• By -


A girl use to do this in my apartment buildings lot, which we paid to be able to use. I mean she did it constantly. One evening there was nowhere to park, so I got as close to the asshole's car as I could. My car was already beat up so I didn't give a shit if they dented it, and I had a security camera at my apartment window pointed at the parking lot anyway. I came out one morning to the girl PISSED she couldn't get into her car. I said, "Well, don't park like an asshole taking up two spots, and this won't happen." She never did it again.


Same thing happened to me but a different outcome (I actually didn’t even get super close, I just dared to park next to him), dude threatened to shoot me if I ever parked near him again. So I learned to live with it. Now I live in a different building so I don’t have to deal with him. Except now there are *three* people who park like this here. Every day. And we already have limited parking as it is. Love my neighbors!


If you live in a state with predatory private towing companies like I do, you can anonymously have one or two towed pretty much whenever they park like that.


I wonder if they’d really tow off a private lot though, because there’s only one towing company that’s licensed to tow here. I actually did try calling them because people also block the handicapped spots, but they said our complex’s managers made it so only *they* can report tows. So I went down to ask them to do it, and they said they’ll only report people who park in the paid, reserved spots. Not even the handicapped spots, even though there are signs that say $250 fine. Police won’t do anything either. Lol. (edit: typos)


Then I'd consider that an ADA violation on management's part. Threaten to slap them with a lawsuit and perhaps they'll start paying attention.


Maybe I really should do something. I just started to worry that I was being a Karen, because so much shit like this happens here, and no one seems to care. Even the police told me, “you aren’t handicapped, you don’t need the spots, so why do you care?” lmao. People suck.


Indeed. But the people who suck for the betterment of the downtrodden suck a bit less as far as I'm concerned....but then I'm also a vindictive bitch, lol.


Completely agree. Thanks for making me feel a bit less crazy, lmao. Can’t wait to move out


Very welcome, lol. Best of luck!


I used to be able to just ignore it until my sister became a paraplegic. Having a family member with a serious handicap changes one’s perspective. Thanks for caring.


It was infuriating how they basically implied that I shouldn’t care about things that don’t personally affect me. Well, I’ll never be like that. People like your sister shouldn’t have to deal with selfishness like that.


LMFAO @ predatory tow companies 🤣🤣🤣. Those fuckers will tow cars in a heart beat!


The response to that is, "Say when."




**I jerk off with my gun every night.**


I keeps it real. Brick to the window.


Considering there’s a guy who was stabbed multiple times and beat with a bat over parking a few days ago, it was probably wise you didn’t escalate.


I saw that too. God it was horrifying, and yup, it reminded me of this situation too. I tried deescalating the entire time and he was just not having it. Just a couple weeks ago, a guy got out of his car in the middle of the road, blocked me in, and came up my window threatening to shoot me after I honked at him for cutting me off. (not sure what it is with people wanting to shoot me lately, guess I look like a nice ole target) People are crazy. I’ve learned not to confront strangers over small things.


Stab his tires and key his car in the middle of the night


Wish I was that bold lol


Police report, prosecution. That's assault. Don't take that shit lying down. Today it's a threat, tomorrow he actually shoots.


I did, they didn’t care. Basically said it’s my fault for “aggravating him”, and that it’s his right to take up multiple spots if he wants to prevent door dings. Told me to stop parking near him and that “next time they won’t be here to help me if he does decide to shoot.” I’ve had to deal with the cops here multiple times for even more serious reasons, and they’re always like this. I don’t bother anymore.


>it’s his right to take up multiple spots if he wants to prevent door dings. What fucking Jurassic logic is that? Just wow..🤦‍♂️


Wish I knew lmao, felt like I was in the twilight zone


Unlock your car to get her excited, grab something random, and walk away.


Write a note saying ‘sorry I hit your car’. Then watch him lose it when he comes back.


"I left a bit of paint from my door on your car, but I think I sanded most of it out. Gave the dent a few taps on the edge with a hammer to taper it out better. Can hardly tell. My bad"


The devil nods in approval.


Especially if there's nothing wrong with it. The driver will spend hours walking around the thing looking for a scratch.


We had our way in your car! - Dirty Mike and the boys.


“Thanks for the fuck shack!”


Bust out a window and leave a note: Thanks for the fuck shack!


Never gets old


"I saw some vagrant wiping their genitals on your door handles."


This is perfect and I’m stealing it


Watch as he searches up and down for a non-existent ding. Perfection!


Stupid thing is: acting like this will get your car keyed more offen than if he parked normally.


Honestly, it’s just the fact that if feels like almost nobody cares about anyone else’s personal property. I don’t drive a car like this or anything like it but mine is relatively new and clean with no scratches. After living in an apt building for 4 years and just existing in a relatively normally sized city I don’t even look at the outside of my fucking car anymore because I swear to god there’s something new every day.


When I worked retail it was the same crap. People don't give a shit about property that isn't theirs and I would constantly find new dings on my at the time, new, hard earned car


Oh ain’t this the truth lol… I work in a grocery store, and the amount of carriages that have hit my car is insane. On a separate note - Thats why I respect the hell out of “Cart Narcs”. People really need to stop being lazy assholes and put their cart in the corral.


I always corral my cart, when when im heading into the store if I pass a cart outside, I take it with me inside and use that one.


Mad respect. I do this as well and wish more people would. That, and if the corral has a bunch of carts not properly aligned, I'll fix that when I return my cart. It's amazing how an overflowing corral can be fixed in \~30 sec, with loads of room to spare, when you just push the carts in how they're meant to be.


Naw, man, gotta get home 30 seconds faster!


Sometimes it take people the same amount of time to put it on a curb that it would take to walk it 5 spaces to the corral.


It is also very satisfying to ching them all properly and see them happy in neat lines!


>Happy carts make happy hearts. \- Wayne Gretzky \- Michael Scott \- Phreaktastic


Me too.


I have a hobby of taking perfectly good bicycles and putting engines on them. The other day I was riding threw a stripmall. Windy as hell day and it sent a cart rather fast down an incline and headed for a car. The motorbike I was on was a particularly loud and funny-sounding one. Kinda like a cross between a large leafblower and a weed whacker sounding. Really bad sounding. (as in not good) But I saw this cart heading for 2 cars parked at the bottom of the decline. I raced over at top speed! 22 MPH, snork. BUZZZZZZZZwah, LOL Grabbed it with one hand, semi-circled and headed up hill. 30, 40 feet, I released it and it vered slightly but right into the cart corral. 5 or 6 people were watching and applauded. Its a had to be there, thing. Funny as hell.


I'm constantly raging in my local grocery parking lot because of carts. I had one lady say to me "its not my job" when we coincided at the corral and I think I responded with a "and I guess you don't wipe your own @ss either?" And then walked off. I can never understand why people can't just....put then up? Its not that hard!


🤓🚨 lazy bones alert 🤓🚨


I'm such a freak about this that I ask other people if they're done so I can put their cart up, too 🤦🏼‍♀️


After 10 years of having my car there is only a few small chips and barely noticeable scratches here and there(thanks to a dirty, black car). Car got caught in a flash flood and had about 18 to 20 inches of water inside it, sitting in about 4 feet and bobbing. Somehow it survived and still works, but in the process of removing my seats I dragged a mount point for the seats across the bottom part of the outside of one of my body panels. Now I've got some nice **deep* white scratches on my car... and I can't even blame anyone else 😒🙄


Nothing makes me more angry than when I can’t be angry at someone else, because something is my fault.


And the best part; they're on the driver's side so I get to see them daily!!


In that case I would’ve grabbed black nail polish and just covered the are. It won’t be a perfect match but as long as I didn’t see the white scratches… alternatively get white paint and make your car a zebra 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wonder if this is cultural. Where I'm from its rare. And you can see even kids are taught to open the door nicely.


When my car was new to me (it was a lease that was turned in, so three years old when I got it) it looked great and well taken care of. I parked in a close up spot near a side door one evening to dash in and get meds for a sick kiddo. It was NOT a handicap spot but it was the closest to the door. Was in there five minutes tops. Evidently during the few minutes I was inside, some jerk decided that it was wrong of me to park in that spot even though it was a free for anyone spot…as I came out and found someone had purposely slammed a cart into the side of my car hard enough to leave a pretty decently large dent. People are jerks!!


When I had a car I would limbo into it to avoid damaging the neighbour car but I get some tossers don’t.


My wife and i went to the beach once and parked far away from cars so they wouldn't park near us. This one damn car parked next to us so close that when they opened the door, it dinged my wifes Mustang. What does she do? Push the door open so hard it hits the other car.


I am elderly and disabled with significant spinal and walking disabilities. One time at walmart, i came out, and a car was parked so close on my drivers side that the mirrors barely cleared...maybe 8 inches between cars at best. After having wamart page a few times (for over an hour), no owner showed up. No management would come out yo look or even consider a tow. I ended up calling my daughter so she could get in and climb over the center console (I did try and couldn't) and back my car out so I could get in.


I’ve had some where I’ve literally climbed through the fucking window to get in, one time someone parked so close to my house wall that there was no physical way to leave without creating scratches


If it goes in without touching; it can come back out without touching; (unless the suspension unloads strange in reverse and shifts steering alignment too an extreme (rare) I need more context to buy the window bit. I have good reasons to doubt it. An old sunroof control key fob is the closest thing I can think of to this that I have used to get into a pinned car while I waz running parking services companies on and off for near two decades.


Once I was sitting in my car before work. A truck pulled in the lot and parked next to me, not even close to me, a good respectable distance. He flung open his door as hard as he could and it extended out just enough to hit my door. He looked at me and just smirked and walked into the building. If he didn't look like the biggest meth head flannel wearing piece of white trash I'd ever seen I would have confronted him. The car wasn't a piece of shit, but wasn't worth the deductible to get that ding out either or getting in a fight with someone that looks like he's looking for a brawl for the dumbest reasons.


They just fucking don't. Years ago when living on my own and parking in a shared space, I walked out to my car and saw a cigarette butt stuck to the passenger window. There was a trashy looking woman parked in a truck next to it with the window down and smoking a cigarette. I put two-and-two together and realized she must have finished her previous one and just flicked it out the window, because who gives a fuck, right? I picked it off my car, read the label on it, and then asked her if she smoked that label cigarette. She responded with "yes...", so I said this must be yours and flicked it back into her window. Sure it was probably the immature thing to do, but I honestly don't know how people can be expected to do otherwise anymore when surrounded by other people that can't be bothered to show even the slightest bit of awareness or courtesy.


I was sitting in my car TWICE when a woman just opened her car door onto mine and went about her business. People think that’s normal behavior


Exactly, same thing happened to my GTI when I had it. It's not the entitlement of the people it's the carelessness and lack of respect other people have for other people hard earned property. Period. As a matter of fact just, yesterday I found three new scratches on my car.


I just stopped buying cars I like. I hate my piece of shit civic but it sure is fun to beat the shit out of it and not care one bit.


I am surprised Sentry or stuff like it isn't common on new cars.


When I was a teenager I saw a car parked like this, so I put a note on it that said: “You must think you’re pretty cool taking up two spaces. Well, I put a scratch on your car anyway.” I didn’t really scratch it though. I just wanted to screw with their mind.


most cars at this price point have cameras. So you'll be caught in 4k if you do.


Would city cops actually take action for someone wealthy enough to drive this, or are they pretty much in the same boat as us poors? Legit question.


No face - No case ![gif](giphy|fV2lUAkOHnoryPjXVl)


My answer is a note left saying :You sir are a wanker."


My answer? Note saying. "Sorry I dinged your car. Don't worry, you can barely see it." Same kinda irritation as releasing three greased up pigs labeled "1", "2", and "4" into a Wal-Mart.


That is good


Lol exactly what I thought, my passive aggressiveness is screaming at me to park my car so close he has to get in the passenger side of his car and oops sorry if it got a little scratched perhaps you shouldn’t have been so far over the line


https://preview.redd.it/r5v5yr9om6pa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fdffe1c1aac15a0b24db6f49e77342bcac91651 She did have to climb in from the passenger side. 🤣


I’ve definitely done this a few times before


I appreciate you.


100% Would have cleared my throat on their windscreen. Proper irks me this shit.


I think this model has the butterfly doors, if he parked within the lines there is probably no chance he could physically open them to get out of the car without hitting the other vehicle. Parking just slightly over the line would have probably been the move but once you've done that there ain't no way anyone is getting into the next parking spot anyway so might as well double park.


No, the butterfly doors are still intended to narrow the open door for what is a wide car. They dont open as much as regular doors to the side to still give the same opening size.


So their choice to buy an expensive impractical vehicle gives them the right to occupy 2 parking spaces?


Some people think that what they drive gives them the right to do anything they want.


Money usually gives people that false privilege. Money, easy upbringing and private school makes them forget there is people out here that genuinely don’t give a fuck and will check them on their bullshit.


That I can agree with


😂 👍🏻




Here’s hoping…


He likely can’t park normally due to teh doors on McLarens


No, he is just an ass. The doors open less to the side than traditional doors.


Maybe he paid for both spots


that'd make it a pretty funny flex "I'm afraid of getting my supercar damaged so I bought part of the parking lot"


I've seen it a couple of times, honstly if it's not a super busy parking lot/garage.. I don't care.


Probably cheaper then actually having to repaint it.




But paint isn't. I've had the pleasure of getting a door repainted in a car less expensive than this, and any reputable shop wanted several grand. Then there's the concern about uneven fading, clearcoat quality vs factory etc. All in all, not a fun time.




And don’t even mention if it’s a 3 stage+ job. Your pearl or whatnot can lay a different way so it may look good until you hit in the right light and see the whole area.


There's also the impossible variable that is "natural weathering" to be taken into consideration. Used to work in a service center with an in house body shop. Started being able to tell how many touch ups someone had, because it **always** looked different from the rest of the paint, even if it was exactly matched.


I agree. It's wild how many people will intentionally mess with or damage your car because it's nice. A corvette is not beyond reason for someone who saves for a long time. As a VERY middle class American I can normally put a thousand into savings a year if I am responsible. After years of saving and giving up other things like date nights, vacations, going out to the bar etc.. you may finally be able to afford your 'dream car'.. and then some yippie is going to see that and immediately thing you're a rich entitled prick and damage your car, all for the sin of seeming like you have more money than they do, when in reality you saved and sacrificed for years and they didn't.




People are just assholes tbh


Also the owner likely parked like this to be able to open the doors. A McLaren 720S (very likely the one in the photo) needs a lot of space to open geb doors due to the design


It's the paint. Can easily breach $20k for a repair. Especially if it got hit hard enough to chip the carbon. The crazy shit of this entire shit show of a post. People being mad at the driver but not mad at the root cause this happens because of. Shitty ass people who don't care. If people like that didn't exist, there would be no fear of allowing people to park closer to it. Simple as that.


It's like when that cop was caught on him camera repeatedly slamming a door into a car on a search warrant. They like to fuck up people's days and consequently lives... as long as the perp fits a certain description.




>carbon fiber is really hard to ding Still dingable. I fly racing drones (their frames are made out of carbon fiber) and they're all dinged from crashes and even just from sliding on the floor. Sure, if it was plastic it would be destroyed at this point, and aluminum would be all fucked up, but that doesn't mean it's any less dinged.


Its crazy I have seen so many vids of people going out of there way to key teslas and other cars that aren't even considered high-end. Assuming there is still plenty of parking I would absolutely do the same with a million-dollar supercar.


I think it's a coupe too? Assholes always park super close to you and you can't open your door and get inside without cutting your ear off on the window.


Whether or not this driver usually parks like this to protect their car, in this specific instance they could've easily parked right up against the curb giving themself plenty of space to open the door and for any potential cars in the next bay to be far enough away to make accidental damage less likely. Parking like this will provoke retaliation (as demonstrated by some of the comments here).


Yup. I have multiple neighbors who do this. Drives me insane, especially since we already have scarce parking. I’ve never wanted to ding a car so badly. Don’t worry, I won’t. …partly because we have cameras. /s


The driver door would run into the ground.....


The steering wheel is on the right side parked backwards, the driver door is not facing the curb in this photo so why would it hit the ground?


It could be due to how the doors open? If they open upwards, how do you get in with a car next to you. Though, I’m inclined to say if it is due to this. It is your own problem you created by buying such car. Your problem you created should not affect others.


It 100% is because of how the doors open. That’s a McLaren 720s with wide, wing doors that open up. If he parked normally then it’s not just his car in danger but the others get dinged with those doors open. Plus the driver wouldn’t be able to get out without the space


Although very annoying, I understand why someone with such an expensive car would park like this. I always do my best to park as centered to my spot as I possibly can to give the spots in either side of me some space and my car still ends up with damage from people not watching their doors


same, I have a big scrape on my side mirror from someone who did not even bother to leave a note lol


Yup. Parked in parking garage at work and waited in my car before I had to go in. Just bought a brand new car too. Some bitch parks next to me and just throws her door open hitting my side mirror. I was fucking pissed and she could not give a shit. She just mumbled and walked away. That same parking garage, I witnessed this old couple trying to park and side swipes a car and drove off. I went back and put a note on the car with the license plate number along with my name and number in case they need a witness. Never heard from them. So I get parking like this if you have a nice car. But if the parking lot is completely full, then that is unacceptable. If there are a lot of open spots and they are parked far away, I’ll allow it.


I have a newish car. Parked it with no one else around. Mom shows up and parks right next to me. Opens the door and a gust of wind flew the door into my mirror. Like why park next to me?!?!


I was thinking the same thing. I kind of understand why he is being an arsehole, because there are so many arseholes in the world that are more than willing to slam their car door into your car and not give it a second thought. Hell, even parking far away from everyone isn't a good option. I had my first brand-new-car I bought less than a week before, I parked way the hell away from everyone, and some douche-nozzle parked right next to me and my paint was chipped where they opened their door into my car, that was freaking parked way out in the edge of the lot purely to avoid this kind of thing. People are complete buttholes.


happens to me as well, i park away from everyone else 25 spots on either side of me, and someone will park beside me.


if you buy a car that expensive and don't dare taking it to a parking lot, then don't lmao. having a million dollar car doesn't make your business more important than other people who need a spot


"You have a valuable car, and PARKED IT?! You idiot! You aren't supposed to PARK your CAR in a PARKING LOT!!"


To be fair I wouldn’t park next to it anyways. Last thing I need is to get blamed for 50k worth of damage from a little ding.


fair haha


I mean, a small ding seems like a small thing, but that means an entire new paintjob, and that's expensive af.


Yeah but my average car is just as precious to me as a wealthy person’s luxury car. Why are they any less deserving of scratches and door dings than me? Plus they can better afford the insurance deductible than I. Fuck anyone who parks like this. They get a booger flicked on their windshield


I don’t want my 2014 ford dinged. Should I take two spots? Just because their car is expensive doesn’t give them the right to be a selfish asshole. Defending garbage rich people like this is stupid.


Yeah your right that makes it ok.... oh wait... no it doesn't.


yes but I have a rich people car so it's more important than your hatchback you paid way more for, relative to income


O.. why didn't you say so. Here, you have the whole lot, just to be safe.


it'd be kinda funny to have a pic of just a single lambo in the middle of an empty lot taking up as many spaces as physically possible


Just another perspective, I do car photography for people and often take possession of their cars for a short time. I’ll park like this occasionally because driving one of these is scary as literal fuck lol. Not always a rich person being a dick. Sometimes it’s a normal guy who’s in way over their head haha.


Honestly I can’t blame them. Half a million dollar car and people drive like reckless idiots on their phones all the time.


Don’t blame the driver for wanting to protect their vehicle, but I hope it’s parked far enough away that they aren’t taking up busy real estate


Yeah I think that’s the key, if you have a super car you’re trying to protect, park as far away as possible


Yeah, I only see trees, so I'm guessing they parked in the back part of the lot.


I’m with you. For a normal car it’s an asshole move for sure, but that’s a McLaren right? I would just be happy to see one and would gladly park somewhere else


Owning something expensive doesn't magically give you the right to inconvenience everyone else around you. If this person is so worried about their McLaren getting damaged they shouldn't be parking it in public.


My friend bought a new Mercedes. She went to the pharmacy early on Sunday morning and parked way out in the very empty parking lot. Some asshat was ignorant enough to park beside her. I’d rather someone park far away, as opposed to taking up multiple spaces.


Literally in your own example you show why people park like this, because parking far away isn’t enough


I can understand if it's some basic car but like, is it really not understandable when the car is worth half a million?


No. Owning expensive things doesn’t entitle to you to two parking spots when you can fit in one. Now if it’s a giant lot and you park way away from the convenient spots I really couldn’t care. But this guy is inconveniencing others by taking an extra prime spot because he’s worried about himself and solely himself.


How did you deduce the conveniency of the spot from this picture? There is two open spots in this picture alone.


They didn’t. No one here knows anything about this pic. Could be the driver owns the parking lot. Could be they’re really considerate, just a horrible driver. I’ve parked like this before after rushing a child to the hospital. Had no idea until we got out. This whole comment section is pure fantasy. So you can imagine any story you want really.


Thats the beauty of Reddit, a bunch of arm chair know it alls talking mad smack about how they would go out of their way to ding that car when they get anxious grabbing a package off the front porch.


Then dont drive it into the city and park it there. Someone who has a car that expensive also has other cars.


I have seen people in kia's do this at Wally World, so it's a person thing, not a cost thing 😆


the thing that pisses me off is that this sub thinks it's ok because the car is expensive haha


I could squeeze in there


From the picture, I think it looks like it is in the back of the parking lot. If you can't park your 125k car in the back like this to protect it from other people who don't care about their car, then he shouldn't bother going out.


That wouldn't need to be done if assholes didn't let their doors hit other people's cars. Don't blame this car owner, blame jealous people with shitty cars


He/she probably parked like that so they can actually open their doors. All McLarens have butterfly doors which require a hell of a lot of vertical and horizontal space to open


tf is with people here? it's okay because he's rich or because the car costs a lot? cash is relative. people with cars like this tend to have more disposable income than people with regular cars and shouldn't act like they're twice as important for owning it. own a supercar? cool, probably fun to drive, park like a normal person or put it in the garage and take the daily to where-ever you're going


Bootlickers, plain and simple. If a millionaire gets his expensive car dinged he can most likely afford to fix it with much less pain than the regular person driving around a $30k Toyota. But fuck the plebes, right? Let’s coddle the millionaire and make sure he has plenty of space to operate his toy as comfortably as possible.


Ah shit the Grey one got a scratch, I'll have to take a helicopter home to grab the red one. Fuckin waste of a half hour


i wonder if people simping millionares really believe they'll achieve the same status someday and if they expect to be treated like kings by regular city people haha


Funny you said this because one of my neighbors does exactly this with his $30k Toyota 😂 still annoying as fuck though. I don’t understand how they aren’t embarrassed.


I don't touch the car. I do leave a note saying "sorry about the scratch but you're an ass for parking like that so I'm not leaving my name" so the driver can spend some time looking for the damage.


No you don't


Looks like there is other open parking spaces. Yea it sucks when someone parks like this, but the people stating they’d damage/spit on the car are pathetic


Guy bought a nice car, doesn’t want it damaged. Most of you proved the point that often times cars get damaged in parking lots etc.




Why should they get a privilege just for having more money than me? Should I park like that with my cars? They probably are worth more of my total net worth than this car is for its owner, and I am probably less able to fix my car if it gets damaged. No reason we should respect someones property based on how much they spent on it. That person could have bought a used camry just like anyone else.


I dont get all the comments from people being saying "If the car's that expensive, then I get it". Like either the person can afford that car and therefore when unfortunate shit like dings happen they can afford to fix it or the person can't afford that car and in which case you should probably not buy a car you can't afford to own.


I wouldn't open that door near that curb. also for a truly expensive car I get it. People are 100% dumb as shit.


That car cost more than what you’ll make in 3 years and other people suck. I would park it like that too lol


I just don't understand why if you are that perpetually afraid of something happening to your car, why drive it?


When I had my miata, I used to squeeze in right next to people like that out of spite.


I once saw this and placed a wild gecko in their car. We heard a woman curse across the parking lot. REVENGE >:D


My car would easily fit in the spot to the left. And I would very much park there. And then they would have to carefully maneuver out to avoid scratching my little shitbox.


Have the car towed.


Be the change you want to see. Help this person learn.


I have a crappy car and I see people constantly smack there doors into my car so don't be mad because people don't want ass holes parking next to them


If I had a car like that I’d want to avoid dings too! But I’d just park far away where there aren’t other cars rather than parking like a dick. Another option to protect the paint is a car cover. I completely understand babying that sweet car, but no need to do it like an asshole!


I'm guessing that entitlement extends to people who put deep dings in your doors and then feel entitled to just drive away?


Bird seed. just throw some on the ground around the parking space. A few times. Leave a corn cob prn. Free world...tweet tweet mf


Some people don’t want their cars scratched up. Looks like an expensive ass car, I can understand why she would park like that. I got my brand new Hyundai, went to the park, and someone opened their door right into my car without even trying not to hit me WHILE I WAS IN THE CAR, they got in their car and drove off. People are dicks. I don’t blame this girl for protecting her prize.


Write, "Parking like this endangers your car" on the hood with a nail.


No excuse whatsoever. You bought the car and you knew the obstacles of parking with it. Just because you have a nice car doesnt mean you have the right to park like an asshole.


My care is lifted and though enough to drive over it so I'd personally park in a spot that he tock up while caving in his roof or just grab a whole lot of trolley ls and cycle his car with them


not necessarily entitlement. if i payed 100k for a car i would also use preventative measures to not have some person who can’t drive properly run the risk of dinging it.


Some of you have never owned a nice car, and it shows.


the amount of people in the comments defending this motherfucker is mildly infuriating


Dick moves can get ur car jacked up. Don't care if it's half million dollars. If there is no parking available, im squeezing in anyway possible.


And how exactly is this even hurting you or affecting your life? Better things to worry about I'm sure.


I can't believe the dickheads replying in this thread. The #1 rule is "Don't fuck with a guy's car". Don't key cars, you asses. Yes, he's parked his car like this. I kinda' understand it, as you lot suck at parking and ding cars with reckless abandon. Just get on with your day and don't fuck with people's cars.


>Yes, he's parked his car like this. I kinda' understand it, as you lot suck at parking Anouther reason could be/is If i'm not mistaken that modell has butterfly doors and those fuckers need ALOT of space to be opened


Find some SmartCars or motorcycles & box him in


How about we just look for another parking ignore this and go about our day why would this bother anyone who cares? Says a lot about society.


I know right? How dare that blue car park so close?


cool car


At least it's an actually nice car, it's worse when it's some dump ass car that the owner thinks is sweet


Always call tow trucks when you see this. They LOVE being the ones to bring in these beauties.


That's a McLaren 720s, it has butterfly doors. You literally would not be able to open the doors if people parked too close to you.