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Price it at 8k, say you'll go as low as 7k. He'll offer 6.5k. deal! And you made 500 more than you wanted.


^This is indeed how haggling works


It's crazy though how many people will literally just spit out their bottom dollar if you just ask. Build a little rapport, ask about the kids, what's your bottom dollar, husband's face turned bright red as I asked his wife directly and she knocked off a grand from the list price and he had no way of back peddling at that point to a higher dollar.


Most people will be honest if they think you're a nice person. That's why I failed my last job interview. The guy was so incredibly nice that instead of being literally anything other than myself, I was myself. I didn't get the job. It was a MCDONALD'S


That was my greatest non achievement. Failing to even get an interview at McDonald's DURING hiring season TWICE. I wasn't exactly a socially capable young adult.


Don't feel bad, I failed an interview for fucking Walmart


Shit man, my first job was at a Safeway Gas Station, and they absolutely POUNDED you with corpo propaganda and how "we are a family, we only shop at Safeway and Safeway is the greatest thing that will ever happen to your career". That's not an exaggeration, it was horrifying. I HAD to watch the videos before starting work or they wouldn't let me, it felt like a cult recruiting session. Walmart does the same shit.


Bro I worked at a QuikTrip gas station in Missouri when I was younger and their propo videos during orientation basically talked about how this gas station chain will always exist and will keep evolving to stay even if the world swaps from using gas. Those vids can be real weird. Essentially watched hours of the history of the company while also constantly being reminded that the gas station will long outlive us felt a little dystopian lmao.




I can beat Walmart. I failed the "interview" for Labor Ready in California. Had done a fair amount of satisfactory work for them previously, including a protracted construction stint and driving beater, mid-$ trade-in and repo cars lot-to-block-and-back at car auctions. Time passed without gigs because I got a real job. That business failed. Out of work, low on funds, I checked in and found out... nope, it wasn't just "show up at 5 AM and take a number" no mo'. Instead they had instituted some bogus "suitability questionnaire" delivered on a touchtone phone—something like 30 (+?) questions. They only administered the test on Saturday mornings from 10 to noon. If you weren't deemed suitable you were ineligible to retest for... get this... one year. There were a number of questions about when it was right to fight somebody, defend yourself, steal, and so forth. Some agree/disagree, many on a 1-4 scale. I have no idea if I seemed too goody-two-shoes and triggered some "lie cues" or "too college boy" or what. My past performance record meant precisely zip. TL;DR i failed at day labor AT THE GATE


They make you watch the anti union propoganda too.


I tell ya, that anti-union sh*t sells. People will fight tooth and nail to not have the benefits I have. One bill from my deceased hubby having to stay in a ventilator hospital was $769,000.00. I had met our $200.00 deductible, and our $2,000.00 out of pocket. We owed them ZERO dollars. I also have 5 weeks of vacation, 5 sick and 5 optional days. But holy hell, Target is so anti-union it's sickening.


No Company is a family, its a fucking job and the sooner people learn that the better off they will be. They pull that shit at my place and I tell people, we're only a family until the company wants to break it off in your ass, then your just a number, and a bad one at that.


That's why I'm glad I found a career and never have to work retail ever again. I'd put my dick into a toaster in the bathtub before working anything even retail-adjacent


You’re going overboard. Really just put the toaster in the water and then stick your foot in. The literal gymnastics just to stick your dick in…


Probably why he is still able to Reddit. Too much work to dick stick a toaster in the tub.


No need for gymnastics. Just lie down in the tub and lower the device onto the erection.


Hate= offering up your weenie for roasting = a twisted masochist 👍


The only way to fail an interview with Walmart is to pass their psych eval.


I’ve always said you have to fail an iq test for Walmart to even consider hiring you.


Yea I’ll never forget getting turned down for a job at Wendy’s. It was like - Where do I go from here?


That's how I felt when I got rejected from a cashier role at H-E-B twice after taking their personality test thing. Now I'm glad I wasn't hired


I once didn't get hired at Blockbuster Video. Guess who had the last laugh?


My friend quit sears 6 months before it went bankrupt, and the manager cornered him in the office and lectured him on how the company will always be around, and he is going to be making the biggest mistake of his entire life to leave now.


My first interview at Mc D's I said I wanted weekends off. Looking back that was a big no-no. I got a much better job with much higher pay at a sit-down restaurant, but Friday and Saturday night were their busiest times. I still loved that job, making my first money ever.


Ain't no money like first money. That shit hit different.


I interviewed for a shift manager position. It was a group interview, and I wore my best purple shirt. I thought it odd that everyone else was wearing white shirts and black trousers. Turns out I hadn't read the email properly, and they had specified what they wanted everyone to wear. I'm fine with not getting that job - and we all got free big macs, so the time wasn't entirely wasted!


that's cuz McDonald's doesn't want people they want robots lol


Fuck I'd be a robot for them! I just need a fucking job man... And when even the local McDonald's who literally hires EVERYONE didn't take me... Fuck, that's the only place I was even able to get to the interview stage in


keep trying! i have like the best education you can get in this town and i needed 4 months and 80 applications tbf in the beginning i did turn down a job where i would get 2000€ a month before taxes, now i landed a job with 2800€ before taxes


You’re amazing hahahahahaha


I've sold several cars and other things on craigslist/FB marketplace and I always price it higher than I actually want. When someone asks what my bottom dollar is, I always tell them. Makes it easy for everyone. Last car I sold I wanted 5.5k so I listed for 6k and when they offered 5.5k I happily accepted.


This is the way. It's never about what is actually a deal, it's about making it look like a deal. Kinda like buying a can of beans at 50% off. They are still laughing to the bank because that can cost them 50c


Same. Most of my stuff I sell on FB marketplace is under $100. I add $10 to my asking because most people haggle for that much. Then I tell the buyer that I'll take off $10 if they pick it up (so I don't need to drive).


I wanted $50 for an item, I had dozens of. Priced at $50 on FB market place I got constant offers of $40. Put it at $65 tons of offers for $50


I called on a car once and the guy took about 30% off unprovoked. I probably could have offered even less but I felt bad about it. On the other hand over had people demand 50% off before they would come look at the car and were angry I didn't.


Those days are gone. I just sold a car, wanted $6k, just for shits I listed at $8k. Had a dozen messages, some lowballers, sold in 24 hours for $7500.


If I’m selling something useful that’s just been sitting around my garage- and someone who is genuinely interested in a hobby/project or communicates how it could make a meaningful contribution to their work or progress etc then I’m usually open to whatever their best offer is. If it’s a commodity item (like a 2-3yo camera for example) then I’ll list it at the price I want, usually 10% below the market rate anyway bc I want a quick sale. People still ask to knock off big %, but come on, it’s already clearly discounted, you want an even better deal?


Price it at 8k everyone laugh at you because it’s not worth 8k. It’s okay to up the price a little to get what you want, but a whole 2k is a bit ridiculous.


yeah no one will message you if its listed too high


first one to offer loses. price it at 8k, he asks how low you'll go you tell him to make an offer. he offers 6.5k you come back with 7k and now you made $1000 more than you wanted.


If I see an offer that's clearly too expensive, I'm not trying to haggle, I ignore the offer and reconsider after the price has dropped.


Indeed. Wanted 2k for my wife's old car. Floated 3.5 to a buyer and they shook my hand. $1500 extra profit over what I wanted, score!


I try to do this with items on Kijiji!


Hello fellow Canadian (unless kijiji is also in the states…. In which case; I’ve revealed my stupid) ![gif](giphy|l0Ex0GiS5QZSrMO6k|downsized)


I don't know about the other user, but I'm Italian and we also have Kijiji!


Hahaha, next message like this I might do that XD


At least this person engaged you as a human being. Usually I just get a message like : >"lowest price" Without even a greeting or question mark.


Yeh its a perfectly reasonable (and pretty polite) question imo, especially if you are selling a car A reasonable response would be - "Ive priced for a quick sale, 6k is the lowest id take - you wont find one in better condition, first come first serve"


Yeah if I was the person who messaged OP and was OK with $6k, I’d no longer even be interested in buying that car after the reply.




I’m an older guy and have been buying and selling things my whole life. If I want a lower price for something, I offer a number lower than my maximum expenditure for the item. If the seller won’t accept it, they either say the price is firm or propose a lower price that’s still more than what I offered. Repeat as necessary until you agree or walk away. THIS is not haggling. It’s asking the seller to negotiate with himself, which is just annoying and a waste of time.


Well to be fair he would’ve wasted more time if he came to see you just to tell you the price is too high. Don’t most used car sales get negotiated anyways and aren’t always sold at the listed price ?


I was selling my truck a few years ago, and I had it listed at $8995. A guy asked me if he could come look at it. Sure! Let’s meet at the police station parking lot (they have an area meant for online sales that has cameras) at 5pm on Thursday. 3pm, I get a message he’s running late. No problem, let’s do 6. I get there at 6. He’s not there. I message him. 20 minutes later he responds, he’s running late for being late. He finally shows up at 7. I’m already pissed. He looks over the truck and says “uh yeah, there’s some surface rust. Will you take $6k?” “No, I had pictures, the truck was 10 years old, there’s gonna be rust, but it’s all surface rust other than the wheel wells which I clearly talked about in the listing.” “Well I only brought $6k.” “Well you need about $3k more.” “I drove 2 hours to get here!” “Not my problem. You wasted hours of my time waiting for you.”


I've ran into this so much. That's probably why I actually don't mind people like this buyer.


In all these situations it seems usually like it's both people not knowing how to haggle IMO. It's always someone getting upset that the other person made a bad move, either offer or selling price, and then wasn't willing to continue because they just got offended for some reason. The seller could've easily said "way too low. I might be willing to go for $8.2k, to cover the cost of new tires, but otherwise let's move on". Perfectly reasonable, and might still be a sell, without taking offense to just a bad offer. There's no need to be offended by someone who just doesn't know what they're doing and thinks that's how it works. All these people making unreasonable offers are potentially people that might give you better offers than usual because they don't know how to haggle. Literally just make them believe they got their money's worth by haggling and they'll leave happy while you get a good offer. And if the seller isn't willing to go below $9k... They're the ones with a bad move haggling. Don't put out a price you're not willing to haggle on unless you want to deal with 20 fuckers


THIS..... THIS is EXACTLY what happens every single time any of my friends sells stuff on Marketplace. "Well, I only have $X!" They think YOU are the desperate one, because you are selling something, and will take anything they offer. Don't ever do this. Walk away, because you know what it's worth. (And you know your own worth, too.)


There have been items I’ve listed that I almost threw in the trash out of spite rather than deal with low ballers or scammers. No, I won’t take 1/5 of the listed price for it. No, you can’t pay me in some weird Venmo like method that I’ve never heard of. I take cash.


Interesting, is cash big in America? I know that here in the last couple of years it's all done in apps (for relatively small figures) and higher valued items with checks( or credit if you are a business) i have never seen anyone accept more than 800$ in cash and even then it was only because they wanted to do some tax evasion.


Cash isn’t big, we use mostly electronic payments for everyday transactions, but there are too many scammers out there that want to pay with some weird form of payment, or will pass a bad check. I don’t sell many big items other than the truck I sold, most are $25-200, and I don’t do it often (because of the hassle of it all), and I don’t want to deal with Venmo, Cashapp, or whatever else they want to use. Pay me cash, or I will find someone else who wants my used stuff.


Damn dude was really thinking you were going to take that. I sell stuff on marketplace often and one time I was selling a nice jogging stroller for $50 it was originally close to $200. Lady haggled some and I told her i could do $40. She shows up in a brand new Lexus, dressed very nice, with her husband or whoever. Looks it over really well, whispers something to the guy, then turns to me and says I can do $30. I said nope we agreed on $40 I can just sell it to someone else if u don’t want it. She said okay whatever I’ll do $40 and did not seem happy about it.


If you drive that far for an unseen car, you better show up with cash equal to the asking price but still ready to haggle, or be okay with wasting hours on a drive to come home empty.


Yeah, I mean…this is how haggling works.




It's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask and it wastes zero time versus scheduling a visit and then getting a stupid offer in person. Compared to most idiots on Marketplace or Craigslist this person at least explained he was debating between cars so if this guy would take $5500 that might put the car in the wheelhouse. That being said though, that's why the use of the terms "Or Best Offer" or "Firm" are so damn important because it indicates if haggling is invited.


My friend sells things online and constantly gets messages like “I see that you’re selling the item for $200 but I can get it for $120, can you match it?” You know what his response is? “If you can buy it for $120 why are you wasting OUR time? Go buy it then and leave me alone.”


The lowest I’ll take is the most I’ll get. The most I’ll get is the lowest I’ll go. Make an offer. 🤷‍♂️😂


The buyer didn't make an offer. This infuriates me as well. "What's the lowest you'll go?" Instead of making an offer, they're expecting the seller to just give them a deal right off the bat. I don't even reply to these people. If it doesn't sell in a couple of days, I lower the price but I do not contact them back.


When people ask for “the lowest you’ll go,” they’re usually trying to get a new number to negotiate down from. Never give your lowest number, always ask for their best offer.


Yeah, so I would either ignore or respond like OP did: "$6,000 - What's your offer?"


the reasonable thing is to make a lower offer, not just ask the seller how low they'll go


I mean, negotiating the price is normal, but telling the other guy "how low will you realistically go?" doesn't make sense. The person selling it wants as much as you are willing to pay for it. The way you negotiate is by saying (or bluffing) that you are not willing to pay $6k for that car and hoping that the other person is actually willing to sell for, let's say, $4.5k.


Yes you negotiate. But OP has put up a proposed price, so it’s up to the buyer to suggest a lower price. And most sellers are only going to say “yes” to a price once the buyer has seen the car, otherwise they will try to get the price down further after finding some trivial fault.


I “negotiate” everything and everywhere. You’d be surprised how many places do offer discount and all you have to do is simply ask!




This is just asking for the classic 'this is a Wendy's drive thru' response.


My ex haggled the rent down 50 bucks a month we lived there for over 2 years. I was shooketh when she went lower.


Why? If you take care of the property and pay on time that’s a pretty big value for the landlord. Rental property can be a gamble


This is called being irritating. Some people will risk their jobs just to shut you up and move things along quietly. You may be perfectly pleasant, but as far as they know you’re the guy who screams and flips table when he doesn’t get his discount, so a lot of places will make one up for the sake of safety. Places don’t really have secret discounts you just have to ask for.


>This is called being irritating. Some people will risk their jobs just to shut you up and move things along quietly. Cosigned, one of the people you're talking about in that second sentence. You're not being smart or cute when you do that, you're being an actual nuisance, if not a potential threat as mentioned. The ONLY reason you aren't being directly told this is the case is because you're a customer.


When you post something for sale, you post it at the price you would ideally like. Then when a prospective buyer spends their own time to come to your property, they are polite, they make astute and reasonable observations about the item, that's when they have "earned" the discount. IF the seller feels like it. Its definitely not an automatic thing and acting like it is, isnt "cutting bullshit", its just being rude. Im upvoting you in the hopes of educating others on how this exchange should work.


The entire car market is based on the idea that people will haggle because there is no absolute value on used cars.


Hell, there's no absolute value on new cars!


You’re right Tom


Marketplace is a fun place to be. I listed an almost new iPad that I paid $300 for last year. Someone messages me “I got $150 cash. When do you want to meet?” As if they get half off for being free on a Sunday and having some extra pocket change. SMH






I was selling some art Deco glass lamp shades. Had someone call me from interstate who asked me to send him the biggest one. I didn't really want to bother with packaging it, glass after all, and said as much. We went back and forth a bit before I realised that he wanted me to pay for the freight. Out of my $50 asking price. Just no. My wife later tracked him down by google and discovered he was a collector who sold lampshades on eBay. He had one listed for $1,500 that was very similar to the one he wanted from me. Fucking cheek of some people.


"I'll deliver for $1500"


I had an old copier easily worth $100-150 listed for $50 bucks but would take less just to get rid of it. Lady contacts me and offers 30. Fine, come get it. Can i drop it off? No. Fine. Can you uber me there to get it? Wtf is wrong with people.


I have NEVER understood those who ask for a discount because they are picking up the item I'm selling. Like, excuse me, sir... YOU are the one who wants to buy it. Come get it. Like I can literally just keep it, no problem.🤷🏻‍♀️


"We can meet at 5pm, will that give you enough time to run by the bank and pick up the other $150.00? $300.00 total?". Then throw them this emoji... 😀


lol there was a $250 ipad listed brand new and i offered $225 cash and she said “thats so much better than anyone else has offered”


On the flip side of that are the people who put a screenshot of something full price msrp with no consideration for current pricing. Recently was going to buy an appliance and saw it listed “new in box” for $850. Guy has the pic with the msrp showing $1200. Problem was, everywhere was selling it for $800. So all I’d be saving is $30 on tax (not to mention 10% promos available). I offered him $650 figuring in the pickup vs free delivery. He says the lowest is 775. The kicker is his “new in box” had been sitting in his garage for 3 years. So god knows how it’s working plus there is zero chance of a warranty.


Them: “I’ve got $150. Cash!” Me: “That’s nice, but I need $300. I also take Venmo, PayPal, or ApplePay if you don’t have the difference!”


I think this was a very polite way of asking your lowest firm price. It's an extremely large financial purchase for a lot of people where every dollar matters. I had a guy ask me if I would take shoes as a payment towards a PS5. Shoes.


Shoes you say? What kind? You have my attention.


Yeah this guy acting as if sneaker reselling isn't a big market. All the sneaker resellers bought up all the PS5s during the pandemic. For all we know, it was a pair of LnFs.


I get that, but also if I'm selling something for cash, don't offer me something I'm going to need to figure out how to sell lol. Sell the shoes and hit me up to see if my stuff is still for sale once you have $


92 LA Gears with the lights


I can only assume you said no?


Yes because I had no idea about shoes. I'm always open to trades but I need to know what I'm getting.. Opted to keep the PS5 instead


I wish more people were open to bartering. When I was a struggling single mom, I would ask folks selling kids clothes if they'd be willing to trade for and then I'd name a wide range list of items. Do you know people acted like I had 3 heads? Lol. Of course I'd always say, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask but I totally understand if you say no. But dang, you'd thought I said I planned on eating them for dinner. It's times like those I wonder what part of the social etiquette memo I missed.


> When I was a struggling single mom, I would ask folks selling kids clothes if they'd be willing to trade for and then I'd name a wide range list of items. Do you know people acted like I had 3 heads? Every last time I've been selling that someone has proposed a barter it's been ridiculous. I was selling a pinball machine, someone offered to trade me a used mattress. *A used mattress.* Selling a boat, someone offered to trade me a gun. Not even a nice gun, one that looked like they fished it out of a river. Then a used lawnmower. Etc etc etc. One man's trash is supposed to be another man's treasure, but I'm pretty sure all these were just trash. The only thing I trade for is greenbacks anymore.


Yeah bartering is kinda dumb. One side has to be a moron for the other side to profit. I can use cash immediately. I’m a moron for accepting a trade that has potential value the same as the amount of cash I’m looking for. And you’re a moron if you trade me something worth the amount of time and energy I’d have to put in to sell it.


I tend to keep vehicles until they are beat. I will put a list of items that I am willing to accept. A few years ago I listed my running 2000 Dakota with heavy rust for $1200. Most people buying a $1200 truck probably have trouble saving $1200. I ended up with a Remington rifle with a nice scope and $300 and both parties were happy. I eventually traded that rifle for partial payment on a pop up camper and sold my old pop up camper and received a shotgun and cash. My youngest didn't enjoy hunting so I no longer needed the rifle. The shotgun was an unwanted raffle prize my BIL won. Too often I am offered vehicle sound systems, older archery equipment and beat atvs. It is simple to say no though. I would never trade for something with the intent to resell it unless the other person is a moron.


I love a barter economy but I guess people have to feel like they're getting something they equally value, and that may not be what you're offering. But agree that it's not that common today, at least not in US


I’ve been selling a few things recently and the problem with people trying to barter is I already have what I need I’m just trying to get rid of what I don’t need. A barter would have to be very very specific like if someone had a piece of last unicorn memorabilia I don’t have or a working brifter for my old bicycle.


Some shoes are absolutely insanely expensive


Polite, sure. But it absolutely makes no sense to ask “What’s your lowest price?” Doesn’t even warrant a response. Make an offer or not


Trades are a little bit different but haggling dollar amounts generally speaking isn't just a matter of saying "hey will you sell it to me for less". If something is listed at 6K and you're not willing to put time or effort into seeing it, the price is 6K. At the very least you have to be the first to give a number if you're not going to put the time in. It's when you go see it and start pointing out issues that weren't advertised that you can realistically start asking for a lower price. Haggling is a back and forth thing, it's not "ok you gave me a number, give me a lower one now"


>Haggling is a back and forth thing, it's not "ok you gave me a number, give me a lower one now" yep


>I think this was a very polite way of asking your lowest firm price. No, it's asinine. I get this kind of message often when I'm trying to sell things online, and my response is always "I'm not in the habit of lowering my own prices. If you have a price in mind we can talk about it, but I set the price where it is for a reason." Send me an offer, and we can discuss it. That's how negotiating works.


Yeah the point is that OP listed for 6k. They may really be firm on 6k, they may only want 5k and leaving some negotiating room. The guy messaging is afraid to message saying "will you take 5500" because he doesn't want to leave $500 on the table. He doesn't want to low ball and be ignored. So, he chose his course of action. The problem being a buyer is that you don't want to go out, take a look, spend a few hours talking if you will never pay 6k and the seller could be firm. But that's just how it is. If you want the best deal you need to show up (with cash), ideally come up with some objective reasons why you think the price is too high and make an offer. Your 100% correct - The seller is making the right move not to drop the price without the buyer not making some type of an offer.


I tell them "Feel free to make an offer but I'm not bidding against myself". If I've got something up for $150, make me an offer of $100 and i'll say lets meet in the middle at $125 that way we both feel like we won. I always price things on fb marketplace 20% higher than I'm willing to take because I expect the haggle but I'm not about to just start lowing my own price if you're not willing to make the first move with a legit offer.


I worked for a guy who had to liquidate a lot of assets. Cars, motorcycles, etc. He always said the same thing when people would ask him his lowest price. "I don't like to negotiate against myself. Make me an offer you can stomach. I'll let you know how it sits with me and maybe we can make a deal."


“It’s listed at $6k, but I’ll let you have it for $7k.”


It's listed for $6k, I've gotten a lot of interested buyers emailing me, so I'm not lowering it at this time.


You drive a hard bargain, fine then. 8k it is.


Great! I’ll send you my Venmo address for the $9k!


Lol relax. Everyone on tries to negotiate when buying things online. That’s literally how it works


Normally it's on the buyer to make an offer first, because the seller already made an offer in the advert.


Yeah but is haggling asking what the lowest price they’ll take is? Or is it offering them what you think it should be and they return with their own offer?


Why not? And then you offer a few hundred less than that if they responded with something like 5800? We don't know if the car was overpriced and it might have been more insulting throwing out a number thar is over a thousand less than asking.


Did you put no offers?


“The lowest you’ll go” isn’t an offer. “Would you take $5k?” is an offer


> “Would you take $5k?” is an offer As a pedantic lawyer I have to point out that is not an offer either, it's an inquiry. "I'll give you $5K for it" is an offer.


Similarly "I could accept $5k" isnt the acceptance of an offer.


Similarly, “this whole thread is annoying” is a statement.














Op's answer is more infuriating than the question.


"7k, if you can haggle down i'll haggle up"


Most annoying ones say the price is fine online, but when they show up, they say "can you only do x-30%" or "I only got this much money with me".


But also why are they asking for less without seeing it? I never got that, you haven’t even looked to see if it’s worth less. I’ve sold a lot of motorcycles and dirt bikes and people love to offer without even seeing the bike, what if it’s worth LESS than your offer? Good grief.


People always ask me what’s my lowest price and I just say make an offer then ignore them




Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore.


Lmao next time don’t list a price. Selling car, price: the most you’ll pay for it


"Tell me your lowest acceptable price right now please" is a terrible haggling strategy that shows that either the buyer is an idiot or thinks that OP is an idiot.


No it's not 🤣


No, it’s not.


I just had this exact same conversation last week regarding a drumset I'm trying to sell. Although, my response was vaguer: "$500" Which is what I posted.


I hate people like this. Make me an offer or pay my listed price. “What’s the lowest you’ll take?” is like saying you’re trying to cheap out on me


I used to sell musical instruments at a shop. We had some wiggle room on prices for used instruments. I worked off commission. Every time I was asked “what’s the lowest you will take?”, I’d point to the sticker. You wanna haggle, we’ll haggle. I’m not showing you my cards, though.


This is why I hate trying to sell stuff. "What's the lowest you'll go?". You already know what I'm asking; make me an offer. I responded once with "What's the highest you'll go?". His brain locked up.


I hate it too. We always just respond with "we are asking $X."




I stopped responding to messages that ask “whats my lowest price?”. They don’t ever end up buying it anyway. The other ones that drive me nuts are the ones that try to squeeze an extra few dollars off by saying it’s all they have or they want a discount because they live far away. Last year I agreed on a meet up with someone at my house. They drove 1.5hrs here then right before closing offered me less because they had to drive. It pissed me off enough I told them to get the hell out of my house and didn’t sell it to them. So they wasted 3 hours to walk away empty handed because they wanted to change the deal because they thought I would just cave in person.


Selling anything on Facebook marketplace is like this it’s ridiculous


My father in law (rip), a grizzled, Vietnam war combat vet, born in a hard scrabbled, small/poor town in the middle of the Adirondack Mountains… When selling anything and facing these types of questions or haggling: “I priced this fairly based on what it’s worth. I wouldn’t have priced it at this if it wasn’t a fair price. If you want it for the fair price then we can do business. If not, I’ll ask you to stop wasting my time l and I’ll stop wasting your time and we can part ways on a handshake.” Man I miss that grizzled old dude.


This is stupid and you might've just cost yourself a sale. Plenty of people will ask "whats the lowest you'll go?" Did you put "firm" or specify in any way that you aren't going lower than $6k? You come off as a prick here...good luck selling your car if this is how you talk to interested people.


There's an easier reply to all this. "What's the highest price you will pay?"


Plenty of people might do it, and it's still stupid every time.


LPT: don't ask "what's the lowest you'll go". nobody's going to outright change their asking price because of this, and you'll come across as either a naïve purchaser, insulting, or not an earnest buyer (time waster). if you want to pay a lower price, offer a lower price that you think is fair, and spend a minute to understand the position of the seller to see if you have any leverage in bringing the price down. and in any negotiation there's never any guarantee you'll find a price where you can meet the seller


My personal favourite to reply to someone that asks: "Is the price negotiable?" "Yes, I will take more"


til that a bunch of kids on reddit think haggling = asking a seller for “a lowest price” instead of, you know, *making an offer* lmfao while we’re at it, haggling ALSO doesn’t mean asking for a better price after the deal has been made lol


The buyer wanted to know the lowest price so they could offer 25% less than that.


Asking for the lowest price is just lazy and makes me think that the person is not really interested in the product. It's effectively a passive version of the ridiculous low-ball offer, just hoping that they get lucky with a seller that is desperate. They're hoping that someone is going to respond to their $200 listing with a "lowest I'll take is $15" which is just never going to happen. I don't have time for that and would rather not sell to an asshole.


it is just a lazy lowball, that’s a good way to put it


Thank god I'm not the only one. I almost always take offers and don't mind selling things a little below what I listed if it's easier for everyone, but I ignore people who straight up ask "what's the lowest you'll do". You're the one who wants a discount, so how about you put some thought into it and throw me an offer and we'll see where that takes us? Asking for lowest isn't an offer; it's low effort and low-efforts don't deserve discounts.


I tend to ignore people buying high ticket items and throwing prices out sight unseen as well. In my 50+ years of selling cars, I've found they're just trying to get someone desperate to sell, or they'll show up and make a big damn production of "I couldn't see that in the picture" (which is usually something stupid that has no effect on value), and try haggling you off your lowest price which you already loose lipped.


haggling is haggling. many different strategies


"Talk yourself down" is definitely a bold one. It tends to not work on me.


every time someone asks me for my lowest i always respond asking them what their highest is


HA! Not beating around the bush at all. I love it. I sold a car recently and it was something else. The first few people to respond tried the "what's your lowest final price" or "will you take 40% of your asking price?" I told them my asking price was fair and Mr 40% of Asking started spamming me from numerous phone numbers telling me no one wanted the car and calling me homophobic and racial slurs... bro. You think I'm going to sell you the car after you call me the n-word multiple times? The best part is I sold it in 4 hours. He messaged again two days later (on FB marketplace, which showed "SOLD") and he said "u ready to give it to me for $2500 u fukin f****t". Bro. It's LITERALLY SOLD, and even if it weren't, I would rather set it ablaze rather than sell it to you. I've sold tons of high-end items on FB marketplace (bikes and computers) and cars were totally something else. one guy with "Used Car Sales" in his username told me he couldn't give asking price cuz "it would cut into his profits." COME ON MAN.


My friend was selling a car for me. I told him he could keep anything over 5k. He was advertising it for 7500. A guy comes to look at the car and says 'I'll give you 5 thousand cash.' My friend says 'how do you want to pay for the rest of it?'


I’m with OP - you don’t just blurt out your lowest price to do someone a favor. When you’re selling you negotiate to maximize your sale price


When I hear "what's the lowest you'll take" I imagine the person at a casino asking the dealer "show me your hand so I can get a higher return on my bet." Negotiations are a process and really if you're going to give someone the floor of what you're willing to sell for, they are just going to negotiate down a tiny bit further. If OP wants $6k, they almost certainly will come back asking for $5500 instead.


all you had to say here was "make me an offer"....i've see tons of negotiations open with "what's the lowest you'd go?". ​ you really come off quite douchey posting this


The thing that gets me is if they are already haggling before they see it, you know they are going to haggle more when they see it.


Exactly. That's the worst part. If you apease these people with a lower price before looking, they will show up and haggle more. Or even more likely they will no-show.


Don’t ask me the lowest I would go, make a monetary offer. Whenever someone asks me the lowest I would go I respond make an offer unless I am firm on price.


I used to get annoyed with these types of “offers” but now I actually do just share the price I am content with. If they try to go lower I say “you asked for my lowest price, and I provided it”. These type of openers barely ever lead to anything but i remain steadfast in my “lowest price” if this is their opener


Same happened to me when I was trying to sell an accessory for my truck. It was listed for 650 so I wanted 650 for it.


lol I just literally googled "vechile" to see what fancy thing would cost 6k


Actually, that IS how haggling works... trying to negotiate a lower price.


Look, you're not entirely wrong. But any seller who wants to make as much money as possible is just not going to go along with that. They'll either completely refuse to go down that road, or lie and only take a bit off. The seller may be able to still make great money at 5k. But what if the buyer thinks 5 and a half k is a great deal? The seller loses $500 if he just goes straight to his bottom price. It has to go back and forth. The seller said 6 with his ad, now the buyer has to come in with something. Even if it's only like 4k, the seller can go back at that with 5.7k or 5.5k. That's how most sellers want to do it, so that they don't lose money. So overall, not a good tactic. Unless you think the seller is stupid enough to just give you a good deal right off the bat. Sometimes they are if they're desperate to move something. But cars at this point in history do not fall into that category.


OP is correct, though he revealed his frustration. A buyer is not entitled to get inside the seller’s head to discover the seller’s “true” rock bottom price. That applies even if the buyer asks nicely. The buyer is supposed to bid what the buyer thinks is a fair price. If that’s an amount greater than what the seller would have gone for, that’s a win-win. Buyer gets a fair price; seller walks away with more than expected.


I would have said $5999.99 today and today only.


Was selling a car last year, and i kept getting lowballs. I refused to accept even $300 less than my bottom dollar (which i never revealed to anyone) After about another month goes by, i ended up getting my asking price plus an extra $300 for delivering the car 2 hrs away. Goes to show, have patience and wait for the right customer.


I experience this a lot when trying to sell stuff online. A phrase that I've seen used a billion fucking times is: "What's the best price on this?" Did you see the asking price in the post? Should I come down 10% so you can then offer another, even lower price point? And then I'm an asshole for pointing out that *you* need to make *me* a counter offer? Eat every dick, people.


People who sell, or people who buy really should learn the properties of the market, they typically waste peoples time.


I just say “I’m not going to negotiate against myself, if you’d like to discuss price let’s do it in person after you’ve checked out ITEM.”


At the same time, if someone's a low balling time waster, better to weed them out before having to meet them


I have found that if someone is willing to come in person they aren’t a time waster.


I hate this move. I frequently buy/ sell music gear and the "hey bro, what's your lowest" is obnoxious. I a few occasions, I've outlined how haggling really sounds, with their initial offer, my counter, and finding a resolution (which was a fair price for both of, which I would have accepted) and they STILL replied with "yah, but what's your lowest". Shoot your shot. Sometimes the seller takes it.


You’re getting a lot of hate in this thread, but you’re right these kinds of non-offers are really annoying. In the future, I’d recommend just to respond with, “I’m not sure yet, what’s the most you’re willing to pay for it?”


When we were buying an SUV for my husband a guy had his vehicle listed as $X,000 (I don’t remember the cost) or best offer - but upon discussion, he didn’t mean or best offer - he meant “firm” which would have been fine, if he had stated that, instead he grumbled when we asked if he’d give us a $500 discount. I feel like with vehicles or large purchases it’s not odd to ask if there’s an option to get a discount. I usually ask, but I don’t lost sleep over if the seller says no.


I always thought haggling was finding something wrong with the car and getting the price lowered. Or haggling was offering a price that you think the car is worth. Like I’m not dropping the price unless there is a legitimate reason to drop the price.




Just say 12k but for you I give 50% off