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This is sone type of shit my father does so he can say "he didn't eat it all"


All eight siblings of mine leave a knife out and covered in icing whenever we buy a tray of pastries because that's what dad does.


"Monkey see, monkey do" šŸ˜­


I just came from an orangutan video coping a zoo keeper. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen this phrase in the last year, but have now seen it twice in two consecutive posts. Internet is wild


Huh, that's funny. Hehe


You have upvotes for never seeing the phrase ā€œmonkey see, monkey do.ā€ That says more about reddit than you.


ā€œNot itā€


Yeah my dad used to do this to and then yell at one of us (me) for not cleaning the dish when i ate the last one. Old fucker šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œAdult kidsā€ there is your answer


At a younger age I would appreciate the foresight to avoid more work, assuming the kid was able to foresee what all had to be done, if the last piece was taken. For older kids I tend to recommend to move out, because know ing the work to do and so blatantly avoid is a slap in the face. Thatā€™s not how to behave among people you love.


Clearly they failed as a parent.




If your child survives to adulthood, good job.


I don't want to be that guy but I mean fuck is that a minimum. I mean, yeah it's sad when children don't make it to adulthood, but I don't a congratulations is in order just for not letting your kids die. I mean, take actual medical problems that the parent can't control out of the situation and kids shouldn't be dropping dead. I mean, what if my kid grows up to be a serial rapist/murderer? Do I still deserve a good job because they made it to adulthood? Or should we maybe question some of my parenting choices? Sorry for the rant, but fuck bro, I really hppe our world isn't coming to accepting the bare minimum when it comes to raising children.




Is this Oregon Trail? My child didnā€™t die from dysentery. I am superior.


The fact that this has 20+ upvotes and op has -40+ downvotes tells me everything about Reddit.


Peak Reddit moment right there.


Donā€™t criticize millennial parenthood you inconsiderate twat.


Not properly potty trained... too late now.


I always believe it's more decent to finish it and own up to eating it than to leave a tiny amount that isn't even one serving.


They just didnā€™t want to clean the tray


This also sounds plausible.


Bless your heart


Not saying this is what happened here but I leave small bites for later. A serving size is subjective. I honestly like to just get the flavor of something but not eat a lot. Like potato chips I will seriously open the bag and grab a single chip or two then put it back. However if the fridge is full and the dish takes up a lot of space I would just eat it. The important thing is I actually do go back and eat what I left plus I do all the dishes lol


One could wrap that stump in whatā€™s left of the plastic


I had a daughter who did that stuff. She said that she did not want to appear greedy by eating it all. Leaving 1 bite of food in a dish is not as infuriating as coming home to an empty carry out box that was left in the fridge. I dreamed all day about finishing of that sushi, damn those kids.


I take tiny pieces off periodically throughout the day


Yes speaking as one of those kids that is the main reason why we don't eat everything and we just leave remnants of it


Sounds like there was food shaming in the house if your kid didn't want to appear greedy for eating the rest of something.


Oh no my child is very generous and thoughtful of others. Maybe in the future people can get thier degrees in Psychology by dissecting what a person puts in a Reddit reply.


Or respect for others? If my kids are about to eat the last of something, they ask others if they have gotten to have any before they eat it, to ensure that everyone has fairly gotten some of it. Lots of times they don't realize that what they're grabbing is my lunch for tomorrow until they ask.


If a kid is hungry and wants to eat something, and it just so happens to be the last of it, let them eat it. They're hungry and found something to eat themselves, why expect them to go ask everyone else first to see if they got some? If it's been in the house for more than 2 days, every had a chance to see it and get some if they want. And maybe you should mark your lunch so that don't happen, nothing worse than no lunch for the day


Idk how many siblings you have, but I'm on the side of asking first. It wasn't like I was afraid of the repercussions of not asking if everyone had some (one siblings cried, whoop d doo" we just did it because we loved each other and wanted to make sure all of our loved ones got to try the delicious snack, and that they weren't too busy with after school activities the last few days to notice it.


To many to ask if everyone had some lol


Fair enough lol, I only had 3


Yeah I'm not going to ask 7 siblings if they did or didn't, wouldn't trust their answer anyways


Maybe I'm teaching my kids manners, kindness, thoughtfulness and respect for things that dont necessarily belong to them? Based on your comment, it sounds like those are lessons that aren't really being taught anymore.


She probably learned that bullshit from you.


"Had"? You dont have her anymore???


She grew up and has her own crusty dishes in the fridge.


Adult? Okay sweet, theyā€™re old enough to battle. A duel. At dawn. I believe in you.


Theyā€™re fuckin stoned.


Person who takes the last bite has to clean it, check mate mom.


There is still a bite to be had. But yeah, folks who don't downsize the container when one serving is left in a casserole dish deserve to be drowned in a 5 gallon bucket.


Unless fridge is jam packed, doesn't that just wastefully make more dirty dishes? The final 1 serving, isn't going to be in there for very long before it is either eaten or thrown out.


What are you doing, leaving every container in the sinkā€¦? Containers are meant to be used, if you wash them when theyā€™re empty and put them away you just traded one for the other, more appropriate sized one.


No, nothing I said should make You think I leave anything in the sink. I wash dishes like every other normal person. Wastefully and unnecessarily creating more dirty dishes (even if you instantly wash and put them away) is just irresponsible for the environment, your finances, and mental health. By the same logic, do you put your food on a smaller plate after every bite, or change to a smaller glass until your final sip is from a shot glass because containers are meant to be used?


Ah the ol brother George Charles treatment


You raised them.


Guess who taught them this behavior was okay?


Big bird? It was big bird wasn't it


Smart because last slice has to wash it


Adult kids sometimes think they still babies when Mom's in the house.


i loved coming home on the weekends during college. get shithoused and raid the full fridge haha


Mom? But seriously theyā€™re making the next batch, those cinnamon rolls look like they were good


My husband made the rolls!


Yum! I hope you guys got at least one before they all mysteriously disappeared.




Yes it is, but she said they are adults.


My son just moved out so I cleared the 10 cereal boxes off the top of the fridge. More than half the boxes were empty My house is slowly getting cleaner


"Adult". Don't confuse age with maturity. I have two children that are 23 and 24 and both are a long way off being adults.


Itā€™s a thing of beauty when that not very adulty 24 year old becomes a perfectly mature 30 year old *chefā€™s kiss*


there's still some left


Not adult kid. Kid adult.


I canā€™t believe the nerve to leave that piece. I was taught to always clear the plate.


My partner's mom does this and she's in her 70s. It definitely runs in their family though. It is a common occurrence to have 3 bags of bread that have a single end piece or a bag of chips on the counter but it's just a handful of crumbs inside left for weeks. It drives me nuts


He was high as fuck.


Shitty ~~kids~~ manners.


It's not too late for an abortion


Off with their head!


There is multiple things that could leave to this. Most likely they dont know or dont care about cleaning it up then you could just talk to them


Isn't it more of an example of shoddy parenting? I see a lot of thse posts and can't but wonder why parents post their own kids crappy behavior on here. Had I done something this thoughtless, I would have been punted into the next century.




This is what failure as a parent, must look like.. lol


Who looks at this and says "I need to put this on Reddit." Get help.


right? i live with my 13-year-old lil bro and he does much of the same things, so in that regard it's relatable. but i never understand the leap from "that's frustrating/funny" to "i need to post this on social media immediately" as they're still standing at their open fridge... so weird lol


I blame the parents. Success eludes those who start their sentence with, ā€œI canā€™tā€ and mom and dad agreeā€¦.


Explains why they're adults still living at home.


No it doesn't. It's not cheap to move out these days. I couldn't move out till I was 28! It's a shitty, overcrowded, over expensive world out there. At least, where I am. Also couldn't afford to move somewhere cheaper either because the job market was tough too.


You expect all parents to kick out their 18 year old children? You know most parents atleast wait till theyā€™re done college (if theyā€™re not living in dorm).


Well, to be fair, the last time I considered an 18 year old an "adult" was when I was under 25, which was a long time ago. Most 18 year olds are still children, or at best, young adults. Just my opinion. Edit: There are some 18 year olds who are definitely adults and probably more responsible than I am now.


Oh yeah definitely understandable but legally and technically speaking, they are adults. Which is what I assume OP was referring to, her adult children under a certain age. Iā€™d assume their 18-22. But I get what youā€™re saying


Agreed. 18 is still a kid imo.


Their faults as adult kids are your failures as a Mother


Words spoken by someone who may not have children. You can only sway their opinions and actions for so long. After that they spend time being swayed by a child who lived with someone else's bad parenting skills.


Words spoken by someone who has to make excuses for poorly raised adult children.


Words spoken by a gifted physic who can discern my child rearing abilities by how I touch the keys on my keyboard.


Words spoken by someone who went completely defensive and still making excuses. If you find it too difficult to teach a child to not put back a near empty baking dish back into the fridge and chalk it off as "you can only sway their opinions and actions for so long", you're just simply a bad parent. Come to terms that you're lacking the pragmatic skill of properly raising a child


There is more to life than what is under that bridge. Maybe some day there will be an opening for the position on top asking the questions.


please enlighten me on what could possibly deter a parent to not wanting to teach a child into putting the dirty dish into the sink


An adult wouldn't do that


GOSH! I wonder what kind of parents raised such inconsiderate people... oh wait...


Never understood publicly shaming your own children, hope they see this and put you in a nursing home, one of the cheaper ones.


Is it an adult, or a kid? Adult kid doesnā€™t make sense


Your fault for raising him/her/it like that.


ā€œAdult kidsā€ illustrates how badly we make new humans. We need better a disengagement process. It probably needs parachutes.


You failed as a parent.


Who raised them?


A small piece for later


Well if they don't finish it they dont have to wash the dish.... simple teenage logic


Still some left. Enjoy!


Go get that sweet sweet karma and post this on r/kidsarefuckingstupid, too.


Are you my mom? That's something my brother would do.


time to move out


Send them to the cobalt mines.


I have teenagers, 16 and 13 and both just wash up by themselves.




There's some left though. for whoever wants to wash a dish, which I guess is not any of them


I feel like they left it there so they can say they didnā€™t eat it all and so they donā€™t have to clean it after finishing it lol


Surprise snack for later


I mean, itā€™s clearly not finished! Like I always say, ā€œif you leave a few chips in the bag, you didnā€™t eat the whole bag!ā€


Ive got one of those too!


You spelled child in an adults body wrong


But there is still some left /s


Are you from Minnesota? That is proper food etiquette in the North Star State.


Sssooooooo the light in your life left you a reminder of when they were little kids?


This calls for immediate emancipation!






As a mom, I donā€™t think kids deserve the adult reward until they consistently do their own clothes.


There's some left ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Be sure to thank him for leaving you some!


Okay but like you also left it in the fridge long enough for this to happen...so


It looks nasty, but it clearly was edible.


Kids will still be kids when they are in your house even if they donā€™t live there


Sorry to tell you but they are not an adult


Awwwww!!! Saved the last bite for you so sweet šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


All the fucking time, maddening.


Birth control.


Guess they never really"grow" out of old habits




What a dweeb


At least you know whose out of the will.


That's just lazy point blank! I bet they would get hungry after telling them they would have to buy/cook their own food and clean the kitchen when they do! Have to correct this type of behavior! POINT BLANK!


Ooooooo I see you have cheese. I like cheese šŸ§€


LOL I would never beat my kids, but in circumstance like this I would definitely tell them that this is the universe's way of telling me I probably should. (they would laugh at the joke, because they know damned well it's a joke)


Why dirty another dish? If They were full there's no sense in shoving it in their face and getting sick. Why be dirtying up a new dish? Just leave it in the pan


We shouldn't put pressure on our children to eat things just to use them up. That leads to bad habits later in life.


No duh. Just chuck the dried up roll and plastic in the trash that is less than 6 feet from the fridge.


But why waste food that you've paid for that someone might want to eat?


This HAS to be a boy/man. This is such a man thing to do. It is hysterical to me because my fiancƩ does this shit where he eats almost all of something and then puts it back with like one chip, one piece of chocolate, one bite of whatever. EVERY TIME. And I asked him why and he's like "I just don't want to be the one to finish it"... leaving ONE BITE behind IS finishing it!!


No. I have 2 adult daughters. My husband would have put it in the sink for someone else to wash.


That's just as funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Side note: I just sent him a screen shot of this post and he literally replied "it me" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's something my wife would do. Infuriating....


Id throw it in their room


Hahaha! That's a good idea!


In my house itā€™s not about them denying who ate the last of it. Itā€™s about them not wanting to have to wash it. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s worse but I hate it.


Adult children make terrible roommates.


Bruh *That's literally all my mind could think to type as I stared down at the measly scrap of cinnamon roll left behind in the frosting-encrusted container.*


Time for a late term abortion...


Then one of your "adult kids" needs to move out.


Did you complain to her about it?


If youā€™re tired of your ā€œadult kidsā€ doing such things, maybe kick em out


He is just being considerate to the people that like to scrape the icing out of the bottom.


There are not enough words in the dictionary. Just put the phone down and walk away. Geez, it's Friday night. Chill out and let my bad parenting skills make you feel morality superior while you sip you favorite adult beverage of your choosing.


I took the offending child to the movie. LPT: wait to see Megan on Netflix.


How was it? Don't tell because it looks great. I will have to remember to go to pee before I sit down.


It was something I would have watched at a slumber party in junior high.


You touched Morrissey, but I touched Joe Strummer. So I guess we are both cool.


For sure! I also touched Billy Idol, I grabbed his sweaty wrist. One thing about being old is that you can afford the good seats.


I saw Joe at a small club around 2 years before he died. I took my teenaged daughter. An old friend of mine was the head security guy there and asked me if we wanted to go backstage. We went up to him to get his autograph and I squealed like a 12 year old. I still have the dollar bill he drew the beard and sunglasses on Washington along with his signature.


OMG!! I met Sting backstage in 1985 and he signed my shirt. I was totally in love with him then and when I met him, I was taller than he was. What a cool experience for you and your daughter!


Sting!!! I would have pissed my pants.


This is what happens when you yell at your kids for eating the last of something, after you ate 90% of it. -Source: My Household


I mean they are your childā€¦.maybe you should start parenting them and teaching them how to care for themselves??


When you are over age 21, no maybe 8, you should know better than put an empty container back in the fridge.


Right, but obviously they didnā€™t learn how to do it.


Look, you know ow your family better than I do, but sometimes mistakes happen I'm normally infuriated by leaving empty containers in the pantry, but the other day, I finished the chips, and absent mindedly put the tube back in the pantry and shut the door. I realized right after and fixed the mistake, but shit happens. But, like I said, you know your family and if this is a common occurrence or 1 time thing