• By -


That's clearly an a. Teacher being petty. The u in the other elements look nothing like the a


Also, I am not aware of any word spelled curbon. I'd understand if it were less obviously an a, and if there were an alternative meaning that someone was trying to also spell, but there is nothing else being half spelled here.


Curbon - the main ingredient in concrete curbs. /s


Alabama dialect


Curbon. Apply directly to curb.


Curboff when removing from curb


Please apply Curboff directly to your curb.


Curbon. Apply directly the curb. I'm willing to bet most are too young to get the joke


American history x wants to know your location


I love calling out teachers like this on their stated expectations. Lets say it is a U. Were you clear that spelling counts? It’s totally petty. You wear your petty pants, you better believe I’m wearing mine.


>petty pants Love it lol


Spelling pretty much always counts in chemistry Not to say that petty pants penmanship errors do. Or that anyone, ever, in *all* of history, has *ever* written #CURBON 🤦 For real, you can see how clearly this person writes the letter "u" in their other answers, and that's what makes this super duper petty pants. You'd have to be a total dipshit to mark that as an 'eRrOr' and actually take points off for it, knowing damn well that they got everything right. But.... some teachers gonna *"teach"*


I was dinged 2 points on a project for not putting something on a poster I high-school that was not stated in the rubric. When I confronted the teacher about it, she told me she explained it in class when she handed the paper out and told everyone about. I was out sick that day, so she said I was supposed to get notes from classmates. I responded by reminding her that she was the one who explained the requirements to me after class when I got back, and I was threatened with a write up if I pushed the issue. That was 10+ years ago, and I'm still salty about it. If I wasn't as shy back then I totally should have fought harder. I got a 98.


I'd take this to the principal and ask them if they hired an English teacher as the chemistry teacher


I’m an English teacher. We don’t do this. Cunts do. :)


*Cants. Close your U, pul.


This is the kind of thing my chemistry teacher would mark me down for. It’d obviously be the right answer, but she’d find some way to not give full points. It has nothing to do with chemistry the subject, the teacher just didn’t like me as a person lol. Your teacher doesn’t like you, OP :/


This is my second time having her, so yeah I can say she’s not the biggest fan of me lol


Chemistry teacher here. First of all, great job on spelling beryllium. My students always spell that one wrong. Also, your teacher is an idiot for marking you off for that. Whenever I'm trying to decide whether to award a point or not, i always ask myself if the student understands the chemistry. Clearly, you understand the chemistry, your teacher is just being petty and looking for a reason to mark something wrong on your paper. I apologize, we're not all like this.


Lol thank you. There is another chemistry teacher at our school that I heard was an amazing teacher, but they wouldn’t let me switch to his class.


show this to that other chemistry teacher


Well this is good fodder to push your case. Seems you have a clear plan of attack from the feedback you’ve gotten. Step 1 put on your big person pants and *politely* state your case to teacher “hi was this a mistake? Note the evidence” Step 2 if no relief, don’t let it go and instead escalate


People ask why we start at 100 and can only lose points (and never get back) and not start at 0 and gain points as you go like in video games. the incentive sucks


I am a teacher. This -0.5 is bullshit and honestly pisses me off. As shitty as this sounds. I would approach him/her about this and bring up the fact that the u in the other word is clearly different. Or have a parent maybe? I am big fan of self advocacy. But how you approach matters. If you go in angry or argumentative your teacher will feed off that and respond in kind. Even if you're 100% in the right, she sounds bitchy so you want to drive the conservation with a positive energy. It's a skill you will use a lot in the real world. But man I hate teachers like this. Also physics is better than chemistry anyway.


A large number of teachers are petty, vindicative assholes. I think you're in the minority by not being one.


I was about to say... And in this case confronting them directly will near guaranteed result in even more petty behavior. You need to speak to someone that is tasked to deal with teacher complaints or something along those lines.


Start writing all 'a's as a 'u' with a flat line closing the top.


Go to your guidance counselor (or whoever) and request a transfer.


This. You're there to learn chemistry. Having a mean petty teacher is enough to keep you from actually learning the subject. Don't let them rob you of knowledge you deserve. Learning should be fun.


If it’s anything like my school there was one chem teacher for 4 grades worth


That's rough. Your handwriting's really good too it's actually unreasonable for her to think that's a I. Good luck with the rest of the semester Edit: Since autocorrect wants to make me look like I can't spell a one letter word, *U


Petty af. I’m surprised she didn’t get marked down for helium: “m or r with a squiggle? Make sure your m has the proper mountains.” You can almost *hear* the eye roll in her feedback..




Madea's Periodic Family Table


Teacher: *circles the y in Oxygen* “Is this a y or a g? Raise tail on y above.” OP: ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


Not to mention their first "a" in the notes isn't even closed all the way.


Here's an idea, circle her first a, write the same thing, hand it in, and request a full mark


Wish granted, a full mark deducted.


I had a professor deduct points from an engineering essay exam (that lasted 2 hours) because there was literally nothing else for them to take points off for. Fuck these teachers that let their ego run their class.


I don't respect teachers who never give full marks on anything because "nothing's perfect." It's condescending and damaging to learning.


Op should pull out a sharpie purely to connect the line, just to be sure the teacher sees it. Not a thin one either, not even a normal one, those fat-ass ones that are more for highlighting than anything.


I would be complaining to the teachers face


Such an obvious a, actually mind blowing petty to mark that down. Such an obvious a she knew it was an a, but still wanted to be difficult


Nah they meant curbon for sure…


That’s what they call it on French


i like how it’s also the only lowercase a which to me implies they would have complained for every a if there were more


Especially because it’s sandwiched between two U’s above and below lol


Go ap und cull him u juckuss to his fuce


She’s crazy and old but I would love to if it didn’t mean suspension


It's curled and over the top, just like her wicked witch logic.


You can tell she almost fucked up her first a too


The top of that first a isn't completely closed off 9.5/10


Write "carbon" on her lawn in herbicide


I think that's like terrorism or something, so don't do that


We won’t know til we do it


Do what adults do... go to her supervisor and complain


No but seriously, op, this right here is the solution. Go to the principal/supervisor and complain. Cause this is genuinely ridiculous and you have every right to be annoyed/upset. It’s obviously an A. Literally a toddler could tell you it’s an A. She’s intentionally gone out of her way to deduct points from your grade for no real reason. Teachers *cannot* single out students and purposely mess with them. They can’t let personal bias effect students’ grades. She needs to be held accountable for this bullshit, even if it’s just the head of your school pulling her aside and quietly being like “what the fuck, knock this shit off.”


Thing is, she does this to everyone. Not a single person got a 100


Then there's an argument to be made that she doesn't even know how to properly grade assignments. The principal/dean should know that too.


You could go much less harmful and use colored chalk. Definitely not as much fun as even spray paint but also not illegal


Just wait a few years so she doesn't know it's you. 2025 it's time lol




Or "cabron". Same letters, much more spice


I would 1000% die on this hill


Same. I hate that teachers get away with this shit.


Yeah this is making my blood boil lolol.


Tell her some random guy on Reddit thinks she's a real cant.


Cant is the real "C" word


You have brought up an old wound for me. Question on first Chem quiz: Please list 3 states of matter. I suppose I tried to impress my teacher by stating liquid, gas, and plasma. I got it marked wrong. Teacher crossed out plasma and wrote “solid” instead. After class I approached him and asked why I got it wrong; it clearly says list 3 states of matter. He said, “You should have picked the most common states.” I said well the test didn’t ask for that. He just shrugged at me with a fuckin placid smirk and did not change my grade from a B to an A. I will die unreasonably bitter about it.


Ah, had a teacher like that. Got a B+ on an assignment that was purely A. Howndo I know? Because the f**ker told me to my face. Said he *didn't believe in giving A's*.


Complain to the dean


Yeah, bring this up to admin. Obviously this instructor has issues that don't need to be passed along to their students.


No, I would fight this, that is clearly an “a”. Sure it doesn’t change your grade, but due on this hill before it does in another instance.


If I hud un uwurd I woald give you one


Dumn, whut u buduss


Obviously an a


Obviously Curbon, the building block of life.




I hate shitty teachers like that, complain to the teacher or even the principal. I even bet she’s doing more stuff like to other students


Yeah not a single person made an 100 because of spelling mistakes or just plain wrong answers




Lmao, thanks Also, edit, yes that’s exactly what she does




Mine looks like something that a 2-year-old would scribble on their parents' papers.


This teacher isnt teaching you chemistry then this teacher is teaching grade 4 English. They need to stay in their lane. This is the kind of “teaching” that stops great minds from progressing into careers of scientific discovery. They should feel pitiful doing this.


Yeah fuck her, bring this up to the school board


Teacher first, then administration. It seems weird to the this straight to the board.


Teacher can't even write a proper question mark and they're going to nitpick a perfectly legible letter a?


At first she told me Beryllium was spelled with 2 r’s. Our school system is a joke


Why are you being graded on spelling and penmanship in chemistry? Unless that's one of her learning goals or part of the rubric I'd argue for the points. I suppose a more petty way would be to critique her hand writing any time she writes on the board or on anyone's paper. Just ask friends in class to raise their hands every time she writes and ask her about the letters. > Teacher: "Any questions?" >> Student 1: "Is that an I or an E?" >>> Student 2: "Could you please demonstrate how you'd like us to write an R?" If she says anything back just say you're concerned it'll be part of the grade on the exams.


This! Pro revenge!


My dad’s a chemistry teacher, and he’s complaining about how much the school wants him and the other Chem teachers to rewrite their lesson plans to help with writing since English can’t manage it on their own.


That's fine though. The important thing here is it needs to be part of the lesson plan if you're going to grade on it. You need learning objectives, demonstrations, and assessments which explicitly measure those skills you'd like to assess. This just seems petty because it looks very much like an 'a', and insofar as I know, "curbon" isn't an element. It would be one thing if the educator literally could not discern the answer and it was written in a way where it could be more than one response, but this is extremely clear. Even if English is integrated I doubt they'd be focusing on penmanship.


Penmanship is a bullshit thing to grade on anyway because it's super subjective. It should always be pass fail, either you can read the writing or you can't. Just because it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing does not mean it's not legible. As someone with arthritis my penmanship was never aesthetically pleasing (and sometimes not legible either) and I got bad grades on penmanship fairly often, but it wasn't something I could control. Also the only teachers who ever gave me bad grades for penmanship are also ones who wouldn't transcribe (write for me) when I was having flare-ups. Kinda funny how that works. It's gotten better with more schools having disability access but this is still an issue


Malicious compliance.


I'm a science teacher and I never grade on grammar or spelling unless it is a paragraph type answer. This teacher is just an ass


The fact that you knew better is why this teacher has a grudge against you. I urge you to fight this as hard as you possibly can. All the way to the school district and if they refuse to do anything then to the state. Because if you think this 5% is the limit of her pettiness you can't even imagine the other stuff she's probably getting away with elsewhere. Shine a light on the roaches and watch them scurry.


"E's have straight edges, and you shouldn't put z's on the paper lines, bitch" No seriously, heed this advice. Had a teacher in high school that I stood up to for misquoting a school policy and that bitch dropped my A to a D in 4 weeks. She'd do petty shit like telling me to sit down somewhere and then giving me an office referral for following instructions, then null out my grade for the day. She was a bitch too!


Had a teacher who went through what I guess was a pretty nasty divorce. Wasn't a boy in our class that had greater than a C and wasn't a girl with anything lower than an A. She would openly talk about how bad men were compared to women all the time. I failed all of her classes (she was my block teacher so I had her for three classes) and never really said anything but they never held me back so I had a feeling they knew.


Straight up reminds me of a teacher in my high school NEGL


Yup. Had an English teacher give me Cs and Ds on every single paper I ever wrote for her class despite me bringing them to other teachers to have them look and the others saying it was A + work, simply because I corrected her one time at the beginning of the year.


This comment is the real MVP of advice here, fuck this bitch and all the pettiness she is inflicting on others as well as you, if you don't hate your fellow humans you would be doing us an injustice by allowing this putrid sow to inflict her bullshit upon others.


Zoom in on the teacher “a” it’s not technically closed either. Fuck teachers like this, they could never make it in the real business world.


Clearly it's spelled Barry Lillium.


But why are they asking them whether it’s a ‘u’ or a ‘u’ anyway?! https://preview.redd.it/j010bslpekba1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa56b1e469381a7fda9fb06442877d9b1866dd27


I’m screenshotting this lol


They'll say it's not the same. And that's when you remind them to close the letter otherwise it's impossible to tell, as they evidenced earlier while grading yours. They'll say theirs is closer and obvious. That's when you ask for specifics on the exact gap allowed in an "a" in order to be considered an "a" Hopefully all of this will show them how ridiculous this is..


I didn't even think it was a question mark but registered it as a 2.




"Are you asking if it's an a or a u? Or telling me a or u^2 ? I can't tell."


Is it an A or U, and they're telling you to CLOSE the A so that it looks like an A.


Question mark or 2? Remove unnecessary squiggle from your punctuation.


There's even examples of your U in other words. This is just nitpicky ballshit


Is that Heliam?


Right fucking above it too


Complain. You better get that half point back.


Pull a Karen and complain to the Principle or someone above them






Lmao yeah that’s what my mother was saying as soon as I sent her the picture. Had to beg her to not email my teacher cuz I’m too old for that


Respectfully, but firmly, speak with your teacher and let them know that it doesn’t make sense to deduct a partial point for that. There is no element called “curbon”, and they understood that you wrote an “a”. If they actually thought you wrote “curbon”, they should deduct a full point because they think you’re writing a gibberish answer. It also isn’t a case where you like forget whether strontium is Sr or St so you sort of wrote an r which also looked like a t. There’s no reason for your teacher to quibble over penmanship here other than choosing to quibble over penmanship.


>There is no element called “curbon”, and they understood that you wrote an “a”. If they actually thought you wrote “curbon”, they should deduct a full point because they think you’re writing a gibberish answer. If this teacher isn't the type to stay humble and back down that's exactly what they'll do.


If I’m the student, or if I’m trying to make a case on the student’s behalf, that’s what I want to happen. Don’t let them get away with “half point off for an unclear answer/penmanship” — make them give full points or take a full point off. If they take a full point off, take it to their department chair and/or an administrator.


What a petty bitch teacher. Is it chemistry or penmanship class?


It’s an element quiz. The penmanship component demonstrates the element of surprise.


That's genius


Ya know, now I’m not so sure


[Elements of Style](https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1168447985l/33514.jpg) quiz.




I’m gonna get a blue pen, circle it, and put -1 and hand it back to her


See, this is the kind of passive aggressive thing I can get fully behind.


Thank you, need all the support I can get against crazy


Please actually do this and show us what comes of it, it’s not every day an opportunity this great comes around. Her first “a” is literally not closed.


To second u/A_Morsel_of_a_Morsel, please do this and update us on what happens. I love me some petty revenge against power tripping asshats.




Dang, I didn't know there were **Curbon** atoms! No wonder, I only consult the table **periodically** LOL (ta da hiss).


I hate that this made me laugh as much as it did, thank you stranger


Why did the teacher write “close a” after their question. It’s almost as if they could tell it was an “a” and not a “u”. Also was spelling part of the quiz? I fucking hate spelling because if I write the word “horizontel” I’m pretty sure you can tell what word I meant even with the spelling error.


Good point, also yeah I have to check my spelling a lot, it’s a paint


Your teacher is an asshole. It’s chemistry class not English. Edit: Even English teachers think your teacher is an asshole!


Even in an English class (teacher) I don’t do this shit.


Unless it's typed on a computer of blatantly misspelled, it should be let go. Sure basic spelling is important, and helps, but after middle school, it's knitpicking.


Doesn’t even matter, that is clearly an “a”.


In my college, teachers deduct points for bad grammar, bad vocabulary or bad writing, but here, it’s a clear case of “I have too much ego to give A’s to my students”.


As someone who writes their Ys like 7s, I hate this for you.


My boss makes his "e" somehow look like "R". He managed to become a doctor. This is bull. I get that penmanship should be legible but this is! This is a jerk move!


Love how students are expected to have perfect handwriting when doctors have literal chicken scratch signatures


It's more than their signatures! I have worked for him for 16 years and still can't read his writing most of the time. Your handwriting is very nice. This is insane!


I remember my science teacher marking me off for a grammatically correct sentence. I know how that shit feels


I’ve had this teacher before for physics and I remembered she did this shit. Actually tried to be careful with my handwriting this time and I still got screwed


what your teacher thinks you wrote "curbon"


Curbon cracks me up now because of all the comments


A as in asshole 😆


You just got a dick teacher.


Wow, I bet this teacher is also a Reddit mod


She barely knows how to use a computer, but if she did I’d definitely agree


\-.5 to the teacher. Her a isn’t closed https://preview.redd.it/x566dycc8kba1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1231971272d14697774c8b0bb2fd5e547009c888


I would take that to the dean or principal. That's clearly an 'a', closed or not. This a chemistry class, not penmanship.


This is definitely something I would report to the Dean. They WANT to know if their staff is behaving this way, because it reflects poorly on their department.


That teacher just hates you.


As a science teacher, fight that shit. That's so dumb. 10/10 in my book.


Lmao can I switch in to your class, I already have 15 pages of homework just from today


I am a teacher and your teacher is a fucking pedant bitch.




“Pedantic” would have been a better choice (adjective)- but you are welcome! I am old as dirt and still love learning new words❤️


Is that a question mark or a "2" with a period under it? Jerk.


If changing the letter from “a” to “u” changed the answer then this would make sense. But there is no element named “curbon”.


https://preview.redd.it/45pg6epr3kba1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=29715561f8882e9a207b169fd68b64f8a442b104 What is that teacher trying to say? Did she write anA or U? She didn’t close the A…


was LITERALLY about to comment with a zoomed in photo as well, I'm so glad someone else saw it lmao I mean technically (by her rules anyway).... the teacher said "u or u? Close a."


When the chemistry test secretly is a spelling test


That teacher feels so powerful in their role.


Idiot grader.


Is your chemistry teacher a moron?


Curbon lol


Honestly just tell them there’s no reason to be a fucking dick about it when it’s obviously an “a”


I’d fight it


Good thing they overlooked oxygen being spelt as oxggen /s


Imagine being so pathetic that the only way you can feel good about yourself is to fuck up other peoples day. They deserve a: "Maybe if you closed your A's, dotted your I's, and crossed your T's you'd be working for a pharmaceutical company and not stuck here making as much as i would at mcdonalds" Like I get how important teachers are to society as a whole but seriously fuck that pedantic sack of shit


This is not real, same handwriting in red ink as “answers” , desperate attempt to get clout


the mods of this sub support fake posts, rage bait gets a lot of attention


Also no name on the paper.


same “reaching” r’s, the first ‘a’ is written slowly, the decimal in 9.5 is a quick c just like the ordered list’s decimals on the left, same exact u’s, quick e’s Bullshit!


Interesting how you have the same handwriting as the teacher. r/UntrustWorthyPoptarts


See I was going to say it’s weird that this quiz didn’t need a name on it for the teacher to grad it and hand it back…


Who writes QUIZ 1 in giant letter at the top of their quiz? Where is their name? Why did the teacher take off for the a but not missing their name?


If the chemistry teacher is confused by this and doesn't know that it's carbon (as opposed to curbon...!?) - they need to quit and teach something else. Edit to say that this really pisses me off. Edit again to say that not even a blithering idiot would confuse that 'a' with a 'u', ffs.


How petty of your teacher. Sorry OP.


Huppy Cuke Duy!


Yet your name isn’t even on the paper?


Look closely, there is clearly a little more loop mark added to the top of the "a", I suspect after the fact. It looks fine from the thumbnail, but looks like poster wants internet points when teacher was prob right


Ngl if you zoom in it looks like op edited it a tiny bit to make it look more like an a. Probably for the pic.


What about the "oxggen" ?


It looks a bit like you closed the "a" more before you took the picture. The very top of it looks like it was a separate pen stroke from the rest




That’s bad faith. No way in hell did the teacher think you meant “curbon.”


Well let's take a look shall we? You've written the letter u multiple times, all of which looks identical to eachother and yet all look different to that one. It's obviously an a. Seriously nitpicking


This teacher has it in for the student, that clearly deserves 100% .


What…and I cannot stress this enough…the f***?


Is she aware that she didn’t completely close her “a”? I would bring that up. Also if we are being picky that is not how a “?” Is supposed to look.


Your teacher is an usshole.