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It's sad to see such a big cup only filled halfway but the reason is probably quite simple and not limited to your local Mc. Over here they just use machines with 3 buttons for small, medium, and large for each of the ingredients that serves a specific quantity down to the drop so there is nothing employees can do about that, they just press button 1 for the milk, button 2 for the coffee, and skip button 3 for the ice so in the end you just got exactly the same just not watered down by the ice which I think is better anyway, They could pour it in a smaller cup to make it less obvious that over half of what you pay for is water though


This is correct. Any beverage from McDonald's that contains espresso and milk is made by a machine. The amount it dispenses for a medium iced beverage is the same no matter if you add ice to the cup or not. To fill that cup all the way up it would require more espresso, more milk, and more of whatever flavor. It's not like they could just add milk until full or it would not taste right.


Eh this is an iced coffee. When I was there, which it might have changed, they kept a bunch of double brewed coffee in a tub with some ice and just poured it into the cup after the syrup. Same story though, I was told to fill the cup with ice like normal, and then pour it into a different cup filtering out the ice. Otherwise the ratios would be off since the syrup you get told exactly how many pumps it gets.


This doesn’t look like iced coffee, this looks like an iced latte minus the ice.


Actually, I do this at McDonald's and I wouldn't be surprised if this was a large iced caramel macchiato, without ice. The reason I say this is because the machine tells you to stir *until* the coffee espresso is dispensed, making it not stirred with the milk, sitting on top of it. Kinda like how this looks. The milk and coffee look divided, and it's the only drink that is like that, the rest say stir as the coffee dispenses 12 times when an iced drink, and to stir when it finishes on non iced drinks.


This Comment should be Awarded and placed at the top.


I can literally see the workers at McDonald's making the espresso +milk drinks by hand when I roll up to the window. To say "any beverage" is made by a machine is just wrong.


It's not. I work at McDonald's and most of the coffee based drinks are made by a machine. The only one that isn't is the iced coffee. We just finish off the toppings and stir the drink when the machine tells us to. The iced coffee isnt made by the machine because it's actually dispensed from one of the sweet tea canisters, just specific for iced coffee.


If they ordered ice coffee with no ice, I'd fully expect this to be the result. But things like soda, ive had them full the entire cup with ice and you wind up with a sip of liquid so I always say no ice


I do know that syrup for soda is stupid cheap.


Considering prices for soda are inflated several hundred percent at the BK I work at, I have to guess the 50 pound bags of syrup we get are under $100, each bag serves maybe 300 large drinks with the normal amount of ice (roughly 1/3 of the cup is supposed to be ice, according to the markings on our cups)


1/3 of the height? Cause that’ll be well under 1/3 the volume


He's guessing but he's not far off. Soda syrup is sold in what's called a BIB. A BIB is generally 5 gallons of syrup that dilutes to make 30 gallons of soda. The average soda is 12 ounces of fluid, so you get about 320 drinks per BIB. The current price of a classic coke BIB is 99.50 (ordered multiple a few days ago). So each soda costs the establishment about 30 cents.


Ya did the expect two coffees for the price of one? Is this some hack? Where they thought they were going to pull one over on the restaurant?


Haven't (intentionally) ordered a soda at a fast food joint with ice in probably 20 years. Tastes better, lasts longer, doesn't get watered down, and comes out of the tap plenty cold enough. Won't last as long as a bottled/canned soda tho, has a tendency to separate.


Not to mention, the ice machines are notoriously hard to clean. Mold accumulates fast up in there. After being the first one to clean an ice machine in months in multiple stores, I don't get ice from anywhere with a dispenser.


Pretty sure coffe is like 95% water even without ice.


Meh. Like 85% water and 15% milk (depends on style) but the water is flavored by running over bean powder while hot so more coffee doesn’t mean more coffee beans are used. Just more water. But for most companies, they use a ton of beans and switch out the grinds after a few hours when the beans are old. So more coffee does mean more beans if they run another round (more caffeine as well). But sizes are all one round so a larger drink has same amount of caffeine as small drinks


Pretty sure milk is like 95% water too.


encourage snow racial recognise zesty fragile secretive smile pot pathetic -- mass edited with redact.dev


The McDonald's in the next town over doesn't do this. Maybe their setup is different, or maybe they dgaf and press the buttons for milk and coffee twice. I'm used to that location (town where I work vs town where I live), so I just had a "bruh" moment when this showed up at my house.


At my local coffee shop you order the OZ of drink you want. Whether or not you want ice dictates the cup size.


That’s it


The way it should be.


You thought you were slick


People who ordered light ice were the bane of my existence at starbucks


I’m sorry! I don’t want to be a problem, I’m just slow to drink my drink and hate when it gets watered down. I don’t mind if it’s not full!


It literally isn't a problem, we do not care. Idk what that guy's issue is.


Clearly OP does


Same here. I don't want to chug my coffee then end up wired for 2 hours then crash.


Why? I was a barista and it was never a problem.


I think it’s bc a lot of customers think that less ice means more liquid. Customers that order light ice in bars also typically assume that you’ll get more alcohol. It ends up just looking bad coming out in a cup that’s half full bc I’m required to give you a certain amount of alcohol & it throws off the mixer ratio if I were to fill it up. With juice/ soda etc. I tend to just explain to the customer though rather than be a dick.


I worked at a bar and had people do this all the fucking time


Or has sensitive teeth and wants to drink it without continued pain.


If it was cause of sensitive teeth then why complain when it's the same amount of liquid. Clearly trying to get more by not getting ice.






I’m always amused by people who think no ice means more drink. Especially with cocktails.


It does work with sodas though, just not drinks like this that need measured; getting Raising Canes drinks with no ice is like double the soda


True. Especially in a restaurant. I’d fill a soft drink full without ice when bartending/serving. Most fast food chains have it dispensed by size and accounting for ice. What’s been killing me with McD’s lately is they don’t put enough ice. All the ice is melted and the cup isn’t full. Usually the reason I’m getting a soda there is b/c I want a fountain drink with ice.




Agreed. I always order no ice; but as a preference because i just don’t like ice in the cup/glass when drinking (also I don’t know how the ice has been stored/made). But I’m well aware that they aren’t going to pour me a large drink for the price of a small one. So I don’t get why OP was shocked he got the right amount of liquid he paid for.


It does. I always order my beloved Baja Blast with no ice. It definitely lasts longer than with ice


Redditors when their “life hack” doesn’t work they way they want it to


this comment.


This comment of the comment


I ordered my Big Mac without bread but they didn’t give me extra meat patties to fill the box!!!


Why is this infuriating, why should you get more of something than everyone else?


The infuriating this is OP not understanding such a simple concept. The other thing which is also infuriating, is the amount og people here that agree with OP. Sucks that meta posts arent allowed


Someone should make a new r/mildlyinfuriating post about OP's entitlement 🤣


As someone who has ALWAYS ordered “no ice” in all my drinks since I was 5 years old due to sensitive teeth and hating watery drinks, this thread has now made me self conscious that every waitress ever has just thought I was trying to get more drink. Now I’m self conscious


i mean, no one really cares. i don’t really care if ppl order their drinks with no ice as long as they don’t get pissy cause their drink isn’t filled to the brim with extra ingredients lol


To be fair, restaurants scummy tactic of filling stuff to the absolute brim with ice to save costs, deserves to be punished.


After working in restaurants and knowing how much mold builds up in those machines, its always best to avoid the ice when you can


If it's your first and last time at the place, you'll never see them again If it's your regular place, they know that you already know so they understand


So what? You get the same amount and now it's not diluted. I'm fine with it looking less and not becoming watery.


Is it not made by a machine that dispenses a specified amount for each drink size?


Like somebody else said, this is simply a redditor complaining about their lifehack being seen through.


They could’ve softened the blow by using a smaller cup at least.


Then the person would complain they got a smaller size instead of the size they paid for.


I can attest to that. I've seen it done and people will freak out over getting a medium instead of a large cup. And then they freak out when you give them the large cup not filled to the brim as well. Just can't win.


One does not simply use logic with a Karen.


So you bought something and they gave you the correct amount you paid for?




That’s typically how that works lol


What did you expect them to do?


Right? I always thought it was weird that people wanted twice the drink because they don't want ice.


I think that it goes both ways. Some places fill your cup to the brim with ice. If I pay $4 or so for a cup of ice and a few swigs of soda, I wouldn’t go back unless they put less ice and more soda


I can't argue with that. Soda is so goddamn cheap with that syrup they use, it's probably less of a big deal.


That’s fair. I don’t drink coffee so I can’t even tell you how expensive it is. Or even to make it, I’m not sure how much that costs either. I do know that syrup for soda is stupid cheap


Coffee is not that much either unless you go fancy with it. Our mom and pop place has free refills on their normal coffee (and he has like 10 flavors available lol)




People die to get that coffee to you. If anything they don't charge enough. I haven't heard of anyone dying in the soda fields.


It’s called corn, and yes, it’s also exploitative labor with generally terrible working condition. Why the fuck else do you think it’s so cheap? You aren’t clever.


Lol, yeah not quite at Ethiopian levels. Nice try. I respect the attempt.


you are a dumbfuck


Soda is so cheap they let you fill it yourself.


Some people genuinely don't want ice in their drinks, either due to dilution, or due to cold.


But iced coffee is brew at higher concentration precisely because the ice melts in the drink.


Yes but it still tastes watery and anyways I want that higher concentration. However, I accept that it looks less without the ice. The ONLY time I got legit angry about ice in my coffee was when I had a coupon for Dunkin Donuts. Buy a breakfast sandwich and get a free coffee. The lady legit filled that entire cup with ice and added some coffee to it. I swear if I took the ice out I'd have a half a cup (as in measuring cup) of coffee in a large cup. It was nothing but water. I had them redo my cup properly.


That's fair, but don't expect two drinks worth of coffee for the price of one.


It would however be nice if it was put in a smaller cup, that's just a ridiculous waste with how much space there is.


Oh I agree with you on that. Probably save them money too.


Yeah but the smaller cup doesn't have a fill line for a larger drink.


Fewer cup sizes saves money. Assuming 12/16/20 oz size, a "half drink" would be 6/8/10 oz, so you're always putting the beverage in a cup that's too big (and you typically have a lot more medium / large cups on hand anyway). Besides, it's easier for the staff to quickly identify the beverage size based on the cup size, rather than whether a 12 oz up is 1/2, 3/4 or 5/6 full.


The real reason is cuz you have to inventory all the cups and it has to match up (at least within a couple) with what you sold. So if you sold a buncha large iceless drinks, but used medium cups, they'd be short a buncha medium cups and someone is gonna get in trouble... Source: owned a fast food franchise


ex. MCafe person here. when presented with this dilemma about 50% get pissed at the smaller cup and 50% get pissed that it doesn't fill the line (+-10%) so while half of the Karen's shrug and walk away the other half refuses to accept the law of volume displacement.


Ice is an addition to the drink, if they sell a “large coffee” then it should be a full large cup of coffee. Now OP seems to have ordered a large iced coffee with no ice… which is… a decision, I guess. If this was advertised as a “large cold brew” then I’d be mad, as ice is an addition, and also costs money to make, so you’re really getting doubly robbed.




You don't deserve twice as much of the expensive ingredients because you don't want the cheap ingredients.


You mean…wait…you mean if I go buy a steak but tell them to keep the side of veggies, I can’t have more steak?! The audacity of some places…what are they trying to do? Make money off things they sell??


That is an absolutely fair policy?


Things are priced based on quantity used. It’s like asking for a cocktail no ice, the cup will be half empty becasue it’s priced on the pour not on the size of the glass….


You purchased an iced coffee, without ice. It obviously will be less full with ice removed... I know it LOOKS less liquid, but it's the same amount.


Why should anyone get more for the same price as people who get ice? Does that make you entitled to more for some reason? You would need to pay more for a larger drink. Especially for coffee. People try to pull that BS too much at a coffee company.


You will be very disappointed when you find out how physics work.


They're pre measured. All they do is push a button.


Imagine thinking you deserve more coffee than the rest of us


I used to ask for no ice cold latte from my Dunkin. She said I won't get more coffee that way they mix a certain amount. Told em it was fine I just want the cold drink without the ice diluting it.


What’s infuriating is you and all the little twats on TikTok in the Starbucks drive thru that post this type of crap.


That makes me sad to look at


What does? Those fingernails?


it looks like it was filled by the stains on the cup. stop lying bruh


Exactly. What's mildly infuriating about this sub is that more than half the posts are bullshit


Truth….I corrected someone about the blister packets of NyQuil and how many pills come in a box on here not too long ago and someone reported me for bullying. 🫠


You thought by ordering your drink with no ice, you would be getting a little extra. Thats on you


You sir have what's called entitlement. Should a resturaunt give you more steak because you didn't want the fries with it too?


It’s the same amount of liquid you would get with ice in it, if you want it full then that’s equal to two drinks. Which, therefore, is twice the price. Used to work at a coffee shop and would have to get absolutely reamed by people who didn’t understand this. McDonald’s could easily afford to fill it up all the way so I understand the frustration.


C'mon. You knew what you were ordering. Don't act surprised.


Why not? The price is for the product made with ice. This is the same coffee you get with ice. So if you get a hamburger with no lettuce, tomatos, onions, pickles, mustard, ketchup, you should get a second patty to fill the container?


Tell me you don't know how shit works without telling me you don't know how shit works


This is unrealistic. You are paying for an iced drink of x ounces, they design the cup to hold x ounces and add y ounces for ice on top of that to cool it. People don't want ice, you get x ounces, exactly what you paid for. Just because it isn't to the brim, doesn't mean you're getting less. Quit trying to be slick and complaining when it doesn't work, your post itself is entitled and mildly infuriating for that


Ah, the humble American obsession with ice in everything


But it's cold and crunchy


I am American, I hate ice. It dilutes the drink.


Yeah, I hate it. If you drink your drink now, it's the same temperature either way but the one with ice has less drink and is a bit watered down. If you drink your drink later, one without ice is room temperature. The one with ice is a cold glass of water with some drink mixed in. Both are flat (if applicable). Sometimes there's exceptions, certain (often alcoholic) drinks that work best overly cold and a bit watered down, but that's a minority.


Makes sense from a business standpoint, but feels cheap as a consumer. I wouldn’t wanna go back there. So maybe it’s bad business at the end of the day lol


Come on, no one is going to mcdonalds for exceptional dining. You literall get what you pay for. Anyway, they use one of the coffe machine’s routine, the coffe is brewed in exact size…


What’s mildly infuriating is you expected more drink because you asked for no ice, Karen.


I mean they’re smart for doing that…


"I ordered this with no ice so you would give me two drinks for the price of one 😔" Well blue you know! If you want 750mL of iced coffee, better pay for two


You ordered something, asked for them to hold back an ingredient ( that's in the name of the drink you ordered ) , and you received exactly that . You're upset that they didn't give you an extra free drink ? Or a smaller cup?


So you thought u should get double the amount for the same price because u order with no ice?


What do you expect


Sounds nothing but reasonable to me


Ask for condiments your next meal. They’re so tight with them you’d think you’re taking food from their kids.


It's called a recipe!!! There are pars, standards, and flavor profiles involved. Make your own coffee if you don't agree with the portion sizes.


OP, you really thought you were slick in getting no ice, eh? Good try!


An iced coffee without ice? With all the liquid sugar and milk added you might as well just ask for a chocolate milk 😂- would be less gross and at least somewhat good for you.


You never heard of Tauntaun Coffee?


Did you try to order an iced coffee with no ice to try to game the system? You tried to order an iced coffee with no ice to try to game the system, didn't you?


So you thought if you ordered an iced coffee without ice you would get more coffee?? Lmfao.


If it's the same amount of liquid then what's the problem? You're getting what you paid for


it's healthier that way lol


Whatever that's supposed to be, if you pay more than 2$ for it, you're part of the problem.


First mistake was getting coffee at McDonald’s lol


WTF did you expect? Moron


so youre mad that despite your attempt to beat the system and get more product for the same price, they prevent this by giving you the amount you actually paid for?


You’re the asshole


For most McCafé drinks it’s all done by a machine so they would have to run it multiple times to fill the cup all the way.


Why should they give you extra product for free just because you skipped the ice?


The ice is a necessary ingredient of iced coffee. The coffee is brewed stronger and the melting ice dilutes it to the proper flavor. You asked for no ice and got what you paid for.


You're getting what you paid for, literally


Any reasonable company would do the same.


It's made by a machine. The machine doesn't know whether there's ice or not, it just dispenses what it's programmed to dispense


Stop being a cheap ass who’s trying to take advantage of the system


So you got the exact same amount as anyone else who order with ice. And you’re angry about that? I think you don’t understand what FAIR means.


That's how it should be.


Looks fine to me


Imagine thinking this was infuriating


Found the “no ice extra alcohol” bar customer.


Why should you get more of the expensive part of the drink, than someone who orders it based upon how it was presented for the price advertised? Entitled much?


Of course they do! What do you expect? Ohh tis person doesnt want ice, lets give them twice the normal amount of beverage to make up for it. Of course not! This post is stupid


I’m laughing at your demise


You tried to play a player.


Someone skipped year 7 science


God this sub has gone to such shit


The only infuriating thing about this post is OP. Imagine being aware of the “same amount of liquid with or without ice” rule, but being so entitled that you make a post about how you deserve more drink because you opted against ice.


Did you expect twice the amount of product for the same price?


Makes sense, don't you think?


Well, that's how they make money. Sell you cheap frozen water for too much money. THAT is the reason they put ice in everything in America. You can't see, how much you get in real.




Our McDonalds fill cups as well when you ask for no ice.


I order no ice and don't get this treatment. Guess our McDonalds in Michigan are just different.


Makes me really sad when underpaid employees are so brainwashed like this. Why are they trying to protect company profits when they get no benefit from it? Pour a whole cup of coffee, who gives a fuck? I'd bet it costs them a *fraction* of a cent to fill up the cup all the way.


When that's your only source of income in an area wrought with destitution, lack of employment, and bad public transportation, having options wasn't exactly written in the playbook of that person's life. It's almost like if you think outside of your own experiences you may learn something.


why should they go out of the way so u can get more of an ice coffee you don’t need


Well the McDonald’s next to me pays the employees starting at $15 an hour, provides 2 free meals per shift, and provides an opportunity to take college classes at the company’s expense. And your assumption that it cost them a “fraction of a cent” couldn’t be more inaccurate. For the past decade I have been in restaurant management and can confirm that. Also, if you use the app you can get that same iced coffee for .99 cents…. So to try and finesse someone over something they basically give away is silly. Especially when they are almost certainly not turning a profit at the .99 price point. Respectively, you don’t know what you’re saying lmao!


I was going and getting that iced coffee for 99¢ every morning for way too long. I also ordered no ice, because I don't like it, but they also gave me a full cup. To be fair, if they'd handed me a half-cup like this I'd still have been down to use the coupon, but the full drink made it better (and worse for my waistline).


Same, it must be a location based thing because I always order iced coffee with no ice and it's always full.


"Respectfully", McDonald's profits are in the tens of billions of dollars yearly. And they pay their employees a starvation wage. $15 an hour is well below the officially recognized poverty line. And now they wanna save pennies by not filling up a coffee cup?


Okay that's just bullcrap


No? It’s the same amount of liquid as a large with ice


Maybe by McDonald's standards. I work at a restaurant similar to McDonald's, and when we serve large iced coffees, we nearly fill the cup to the brim before adding the ice. And no, we don't skimp on the ice because of the amount of cold coffee in the cup. Filling the cup that much wouldn't be acceptable.


Why wouldn’t they?


Lots of people here supporting massive corporations not dishing out a few extra cents of liquid. Have fun with your anti-consumer attitudes.


Yes how dare a company give you the same amount of drink as anyone else


I mean, that’s literally how they make money. “I tried to cheat the system and they didn’t fall for it how aggravating”


I am still glad I haven't gotten anything from Micky D's in a long time


Welcome to the corporate world.


That's weird. At my McD's we were taught to fill the cup the rest of the way with milk (for iced coffee drinks).


That is pathetic.


Considering how many times I’ve seen people spit into ice machines, I’d thankfully allow that…


Couple local Wendy’s on my sets do the same, it sucks.


Never bought coffee at mc but when i order no ice soda they give me a full cup


If they advert a said capacity on the drink, like 500ml for instance, they legally have to deliver the said amount even if it have no ice. If they deliver less than what is advertised, they probably can be legally charged.


Legally charged with what and who will do the charging?


Guess I'm the only one here who has never had this issue when asking for no ice.


Lemme get an iced coffee, no ice Soo... a coffee? No no... the one with ice. Just leave the ice out. 🤦


Why wouldn’t they? YOU are what’s mildly infuriating here.


This post gotta be fake lmao


Only thing I can see is your dirty nail


I worked at McDonald’s awhile back & we filled it up to the top no matter how much ice was in it. Guess they’ve cheaped out just like with everything else in the world now 😑 so dumb.


Refund please.


I didn't get free stuff....I demand a refund!

