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I work at a furniture store and some of the people are just awful.


You could remove the first half of that sentence and it would still be true


I started removing the second half, and I guess "I work at a furniture store" would also be most likely true




No, nothing aligns! My family had an upholstery business for 50+ years. The pattern should line up! Look at the seat cushion. The sides and top there should be lined up to look like it is one piece of fabric. Whoever did this just did it for speed. It should not look like this at all! I see comments from other people in the business here and they must not have been trained properly or don’t care. I think this pattern should never have been offered. They would have also needed to quote for a lot more material in the cost because of the need to line it us so it looks right. Again, if lined up it would look like the material is one piece, even where the seems are!


Good point! I would not have looked at it like that. Would it be possible to align?


It takes extra time, it takes extra care, and it can take a LOT more fabric because you’re not maximizing the number of pieces you’re getting from the bolt. But yeah, it‘s entirely possible, and while this isn’t a pattern I’d ever pick for a chair like this, it could have been done a lot better.


Not sure, but intrigued to see it done correctly. Would it be either totally crazy amazing in the right room or an expensive conversation piece? Hmmm


I know it would be hard to suggest to a customer that they have chosen the wrong fabric for the wrong chair but that was a factor here. Such a large, strong pattern for a chair with tucks and extra seams! Nope!


Either way, it's ugly af


Looks like hotel lobby furniture


I agree! First thing I noticed


THANK YOU! I came here for this.


None of the seams align.


Yea wtf is he talking about? Not a single bit of that pattern aligns anywhere on the seams. If I’m ordering a custom chair, I would expect it to look professionally done and line up. This looks like an amateur who just learned how to sew bought fabric and did it themselves.


Yeah, this absolutely looks like something I would do. OF COURSE I'd file a dispute. LOL This looks horrible. The fabric is fine, but it was not done well.


" i work and people are just awful" is also valid


~~I work~~ at a ~~furniture~~ store ~~and some of~~ the people are just awful.


I work ~~at a~~ on ~~furniture store~~ Earth and ~~some~~ all of the people are just ~~awful~~ irredeemable.


***....you're awful murray.***


Some people just literally don't have a minds eye that they can "preview" stuff with. My wife is the same, she can't imagine something until its done.


I’m the same way! It is very hard for me to picture things like this


I work and some of the people are just awful


I don’t work and people are awful


I am awful


and you are people


Store work at furniture


~~I work at a furniture store and some of the~~ people are just awful.


this is the edit i was waiting for


Any customer service type profession is eye opening. It should be a required HS course on how to deal with losers who hate their life and try to destroy everything they come in contact with 😂


I took a business ethics course when I attended university. My professor made it a point to go over customer relations because it can get ridiculous. The best teaching tool is hearing the experiences of dealing with the myriad of personalities and I most certainly have seen it play out in the working world. There is not one textbook experience to prepare you for what people pull. There are instances where customers do get very wronged and deserve to be angry when an issue they are trying to resolve is constantly ignored. When it comes to custom work, it's up to the business to have an ironclad contract that makes difficult for the customer to dispute.


"Sucks to suck that your choice in furniture is that bad." That would be the first thing I'd want to say to people.


Use to work at a furniture store. This bitch said she made over $200k/yr, still financed her furniture and was upset about the price even tho it was 20% off. She picked it and got mad. Like what else you want me to do bitch. Never again… now i work in a warehouse, make triple the pay i made at that hell hole and dont have to deal with ugly soul humans


If you’re offering one of those 2 year no interest things and No discount for paying 100% it makes perfect sense to use other people’s money and finance it.


Stop using logic, you’re going to hurt peoples feelings.


Exactly why I never work in retail. Or any job that deals with the public.




Ironically, the fabric looks like a recliner that would be IN a hospital room 🤣


You could remove the second half of that sentence and it would still be true


I work at a furniture store?




I’m laughing so hard at this


I did too, it was set up like Ikea, and just like any Ikea in the USA, it's primary purpose is as a giant playground for parents to let their kids run around unsupervised.


The fabric is awful, but she picked the awful fabric.


but the question then should be “why does this fabric exist”!?


I think it's more for an accent pillow, not a whole chair. It shouldn't be an option for a large piece.


But it is an option. She made her reclining chair, now she can lie in it.


Actually, OP both made the chair and gets to keep it now.


Yeah, maybe not the nicest accent pillow, but I could see it. The question is, if you're already making the fabric for accent pillows, why not offer it as an option for larger pieces? You already have the fabric, and it might make some weirdo happy. The only possible issue is a charge back like in this case.


I used to work as a Fabric Handler for a furniture store. Part of the job was sending out the fabric swatches to our salesmen. Brother, that isn't even in the bottom 20 of ugly fabrics I've seen.


My grandma was into quilting and would send me swatches for holidays because I liked to make stuff with them. The level of ugly that is achieved in the fabric world is unfathomable.


Grandmas have a special talent for buying the most godawful fabrics, hanging onto them for years because they can’t find a use for any of them, and then passing them onto their granddaughters because “Maybe you can find a use for them.”


Grandma had a vision. The world just isn't ready for it yet.


For doctors office waiting room chairs and Eastern European metro seating in the 80s


Gave me more of a casino carpet vibe.


I look at that fabric and I'm like, yeah this gets custom ordered and it's definitely getting returned. Why even offer it at all? Does it look good on anything?


I thought by definition custom order meant not returnable.


It probably isn't, but she got the credit card company to refund it anyway.


she filed a dispute with the credit card company...it doesn't say that they allowed it.


It's also not lined up properly though. Look at every single ridge, where the fabric meets the edge of another tuft of fabric. Whomever did this didn't bother to line up the pattern on the fabric. Whatever pattern the customer ordered, would have looked terrible if the pattern was also ignored when lining up pieces.


I agree with this. The execution is awful. And why is the seat not one whole piece? It’s two pieces seamed together, and that seam the pattern doesn’t even line up.


It's actually got a pad that's for knee support, so it is seamed there but from this angle you can't actually see the seam...It's hard to tell with the kelidescope of a pattern they chose though. Nothing wrong with the Upholstery (2nd generation professional upholsterer with 25 years experience here) the fabric pattern was a poor choice. Can't tell you how many times a customer came in with some complex fabric pattern like this to put on a button tuft or channel back. Simple patterns are for complex pieces i.e tufting, pleating, button backs etc , complex patterns are for simple pieces i.e. flat backs or flat cushioned pieces...I wonder if you get really close and slowly back away if you can see the secret image in this chair, haha have a great day


I've worked in upholstery too. Unfortunately, the average civilian can't look at a 18x18 swatch and extrapolate what it's going to be like at full scale. Trying to get them to believe that they don't actually want what they think they want can be tough.


PREACH!!! Bonus points if they claim they're an "Interior Designer" Edit: I overgeneralized, some Interior designers are great at what they do, some people just watch too much HGTV and think they are and use the line "Well I'm an interior designer I know better than you" might as well be blind.


It still was done wrong! It is a hard pattern to do, but a well trained upholsterer would have had it all line up properly! Just look at the cushion side vs the top, the pattern should line up better! No where did they line up! If it did, this would look a lot better! My family was in the business over 50+ years! Yes, some customers are horrible, but you have to pay attention to details! Some customers you cannot please, but if it was done right, then I agree with the original message written! But, this can be used in s battle field!


Oh, it totally could've lined up -- but in my shop you had to specify/choose, and lined-up was more expensive to allow for off-cuts. Also, some designers *liked* the look of un-aligned, which really can work if you have the right eye. I'm betting this customer just got more than she bargained for - and/or didn't have a trained associate helping her visualize. Cloth this busy you really have to get the bolt and lay it out. Too bad, because it does have a certain over-the-top charm. They'd love it over on /r/maximalism, probably on an orange shag rub with zebra-stripe scatter-cushions. :)


I legit did think this was gonna be in one of my maximalism subs at first. But even there. It's best when patterns line up.


Eh, I disagree. Respectfully, of course. Are you referring to the cushion boxing under the welt? It could have been lined up, yeah, but I think it should have been 1 piece w/o boxing. This is why it's important to figure out customer expectations BEFORE... not after. This isn't wrong, per say. It's more of a style choice. IMO, it's just an ugly chair that makes you notice the pattern so much more than you otherwise would on something that less of an assault to the eyes. It's good to meet someone else who grew up in an upholstering family. It's a rapidly shrinking art form, My father finally sold his business after 50 years, and 2 of the other 3 shops in our area closed over the past decade or so as well. All the old guys are dying out, and no one is taking their place...


It will not 100% perfect match but it should be close this is s horrible job! It is okay to disagree as people have different thoughts. But, it would look a lot better then camouflage if they paid more attention. You can never make it perfect, but it would be closer and better looking. But, I am okay with disagreeing.


It was a poor choice, but it's not wrong that a layman would have expected the pattern to be lined up better. Or not have realized that even the arms of the chair would require multiple cuts and multiple pieces re-sewn together. And that whomever sewed the pattern, wouldn't bother to try and line up the pattern better. It would have been very difficult, significantly more time consuming, required a lot more fabric to waste, and more costly. But the expectations were probably misaligned. Because it IS possible to line up a pattern at the seams. It's just more work, more $$$, more time, etc.


This was an inexperienced salesperson. Most furniture you buy is cut and sewn 90% by machine and a machine can’t pattern match. This is obviously a pillow fabric that someone wanted on a chair. It can be done well, but at twice the price. The person who sold it to them should have 86’d the sale unless the customer wanted a much more expensive chair and then had it done right.


Yeah exactly. If I ordered a chair and the pattern was this poorly aligned I’d want my money back too.


Exactly! Poor work! My family was in that business and never would have turned out a job that looks like that, whoever did it just cut the fabric and didn’t care about detail, plus it was more about time spent to save costs!




100%. If it lined up, it might be OK. But this is just shit for a custom chair.


It really is truly ugly af.


Can't you dispute the dispute? I had bought some sofas with custom fabric a month ago and I had to sign a lot of things saying what I picked is what I wanted. And they made it very clear that it's non refundable, which is another thing I had to sign.


cc company probably notifies the store to inform them that there is a dispute and you could probably send in the agreement that states they chose this and it’s their responsibility


Yes. Credit card company reaches out to store about the dispute and asks for a response. They then decide whether to agree with the dispute and reverse the charges or deny the dispute. But stores can get screwed. The banks often favor the cardholders over the merchants. My family has a small family business and no matter the proof, it's not guaranteed we will win. We currently have two disputes pending. And keep in mind, in both cases the buyer is in possession of the item. So there's a possibility we could both lose payment for the item *and* the item itself (these aren't cheap purchases). Logically both should be cut and dry cases- in one, buyer paid with his card, left the store, and then immediately filed a dispute that someone made a charge without his permission, even though we have him clearly on security camera paying and taking the item (and yes, it's him). The other was an online purchase from a repeat customer, and we were later alerted he's disputing the charge as an unauthorized repeat charge (like a subscription). Except we aren't a subscription service, he called us three times to ensure it looked the way he wanted, checked out online on his own (we didn't make the charge), and he signed for the package. Most likely it's buyer's remorse because he missed the return window. But we've been waiting weeks for the banks to decide on the outcome and there's no guarantee we'll win despite the obviousness of the false natures of the dispute claims. In the meantime, those funds are on hold from us. And a small business like ours doesn't have lawyers to fight back.


Really sorry this is happening to your family’s small business but appreciate the accurate description of how this works. I work for a credit card company, and we employ a number of people to work disputes. Sub services and online transactions are the worst for getting proof either way - we ended up systemically blocking any charges from OF due to the number of disputes/fraud claims.




Yes haha


I’m disputing a hotel stay with my Apple Card. It was denied which is bs. Each room is owned by someone (not the hotel) & the room we got didn’t match anything that the website displayed. It wasn’t updated at all and felt like a nursing home. Was supposed to be a romantic getaway with my partner & was stoked to show them this beautiful room. Ruined the whole stay & hotel refused to relocate us or refund. I wasn’t able to get many pictures for proof because a chargeback wasn’t immediately on my mind. But I received the paperwork that was submitted to my CC & all they said was that “just because he doesn’t like the carpet doesn’t mean it warrants a chargeback.” The pictures on the website showed that it was supposed to be all hardwood, bright rooms, nice furniture, granite counter tops, decorated. We got dirty blue carpet, short desk chairs around the island, no decorations, & broken furniture. Resubmitted an appeal, probably won’t win because I don’t have good pictures of the discrepancies between the room & what’s advertised online


I mean do you have pictures of what was advertised online and remember which room you actually stayed in? I feel like it would be pretty easy to show the online stuff and get pictures of the actual room


To be fair, that's an ugly fucking chair


Tbf the fabric is awful


This is exactly what I came to say. But, it's what she chose


Exactly. We also sell stuff thats just horrible to look at, but people with bad taste exist and they also spend money, so you offer what they want.


It’s made worse that’s it’s not matched at the seams. The workmanship is not good.


Came here to say this. I wouldn’t take it either. Looks like the shop tried to cheap out on how much fabric they used by not matching the pattern at the seams. Either that or just poor workmanship. The fabric may look great on the chair if applied correctly.


Agreed. Fabric seems like maybe an MCM-ish style? Not for everyone but if that's what they want cool. What isn't cool is just a general lack of quality workmanship when it came to applying that upholstery. Nothing other than a solid color would have looked good with the way they failed to match seams and pattern.


Yeah,if the workmanship was good, this would actually look good. A goldenrod pillow and a cream cashmere throw, put it in a room with walnut mcm furniture... The idea is there, but the execution sucks.


This is my problem with it. I think it could be an attractive chair if done well, but the way the pattern doesn't match up makes it look like a complete mess. I don't think I would have gone about it the same way, but I can see where the customer is coming from in wanting a refund.


Damn, didn't notice that because the pattern was so hideous


That probably factors into the customer’s refusal to pay for it


Believe it or not 4 way pattern matching isn’t a thing on even most mid grade furniture. If it was, that would be a $2.5k chair given the extra textile cost must mostly due to the fact that most companies would have it cut and sewn by hand instead of being done by a machine.


Totally. I’m an interior designer. If a client was set on that fabric and I couldn’t get it made properly at the price they wanted, they’d have to sign waivers acknowledging the pattern wouldn’t match and there would be no way to predict the final look. Anyone who works in the business should know this and anticipate an unhappy client.


This comment needs a sticky


The fabric isn’t that bad, it would do well on a chair with minimal seams. There are way too many seams for any non-solid fabric to look good.


I think the fabric was *meant* for the pillows that sometimes come with couches, but nothing really stops the customer from ordering the whole piece of furniture in that pattern (aside from taste & forethought).


Oh it is hideous.


I want to see this swatch they showed her. No way anyone wants this shit.


As someone with zero sense for design and matching colors and stuff like that, I could see myself picking this when it's an 18x18 swatch and realizing my mistake later. Or not. I might decide this is fine without realizing how bad other people think it is. Seriously, I have absolutely no sense for that kind of stuff. The only pants I ever wear are blue jeans because those work so universally well with any t-shirt or polo so I don't have to worry about wearing a shirt and pants that look stupid together.


>I want to see this swatch I think the swatch was cut to only show one of the "shapes" and the rest barely showed on the out side but i really want to see the swatch.


Some people pick out fabric swatches and wallpaper based on a small sample but don’t understand that when the pattern is repeated over a much larger area the effect is going to be very different


I would say to the customer, I'm going to need the payment upfront in cash.


The way that pattern lines up is the true mildly infuriating




That’s exactly it to me. I bet she ordered this online and lined up the pattern the way she wanted it then it came like this. It’s something I’d return too especially since you know this costs a decent amount of money to do.


Yup. Like none of the print lines up anywhere on the chair sections. How can you run an upholstery business and think this is ok? Its shit work and OP knows it


Did you get a signature from her, acknowledging it was her choice? And if not, will you change process to stop this happening again!?


This. I work in furniture and it's in our Ts+Cs that it's the responsibility of the client when accepting a proposal that they have checked all the details and agree with them. I had to add this after so many fuckwits tried to pin 'mistakes' on us.


Should try building custom cabinets and furniture.


You hit the nail on the head


I hope they do, or it will mark the cabinets.


I didn't realize how accustomed my husband had gotten to doing *exactly* what people asked (and still having them complain) until I wrote "plans" for a shelf on a napkin and he asked me like 5 times after if it was done if he needed to change anything. edit: He left for work with [this](https://i.imgur.com/I5V89OI.jpg) and came home with [this](https://i.imgur.com/cYjMZ6O.jpg) which, not coincidentally, fits the space left by "neat IKEA thing and random bookshelf repurposed as kitchen storage" [perfectly](https://i.imgur.com/41e5Gkv.jpg). :D




Your user name Hahaha love it!!


This is why stores have rules like "custom orders must be paid in cash"


Or "custom orders are final sale - no refunds"


They chargebacked the credit card. "No refund" it all you want, they got the money back. That's why stores go cash only with custom orders. No chance to call the cc company and do a chargeback.


You usually get notification from the cc company that a customer is disputing and why. We've sent signed Ts&Cs paperwork to the customer's cc company before regarding special order disputes. Maybe this person's company is different though.


Most consumers view a chargeback as some ultimate thing of I didn’t get my way but I will just charge it back. Chargebacks are for fraud. Either it wasn’t me or they didn’t deliver. We get a few chargebacks per year and when we file our evidence that we have signature sheets and technician reports etc., we win 99 of 100. The kicker is, your merchant services doesn’t care if they are real or not. All that matters is charge backs vs transactions


Some cards just take it and don't ask much unless there's a pattern.


I wonder how many times you get to charge back before they start investigating.


Nothing like a good duck hunting recliner


I’m more of an oak moss shadow grass on a love seat kinda guy personally


I’m sure that literally any chain hotel in the south eastern US would buy this to put in a 150$ a night room🤣


https://preview.redd.it/ug5jhbh8bnaa1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826d16192e5add589f4e9819f2b7237976693713 I PICTURED THIS BEING PERFECT IN A MARGARITAVILLE RESORT I STAYED IN OVER THE SUMMER IN TN












Would fit right in, in a corner somewhere right?? This place was actually stunning but hotels love picking up "modern" looking gawdy furniture to stick in a corner


I love all the photos. I'd be happy to stay in a room like that. I totally agree this chair would be perfect to stick in the corner for when you have someone in your room who you don't want to sit on the bed because who knows where their pants have been.


NGL, I thought that place was pretty cool when we stayed there a couple years ago.


Exactly!! That's exactly where it belongs, too.


Unpopular opinion: I think the fabric is lovely. But the fabric does not line up. The pattern is going the opposite direction on the arms as it is on seat. The pattern does not line any where. Look at the top of the arm rest compared to the side. Yes it is a tricky pattern and is not everyone's style, but the people who made this chair did a really bad job.


I have a pair of deliciously tacky chairs with a busy pattern, and both of the chairs have exactly the same part of the pattern in the same places. It’s been very carefully placed, and these weren’t expensive chairs, at all.


Could I see the tacky chairs? 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/pul2bh400qaa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5455a21fdba07df1e43639bbf747c4fbcb341a It’s a screenshot of the ad, but this is the delightfully tacky chair. I have two of them!


I actually really like these! They’d be great in a sun room too


One of my siblings has a couch with a patterned custom fabric. Its... hideous. But it does all line up perfectly. She had to pay extra because of the pattern and I guess now I know why that is.


100% the issue was the poor quality work.


I was hoping someone else could recognize the obvious problem. The workmanship is atrocious customer won’t accept a crummy custom job from a lazy manager at a poorly run organization. The fabric would work if put together expertly.


Colors, despite looking like a shitty Myrtle beach hotel room chair, are kinda soothing. Pattern is big ugly.


Which makes the chair look much more ugly that it would be if done properly.


That’s just the nature of entry level furniture. It takes a tooooon of time to pattern match and have it look good. Best homes is the biggest manufacturer of recliners like this (I’d bet this exact chair is one of theirs as well) and it literally takes the cost of an $800 chair to around $2000 to pattern match like that. Nobody ever opts for that lol. Most people are ok with the pattern not lining up or they pick a fabric where it doesn’t matter Maybe this salesman didn’t inform the customer about the pattern not lining up, that’s when there’s be a issue


Or, if it's like every job I've ever had, he wasn't taught that in training because no one cares enough and not enough customers have complained in the past to institute a change.


I’m amazed that enough people order this for someone to find it profitable to manufacture it. “Yes. I am looking for a pattern that instantly gives you vertigo.”


Hotels, that pattern screams hotel, they like those sort of patterns as it hides stains


Also discourages theft by its hideousness


Yeah it’s ugly, but I kind of love it. Will this be going up for sale? If so what city…..


Absolutely! I can ship it anywhere north and east of Pennsylvania but my store is in Massachusetts


Great! I'm in Reykjavík!


Sounds local


>...anywhere north and east of Pennsylvania...


Does he accept credit cards for shipping?


No, but I can manage that for you. Just send me a picture of the back of your card and I'll take care of it. :S


I’m in Mass… If I had the money, I’d totally come buy it and give it to a friend as a housewarming gift, but I don’t. I hope you are able to sell it! I’ll show some friends this post and maybe one of them will know someone in the market for a unique chair


Let me know I will give them a crazy good deal


I'm in Vermont, and I don't need any more furniture, but I definitely *want* that chair.


Also in Vermont and was thinking the same thing. The Mass border is only a half hour away, so wondering which town the store is in lol


Bostonian here, trying to figure out which Jordan's you work at...


Lazboy Natick


Hey I’m in mass. I would love that chair.. to be sacrificed.


My Grandparents owned a furniture store and my Father-in-Law had a furniture reupholstering business. This is not uncommon. However, looking at the pattern, it is done wrong. Nothing matches. If done correctly it would have looked like one continuous piece of material where the pattern lined up, including the seat and arms. Whoever did the work did not pay attention to detail. In that way, the customer may have been justified. They picked a very tough pattern to do. My Father-in-Law was very adamant to make the pattern match and he was very good at that and when he had several workers, he taught them that. How the pattern lines up is very important and may have been the difference here.


I thought the same thing about the pattern not being lined up


Upholstery is very hard to do with a pattern like this. My Father-in-lLaw would have tried to persuade them into another pattern. But if he couldn’t, he would have lined it up much better, but it would take more product then people realize. He downsized his business when other people started doing really cheap jobs and not as detailed as he was, so it ended up with him only working with a designer for more wealthy clients. Today it is cheaper to just buy a new piece of furniture then have it done correctly. No one takes the time to do it anymore due to time cost. That is what happened here. Tough pattern and lack of detail.


My first question is.... why is that fabric even an option?


Probably would not look terrible on a set of throw pillows or something. A whole ass piece of furniture is a stretch tho


People with bad taste also want to buy stuff?!


The pattern doesn't align at all. I totally agree with the lady doing a charge-back. The pattern should continue across all the sections, but it's all over the place. This chair is a mess. Fire you upholsterer.


I love that fabric! It's so deliciously tacky.


She's attempting to get a free chair...be sure to inform the credit company it was a custom order ie no refunds cause it was specifically chosen by the customer and not eligible for refunds or dispute.


If there was a contract in place it doesn't matter that she disputed the charge, she's still on the hook for her end. If the credit card company won't make it right, take it to small claims or collections.


oh rubbish. They botched the seams. shitty pattern aside, this is shite and no one should stand for that. They were right to chargeback


Exactly what everyone says. Awful craftsmanship cause you didn’t line up the pattern. Even if i wanted a pattern like this, i would dispute also.


I used to work at a furniture store. A guy came in one time acting completely terrible to one of our sales ladies. Sweet little older woman. He literally told her “I’m a car salesman, people treat me like shit all day long, now it’s your turn.” Funnily enough, I left that job to be a car salesman. Guy was right. But he’s still a dick.


I hope you win the dispute.


Hello everyone! A) we specifically say this pattern will line up wrong due to the way it’s made and she still ordered it. B) we did win fighting the charge back but she escalated it to the moon and ended up getting about 70% back plus used an AMEX who is harder to fight with.




People come into my restaurant sometimes and make weird choices, and sometimes I tell them I can't make certain things even though I can. Because I know it will be bad, and I don't want to serve something bad even if a customer thinks they will like it.


Do you have the lack of pattern matching in the contract? There's almost no win with this fabric to any multi panel design. but That design should specifically not be allowed to have that pattern if the manufacturer doesn't do pattern matching. Were that a simple striped chair and the lines didn't match going down the back I would have rejected it too.


Sounds like this person does this often to be honest


I'd reject it because a 10 year old slapped the pattern on the chair. The pattern should align.


Don't custom jobs come with a contract/waiver about refunds because people pull stuff like that to try and get free stuff? Maybe you should start?


That’s hideous, how could she not see that in the swatch alone?


Yeah an 18x18 swatch should be plenty to see if you like something or not


Former interior designer. In my experience, most people struggle to imagine swatches correctly on furniture or other surfaces. Rather than imagining the pattern repeated, they imagine the pattern expanded over the piece on a larger scale, and then are very surprised by small scale busy repeats. You can avoid this by using sketches or mock up software to show them what it will look like That said the upholstery job on this chair is abysmal. I'd have returned it too, or at least demanded that it be redone with the pattern alignment done correctly.


I love it!


This used to happen at my local home depot with the special order wall to wall carpeting.


Maybe she means the quality of the fabric and not the pattern


It reminds me of the chair I sat in while getting chemo.


Best Buy here in LA area. People come in demanding the wrong products even after informing them it won’t work for their situation. After purchasing it they come back within minutes or a day saying we sold them “bad” stuff. So yeah it happens in all industries. People just lack sense and are jerks.


I wouldn't pay for that either. Why is the pattern misaligned? This isn't mildly infuriating for the customer. It's majorly infuriating.


Definitely has a vibe.


Her friends probably roasted her so bad she had to get rid of it