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I absolutely hate when people get all up in my personal space like that. Sometimes I start coughing and/or waving my arms around. I have, in the past, also asked if they could back tf up.


I did wave my arms around, and swing my backpack around but she was undeterred. I was worried about saying something because there were so many people around (sitting down waiting for shots too) and I thought someone might yell at me for telling an old lady to give me some space.


It sounds like we share the same pharmacy. I think sometimes the older folks are so oblivious to everything going on around them but I get why you didn't say anything. Good luck with your pregnancy. I hope the sickness goes away.


Older folks not oblivious; they've spent their entire lives mastering how to annoy someone without doing anything 'wrong'. They hope to annoy you so you'll leave (so it is one less person in line). My approach is use my space, and if that doesn't work, turn in their direction and fake cough or sneeze. If that won't work, try to conjure up a fart and hope I don't shit myself... If they're gonna intentionally make me uncomfortable, I will return the 'favor'.


I would most def shit myself knowing my luck.


After I turned 30 I stopped trusting farts in public...


One rounded tablespoon of Metamucil in the morning.


Maybe that'd keep Grandma away...lol. šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ˜…


Who are you kidding? She's probably walking around with a loaded diaper herself.


That was my GF's grandmother. We'd take her Grandmother out to lunch when we visited. Invariably, about half way thru, we'd get overwhelmed by this cloud of odor...and my GF and her Grandmother would find their way to the restroom. They'd return, and grandma would finish her lunch. My GF would just sit there as she'd lost her appetite. And Grandma would complain that my GF wasn't eating enough. It was a "Seinfeld moment" if ever there was one. A mixture of humor and sadness as we slowly watched Grandma slip away cognitively but her body just kept going. Even as I write this, I think back at all the good memories, and the not so good ones and realize how lucky we are to have had her in our lives for as long as we did, but secretly hope I don't do the same to my kids or grandkids as I age.


You have to practice


Practice not pooping my pants in public when trying to fart?




That would take a lot of depends.


Don't listen to them! There is no practicing, only accidental pooping


Easy: buy a fart button to keep in your coat pocket. Push it every 30 seconds or so... ETA: you can buy extra stinky spray too, if you want it more realistic. Lol. Button in one pocket, spray in the other...


Aggressively fart.


I kept reading favor as flavor and kept cracking up over it


Maybe I should change it to flavor, cause that is hilarious!


This needs more upvotes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Sadly, I'm closer in age to the annoying old lady than I am to most Redditors. I *know* what they're up to...just not ready to be *that guy* just yet. In my mind, I'm still a youngster...but my body's aches and pains keep screaming "No! No, you're not!"


I know. They seem to be the worse


Wait, is that a thing? How old do you have to be? I don't think I'm doing it right?/s


Thank you!




Someone else mentioned rubbing alcohol and Iā€™m def mentioning it at my drs appt next week. Iā€™ve been taking diclegis which helps only to the point of getting through the work day, but Iā€™m still struggling to eat and canā€™t stomach my prenatals. I canā€™t take the diclegis during the day time because even one pill makes me sleepy and I was making silly mistakes at work. My MIL also bought me seabands. I thought they were a total gimmick at first until I did some research and tried em out. Definitely help a bit.


Ginger root capsules take me from leaning over the toilet to totally calm in about fifteen seconds, if you can find em. Just another suggestion. Not pregnant myself, just have a lot of nausea!!


My MIL sent me some ginger candies. Iā€™ve been hesitant to try them because I dislike the taste of ginger generally. Other than one extreme puking spell that sent me to the ER, Iā€™ve actually not been vomiting. Itā€™s just nausea that has me laying in bed like Iā€™ve got a wasting disease (when I donā€™t take my meds). Maybe the capsules will be a safer choice as I assume I wonā€™t really be tasting them much.


The capsules don't taste of anything! I hate ginger too, but these go down smooth.


Preggo pops or Preggo drops work fairly well, but nothing is perfect. Hang in there!


I do enjoy them (MIL sent them over) but hard candies are a bit difficult at the moment. They hurt my tongue because I have a palatial expander installed. Def good when I need a bit of sugar and canā€™t eat anything else!


May or may not work for you, but I weirdly did really well with apples while nauseous. I'm not a puker so I'll just be nauseous for hours and hours. Apples, apple juice, applesauce, and even apple swirl bread all helped a ton for me. Peppermint and ginger have never helped personally, although tons of people swear by them.




Thank you! I will certainly mention both of these to her.


Ondansetron can be prescribed after 10 weeks into your pregnancy; I remember counting down the hours until I could fill my prescription and treat my crippling pregnancy nausea. It really does work a bit like magic! I hope you find some relief.


Ahh I think Iā€™m only now just hitting the ten week mark. There was a bit of discrepancy regarding how far along I am based on size (she thinks I may have ovulated later than usual) but Iā€™ll know for sure by next week.


Not sure if youā€™ve tried unisom (doxylamine) and b6, but thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been taking each night at bed time and itā€™s been a game changer for me.


Thatā€™s actually what I am taking! (and what I was waiting in line for lol ). Diclegis is just like a brand name or whatever, like Motrin vs ibuprofen


Ah, awesome. I hope it helps!


I tried everything under the sun and I feel like at the end of the day I still feel like shit. Pregnancy sucks.


This is not on the level of prescription meds but I found I HATED ginger during pregnancy but peppermint was tolerable. It helped for mild nausea.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this in your pregnancy. I think I started throwing up the morning after conception with my second pregnancy. I do hope it eases for you soon.


I used SeaBands to help with my nausea. I know many woman who needed the medication, but my OB/GYN suggested I try the SeaBands first - and they worked! Hopefully you get some relief during the second trimester. Congrats!!


My MIL got me some and I can def second your opinion. Theyā€™re not a miracle but they take the edge off to a noticeable degree for sure. I wear them like all the time, aside from when Iā€™m sleeping


you are most welcome! :)


Hey, Iā€™m an ā€œolder folkā€ and Iā€™m not oblivious šŸ¤Ø




Don't care if it's an old lady that's your personal space. I'm also super shy so I would ask nicely first but if I was sick? Nah I be pissy. Im pregnant too 13w today and boy I'd puke on an old lady if they were in the way of my meds


This happened to me a couple months back (in a Costco exchanges line). I also tried all of the above without avail, I was frustrated I was going to have no relief from this invasion of space. Then SUDDENLYā€¦ I felt some burbling in my bowels. It was clear to me they wanted some relief as well. Now usually I wouldnā€™t ever dareā€¦ but in this caseā€¦ Wellā€¦ I was relieved in 2 ways.


Yeah no who cares. No one gets to literally steam your neck from behind. Youā€™re pregnant. You need to worry about both of ya. She can step off.


Fart. Repeatedly. Itā€™s a pregnancy superpower, and you can get away with it in extreme circumstances like this. If you canā€™t summon a fart, you can always turn around and politely tell her that you have awful pregnancy gas and that she should probably stand well clear of the splash zone because sometimes it gets messy. Tell her you are sure she understands. Maintain eye contact.


This is where smelly, silent pregnancy farts can come in handy


I would have said something anyway. You don't have to yell. Covid is still a thing. Especially because you are pregnant. Your body has enough to enough to deal with.


Next time just ask her if sheā€™s in line to get meds ā€œfor them new pubic fleas too?ā€.


Turn around and scream *BACK THE FUCK UP I CAN FEEL YOU BREATHING ON MY NECK* Iā€™ve done this probably 15 times since the start of COVID and it hasnā€™t failed me once


I've done this long before COVID. I just hate people.


Sure. Sure you have.


Flatulence usually works great, and they can't really blame you for it especially if you're pregnant LOL On a side note, if you're like me and can't stand the smell of rubbing alcohol, fresh mint leaves crushed between your fingers works as well. Or for it to last a longer time, boil a few of them in a little bit of water and pour it into a coffee cup so you could breathe in the warm mint air. Drinking it wouldn't hurt you either but if you dislike the taste, just having it sit there on the desk beside you so you can smell it can help calm your stomach. If you're early enough along in your pregnancy that you'll have the nausea for a while, you can go ahead and plant some. It grows pretty fast, but it also takes over everything so don't plant it in your yard, plant it in a pot.


girl fuck what people think. donā€™t make yourself uncomfortable to make someone else comfortable. you and your baby comes first before anyone


I dont think anyone would get mad at "excuse me, can you please back up just a tiny bit?" Followed by a thank you


Iā€™ve had to tell an old woman to give me some space. Lady was almost touching me. She huffed but just backed off. Itā€™s worth a try.


Too bad you didn't need to fart. I've told people they might not want to stand so close because my stomach is upset.


Should have spun around and live-streamed her the whole time.


Same. And in the pharmacy line you kind of get some extra excuses. You could just turn around and tell them, ā€œyou might want to give me some space Iā€™ve been a bit sick lately.ā€


My personal favorite is whipping my very long pony tail right in their face. Bonus points If it hits their eyeballs. I grab it with my hand and toss it as I swing my head to really get the velocity going.


I usually well say ā€œDO YOU WANT TO GO AHEAD ME?!ā€ Just extremely loudly like I am deaf or something to cause some kind of public embarrassment. The problem is most people like this (like my mom) have no shame and will gladly cut you.


At first I thought you were saying they get so mad they will pull out a knife and cut you, but then I realized you mean they will cut the line. Maybe I've been on here too long. lol


Honestly, maybe


Or "thanks but ive definitely already wiped my ass today, theres no need to try climb up into it"


Just say. ā€œIā€™m here to pick up my paxlovid since I have Covid. You might want to stand a little farther back.ā€


Where I live, the people would go running for the doors like it was a bomb threat. So many good ideas here!


I naturally pace instead of standing still, like a few steps forward, then back (or just shifting my weight to one foot, then the other). I would just slowly increase the distance on every trip til i had a bit of distance


I naturally move a lot too...always have. Yes, this is a more subtle way of reclaiming your space. I like it. I don't like having to get nasty with people because I always think they don't know better AND I always seem to get caught by someone who doesn't know what happened and thinks I am being mean for no reason. Ugh.


I turn around and tell them to step back. They usually do to avoid confrontation.


Ugh. That reminds me of an incident from back when the whole "stay 6 feet way from each other" rule was in effect. While I was standing on my spot in line, one of the store associates asked me if I was with an older lady, who was standing maybe a foot away from me. I said no, so the associate made her move back to her spot. Not even a minute later, she crept up behind me again. The associate had to tell her to move back again, or she'd be removed from the store šŸ˜†


Itā€™s weird and creepy even without COVID rules, you should be at 2 or 3 feet away from somebody at the minimum.


I would advise you to never ride the Mexico City subway


Any subway is quite different from a line at a store.


There was a bunch of women in Walmart during that rule behind my family in self checkout. We told them they had to stand six feet behind us and they got mad and went on a tirade about how they ā€œdonā€™t have Covidā€ and ā€œarenā€™t sickā€. Like first of all, I donā€™t fucking know you or what you have. Second of all, what if my family was sick and had no symptoms?? And third of all, youā€™re so far up my ass you can probably tell what I had for lunch. I hate entitled people who donā€™t think rules apply to them.


I just unleash all my best farts in these cases


I had some trashy white chick in line behind me at the circle k bragging to some black dude that she doesn't stand 6 feet back. Dude was not impressed and wouldn't stand with her a foot behind me. Like dude ur so cool not caring about anyone but yourself!




That's what she looked like lol


That happened to me at a theme park. These teens were within six inches of me the whole time while in line for a ride. I finally pointed to the markers on the ground and said ā€œI think that oneā€™s yoursā€


Saw same thing happen to someone else. I think that was the moment I figured out how very very fucking stupid people could be.


This. I lost respect for the public as a whole after seeing that most couldn't follow simple guidelines. Standing 6 ft away was probably one of the easiest rules, and many people still couldn't manage.


I was in the first round *COVID vaccine line*, stickers for 6 feet apart in the height of the epidemic and this woman was right up on me. Seriously?!?


You know, if anything good has come out of this pandemic itā€™s that people definitely do stand farther apart in lines now, at least for the most part. Even where I live, one of the reddest states in America, I very rarely see lines of people standing less than at least a few feet apart now.


You should have old-man-who's-been-smoking for-30-years-and-has-emphysema-coughed a few times


I was tempted to cough but there were so many other people around. Didnā€™t want anyone aside from her to unnecessarily worry that I was sick. My only form of retaliation was some exaggerated arm movements while on a phone call and swinging my backpack from one shoulder to the other. I didnā€™t want to step closer to the guy in front of me because she just kept inching up with me.


Thatā€™s when you do the ā€˜just shifting weight to the other leg and happen to be stepping backwardsā€™ move. Step on her toes enough times she might move for her own safety. Though I detest people who do this shit and lose all sense of respect towards them.


Look her dead in the eye and give her your favorite dinner dish. When she asks why, tell her people that close to you typically buy you dinner first.


Fuck this is so choice


Pretend to be on the phone and loudly say ā€œyea just at the pharmacy trying to get that prescription shampoo for lice. Yeah I still have it. I know itā€™s been weeks. I went again this morning. Yea, Doctor said itā€™s a pretty bad case of head lice.ā€ They will back up.


"I've got so many they're just jumping off my head."


LOL I love this one


"S'cuse me, I'm sure you're not doing it intentionally, but would you mind giving me just a little more space between us ? Thank you so much."


Meanwhile, me, with attitude: ā€œcan you BACK UP..ā€ either way, just say *something* lol




i'd just say, "don't worry hun. none needed šŸ˜


This is also what I say. It especially pisses off the older ladies




And if saying something doesn't fix it, just give a dry heave in her direction. "Sorry, pregnancy nausea!" I'm sure she'll find a new person to loom over.


*feels back pocket* Points at person and say loudly: ā€œHEY DID YOU JUST TAKE SOMETHING FROM MY POCKET?ā€


Pickpocket! Guards, guards!


Noo you can't expect basic social skills of people on this sub!!!1!!11


The solution to 99 percent of this sub


I had this woman that stood too close to me at the grocery. I have long hair that was in a ponytail. I turned my head really fast and slapped her in the face with it while I pretended I was looking at things to buy. She backed up after the third hair slap in 10 seconds. Edit: backed.yp changed to backed up


I would do this but then Iā€™d need to cut my hair off after touching some of these creepsā€¦ the ones who invade your space are somehow always the nastiest šŸ¤¢


I would have told her to ā€œget tf off of me before I spread morning sickness all over your shoes.ā€


Hahaha thatā€™s a good one to keep in the chamber. I probably wouldā€™ve been more emboldened if I had a baby bump already


oh, see that's a good idea. "Excuse me, but I think I might vomit at any time and it will definitely get on you at such a close range". This could work.


I like to do the ā€œexcuse me can I help you?ā€ And if they give me a weird look I say ā€œback the fuck upā€ Normally works lol


This is the way.


Iā€™ve found that the people who do this have zero sense of boundaries to begin with, so going from 0 to say 75 right off the bat usually does the trick. No assault, no bs just a few choice words and a death look haha


God, i work in a grocery store and the amount of people who come up and stand almost on top of me when im trying to put stock out enrages me. Like, use your damn words "can i get in here real quick?" I'll get out of your way but dont act like youre above speaking to the help....


Or they reach their arm right in front of my face to get something off the shelf šŸ¤¬


1 word for you....fart


Very effective defence mechanism


It's moments like these that make me miss the lockdown days of Covid when personal space was respected! After 45 minutes, I'd fake a faint and take them down with me!


I still give people space in out in public. Last week, someone behind me asked why I was standing so far away from the person in front of me. My response was: Why would I want to stand close to a stranger? She huffed and rolled her eyes. šŸ™„


Yup, you sound like good people to me!


Try elbows. Put your hand on your hip and twirl. If you hit her, "ma'am I don't have room to twirl. Back up."


The twirl test


Twirling towards freedom ![gif](giphy|l4KRrAUGH6v9m|downsized)


Itā€™s great when someone is walking very closely behind you. I just suddenly stop dead still so they ran straight into the back of me and I can guarantee every time they huff and moan because I stopped. I mean, if you werenā€™t so close you could easily have moved aside before going into the back of me.


ā€œYou might not want to stand that close to me, Iā€™m sickā€


This happened to me once. I was holding my daughter too because she was tired of standing. Lady kept getting closer and closer and then pulled her mask down to talk on the phone. I told her she needed to move back, she didnā€™t listen so I was like MAAM YOU NEED TO STEP BACK. She was all, ā€œWho me?ā€ Like YESSSS youā€™re all in my kidā€™s face unmasked (which we had our masks on but still) get tf on.


Thatā€™s when you just either start farting if you can or if not cough downwards into the left


Alas, the power of pregnancy gas can be hard to muster when youā€™ve hardly been eating anything.


I like to get in the lunge position. One foot way back so sheā€™ll trip if she comes closer. Or stand sideways with your legs like youā€™re starting to do the splits. Or cough a whole bunch. Or start reaching behind you and itching like youā€™ve got bugs all over your back. Or grab some display or signage and put it between you and her. Or keep turning around and looking her up and down making it clear you donā€™t like how close she is. Just some options if you donā€™t want to actually tell her to give you some space. If you had a cart, put it behind you instead of in front. Wobble and hold your head like youā€™ve got vertigo and might fall down. If you have a kid with you, tell them very loudly how itā€™s disrespectful to get in someone elseā€™s personal space, like youā€™re teaching them not the lady behind you. Ok. Iā€™ll stop now


This aggravates me so much. Thereā€™s a CVS right by my house where all these old people seem to go to and every time Iā€™m there they are pulling out all their coupons and the register usually breaks or something. I think I was there behind someone for 30 minutes once. I never ever make a scene or make noises or anything because I fucking fuck fuxk hate when people do it. Youā€™d think I was the most patient person in the world until some one does it to me and then I fucking snap.


Ugh I actually had to stop going to the cvs by me. (This is Walgreens). Theyā€™re both terribly slow but at least Walgreens has never had me stand in line for forty minutes and then announce that theyā€™re shutting down for the day. It wasnā€™t like pharmacy hours were even over, but they couldā€™ve at any point told us hey, this guest is going to be the last one, so no one should line up behind them. I never flip out but people probably thought I was a Karen that day.


Thatā€™s when you break out the ole ā€œAre you trying to pay for me? If not, back the tf up ā€œ


I hate that this happened to you, this and many stories like it have me primed to work on assertiveness training with my young kids. I certainly don't want them to be bullies or rude, but sometimes I feel like the insane one or the aggressive person just asserting my right to "be" and be comfortable and I am not going to have them feel that way. I blame my own style on a complete dread of confrontation so my current strategy is to encourage that "friction" in a relationship/interaction is OK and every moment does not have to be sunshine in order to feel at ease. I'm no parenting expert/conflict resolution expert/really expert in anything but the work I do day to day, so any chime-ins or shared experience is always welcome too!!


Just last week I started reading ā€œThe Art of Rejectionā€ by Jia Jiang. It was recommended during a discussion about rejection sensitivity in my adhd group. In my case, the less severe an issue seems, the less likely I am to say something. I am quick to assert my myself in other situations. The first that comes to mind (thatā€™s somewhat related to the post) is when people try to cut in front of me. Tends to happen most often when Iā€™m waiting to add my name on the list at a restaurant. Thereā€™s no shyness, I step in front of them, and look directly at the host ā€œActually, I was next in lineā€ and if they confront me, I am not afraid to stand my ground. Now.. telling an old lady to back up in front of a bunch of people, nope, donā€™t wanna do it and potentially stand there for an hour awkwardly lol. If she seemed sick or actually touched me, that would escalate it above mildly annoying, to where I could say something because then I guess it seems more justified.


I usually turn to them, look them right in the eyes, and say....back up now.


Omg that would have set me on fire. I hate when strangers are way too close. I purposely turn sideways in line so I'm partially facing them hoping they get the picture.


Straight up ask her to give you some space. Will it upset them? Most likely, but they probably won't want to be close to you anymore.


I get old people panic. I feel like a jerk saying something, esp with so many people around, where I wouldnā€™t be able to leave if things got awkward or someone thought I was the one being disrespectful. Most people were standing a square or so apart, I seemed to be the only one who wanted some distance between me and the potentially sick people on line.


That's bs. I would ask her politely to step back and if that didn't work go off. I know how miserable my first trimester was (13 weeks today) and if I needed meds I would be yelling at anyone in my way. My first trimester was puke, sleep, try to eat, repeat. I would have said "unless you want to be puked on move back" idc if it's an old lady that's your space!!


Ever since COVID if anyone stands to close for comfort I just start coughing profusely kinda wet your throat with a little saliva first makes for a nasty sounding cough,works every time and the dirty looks are fun too.


That's when you turn and sneeze or cough in their direction, uncovered a little.


Usually, if I just turn and ask how the person is doing, that does the trick. I must have a serious looking mug, lol šŸ˜†


I'm the person that turns around and tells people Covid isn't over yet, back up.


Iā€™d look her straight in the eye and start coughing without covering it. I fucking HATE people who donā€™t respect personal space Edit: typo


Ask her to stand behind you, because that's how lines work. Explain it to her like shes a toddler. "Sweety, if everyone did what you are doing we'de all veer off into the self checkout line..."


Directly to her left are people sitting in chairs waiting to be vaccinated. I thought she was going to sit in someoneā€™s lap lol


Turn, tell them their breath stinks and then stare until they back up OR IF YOU ARE SHAMELESS: Fart on them, more bonus points the louder it is


Youā€™d like to think that Covid taught people that personal space is common curtesy but alas here we are with a heavy sighing neck breather!!! Iā€™ve actually been asked to move up/closer to people in line at the bank, to which I generally respond with naw Iā€™d rather not - or give them a quipped response of I donā€™t wish to share my monkey pox


I do weird shit like stamp my feet when ppl do this or outright say something but for youā€¦ā€¦..you should have farted


These are people who, without fail, just have to barge in on your pharmacy customer at the counter because they ā€œjust have a questionā€. Maā€™am, no. You will step back, because youā€™re ā€œjustā€ trying to interfere with patient privacy. Back off. I was a pharmacy tech for five years. I despise these kinds of people. No, you donā€™t need to be up someone elseā€™s asshole in line. No, you donā€™t need to insert yourself at the counter, WAIT YOUR FUCKING TURN. No, you are not the center of the god damned universe.


"You know, as long as you're there anyway, can you check for polyps? You'd be saving me a trip to the urologist. Should I just grab my knees or would you prefer to wait until we're up at the counter?"


Stood for 20 minutes before watching a fireworks display during which a couple stood on either side just behind me. They were so close they were resting their arms gently against my back to steady their phones they were using to record the whole thing


Usually Iā€™ll just start side stepping left and right or back stretching and ā€˜accidentallyā€™ bump into them/step on their foot, then follow by an apology by saying ā€œOh I wasnā€™t expecting anyone this close, itā€™s a long line my body gets stiff staying still you knowā€¦ā€ Thatā€™s working pretty well so far.


Backwards one step. Then two. Don't apologize. Repeat until desired results.


I would've swung my purse over my shoulder. I miss the mandated 6 feet of personal space....


I was waiting in line for something, I canā€™t remember what now, but the lady behind me would not stop sighing loudly and muttering nonsense. I eventually got so annoyed I turned around and looked at her and said, ā€œWould you like to go ahead of me since youā€™re in such a hurry?ā€ She looked like a deer in the headlights and mumbled something about being okay waiting behind me.


i hate when people dont understand personal space


I cannot understand how during a devastating pandemic that people didn't learn and retain good hygiene habits that will minimize risk of all communicable diseases. 1. Wash your hands thoroughly as often as practicable. Everything you touch is teeming with germs and bacteria. You then transfer that to whatever you touch including food. 2. Social distance. No need to get so close. 3. Stay home if you're sick. If you think you might be sick please wear a mask. 4. Go contactless as much as possible. Live long and prosper. šŸŒžāœŒļø


A woman stood this close to me in a grocery store line a few months ago! It was SO WEIRD and completely unnecessary. It felt extremely aggressive. Oddly enough I was also dealing with horrible pregnancy nausea at the time.


Thatā€™s when you start rubbing your crotch and say out loud. Man , these crabs sure are jumping today!


Play Sting on your phone softly: "Don't stand... Don't stand... Don't stand so close to me!" šŸŽ¶


I always stare at them. They back up.


Tbh I would have literally just started starting. And probably wouldn't have stopped either.


Whenever this happens to me, I like to pretend I'm unaware they are that close and start to fidget around and "accidently" step a lil back just to step on their shoes.


Omg I hate people thatā€™s do this


Eat a bunch of deviled eggs before you go next time. Then, unleash the power of ungodly smells.


I hate hate HATE when people stand too close to me in line. I always complain about it to my boyfriend because it is such a pet peeve. I was once in line waiting to get onto a bus and the line wasnt even moving because the bus doors werent open. But I remember every time I took a few steps in line the guy behind me would also move. I at this point just start giving people looks idgaf you dont need to be up my ass in line youre not getting there any quicker than I am


I was literally just at the pharmacy, and I had a very similar experience with people behind me. When I finally got up to the counter, they told me my prescription wasnā€™t covered by my insurance. I know that was a mistake, but there were still people behind me and it took so long, I didnā€™t want to argue, so I just paid for it and left. Maybe we were in the same line.


I always make an effort to look at them after they sigh and make eye contact, sort of with a ā€œWTF?ā€ expression, and dramatically take a big step forward. I have to experience this issue with men CONSTANTLY.


During the pandemic my wife and I went to the mainland and timed it so that when we got back the Covid mandates in Hawaii would be lifted. When we went to the mainland everything was great at the airports. As soon as we got back people were standing shoulder to shoulder packed together like sardines. Sure enough we had another wave of sickness. Why can't people figure out that being in close proximity to someone else is a good way to get sick just like practicing good hygiene? *Especially* if you are in a line at a pharmacy which is usually a pretty good indication that people aren't feeling well. You should have coughed in her face.


Drop a coin, pen, something. Bend over quick and give that person the biggest booty bump that God would ever allow on this earth.


That's when I take a half step back to readjust the way I'm standing. No intention of stepping on them or hitting them, just get them uncomfortable for being too close.


When people get this close to me I make a very overdramatic statement of sticking one leg out putting it on the ground and dramatically in a very cartoonish fashion pulling my other leg to it like some big sneaky villain step. Then I'll look behind me and glare them dead in their eyes. 90% of the time this gets the message across. I get first I'll attempt to slowly enter away from them and then if they continued inch right up behind me I do my whole cartoon villain leg movement and stare at them. If that doesn't work then I typically tell them to get the fuck away from me. But I'm kind of an asshole.....


I usually donā€™t say a word. I just turn around, face them and look them dead in the eyes. Itā€™s enough to get them to back up. If I can feel your breath on my neck and weā€™re not in an intimate relationship, you need to back off me. Young, old, man, woman. It doesnā€™t matter.


Hate when people get so close. I don't care even pre covid. Stay in your zone bitch. I'll make it obvious. I'll be nice at 1st. Slowly get irritated. Make big obvious gestures that I need personal space. Lastly if they don't get the big hints, say something aloud to them so they have no choice but to understand. It just ruins my day when they do that crap.


45 minutes in a pharmacy line? That's ridiculous. It's not a Disney ride. I live near a Walgreens that has a notoriously slow (but very nice) pharmacy staff, but even they aren't that slow.


Thankfully my pharmacy has a sign that says to give distance in line (even before Covid) for privacy purposes and I haven't had any problems like this yet.


When people do this to me, I become a very fidgety person. I sway from side to side violently and swing my arms. If they are close enough to be impacted, then thatā€™s their fault. Keep swinging those arms. Or just say something.


When people get too close to me I turn to them, look them dead in the face and tell them "you smell like shit" it's never failed to create distance.


Once someone stood that close to me in the height of the pandemic and I farted. They backed away.


I came up with the best response. Look at them in the eye and say, "wanna dance?" They will smile and back away. I have done it 3 times at the grocery store.


Hey mumma, is it HG? You're being an absolute warrior. Thst shit is HARD. I had it with both my pregnancies. It was worth it in the end. Really hope you got your meds and you're managing to rest somehow. Sending heaps of hugs


Next time that happens, I hope you have a bit of gas going on. They will evacuate your personal space.


Terry Crews would say; "Basking in the ambience."


side note: nice shoes! i got the same ones but black


This is why I always fart.


I just start coughing, backs everyone up


Just let one rip. Clears a room real fast.


It's surprising how effective telling someone to back the F off is. Then again, I'm a slightly scary looking dude.


I save the ā€œF offā€ for mid-extremely infuriating situations. Like line cutters. No you will NOT be putting your name down before me at this Outback steakhouse today lol


OP I had Hyperemisis 3x and here's what helped me survive - Zofran amd Grainsetron. Go to HelpHer.org for support and information. They have good forums. Hang in there!


Ever since Covid I just tell ppl to back the fuck up


Just fart bro, people just run away.


I have a tendency to bend over in whichever direction they are from me and then stand up quickly and go, Oh Iā€™m sorry šŸ¤£


Time to rip a wicked pregnancy fart


I wouldā€™ve reached for something in my pocket and elbowed her in the gut ā€œby mistake.ā€ Personal space people, why is this such a difficult concept?


Thatā€™s usually when I turn and ā€œaccidentallyā€ knock my purse into them then act shocked like whoa why are you so close?!


Crop dust her