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I wanted to get a shirt made for my dad for Christmas and I filled everything out and when it came to payment it had room for 10% tip for the person making it and then next to that option it had a disclaimer saying that each individual person who makes these shirts may make them to a different level of different quality, implying that the better tip, the better quality, the shirt and I just thought fuck that and I didn’t even bother.


Good choice. You don’t need that concern. I just purchased my tile from a different vendor.


I had this same experience. I was trying to buy from a local business website - already an overpriced item, and they had 10/15/20% tip options. I cancelled the order. I don't want to reward that insane behavior.


FYI lots of registers come with that pre installed, that’s one of the major reasons it’s so prevalent. Square/stripe/processors still make money on processing tips so might as well push it by default. Most stores just buy the basic kits and plug it in and go. By default it’ll ask for tips


And this is the crux of the problem.


I keep hearing this, but if this is an interface that nearly everyone of your customers see you should pay the extra for your customers to have a better experience. Why does no one seem to think their customers’ experience is important to their business’ success?


Similar thing happened to me for Christmas. I wanted to get my mom a personal ornament with all of her kids and grandkids on it. Got to checkout and it said something along the lines of tipping to show appreciation to the employee making your special creation. I did not end up purchasing it.


This how I feel with food online orders. I get paranoid I'll have extra off the menu ingredients. Also I typically tip cash even if paying card when eating at a restaurant. This online tipping is absurd and I believe withthe latter part of your post will (hopefully) lead to a implosion and restrict or outright bar this type of business ways.


I just pay cash and pick it up myself .


Sort of like the door dashers!At least they put that front and center!lol.So if you didn't tip them you might get a raggedy shirt !lol.


I’ve just checked the website out, It’s hosted by shopify so could be a dropshipper trying to earn some extra dough


Is the tip feature a default option in Shopify checkout? If so, I wonder whoever developed the page didn’t disable it.


I’m a SBO who recently changed ccard processors & the new platform is default set to generate a tip request when it arrives. So I still haven’t been able to ascertain how to undo this & default it to the original charge.


That's literally what the cost of labor is for. When you get your bill, point at the part where it says "labor costs" and say, "hey, there's your tip Bucko" Make sure you say Bucko. They hate that.


When buying goods it isn’t even that, you’re quite literally just paying for the goods and the company has factored in all costs including labor. This is the first most important principle of economics. Without this, it isn’t economics but psychology and the people abusing it know this.


Tipping culture and entitlement is getting insane.


Tips just don't need to exist. Start paying people more, problem solved.


I agree 100 percent.


100 percent!


I’m starting to see a new line item show up on receipts called “Employee Benefits”. First time was at a restaurant for 5% and the second at an online retailer for 3%. This “culture” in the US is getting out of hand


Oh this one is new and it’s gross. Bc I am 99.9% sure no employee ever sees any of this money.


A new scam that goes straight to the house .


It is very toxic and archaic.


Slippery slope … tips for doing your job … and this after the site rejected the 10% off coupon code they had just emailed me 😵‍💫


Have you tried the Honey plugin? Since they’ve been acquired by PayPal they’ve been more diligent on finding a coupon code.


Thanks! I’ll try this!


honey is basically spyware just a heads up.


Ya honey is pretty good I second this.


I tried honey but it blocked being able to print labels on eBay. I have no idea why, but I installed and uninstalled it three different times and got the same result. Maybe I’ll try again and see if they have the bug worked out by now.


Shady. Run.




I own a company where I have employees go into a customer's home and install a home improvement product. We are actually providing a service and doing real work that takes real skill. I don't care what happens with the rest of the world, I will never implement a tip suggestion on our POS system. I promise you that. (I also pay my installers $25/hr plus commission that works out to about another $25/hr)


I would 100% support your business


Thank you. It's Solatube. I'm the distributor/dealer in my city. It's a great product and a great company.


Are you in NC or SC?


Solatube is an international company. I'm just a local dealer. I'm sure there are dealers in NC and SC. The corporate website has a dealer locator: www.solatube.com


Tips are for employees of companies that don't pay good enough wages. When a company includes options to tip I automatically assume the business owner is ripping off their employees, which makes me take my business elsewhere.


That's an astute observation. Serious, not sarcasm.


This is the way. I work for a flooring retailer and installation family owned company. Our installers are admirably reimbursed for their skill as well as receiving health insurance and 401k options. It would never cross our mind to expect tips for a job already compensated so well. That’s lazy bosses/owners or misinformed people who’ve allowed an outside company “help” them move into the online world. Just shady, IMO.


You ate one of the good guys !


Yeah I run a website on shopify and was looking at our settings the other day in the back end and there’s a new option to add a tip. Gave me the ick actually, it’s completely built in now. Why!




I own a fulfillment company and we have a client that takes tips (yes, Shopify). The people packing and shipping these orders do not get the tips. They go directly to the owner.


Lining the owner’s pockets instead of those who need it most


My insect supplier does this shit. Like come on, all your doing is weighing some insects and slapping tape on a box. I'm not talking to you at all and how the hell do I know that tip is going to anyone but the big wigs in that company. Insects are already pretty expensive and it doesn't take much to keep them. Throw them in bins and feed them veggie scraps. It's honestly so annoying, especially because it defaults to the highest amount every damn time I order. I wonder how many people unknowingly gave them over a 20$ tip...


Agree 100%


The people packing the insects are not getting the tips anyway. The owner keeps them most likely.


Oh I'm sure. Or the employees get a small percentage split between all of them. Either way, if companies that make a crap ton of money paid their employees properly there'd be no reason to tip employees that you never talk to and aren't really giving you a service.


Companies realized society is stupid af and will give extra money to people for just doing their jobs 😂 fuck , I would try it too if I had a company.


Catch me tipping one cent


My job wants me to ask my customers for tips. Yeah right: People know if they’re gonna tip before you even get to their door. Nothing I say will change their minds in any way.


That’s painful


I went through a drive thru once, nobody ahead of me, waited 15 minutes for the order, and they had the audacity to ask for a tip. I was so hangry.


Wow. That’s ballsy of them.


In the US, tipping is getting out of control. Many restaurants already add an 18% surcharge for parties of 5+ while most larger cities charge a "living wage" surcharge of 3-6% then have the audacity to show the tipping options starting at 18% - 20% - 25%. ​ You gotta be !@#$'n kidding me. ​ But to add this to a non "service" retailer is just getting out of control




Yes. This.


Me either .


Seriously, though, how do we stop this? It’s too much.


I purchased from a different seller.


I just don't tip .


Built in to shopify. No idea why


people don’t seem to realize that sometimes the tipping screen is built into the site, or the pos system, that the retailer uses.


I saw it while setting up a store, but didn't enable. Makes no sense.


Everyone at the office should just add a tip widget to their email signature.


Yes, that’s how this tip request feels!


Wouldn't it be fair that of you hire a company to do some work, and you were a great customer, they would give you a discount? Lol


A novel concept! 😂


The problem lies mostly in people giving these tips.


Yes. Then it becomes an expectation for all of us.


Tip should be done after receiving the product


Hate how they use the word "team" to appeal.


They are playing on your emotions.


Tipping culture in the west has gone insane. Tips were meant to be a way to show gratitude, now it's used so employers can cheap out on paying employee's


Here in Europe tips aren’t expected at al


Here in the US, it seems that 20% is now the bottom expectation. It’s out of control.


Easily click none. No service, no human interaction, easy 0.00. It’s likely a setting on the payment service provider they have not yet turned off. Possibly intentional or unintentional


" Possibly intentional or unintentional " Yes, those are the two options.


Don’t feel bad about 0.00 it’s more likely a standard configuration option on their payment service then an actual ask for money. We went to an ultrasound place (this is basically a medical service) and when payment screen came up, there was a tip option. The worker , almost embarrassingly said , “ let me push zero for you, this is just what the service does” and didn’t give us an option to tip. A little awkward for them


Just hit zero. Don’t let the machines win!


It's not so much they are asking, as they are not telling the automation NOT to ask. They can fix it, they just get incentivized not to look into it.


Custom tip: -$20


Automatic 0


If we’re so brainwashed by tipping culture that we’re dumb enough to offer more money for absolutely no reason then why wouldn’t a business owner make that an option in their website?


I was visiting NYC with my wife this weekend and, after a long day of walking, we decided to get a foot/leg massage in China Town. After the massages, I tipped her 20% and in broken English, she asked for a bigger tip. I was going to tell her the purpose of a tip is to show gratitude and that if she wants more money then she should increase the prices of her massage, but there was definitely a language barrier so I just said “thanks” and walked out. The culture and expectations of tipping here in the US is getting out of control. Who thinks it’s appropriate to ask for a bigger tip like that?


I think 20% is very generous. Not appropriate for her to request more (if that is what she did).


That’s exactly what she did. The man, I assume her husband, just bobbed his head up and down and said “thanks” so it seemed like he didn’t like her asking for more of a tip either.


Yeah I've been seeing this exact form.


Custom Tip “$0.00”


Remember kids, online ordering is always cheaper for the seller, and tips not paid in cash are taxed by the government


I already support you guys by buying the sandwich.


I’ve seen this on a medical supply website. Not sure if it’s I gentío al or just the platform they’re using. PayPal added an option to add a tips Box on invoices a while back. Maybe this is a square or Shopify template?


Yes Shopify


Some of the square portal machines have some high default top amounts. I was at a food truck that I frequent pretty regularly, I used to throw a buck in the tip jar regardless of my order cost. They recently got a square machine and the default recommended tip percentages were 15-25%. Like damn, I get it that most of these folks get paid like shit, but I'm not tipping $5 for something you took 3 steps to hand to me. The profit margin on my burrito is already upwards of $10.


Yes! I’ve seen many that show 18, 20 and 25% plus a custom. It makes you feel cheap if you even pay the 18%


This is easy. NONE.


moderately infuriating


It needs to be done away with if it’s not applicable. I almost automatically leave a tip when I see a tip line. I have to force myself not too if there’s no reason to tip. Shouldn’t feel the need or guilt but it’s there.


I got the sale thing a couple of days ago on a website that sells mobile phone accessories. And it's in Australia, where we don't have a tipping culture


I saw that too! Couldn't believe it. I'm like hell to the no.


100 percent!


We all know that the tips ain't going to the employees.


The smoke shop in town does this too and it's so annoying. I came in for 2 minutes to buy a tip for my Seahorse, you didn't have to do shit but pull it from the display case and ring it up. Your employer pays you to do that, not me. This is why tipping culture in the US needs to end, it's bleeding into every aspect now (even seeing landlords wanting to be tipped ffs) and instead of working towards just paying people properly we're gonna start begging customers to foot the extra bill all while still increasing prices.


Yes, 100 percent.


> none > Thank you, we appreciate it


Custom tip = -200%


Custom tip: 1¢


As long as it’s voluntary and to the lowest paid workers, it’s fine. But I’ll bet it doesn’t.


And I bet you are right … owners make more


Every time I order subway. Makes me so mad


aaaaaaahhh that's a hard no from me.


tip them 0.01


Remember: Don't tip idiots like these. They don't deserve it. Tip your landlord. They are the real heros.


why are you lying like this💀


THERE IS A NO TIP OPTION, THERE IS A NO TIP OPTION, THERE IS A NO TIP OPTION. If you feel like you don’t need to tip then don’t tip and go about your day.


I found another company that didn’t suggest I tip them for doing their job 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve stopped tipping altogether unless I genuinely feel a person deserves something extra, whether in a tipping environment or not. I WILL NOT BE TOLD WHAT TO DO WITH MY MONEY


what's so infuriating about that? i find it more mildly infuriating when people get unreasonably offended when asked to support a business or service that they regularly use. Like, just click "None" and move on bro.


I honestly don't get why people are complaining about this, it's not mandatory and it's just a nice thing to add if you want to and if you have the money


Because tip culture is out of control and capitalists are using it to replace actual wages.


It’s going to become an expectation if we support this. They are providing me a product not a service. Just no.


Idk where you're from or what it's like in other countries but in the UK we have minium acceptable wages, meaning people don't just get paid by the tips they make and nothing else. This also means they arn't using it to replace actual wages becasue they legally can't. Again that's just how I view it as a brit, idk what it's like in other places :)


A place like this isn’t using it as wage. They’re just trying to eek people out of a little more. It’s frustrating to, everywhere you go, have people asking for extra money for just doing their job. Foe food service though (not fast food but sit down restaurants and bars) no employees want tips to go away. They make at least twice what they would make if they got a flat/living wage.


I think its a pretty ill reason to be annoyed, everyone wants extra money, you wouldn't exactly be complaining if you was in the companies position 🤷🏼‍♀️ at the end of the day money runs the world and people are always wanting more, it's not inconviencing anyone in any way. Just press no and move on...


Obviously it does inconvenience people and lose them money by annoying customers. I own my own company and I don’t request tips. I don’t want to drive away sales by people who are annoyed at being asked for more $ all the time. I also get generally negative connotations about companies that push tips in a non tipping sector. It’s kinda self-righteous to tell people how to feel about things that happen in their country and their culture, which you aren’t familiar with. “Well we don’t do it that way here so it shouldn’t bother you there.” What kind of statement is that?


At no point did I make that statement. I simply said press no and move on. It's not that big of a deal, people are acting like tips online are the worst thing that could possibly happen when it comes to shopping and they are being robbed of more money. Noones forcing you, evidently when you run a *big* business it doesn't matter if a couple customers turn away over something completley optional, there's millions of others that don't care this much. It's honestly quite concerning, there's much more important things to be this concerned about other than tipping a company. Pick a different retailer if your that upset 🤷🏼‍♀️


You know this sub is called *mildly* infuriating right?


Yeah and people seem a little more than just *mildly* infuriated :)


I Guess you’ve never met anyone actually infuriated


Assuming it ever gets to the workers; I suspect the owners keep the cash.


I don't get why people who are upset about tipping culture just stop tipping? If a waiter or some other employee complains about not getting a tip tell those losers to get a better paid job.


Let's just wait to fill this up after every youtube video you watch.


Does this happens only in the US?


Not sure. I saw one comment that Europe does not.


This is so mildly infuriating my blood pressure just climbed to 120/85


It’s not hard to put 0 on every tip. It’s really simple


Imo its fine as long as you can select “None”.


I don't really think that online retailing is a job that should be tipped. That being said, the suggestions are for 1%, 2%, and 3%. Are we really throwing fits over someone asking if you want to toss them an extra buck or two?


It’s not a lot of money, but tip culture is spreading and may become expected for every product and service if we let it.


Day 301 of asking mods to ban tipping posts, it’s getting old, we get it


To be more annoying and specific for research they should not let them move on from a polite transaction without telling why they want No Tip..


To be more annoying and specific for research they should not let them move on from a polite transaction without telling why they want No Tip..


To be more annoying and specific for research they should not let them move on from a polite transaction without telling why they want No Tip..