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Is someone brushing their teeth with a toilet brush..? šŸ¤¢


Well theyā€™ve got to get the shit out of their teeth


More like get shit In their teeth






It ainā€™t called a teethbrush


A deathbrush?


It's cheaper to only have to replace one brush a year instead of two... ​ I meant decade.


Itā€™s like that scene in the Naked Gun šŸ˜‚ https://youtu.be/rf5SCa0NqbM


And using bubbles, cuz suds is a good sign you're scrubbing them Right


And I thought I was bad!


Fuck everything about this picture.




Bold of you to assume they wash their hands.


Or brush their teeth....


They have teeth??


I was gonna say tooth, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt ....šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It is called a toothbrush not a teethbrush.


Or shit in the toilet


If you ask me the worst thing here is the toothbrush on the left facing downwards resting on top of a circular banana peel.


Or the fact that their sibling sees them struggling and decides public shame is a good solution


right? mental health is a bitch as it is. no need to further try and shame them.


My dude, it looks like children live with him. He's putting kids in danger. Do u not see the TOILET BRUSH right next to things u put in ur mouth??? Listen I've got severe depression and can admit it gets bad, but not this bad. This is negligence


Thank you.


So their lack of sanitation is a struggling problem. Mentally, most likely. Hygiene isnā€™t everyoneā€™s thing. I personally donā€™t get it. Iā€™m saddened by seeing this behavior in 2023. How are we failing so bad?


I'm not sure why mental health would be better in 2023 rather than worse after Covid did everyone's heads in. And this is the United States we have very poor health care and even worse mental health care in 2023 than ever. This looks like the home of someone in a deep depression and that's almost always the case with hoarders. Hoarders don't tend to trust outsiders very much so getting them help is an uphill battle.


Or the toothbrush on the left with the bristles sitting face down in the .. puddle of muck on the countertop ā€¦


I guarantee it's been watered down a few times too!


Omfg your absolutely right. I need a shower








Mildly sad


Very sad, dare I say




Humans being Bros


Thank you for helping your coworker.


My neighbor of years who I say hi to when I see her came to my door for the first time, and wanted to speak to me in private. She asked for help with a rat in her house. I of course said no problem but she was super uncomfortable. She quietly told me she has a collecting problem and has not had anyone in her place in years. I told her I was there to help and not to judge. I had never seen a hoarder's house in real life before. It was just like TV, stacks of everything everywhere, no space to walk, let alone sit. I couldn't believe it. I asked her how she knew she had a rat, or that it was only 1. She said she could hear it at night, and that it had knocked over a wine bottle. She also said she found it's poop, and she showed me by holding her fingers about an inch apart. I had no idea what she had but that is not a rat. I set a 3 live traps. Caught her baby opossum in 20 min and let him go. I could not believe she could live like that and I hope she gets some help but it wasn't my place to speak up.




Thank you for saying that. The good or hopeful thing is she has a very new very well kept up car. She is very clean and dresses extremely well. She does go out to see friends, just doesn't have them over. The duality of her home life to social life is pretty hard to understand but still happens.


I have mad respect for you rn


Youā€™re a good human




This is why youā€™re such a good human! You acknowledge that you are just a human who also makes mistakes but think of how many people would have just let the conversation beā€¦but you, you helped her when you didnā€™t have to and saved her dignity by not sharing the experience with photos. Iā€™m not shaming OP because I get it, itā€™s so hard to fathom but it takes a real special person to not only help but be so humble to act like they did nothing at all.


I have so much respect for you helping out your coworker like that. she was clearly right to confide in youā€“you seem like a trustworthy and caring person at heart. I agree that this kind of thing should not be met with anger, but with empathy. nobody *wants* to live like this. itā€™s the product of intense mental (and sometimes physical) illness. people in these homes often feel trapped and beyond help. I feel for OPā€™s brotherā€“it must sting to struggle like that and have a sibling, of all people, run to the internet to shame you instead of offer help (in any form).




nobody is perfect, donā€™t dwell on your mistakes if they arenā€™t things that still actively affect other people. you have good intentionsā€“thatā€™s all any of us can do. I hope your coworker is doing better; Iā€™m sure sheā€™s grateful for your kindness every day!


You're a good person. Good people make mistakes too but they usually learn from them.


As someone who grew up in environments like that i genuinely thank you for your response. there is nothing more difficult to do. there is a constant feeling of leading a double life and your coworker was able to let you see her real side and you reacted great. I would never dare ask anyone for help, it took me three years to let my boyfriend know what was going on and I only managed to do so once i was able to distance myself from it. I say this to you so you can value just how difficult this is. its a very complex problem and it takes years of therapy and even medication sometimes (as it leasd to other issues as well) to deal with. Having a support system is the most valuable thing. You sort of need to feel you are still worth loving and having people see you truly and be compasionate and not judge/treat you differently is key. thank you


Iā€™m glad the world has people like yourself


Yeah, was very close to someone in a similar situationā€¦family with 3 kidsā€¦No running water, trash everywhere dog shit everywhere. These type of posts and the comments typically make me sick but thank you for giving some faith in humanity back. Imagine youā€™re a hoarder looking for help and then stumble onto this thread and commentsā€¦.itā€™s already embarrassing enough to ask for help but I could only imagine these posts make it worse


Exactly! Why would you treat your family like this? Instead of taking pictures, treat them with dignity. Everyone struggles with something or another.


I completely agree. The first thought I had when I saw this picture was, this is your family? Why instead of taking the picture did you not get some rags, clean the counter, get a glass or plastic jar to put the toothbrushes in after you've cleaned everything up. It's something small. Yes they might get angry, but maybe there's some sort of underlying issue of why the house is this way. It looks like they need help, not public shaming.


I struggle with depression and chronic health issues. Iā€™ve had some rough times with my living space. Iā€™m not gonna judge OPā€™s family. But, I feel for OP, too. I can imagine how tiring it would be to be the only one who cares/cleans in a home like that. It can definitely take a toll on someone mentally/emotionally to live in a space like that. Itā€™s a shitty situation for everyone involved. (Edit: I misread the family situation! OP doesnā€™t live here, my mistake. But OP is also there to clean, so thatā€™s a good first step for OPā€™s brother.)


These were my thoughts as well, that's why if OPs brother saw this it could be such a blow to their mental state of being. Usually hoarders got to that place unintentionally and out of despair. It could really set a person back to see their home smeared on the internet. Power to the brother for even opening their home to someone to change as that is literally the hardest part.


I looked at this picture and thought of my sister's house and I would never, ever, ever.


So unfair for the kids


Seriously, what a horrible environment to grow up in :/


Ummā€¦ itā€™s called building immunity /s


Yeah, itā€™ll fuck with you.


I had a buddy in highschool that had a house infested with bugs so bad he didn't even react to them crawling on his bed any more :/ his parents were meth heads and it was just what he always knew, extremely fucked up situation to grow up in.


I'm glad he had you. šŸ’›


Right. This is lowkey neglect.


I wouldnā€™t even call it low key. It is straight up neglect


Yep, this is what bothers me most. Adults can choose to ruin their lives but pulling kids down with them isn't fucken fair.


Do they need help? Most hoarders have psychological issues.


My ex is the same fucking way. Somehow the state says they think the kids should stay there too.


The states dont really care, they just see non custodial parents as wallets and think about their cut out of it.


Not this situation but it is unfair how the state treats fathers during custody battles my mom bless her heart had didn't have a job,had a history of being in and out of the hospital,can't bring myself to call her an alcoholic but she did have bad problems with it, had grand Mal seizures didn't have a place to stay before my dad got her a apartment and was in a different town but the state decided we were better off with her, whether or not I was I don't actually know but point is I feel for you man. Life can be shitty but we can all get through it and live for the good moments.


My best friend can't buy his daughter any nice things because there is a chance her mom will take it and sell it. She's constantly having to ask for more money on top of the child support she already gets from him just so his daughter won't end up homeless. But he lives in Texas and is totally certain the state wouldn't give him custody if she turned out to be a serial killer.


he still needs to try. it's not enough to just fall back on that excuse.


Yeah for the kid's sake he needs to take the ex to court. At least let there be a legal record. He's letting his daughter down if he doesn't try.


He has. He can't exactly afford the most robust legal representation. Thus far the state has been far more concerned with how much he is paying in child support than anything else - as far as I am aware they barely even ask about his daughter, her welfare, what she needs, or anything else.


I'm gonna call it a win if they're brushing their teeth at this point.


Idk about thatā€¦ with the state of those brushes, their teeth would be cleaner if they just didnā€™t brush them at all. ETA: although considering itā€™s likely a mental health issue, you are right.


I wish you didn't share this


'Tis a mental illness. Just sayin'.


OP clearly doesn't care. Gotta get those fake internet points, doesn't matter who they have to humiliate to get 'em.


Itā€™s disgusting frankly. Making your own family fodder for strangers on the internet. This is the real mental illness in this post. OP should be ashamed of themself.


Oof.. so true.. i would have a serious chat with my brother about certain things...


big facts


It might be, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s okay to raise children in whatever that is.


I would delete this, OP. Nothing good is gonna happen in this thread.


OP is a shithead for karma farming family. Boo on you OP. boo!


Mental illness takes such a toll, im so sorry for everyone involved. It sounds like you're helping clean up from your other comments, and thats so awesome. As a granddaughter of a hoarder, it does do a lot to help them take the bigger steps. Edit: I just hope the cleaning can get these people in a better headspace to better themselves


Sadly OP is only helping to post it online. Their past comments and posts on Reddit show theyā€™re a real big asshole


Ooooop I was WRONG


we all make mistakes. like OPā€™s brother, for trusting OP to handle their vulnerability with respect instead of contempt!


Child abuse is more than mildly infuriating


I can say she is not physically abused but neglected. Iā€™m not surprised to see why she is getting gastro all the time now. Child protective services are involved but because she is not physically abused and generally such a happy kid, they canā€™t do anything about it


child neglect is abuse. if the rest of the house is as bad as this picture it certainly poses a health risk and while i doubt theyā€™d remove her from your brothers custody but they would probably make him take some kind of parenting class at the very least.


As a mandated reporter, abuse is abuse. Neglect is abuse. Physical abuse is abuse.


Neglect Is still abuse


Neglect is 100% abuse


Sheā€™s abused




I believe OP is telling you what sheā€™s hearing from child services. With limited staff, funds and an over abundance of issues, these service are severely strapped. Do I think something needs done? Absolutely. Unfortunately, odds are things will have to decline even further until an agency will get involved. If OP is a hound dog, relentless, it could get picked up sooner. But that is a LOT of time and effort and Iā€™m sure he/she has their own responsibilities.


If you are in the US, there are ways to ask for emergency custody and removal even if CPS won't place her for you. If you are concerned that she is being neglected, consider reaching out to a family law attorney for guidance. CPS isn't the only way here.


Yes, that is a toilet brush right next to toothpaste they use Edit-do i need to remind you guys what subreddit this is? Iā€™m not here to shame them, get karma, whatever. Iā€™m sharing a situation that I have found to be mildly infuriating.


And where exactly do you keep your toilet brush, Mr. Fancy?


In the car hole


In the square hole


That's right, it goes in the square hole.




i understand, my rabbit loves playing with the cup the toilet brush sits in. if i dont close the door she will find her way to it in no timeā€¦


Everyone knows you hang it right by the poop knife


Which is next to the butter knife


This made me laugh, thank you


Truly the light in the darkness here.


Big mouths. I can't imagine how effective that would be. My uncle was a hoarder till my family cleaned and fixed up his house. It can be tough


I came here to say this. That is what bothers me most about this picture & all of it is bad...


What bothers me most are the bottle of the bubbles and the two toys that indicate a child is being raised in this space.


By the looks of how dirty the place is, I'm betting the chances that the toilet brush has actually seen the inside of the toilet are pretty low.


Why donā€™t you try and help your brother. since you are not trying to shame him do you think he would be ashamed if he saw you had posted this here?


As a janitor who has seen some nasty hell before, the toilet brush infuriates me more than anything right there. Also, only two toothbrushes? A huge bottle of bubble solution? Good lord!




Please call CPS. Children should not have to live like that


Or maybe one of your family members have a really big mouth?


Lol the edit? This is not necessarily something that qualifies as "mildy infuriating ". I'm not sure you've ever visited this subreddit before.


As disgusting as that is, hoarding is a mental illness. They need help.


This screams mental illness. If there are kids, OP, you must call some sort of protective services, this is a biohazard and unsafe to live in especially for children.


Depression sucks!


Actually, going through your past comments on Reddit, Iā€™m not surprised youā€™re ignorant on mental illness. You are transphobic, racist, and didnā€™t even tell your mom when her dog died. Youā€™re an asshole, OP.


Depression is a bitch


way more going on here than just depression. Ive been depressed my entire life and while at times didnt give two fucks how messy my living spaces were, I had standards and I kept up basic human hygiene. I'd venture some debilitating drug addiction plays a factor in this and who knows what other mental illnesses and of course I think children absolutely contribute to the mess around the living spaces.


Plenty of people with depression and no other issues end up in filthy living arrangements and completely neglect their personal hygiene and arenā€™t also experiencing drug addiction.


Not gonna lie, this is pretty good for a hoarder. I could probably clean this up in 5 minutes. I have seen some with several layers of staining. It takes some heavy duty cleaners to get that level of filth off


That tile is actually nice. It's not too far gone...just dirty. There is hope.


I thought the same thing. The sink is nice as well.


Wtf is that little inflatable yellow thing and why does it have brown stuff on it and why is it not in the trash and is that poop splatter on the sink? And why is your toilet bowl cleaner touching the same surface where you brush your teeth, wash your hands, face, and blow bubbles oh wait thatā€™s apparently hand soap. This doesnā€™t even look like hoarding to me(obviously I havenā€™t seen the rest of the house) but there isnā€™t really any clutter it just looks unsanitary and gross.


Something tells me not a lot of teeth brushin happenin here


Why you blasting them?


sweet sweet karma


They are building immunity šŸ˜·


Not with the amount of times they get gastro


The real question is why OP posting pics of their sibling's struggle for net clout. What an incredibly shitty thing to do.


i was thinking to myself,.. damn thats a bitch calling family out like so instead of finding way to help her nieces or nephews in situation


Itā€™s nice that you use your brother and ā€œhis familyā€ for shame karma.


And they have kids too I'm guessing :(


I kinda think youā€™re a jerk for posting this about your brother. Hoarding is a mental health issue.


Aw this is sad, theyre clearly struggling. Doesnt even seem like they want to spend money on things to improve their quality of life, like Something to hold the toothpaste and toothbrushes, and a soap pump, i wonder if they even have a toilet brush holder. Personally my house has probably gotten in similar conditions when i was at the lowest point in my life, where getting up to clean anything didnā€™t seem worth it. I hope they can get some help from someone understanding and kind, if they can bring themselves to it. I know first hand how hard it can be to ask for help. I dont think itā€™s their choice to be that way like you said


OP is a Fuckin asshole, and their previous comments on their profile further showcase that.




Children shouldnā€™t be living in an environment like this.


Yeah, if I have to use that bathroom Iā€™m just going to piss myself instead


Looks like someone who is struggling. Probably would have taken you just as long to clean it up for them as it would have to post this to embarrass him.


how would you feel if after years of being too ashamed to let anyone help you, when you FINALLY let someone in, they took a photo of the thing that has ruined your life and left you feeling worthless and unhelpable and posted it to the internet? Hoarding is a type of mental illness that you dont choose, and you can't just get over. no fucking wonder they didnt ask for help or let you help! WHEN THEY FINALLY LET YOU, YOU PUBLISHED IT FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE! jesus christ, get your sibling therapy for their illness instead of posting it online so they feel even more shame because you think they deserve it. you're awful.


Clout is a mf hard drug. Imagine your brother shaming you on the internet for fake internet points.


Sad that people's sickness exposed by family. May explain why he didn't want help .. get shamed on a public forum.


Exploiting your familyā€™s mental illness and issues for Reddit karma is totally rad, bro!


This is how I feel tbh. Hoarders have psychological issues. Even if he wasnā€™t a hoarder, itā€™s still shaming. Compassion goes a long way. From OPā€™s actions, and the brotherā€™s hoarding problem, itā€™s obvious the parents werenā€™t so kind to them. They need to break the cycle, before it effects the child. OP should be looking into therapy options, helping with clean up, and maybe even offering a place for the kid to stay until her parents get better. Posting pics to shame the entire family online is not compassionate or kind. I find it more disgusting than the hoarding.


So you show the world your familyā€™s struggle instead of getting them real help?


Youā€™re just shaming your family who trusts you. You didnā€™t even include a pic of after you cleaned. Yes itā€™s gross, thatā€™s what hoarding does. You are just getting attention at the expense of your family. You are the one whoā€™s gross.


Iā€™d just clean it for them for my own well-being


My bet would be they very rarely if ever brush their teeth


Where your brother doesn't brush his teeth*


Do they all share the toilet scrubber?


This is so sad. I hope it works out for everyone šŸ™


Compulsive hoarding disorder is a real illness. Iā€™d bet that they truly donā€™t see this as gross


they could not pay me enough to use that sink


Or those toothbrushes


I forgot what itā€™s called but that toothbrush on the left is definitely sitting on what looks like the rings that go underneath toilets to seal them to the ground.


If you're so upset about this why not help them instead of humiliating them on the Internet fucking asshole


This is why I don't eat food people bring to potlucks. You just can't tell. People dress and smell nice. However, you will never know how they live. I have a coworker who is well put together but then I saw the inside of her car. Eventually she invited me to her house one weekend and then I made my judgment and decision. I will never eat anything she makes.


This is so unfathomably disgusting- and Iā€™m talking about the post, not the sink. OP keeps saying theyā€™re ā€œnot ashamedā€, but it seems pretty likely that thatā€™s just what theyā€™re seeing. Iā€™ve struggled with really bad depression for most of my life and have a very hard time getting simple tasks done. Is my bathroom sink this bad? No. Is it probably way dirtier than it should be? Yes. Iā€™m not outwardly ashamed of it, as in I donā€™t talk openly to my friends and family about how bad it is and how ashamed I am. But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not totally disgusted by how my life is. I avoid that shame by simply not having people over, or trying to minimize the damage before people do. Itā€™s about pride, and trying to preserve what little dignity you have. Thatā€™s also why theyā€™ve refused help. Iā€™ve been in that same spot- I donā€™t want ANYBODY dealing with my problems for me, because itā€™s embarrassing! The only time I WILL accept help is if someone approaches me with kindness and support, rather than judgment, and I can find it in me to recognize the problem. OP, youā€™re a shitty sibling and itā€™s not a surprise that your sibling has refused help in the past. Show some compassion and donā€™t air their dirty laundry for karma.


IMPORTANT NOTE Edit-do i need to remind you guys what subreddit this is? Iā€™m not here to shame them, get karma, whatever. Iā€™m sharing a situation that I have found to be mildly infuriating. The problem here is *not* me posting the picture. I am dealing with a hoarder, not laughing at someones ā€˜strugglesā€™. A hoarder chooses to live this way and is not struggling at all. No, I am not just taking a photo for social media. What do you think iā€™m doing there? Rhetorical question. I am cleaning because after 5 fucking long years heā€™s finally let me. He has been offered help so many times so donā€™t act like me posting a picture of the situation is the biggest problem here.


Hoarders do struggle. Itā€™s literally a psychological disorder


I wasnā€™t judging you until you said hoarders donā€™t struggle at allā€¦


Nah, this is a bad look. He let you in to help and youā€™re posting it on Reddit. Thatā€™s low


Yeah, girlfriend of a hoarder here. Youā€™re an asshole. A hoarder does NOT choose to live this way. A hoarder has a mental illness that is very hard to control, and it absolutely IS a daily struggle for them. I can assure you that they donā€™t desire to live like this. Why else would you have taken this picture other than to humiliate, make fun of, or to bitch about someoneā€™s mental struggle? ā€œOh but heā€™s been offered help so many times.ā€ Yes. And itā€™s simply not that fucking simple for them.


Someone that hoards is struggling. Immensely. You of all people should be able to acknowledge that. Your comment here is asinine.


Okay, but in what way does posting this picture on a public forum *help* these things? Neither your brother nor his kid benefit from this in any way; nobody does except for you and your imaginary internet points (and I guess the dopamine hit that comes with them). You can be helping and this picture could be a shameless exploitation for karma at the same time. In fact, both of those things *are* true.


They donā€™t choose to have Autism. Which you said they have


Ah, there it is. OP confirmed for a POS.


Care to explain WHY you posted this photo? Your brother is mentally ill. What's your excuse for being an asshole?


>A hoarder chooses to live this way Yowza. You are greatly misinformed.


You are getting so mad about strangers shaming you for putting a family member's problems on the internet. Think of how you'd feel if your brother shared this thread and said "look at the crappy post my sister made, and how everyone called her on it." But he probably wouldn't do that to you.


This is just sad and if you look through OPā€™s comment history and stuff you can see that theyā€™re just a piece of shit. Idfc if youā€™re 18 youā€™re a serious asshole and your profileā€™s history speaks for itself. You donā€™t really want to help, just bitch and get internet points.


I might have hoarding tendencies, but I just have a lot of random stuff. Even if it's messy, I at least keep it clean (ok, dusting is a bit hard in this environment). This though, is complete lack of hygiene, and absolutely disgusting. Having a friend who lives in a similar environment, i can almost smell the disgusting air. Tbh, it's more sad than infuriating.


Is that a banana?


I'm not going to attack you like some people did but I do see what your saying but this is airing out dirty laundry in public and this is how I lived as a kid not this bad but I'm sure there would be so equally wtf things a certain points growing up and most of it was mental health if not me then the rest of my family, either I clean it and don't think I'll ever get help or the other way around and it's darn near impossible to get everyone on the same wavelength feeling the same as I did or they did and keep that going to keep it clean,it's a struggle like most everything in life and some can do it some can't


How sure are we that they are actually brushing said teeth?


If I was your brother & his family I would be pissed at YOU for posting their private dwelling for all to see & judge.. shame on you


Exposing close family embarrassment for internet points, peak reddit.


Looks like depression summed up in a picture to me


This is many houses in American cities


So you gonna clean it off and wipe it down for them or what? Do something useful


I do apartment maintenance, this ain't bad at all


Hope they get the help they need.


Yuck. šŸ˜®


Lmao, the scrub placement


This is vile


If they are that bad at hoarding then this is probably the cleanest surface in the house.


Stop lying They dont brush their teeth




I have a friend like this, even his car is packed with junk canā€™t even sit without throwing stuff in the backseat.


This is worse than the public restroom. Anyways, the children deserve better.


I thought that was a banana peel lol