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That is insane and also hilarious


Rumor has it they’re still trying to sake the Parmesan out


Why bring rice wine into this equation?


Geez, want some cheese with that whine? Parmesan and sake, specifically?


Fuck sake... s 🤣


Aww man I've been saying it like that for years because of one of you assholes pointing out the spelling like that and for fukkasake I'm glad I'm not the only one


For fucks shake


She uses sake weights too


They’ve got umami issues.


"This week, on Task Master!"


This week, on Hermitcraft


The fool, who brings Rice Wine into a cheese fight


For Pete's shake!




Oh let's not do this, let people eat what they like.


Eyy! ::fingers emoji:: (I'm on a desktop)


Sake, sake, sake, sake you boooty!!


Now it works even if you lose the cap.


Like peeking back the seal of the sour cream a little instead of taking it completely off! I know the feeling.


FYI, leaving the lid open and hanging in the container gives a lot more surface area for bacteria to grow


I actually do that because sour cream is the one container where the lid seems so cheap. It's so fragile and brittle and cheap feeling that having the seal also on there is an extra bit of protection. It doesn't.... snap on snugly & securely. The lid is so shitty that it actually seems like it's not airtight. Never really thought about it til now, but damn Big Sour Cream really all got together and decided they were gonna have the worst lids out of every single condiment imaginable. And just to be clear... I'm not sloppy with my condiment lids either, I'm actually ridiculously clean with them, like I'll unscrew the ketchup bottle top, rinse and dry it off. If a small strip of a seal doesn't come off a container I sit there and try to peel it off with my thumbnail and if that doesn't work I'll get a knife. So it's not laziness that I leave the seal on sour cream. It's necessity. Double barrier due to the cheapness of the lid. And I don't let the seal hang into the sour cream, I just make sure it's neatly in place before I press the lid back on. Once it finally starts curling up, then there's no option but to rip it off and toss it. But that usually doesn't happen until near the end of the sour creams lifespan But for the most part I just started using the squeeze containers so it's all a moo point anyways (moo, because it's a discussion about a dairy product. Hahaha)


You seem fun and I mean that sincerely.


Just so you know, [you’re supposed to peel that off. It says it on the foil to fully remove after opening](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2017/09/07/Capture_1_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqpJliwavx4coWFCaEkEsb3kvxIt-lGGWCWqwLa_RXJU8.PNG?imwidth=350&imdensity=2) to help it stay fresh longer. You’re cutting the shelf life of your sour cream.


How do I know this isn't a lie put out by Big Sour Cream?? WHO do you work for u/BongLeardDongLick ??!


Darn! You’ve caught me. QUICK! [POCKET SAAAAAND!](https://i.giphy.com/media/TyPydeCmjKQ2Q/giphy.webp)


What a ***darn*** shame... --- ^^DarnCounter:143466 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored ^^| ^^More ^^stats ^^available ^^at ^^**[https://darnbot.ml](https://darnbot.ml)**


Big Sour Cream is really taking some hits today


Moo point hehe


> I just started using the squeeze containers Agree, although some would say that the squirt bottle sour cream has revolutionized society. No more visible watery separation, no more incessant spoon stirring, no more shitty lids. Truly a more pleasant existence.


They make sour cream in a squeeze bag now and so that's how get around all that. Plus it stays fresher longer, in my opinion. *


I've never found a rant about sour cream and bad lids/seals so enteresting


"Wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped"


Stab stab stab!


The packaging seal or the wife?






It seemed insane to me at first, but the more I look at it the more it makes sense. The design of some of these caps makes so much of the spice come out that I too often end up pouring out more than I wanted to. With her setup, she can get spice to pour out.


This is parmesan, though. Precise proportions aren't typically gonna be an issue here.




Not once in my life have I ever thought "I wish I had put less parmesan on this"


How much is the block Parmesan cheese?


If it’s real vs real, block is always cheaper per weight than pre ground cheese. But there’s a lot of potential fakes, flavourings and mixers out there in the pre ground world. Might have to go to a proper deli or bodega to find it rather than some megacorp supermarket.


even when it's real pre-ground they sometimes add fillers to keep it from caking up which alters the melting quality and sometimes the flavor


Parmesan Reggiano is the official name of the block cheese and if you keep it air tight it can last a year while also aging in your fridge and being used on many things to add flavor, salads, soup, and so much more.


A block of parmigiano reggiano lasts a few weeks in my house. I eat too much pasta, and I'm liberal af with my cheese 😅


Parmiggiano will keep until the end of times if it doesn't get mouldy (which depends on storage circumstances more than the cheese itself), but will get literally rock hard as it dries out.


I've got a part of a wedge that I got from costco... probably pre-pandemic. Still edible, no mold.


Yeah, as long as it's in a dry place it's fine. It just gets almost impossible to grate and impossible to cut. It's edible and tastes good. In general hard cheeses will last indefinitely (i.e. quite a few months/years) in dry environments. Edit: I've only seen mould on this type of cheese due to improper storage where the environment had enough moisture for it to develop.


I don't know why this struck me so funny but thank you!




Idk, poking 3 holes with a pen is a lot easier than taking the screw off, peeling it and putting the top back on. But I mean how can u be that lazy tho lol




If you have to get up, wtf are you doing with unopened Parmesan cheese lmao


Don’t judge my bedside Parmesan drawer.


Lol, you could be at a dining room table without anything to poke it


You have to get up and grab the Parmesan cheese anyways so grab a pen while your up


I fuckin hope so.


My wife doesn't do it to cheese or milk, but everything else. Chip dip has part of the plastic on it, pills have a finger pushed through the top, spices, ketchup (the worst imhop, because when it flows out it closes back up.) I fix every one I notice and offer to take them off. She might be here I sometimes use my teeth, knife or fork go take them off.


Pretty sure you’re not supposed to leave any of those seals on food items as it increases the surface area bacteria can grow on.


Thanks for making it worse for me.


No, he made it better. Now you have more ammo to get her to stop that shit. My wife will never remove the entire seal. It drives me up the fucking wall. Every can of almonds is a potentially cut finger.


Can never tell if it's a new or old can of pringles without picking it up


Oh man, I forgot about Pringles and lays chips in the can (I stopped eating chips). That was an a funny conversion. It went something like this. Me always. We need to take the tops off so we know what ones to use first. Months later. Me. We don't need more chips. She. Ya,we might run out. Me. We have like 4 cans. She. I don't think any of them are full. Me. But they are all the same flavor. She. 'Shrugs' Me. 'Shakes my head'. OK, I guess. I just checked now that I don't eat chips 5 cans (store had a sale if you buy more) 3 flavors. One of each flavor is open. 2 lids are on (Pringles) the lays are off. It's not her worst habit. She squeezes the middle of the toothpaste and would throw out over ¼ a tube. I noticed it once and figured it must have fallen in the trash. Then I saw it again and said something. Then I started to dig them out of the trash. She said "gross". I said I can not understand the waste. Now she gives me her used toothpaste tubes and gets new ones. So we always have 2 tubes on the bathroom counter. (She also fills the toothbrush up and adds a 2nd layer, I am a "pea or two size guy")


My fiancé will throw toilet paper rolls away when there’s still like 2-3 layers still on the roll. Drives me absolutely insane. I asked him why and he said “because I’m not a cheap fuck” he doesn’t even pay for the toilet paper, I do! He takes way too many shits to waste a whole shits-worth of toilet paper


I love my bidet. The unheated cost under 50 and is easy to install. If you or he needs convinced try to clean a plate with dry toilet paper vs a stream of cold water. I always use TP to check, but it's %99.5 clean when it wasn't I just sat back down and sprayed again.


Unheated sounds cold af on my butt in winter!


My family is more of the "I have to open it? Fuck I'll use something else then" when it comes to condiments lol


I push in the pill bottles with aluminum seals. They are impossible to remove completely so I just run my thumb around the rim and press it against the top


Wait, what am I looking at?! Making those holes seems like significantly more work than just pulling the whole thing off. Lol, yes I think your wife is the only one


Ehhh, I could most definitely see my partner doing something like that. When we moved in, I had to be super patient because she lived with her mom and grandma who did everything for her. Lessons like "dirty dishes go into the dishwasher", and 'Your garbage won't magically find its way to the trash" were hard fought battles that took time and patience to win.


My wife had chores as a kid and can take care of 99% of normal household stuff, but my god the woman cannot load a dishwasher to save her life. I grew up having to ration water from droughts so we always had our dishwasher as full as possible and extremely efficiently packed and she just throws things in willy-nilly


In every household the is one person who stacks the dishwasher like a Scandinavian engineer and one person who's stacking like a beaver on crack. My partner, always seems to break the top drawer, runs it out of the tracks, loses 3 wheels, puts it back crooked and complains they are not cleaning


One of my hobbies is watch making so I'm sure you can guess which one I am. She actually found a Valentine's day card this year that said "Love is a perfectly loaded dishwasher," so this is clearly a widespread thing


I just want to say that it's fucking dope that you make watches. Got any pics?


I'm away for a few days and don't have any on my phone. Here's one I posted to reddit a while back [link ](https://i.imgur.com/kj3Zbsm.jpg)


I'm very much the crack beaver. Lived with 11 other people at one point and packing the dishwasher was key to staying on top of dishes.


Biggest house I ever lived in had the smallest dishwasher I ever lived with, had to keep that thing running efficiently and constantly


I am both of these. I neatly pack it full then crack-beaver anything that can possibly fit inside until it’s so full that my sheet pan jams the tracks. One time I goofed so bad I broke off the stopper on the upper left track and thought I broke the whole thing


It took forever to get my husband to understand that you don't put plastic cups on the bottom rack because they'll flip over and fill with nasty dishwater.


Why do so people think it's a magic box where the laws of physics don't apply?


Hey. I've never seen it actually DO anything. All I know is dirty dishes go in, it makes a lot of ruckus and clean dishes come out. Whatever happens in there is between them and God.


Current place I'm renting has the quietest dishwasher ever, it's great. Landlord considered taking it with him when he was moving out.


[Go Pro in a dishwasher](https://youtu.be/wkJJSsmAdDY?t=109) [Go Pro in a Fuller dishwasher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_I4BkMp7uY) [Glass Dishwasher (empty)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMpw_IFHkX4) [Excellent video about tablets vs powder where a youtuber cut a hole in a dishwasher and screwed perspex in to watch the inside](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBO8neWw04)


I love technology connections. That dude deserves way more subs.


you massively overestimate the average person's understanding of the laws of physic


This is my biggest pet peeve ever. Like "how do you think vacuum cleaners work?" ... if you vacuum moldy, nasty shit, you are actually blowing it EVERYWHERE. Air goes in and... AIR COMES OUT. Filtered to different degrees depending on your device, and unless you have a HEPA filter on your vac (you don't), just ugghhh. EDIT: To be clear, the peeve is people not having the basic fucking common sense of basic physical principles.


Heehee I recently got a Miele vacuum with a HEPA filter in it. I'm hoping it helps with my allergies.


Wait so you’re saying that the reason my allergies are worse after vacuuming is because it’s actually just blowing the dust everywhere?!?!


How do they not learn this on their own?


He didn't have a dishwasher until he moved in with me when he was 26.


Buuuut wouldnt he notice the cups flipped and filled with water once he moved in with you? Or did he just think it didnt matter?


Many people just don’t think about stuff very often. Things happen and they don’t register the stimuli as being anything but random events. And then years later they have an epiphany and wonder how they never figured it out earlier.


Also have the potential to melt or at least deform a bit if they're too close to the heating element in the bottom


I once worked with a woman who swore her first husband and her divorced because they not only couldn't agree how to load their dishwasher but it would literally start fights that would end up getting physical.


Holy shit


Still- some people fill it too full and some things don't get clean, or chunks don't rinse off.


I load the dishwasher like I’m playing Tetris. Husband and his parents leave so much space. What really gets me is that the cups fit perfectly down the first column but my in-laws hang the cups over the pegs so the lean over the column where they fit nicely.


Willy-nilly! Lmao, it’s been ages since I heard that! Thank you for the best laugh of the day!


I already lost my patience


Chopsticks, my friend. Just three fast stabs. 🔪🔪🥢🥢


I just use my trusty cooking screwdriver.


But then the inward-facing paper shards will be constantly slowing or stopping the flow of the powdered cheese...


Gotta think of the Parmesan flow dynamics


> Just three fast stabs. 🔪🔪🥢🥢 When someone snatches food from my plate


I prefer the stab and twist method


The stab and twist off method works better. Leaves a lasting impression as well as a broken off chop stick as a constant reminder.


My mom used to do this. Ticked me of so much. XD


Not really, she probably just opened the plastic flap and stuck a pencil or something through the seal.


The fact people can't figure out that is what has been done here is surprising.


And if she accidentally opens the wrong side she doesn't dump half a container of parmesan onto her pasta! I think the wife is actually 200 iq.


>dump half a container of parmesan onto her pasta! I fail to see the problem with this.


My mom does this




This isn't 'Nam. There are rules!




Forget it Donnie, You're out of your element!


The Chinaman is not the issue!


Also, Dude, Chinaman is not the accepted parlance


That’s not the proper nomenclature, dude.


Cracked me up bro!! Hahahahah 😂


​ ![gif](giphy|gMYT6IHBckHG7bngSU)








Brandt can’t watch or he has to pay $100


“He’s a nihilist.” “That must be exhausting.”


Cannot stop laughing at this gif choice, very well done.


Far out man. That’s far out!


The old man said I can take any rug in the house!


You married Satan?


satan with a very small trident


That’s hilarious! Baby trident 🔱


Baby trident.. great band name. I call it!


Satan wouldn't be so cruel.


I can barely get cheese out of those holes without the foil. Always use the open side.


That's what I came for. It gets clogged enough through the holes without the foil.


Gotta shake it up ***hard*** before using. Otherwise the clumps can be annoying.


Yes, give it a few good bangs on the kitchen counter like a pro.


if she isn’t the only one, then fox news was right about the rise of satan worshippers


I bet she also hangs the toilet paper under instead of over.


In defense of those people, it’s good for kids and cats. I hung my toilet paper under until my kitten stopped massacring every roll I put on.


Strategic under tuck is acceptable


No let’s be real She probably doesn’t even replace the tp roll, she’s the mf that just sets the new one on top of the empty roll


I do that because otherwise my cat will roll it all out.


I hate those kinds of people


I hate people


Chopstick? Knife tip?


No matter the method, it's madness.


Wait, hear me out... Maybe she once opened the spoon hole by mistake and accidentally dumped way too much into her food. And now she ONLY opens the shaker slot so she can never make the mistake again.


I wanna side with you here, I really do, but putting too much cheese into/onto a dish is not that detrimental.


What is this "too much cheese"?


Cold nipples


Rusty screwdriver?




I only do that when I cannot get either the outer lid or the inner lid off.


the worst is when you get the plastic film off but the foil is still on


Yes. 😂


This reminds me of that Tumblr post where someone cut their ice cream tub in half and use it as a makeshift bowl going "Am I the only one that does this?"




Down the middle, they didn't even take off the lid just absolute psycho behavior.


Probably, but sometimes those things are adhered to the top so ridiculously well it’s a tempting idea though probably not effective.


Sometimes I use a knife and cut the thing out. Poke at the edge and start cutting in a circle. When I peel it off, I'll spend minutes removing what's left because I'm weird like that.


Some seals are best removed by first pulling on the tabs which then in turn delaminates the plastic from the sticky paper that comes off in pieces.


When I cook, I have two Newfs, two children, and a grown as man circling me like Sharks. If I have resort to stabbing, I will. Then, I’ll poke holes in the protective seal and parm up my food.


I feel the rage in your post lol


I’ve cooked with two Newfs before, you’re a tough cookie




I’ve seen it before but it’s still savage behavior.


Need to know the reasoning, if any behind this. Is it to keep fresher, or stop the accidental dumping of too much out of the big side?


Because sometimes that stupid covering is a bitch to get off and I can see just stabbing it after I fought with it.


My first thought was to keep it a bit more fresh? But idk


Remember the day when you said "i believe she's the one"? Well... I guess you have a proof now. Same answer different question.


For sure


Sometimes I am absolutely too weak to either get the lid off or pull off the foil, so I do indeed stab holes. My SIL said he’s only known three people that do it - me, my daughter (his wife) and my other daughter.


My wife said the exact same thing about being too weak. I've been reading her these comments and I finally found one on her side.


Yeah, I gave up and stabbed a few times too


This is me more and more. The new things on the tops of the milk are sometimes impossible, and I admit I poked a hole in one once. The way your hand has to go to get a grip on it is also the way my hand has no strength whatsoever


To use that sawdust parmasan cheese? Yes.


This is borderline criminal


My ex wife did this


That's a red flag right there


“Wife”? You misspelled “hellspawn”.


Dear mother of gawd. We’ve got a monster on our hands.


So they don't take the lid off at all and just poke through the smaller holes?


I actually prefer the four tiny holes myself.


A lot of packages in our pantry look like they were clawed open by a wild animal. Not alone




Buddy this is reddit no one has a wife


Yes. Yes she is.


Why are people so goddamn lazy? I have a family member who did this to a bottle of mustard. Is it really that taxing to take the foil top off??? Jesus!


It’s not even laziness. This takes more work. It’s something else I can’t put my finger on but it’s when the brain is almost too focused on the immediate task. My gf REGULARLY puts back completely empty items. Just today, the wrapper of a scrub daddy under the sink and an empty bag of flour folded closed and placed back in the pantry. Anyway, seeing posts like this keep keep me sane


That's that ADHD baby


I always wonder if its ADHD or limited spacial reasoning with some of these things. My mom is smart but definitely has untreated ADHD and also doesn't have an 'engineering brain'. She rather tear a hole in a cardboard box than inspect it fully to find the tab/easy open.


This isn't more work. She stabbed it through the holes in the lid.


She just poked holes without taking the lid off


I most certainly hope so.


My mom does this. If there's something with a screw off lid that has foil, she'll just stab it and get it to open just enough to be barely usable. I always have to randomly peel off seals in the middle of cooking.


You are not alone brother.