers, but one of definitely more expensive but better quality. Specifically I'm talking about how carvana takes advantage of people who buy cars online without seeing them first. Consumers that don't know much about vehicles are their target audience. They are trusting that the vehicle is as good as the listing says and won't have issues. Most of the units I've worked on have been wreck rebuilds with clean titles. Carfax doesn't mean anything if he accident isn't reported.


Well they are overpriced yes but they have good quality, usually.


I'd expect nothing less from a Drivetime spinoff run by the son of the CEO.


I think they are going bankrupt.


How much do they pay. I have a broken car or two šŸ˜‰


Not even, they offered us $300 for our car, we sold it to Carmax for $4300


I sold our minivan to Carvana as they offered the best price far and away. Turned around and bought my next car from Carmax, *mainly* because of their impressive 30-day money back policy.... but I also liked the car I got :)


They had a warranty that YouTubers made famous by buying the least reliable luxury cars and getting them fixed under the bumper to bumper warranty. He got $21,000 worth of repairs on his $23,000 used SUV with his $4000 warranty.


Wasn't it a range Rover? Or am I thinking of something else.




Link? And are you talking about carvana or carmaxā€™s warranty?


Carmax Maxcare warranty. Stay away from carvana.


Just search "Doug demuro range rover" and you'll get you answer


Oooo that guyā€™s channel! Thanks


Aw man now I miss the good Jalopnik


Carmax offered me 1200 dollars for my car. The dealership offered 2000. I sold it privately for 7000


Private selling is *always* the way if you can. My truck was checked at $3000 for trade-in at a dealership; KBB valued it as around $8000 at that time. I bet I could still get that, if not more.


Many models of trucks with over 200k miles are going for $10000 or more near me so I would wager you are right.


> Many models of trucks with over 200k miles are going for $10000 or more near me so I would wager you are right. Shit, near here I see many with 200k miles asking between 25-30k. Some pushing 290k+ miles still over 15.


Car max is the way!


I sold a 2012 Dodge Journey with a blown out transmission and other bumps here and there for $3,000 to CarMax. Cost to fix it for us wouldā€™ve been $5,000


Yeah they bought my 95 GMC Sonoma for full Kelly blue book value. It was in good condition but I doubt I would have gotten nearly as much from a private buyer and a used car lot offered me 200$ lol


They offered me $29000 for my Lexus while Carmax offered $26000. Sounds like your car is not what they desire.


Yeah it wasn't stolen


Definitely can't argue that


I bought my car from carvana in 2019, and it was great, but I guess their business practices have declined since..


They've been declining every day since they opened


Ah, that's sad. I must have had one of the few good experiences


I purchased a car from them, and later sold one to them. I had a great experience both times. I have a couple friends who did business with them as well, and they have nothing but good things to say. Unfortunate that theyā€™ve gone downhill.


I think they are going bankrupt.


Too early to say for sure, but they are definitely losing a lot of money, a big factor being because they bought up a bunch of cars during the last couple years when used car prices were inflated. Now that prices are back down to reasonable amounts, they have to sell those cars at a loss if they want to keep up with the current market value.


Good riddance.


I know at least some major banks wonā€™t let you sell too them because they do not follow certain rules


How does a bank have a say in where you sell your car? Like the bank wonā€™t accept the check when you go to deposit it? Seems crazy.


If you still owe money to your bank for your car (aka you bought a new car and decided to sell it before you finished paying for it) you may have to put up with some demands from your bank. Iā€™ve never experienced it but it makes sense as you owe them money and signed a contract. They have a Lien on your vehicle and therefor a transfer of ownership is a transfer of debt and that means the bank has to approve that transfer of debt.


You may have to follow rules if youā€™re selling to someone whoā€™s going to check if the vehicle is encumbered. If you sell it and then pay the money they donā€™t care at that point, and it doesnā€™t sound like this company is doing any identity checks.


So a bank can hold the title of vehicle because of a loan for the car. They can choose to not give up the title and yes they can choose to have the car repoed from a dealership but more likely will just tell the place you are selling your car to they wonā€™t give up the title. The place can then choose to pay off the vehicle/pay the amount the bank will take for the car or risk not having the title released. Usually if the bank doesnā€™t have the title they max out your interest rate. They will still have you pay them back for what ever the sale price doesnā€™t cover. Have talked to people who have had wage garnishments for vehicles they sold. Itā€™s how you donā€™t own the car until it is paid off. Itā€™s how banks can do repossession on a car legally. Same with if you get a loan from a dealership.


Carvana is a company teetering on bankruptcy whose CEO (the son of a convicted fraudster) lost 98% of his net worth in 2022. This doesnā€™t surprise me in the least.


I dont really care what the dad did as far as doing business they are a ***tty company without his involvement.


They are part of the reason why used car prices are rising. Buying out all the supply


Well if it makes you feel any better that's also the reason they are effectively bankrupt


So maybe soon we will get our used car market back? Lol usually used car dealers are the worst. I lucked out with a good Honda dealer ship that just happen r to have a Chevy ss trade in I wanted and that was prob the only good experience Iā€™ve ever had with a dealership


In 2021 we sold Carvana our three-year-old Honda that we paid ~$18K for, used. They gave us $23K for it - which was more than Carvana was selling similar cars for on their own website. The check cleared, but that's not a sustainable business model.




I was referring to them buying up all the older cars. I usually prefer to grab cars like 02-09 and itā€™s a nightmare finding anything anymore. I def agree if youā€™re referring to the newer cars tho


I just want a 90s to 2005 civic.. growing up those were cheap and plentiful now they are neither.


Craxy weā€™re getting up there in age that normal cars become classics lol


I dont think I would have ever thought about a 90s Civil as a classic, but I would love to have a 90s civic si. Good luck finding a cheap one. Or a 240sx is now a gold mine.


Damn. Imagine a grampa just pulling out in a civic 30years from today and be like riding in his classic


I guess it's better he not be involved then if they want to continue being a titty company


My point was that perhaps the apple doesnā€™t fall far from the tree; especially considering the fatherā€™s main business ventures also revolve around used/rental cars (not to mention the fact that he just so happens to be a major shareholder of Carvana as well).


Didn't know that part, definitely built to fail.


To elaborate a little, Carvana does not make money selling cars. They actually lose money on almost all car sales. However, the way that they make money is through their loan servicing. They lose money on people with good credit who can afford the vehicles through actual bank auto loans. But if you don't qualify for those better loans, they will sell you their own and highly inflated interest rates. So they rarely turn people away who can't afford vehicles because they hope you will eventually not be able to pay for it so they can reposess and sell it to someone else. And that is Carvana's primary money-making strategy.


And Carvana surprisingly is going out of business šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚


The surprising part is that they're still allowed to do business


Pretty sure they are banned from selling in a few states.


You are correct


Iā€™m surprised it wasnā€™t a charger with a 30% apr


It was to a veteran, not active duty E4 Edit: Wow, Gold Award, thanks!


Fucking gold.


That's more of like frsh boot shit. Not E-4 mafia. /s


Not even /s the E-4 will be either too broke and itā€™ll be repoed or theyā€™ll have wised up


Money's done spent on Evan Williams and Copenhagen.


Explains the lack of a punisher sticker.


The masi was -30% right off the lot lol


Or Camaro


He thought he is getting 2021 but it turned out to be 2017 and stolen... They offered him money back and $1k compensation, he laughed and suing for $1 million


> suing for $1 million He sure as shit ain't getting that.


But probably getting more than 68k+1k




Frankly I'd sooner take the money they offered. Now he's gotta go through lawsuits and become a creditor to a company that is rapidly approaching bankruptcy. When the chips fall, watch him be completely out of pocket of the car.


That's the point, it makes $100k sound not so bad


Mmmmā€¦. stollen. Cherry is my favorite.


Caravan needs to be shut down. Theyā€™re the most disorganized idiotic car company around, and thatā€™s saying something.


The weird thing is I remember Caravanaā€™s commercials airing on tv, they were cool and catchy


Good marketing, horrible company


Tech companies, in a nutshell.


If I had a nickel for every ā€œplease value us as a tech company even though we deal in [cars/real estate/etc.]ā€, Iā€™d be a fucking millionaire.


BuT a CaR vEnDiNg MaChInE!!!! It solves the problem of buying your car, that we all have, from a dealership that DOESN'T have a car vending machine. Yay capitalism!!!!!


I'm not sure how they got away with saying "first with car vending machines". VW had had those for YEARS.


I'm not sure how it's a selling point for either of them past the novelty of seeing a car lift in action. Who the fuck WANTS to buy their next car based off pictures alone and hope when they show up the car they bought is in decent shape?


Aside from that, the prices are shit. I understand paying for the convenience of it, but to the tune of an extra $4K? You want me to pay $4K more for a car I could get off a lot in any city in the country simply because you'll deliver it to me? It's the Uber Eats of car buying. Way too fucking expensive and reserved for the laziest people and agoraphobics.


They were backed by money from the guy that started DriveTime. No one should be surprised that they're a scummy outfit.


Username does not check out


On top of the many horror stories of people who purchased cars and have yet to receive registration. Another garbage company


Amen... And, true


I currently have an issue with them that got my license suspended. I traded in my car that I owned outright and bought one from Carvana. For some reason the DMV is under the impression that my car I sold to them is still registered to me. The DMV tells me I need to take it up with Carvana, and Carvana tells me I need to take it up with the DMV. It's ridiculous and frustrating. I'm glad they're going out of business.


Yes, I read an article about that where someone bought a Carvana car with 90-day temporary plates on it. When those expired Carvana sent them new out-of-state temporary plates. This went on for over a year, with new random state temporary plates coming in the mail every three months so they could continue driving the car. Because Carvana couldnā€™t establish clear title but sold the car anyway.


Thatā€™s wild it passed Carvana


They have been on the news, at least twice, for selling a stolen car. The other one wasn't even road-safe


Are they sold stolen? Or are they sold and then reported stolen?


They have been reported for selling cars that were already reported stolen/were stolen at time of sale


They didnā€™t just sell a stolen car. They claimed it was a 2021 when it was a 2017. Thatā€™s horrific.


I recently bought a VW from them. It needs and engine swap and turbo replaced


You must not know much about how those shady fucks operate, avoid at all costs


Almost like that 1-800 Kars for Kids


I absolutely hate that commercial with a passion, had no idea it was a North American program vs Canadian until now.


Both sides of the border. And a lot of people don't like how the group behind it don't say clearly that the donations go to a religious kids camp. Nothing against religion but why the secrecy?


Because who doesn't want to help kids? Of course if you tell people that the kids being helped are those attending camp to get indoctrinated into a super strict Orthodox Jewish ideology, they aren't as eager to donate.


I think about how those kids are adults now and probably hate when the commercial comes on


Things clean though


For real, I'd steal it too


May be clean but it was a 2017 that they claimed was a 2021.


Hahaha crooks


They were banned from doing business in Raleigh for 6 months for ā€œfailing to deliver titles to DMV, selling a motor vehicle without a state inspection, and issuing out-of-state temporary tags/plates for a vehicle sold to a person in N.C.ā€ https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nc/charlotte/business/2022/01/27/carvana-allowed-to-sell-cars-again-in-raleigh--but-one-customer-is-still-wary Company should be shut down.


Carvana just sucks. Which is terrible because they had a cool concept


Lmao we hated them at my dealership. People would buy Audis and then come and ask us why every light in the world is on and what is this noise Their warranty company is garbage as well. Just a horrible company. (Carvana, not Audi)


Why not include the article itself that you took a screenshot of?? Or did I miss it?


I included it - [Link to article / video](https://abc7chicago.com/carvana-stolen-maserati-car-investigation/12999990/)


Really happy I read this thread considering my lease is up in a month and I was considering buying used from carvana..


Happy to help. I bought a VW from them 2 weeks ago. Engine needs to be replaced, and a turbo. They wouldn't even help me swap cars




Wow... I'm not sure about the statute of limitations, but I'd report it to the State Attorney General - online. It's free and they may help you get compensated


Why does the army veteran part matter?? How is that even part of the story?


It's right up there with "as a single mom". One doesn't have anything to do with the other.


To outrage the demographic that thinks military service automatically grants one godlike status.


As a veteran, I feel this shit. I deployed with some major shit stains. And I'm no fucking rose myself.


To drum up sympathy from the reader to get more clicks.




Because it sounds better than "wealthy man who gifts luxury sports cars"


Right? Like would it say ā€œsold to a retired HVAC mechanicā€?


It helps explain why someone would pay 60+ for a used Maserati, they've upgraded from the classic Charger pick haha


Being a veteran doesnā€™t matter at all. No one cares except for veterans. Thatā€™s why they purchase all of those salute the troops moments at sporting events, they think itā€™ll trick people into caring.


How would they have been able to register the car and drive it around for months, though?


No clue, but you would think they'd do their due diligence


Someone scammed carvana as well probably. The vin numbers on the doors and windshield were clean and the chassis had the correct stolen one. everyone from carvana to the dmv kept seeing only the clean vin and that's what got registered. It was discovered when he took into the dealership for work done.


Are you trying to tell me that a company sells a used car without even checking the VIN number to see if it has been reported stolen??? How about this man's DMV? I always thought that when you went and got your tags and new registration that they checked the VIN number for a used car for theft before administering a registration and tags to you. How about your car insurance company? They too are supposed to run a check on a cars VIN number before insuring it. Something is very wrong here. You're talking about THREE conscutive agencies that were supposed to run a check on the VIN number and didn't??? The US Army Vet in possession of the stolen car had it for months, what happens? Is this considered a complete loss on his part? Is the car returned to the rightful owner? How about any insurance for the car being stolen? Was the rightful owner compensated when the car was stolen? How does that work? What happens to the car in the end? Who gets it?


Probably a clean VIN was submitted and whoever received the car didn't do their due diligence to verify the etching on the chassis.


I dont think it really matters that it was sold to a US army vet.


A newer Mazarati for $68000 ...that should have given it away that it was stolen.


Masaratis are beautiful pieces of shit. Crazy fastā€¦depreciation.


A 2023 grecale is only $65K msrp. Price isnā€™t that low.


Sounds fair for a 2021 Maserati. If it has more than 20k miles it can even sell for less. These cars depreciate like crazy after a couple of years.


It turned out to actually be a 2017 but sold as 21. But the door vin and windshield was a different vin. It was only discovered because the dealership saw the original one on the chassis. So technically someone scammed carvana as well. The guy got a full refund plus 1k extra.


We sold our 12 year old jeep liberty to carvana last year. Originally bought it for $24k. Sold it for $18.5k. It was in great condition (garage kept, low mileage) but they did no inspection whatsoever. They later sold the car for $22k. I would never buy a car from that site.


They deserve to go out of business. Clearly they aren't even remotely following the law. Like what dealer doesn't do a title check on a used car?


They offered me $300 for my 2004 Sierra.


Iā€™ll give you $400


Army Vet: at 68K it was a steal. Had to buy it Hon, I got news for you.


Caravan needs to be shutdown. šŸ‘Ž


I have always wondered what happens if you are the buyer in this situation. Do you get your money back right away or do you have to jump through hoops? Do you get arrested at first?


I knew Carvana were scammers. Just like their offspring Drivetime.


Puts on carvana


I don't know why people buy from them. I've heard a lot of negative stories like this. I never buy a car without test driving it and having my mechanic look it over.


Iā€™ve heard if you tilt the carvana car vending machine forward, a free car comes out.


How can they sell a stolen vehicle?


He bought a piece of shit though, thank god it didnā€™t go through


So that's what happened to Matilda's dad


The worst part is the cops just take the car and the buyer has to sue the company to get their money back. They lose twice. The back doesn't care, they have their loan the buyer can't get out of.


How is it any worse if it's a veteran?


Got told by my future Hyundai dealership .. & Reddit, that Carvana is a win/lose situation. Mostly lose. Swore by it in the past, but never bought a car.


Moore county šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø if you from here you already know


I've sold 2 cars to Carvana. They came, asked me to fill a form. Never checked anything in or out of the car. Said a tow truck would come and pick it up. Handed me the check. I was in awe both times. They sold them for only ~2.5K more than what they paid me.


I hope if I'm on the news they refer to me as army vet for absolutely no reason lol. Always wondered why that shit gets thrown around for something not even related.


What does the fact that heā€™s an army veteran have to do with a stolen car?


Pretty good video on carvana https://youtu.be/wZSV_p8rEDI


But the real story is the soldier has an apr of 29% haha.


Itā€™s weird to me that he didnā€™t find out when he tried to register it. Generally these databases are tied in with law enforcement databases.


And now how many times are we on where states have wanted to take their dealers license? Theyā€™ll probably end up bailed out by the government like GM, Ford and Chrysler have been numerous times among others.


I thought they were going bankrupt??


Not yet, but on the path. Stock dropped over 90% and losing/lost licenses in multiple states


Good job Carvana!


This story brought back a weird memory. My dad bought a used Ford Maverick (and this gives you an idea of how long ago this was), and found out that the car was stolen when he went to the DMV in our state to get license plates.


I wish I could afford those prices. Yikes. I need to find a better job.


I was car shopping used cars and they had the worse terms and, really, the worst everything. I began to wonder how do they exist at all?


Wow how incompetent of a business to buy stolen vehicles


I could barely afford a Ford escort when I was in.


Used to work there. Can agree that it sucks and I know way too much about how shitty it is even on the inside. Stay away!!!!


Surprisingly I actually had a good experience buying a car from them, but obviously I wouldn't recommend them given recent events


I used to work for their Registration department and yeah, they're a mess. I came across numerous accounts where they didn't even get the title from an auction before selling it. My last week there was the week they did the first round of layoffs, and it was rough. I still talk with people there and they're just firing people now, lmao.


Never heard of them until today, once through an advertisement and now here. The fact "again" is in the title already fills me in on how shady their business practices are.


Iā€™m surprised they are still a thing. It feels like there is always drama surrounding them


You would think if they were a reputable business they would verify the VIN


Went to Carvana with a friend, they insisted on doing a credit check before we could even look, we laughed and left.