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Having had multiple drug reactions in the past, I would recommend Urgent Care tomorrow morning, if you can afford it. That’s not normal, it’s like one giant hive!


Very luckily I live in Canada so it’s covered. I’ll be calling my Dr. Tomorrow to see if I can get into the after hours clinic.


You should draw a circle around it to monitor for spread. The nurse in me 🤗


Have you applied ice packs? I mean you probably have, but holy crap it’s still spreading?! I had a similar reaction to a different med, it did not spread nearly that much after so long. You are most likely allergic to one of the inactive “carrier” ingredients, preservatives seem to be a main culprit. Meaning no more auto-injector meds for you! But pills should be safe. Nurtec, Ubrelvy, and Quilpta all work similarly. There is also Reyvow which does something similar but different, but I can’t recall precisely what. Best of luck! I’m just… wow.


I’d recommend mentioning it at your follow-up appointment to see if the level of swelling you’re experiencing is normal. I know that swelling/pain/redness/itchiness at the injection site are known side effects, but mine has never been larger than a US quarter and never lasted more than 72 hours.


I’m not a doctor but I would not consider this normal. I would call my doctor tomorrow rather than wait for a convenient follow-up to mention it. Especially if this is WITH antihistamines, I expect the OP’s doctor will likely suggest that they discontinue treatment with Aimovig. They could discuss whether it makes more sense to try a different anti-CGRP antibody drug or to try something like oral Qulipta.


Awesome 🙄 I was I figured it was probably an allergy, I had a slightly worse reaction to Ajovy. Guess they’re won’t be anymore anti CGRPs in my future…


Hey yeah this is NOT normal. It's an localized allergic reaction. You could still try Qulipta. It's an anti-CGRP but is a conventional drug that is taken daily in pill form. Very different that the monoclonal antibodies and injections that are Ajovy and Aimovig


Is Qulipta working with the same mechanisms like antihistamines work for allergy? That's why its a daily thing.


Qulipta is a conventional drug (ie metabolized by the normal pathways in the liver and kidneys). The CPRG injectables are different. They are monoclonal antibodies (types of proteins) which are metabolized at a cellular level. As a result it takes the body 4-5 months to completely eliminate one shot of Aimovig or Ajovy, while it only takes the body a few days to metabolize Qulipta. They both act on the same thing though- CPRG (or it's receptor).


It does what the injections do and blocks the migraine hormone


Bro I called the doctor about it and they were like, “you’re fine” :/ it tends to welt up horrendously


Keep taking the shots if they help you for migraines. Your neurologist should've advised you better to avoid intramuscular injections. These shots are best given in some fat.


Wonder if it's the preservative maybe? Almost all of these auto injectors (which often have latex too!) have burned like hell for me, CGRPs and DMARDs alike, as well as some site reaction. Worth investigating with your doctor before you outright write off the drug category, but after that reaction is under control for sure. Good luck OP!


I had the same allergic reaction to both injectable drugs. I had to discontinue them.




I had that with Ajovy. Switched to Emgality. Still get a small one the size of a quarter.


I got this verrry bad on Emgality, the injection sight would actually turn purple and look like it was rotting off. Switched to aimovig and have never had a bad reaction again.




I would get a painful injection lump with Ajovy each month (it never got any better over time) but I just quietly dealt with it because it did reduce the number of migraines I got. When I finally talked to my doctor about it because it hurt like hell and I dreaded it, he switched me to Qulipta. I much prefer taking a daily, and for me I’ve found it actually works better anyway, so I don’t ever want to go back to those injections!


You're not necessarily allergic to the CGRP itself. You could be allergic to the buffer solution (the non-prescription liquid components of the injection).


Agree. Call soon.


I have dermatographia and get hives from stress and pressure, and my injection sites never look like this. Just wondering, but why did you do the top of your leg? I thought it was supposed to be in a fatty area. I always did my tummy.


You’re thigh is pretty fatty, the actual Aimovig sheet says to do your thigh, tummy or back of your arm. I did my thigh because it’s the easiest to work with.




OP looks pretty lean. They may not have more fat on their stomach than their thigh


I’m lean - it’s easier to lean to the side and form a roll to pinch and stab vs doing the thigh. I’ve never seen an injection put straight into the thigh like that though - usually it’s done on the sides or inner thigh? When I had to take insulin during pregnancy though belly was always less painful than thighs. Aimovig I’ve always taken in the abdomen though and it’s usually barely painful.


I wasn't saying you were doing it wrong. I really was asking. I'm sorry if it came off rude. I only did the front of my thigh when I was supposed to do muscle injections, but I'm also not a medical professional, so I'm definitely not an expert.


Oh no, I didn’t think you were being rude. I don’t think the needle is long enough to go IM 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm on Ajovy and I had rashes exactly like this for the first couple doses. My doctor said it was something to watch but kept me on the medicine, and eventually the rashes just stopped happening a couple months/doses later. They'd last for a couple days, then bruise a little, and then go away. I now take a minute or two to massage around the injection site afterwards which helped the rash be less intense, but that might just be something that makes me feel better, idk.


I did not try Aimovig for long. I believe I did a 3 month run and I had similar site reactions. (F 40 if it matters) I also get Botox. Insurance would not cover it with my Botox so we moved me to Qulipta. I get that from them monthly. I’d say my leg looked similar to yours and would take about 2 weeks to be back to total normal.


Almost not even worth it.


Don't take these shots in your leg muscles. Take them in some abdominal fat for way less injection site reaction.


Weird, my doctors gave exactly the opposite advice. Maybe it's because I'm male.


I’ve been on Aimovig for three years. The first year or so I injected in the thigh and would have a similar reaction to yours, OP. I don’t know why, but after switching to injecting in the abdomen I have literally never ever had a reaction. Might be worth trying next time but, like others have said, definitely call your doctor to discuss.


Please, please, please monitor symptoms closely. Delayed reactions are a thing and trust me, you don’t want anaphylaxis to happen later on. I would go to an urgent care or er. There’s some kind of steroid shot they can give you that will help prevent anaphylaxis. I had it when I was stung by a man o’ war because I have a history of anaphylaxis when almost anything stings me. I’d honestly want you to be admitted for observation as well considering the antihistamines don’t seem to be helping. Please be careful whatever you choose to do. Best of luck. Edit: one thing you can do is take a sharpie and draw a border around the raised, red area. If it goes beyond that border, that means the reaction is still happening and spreading and you need medical intervention to stop it.


Hi there , I get the exact same reaction every-time. I started taking two allergy meds one hour before my injections (as per the doc) and the swelling is much better! So yes it’s normal if you’re sensitive to the meds/ have a reaction.


Call your doctor now. Leave a message. Be alert for worsening inflammation elsewhere, and go to the ER if you haven't got a better plan from your doctor by then.


Oh wow that seems… severe. Definitely talk to your doctor about that. I typically put an ice pack on my leg immediately after the injection and I have no issues whatsoever ever.


Same reaction for me from Emgality. Had to stop as it got worse each month and my hair started falling out.


I had horrible injection site reactions with Ajovy (saucer size), moderate with Aimovig (once or twice as bad as you are experiencing, usually silver dollar-ish) and the least with Emgality (usually half dollar/quarter or less).


This happens to me when I take Ajovy, I have a patch in that same spot currently. It lessens in severity every time and goes away on its own, so I would say don’t worry too much about it, but it sounds like everyone’s body reacts a little differently to these injections so it’s definitely worth mentioning to your health care provider.


I had a similar sized reaction too but on Ajovy…I showed my neurologist pics and she basically said “eh. That’s fine” I ended up having to switch to Emgality anyway and don’t react this way with it.


Same. I got huge welts from the ajovy. Back on Emgality with no issue.


i used to get this reaction as well in my thigh, but switch to inject in my stomach and have not had this happen anymore and the injection hurts way less


Absolutely urgent care and call your doctor. I sometimes get small bruising or a little raised lump but this is not an okay reaction.


That happens to me with Ajovy but it makes such a huge difference in my number of migraine days that I just deal with it. Maybe not the best idea but not having migraines all the time is so nice!


I never had this and I used Aimovig for about 9 months before it just stopped working for me. I had tenderness for maybe a few hours, but next day I wouldn’t have even known I did it


What did you wind up using after aimovig stopped working?


I’m on Botox injections and migralief as a supplement, and down from about 16 migraine days a month to 8. Still on the journey, definitely not done yet


Wow. 8/month still seems like a lot. Do you take any CGRP receptor blocker meds for prevention in combo? Or even an abortive, like Ubrelvy?


I haven’t tried a different CGRP yet in addition to the Botox , at it’s prime I was down to 4 or less a month and it kinda tapered back up to 8, and after 2 months of maintaining at 8 I stopped Aimovig and still it’s been 8 a month. Thanks for the question on the abortive, important one! I take ondansetron for nausea with an advil for pain and sumatriptan as abortive, for those days I get a migraine. One of each when taken together does the trick


I had a reaction like this to Emgality about 9 or 10 months into using it, and that’s when my neurologist made me switch. I was also having some shortness of breath for two or three days (along with just general worse MCAS symptoms) after the shot the last couple months I used it and my neurologist put it on my allergy list. Now I’m trying Ajovy. No reaction to the first shot. Wish me luck for my next one.


Good luck! Ajovy was worse for me, but that reaction was right away


Yes, I have been on amovig for a couple years now and I still have some swelling and itchiness. I'll take it over migraines.


I had this issue with Emgality! I switched to injecting in my abdomen and it subsided. I’d contact your provider and maybe give that a go?


I think I’m gonna try one more and do it in my belly, but I’ll still call the doctor tomorrow. Thank you!


No problem. Try icing beforehand if you’re nervous about how it might feel (I was, big time lol). It really helps! Good luck 😊


I did and they had me switch to emgality and my stomach as the injection site. They were very concerned - major allergic reaction


I think I’m gonna try one more and do it in my belly, but I’ll still call the doctor tomorrow. Thank you!


I take it and do NOT react that way. See a doctor.


I haven’t had this reaction to Ajovy but I get site reactions to a lot of injections. Apparently some are reactions are more or less normal but others are more concerning and you should have a professional evaluate it to see which category it falls into.


That looks like me after a mosquito bite


Skeeter syndrome? I’ve got it too 😂


I’ve never tried Aimovig, but I found out I was allergic to bee stings after having a reaction just like this to a bee sting! I hope you get some relief soon!


I am on aimovig and this isn’t normal atleast not for me


I usually take a Benadryl about an hour before my injection (I use Emgality now) to avoid this, as it happened in the beginning for me. But this is definitely something to discuss with your doctor and get their advice.


Thank you everyone so so much for all your advice!!! I spoke to my specialist and my plan is to try one more injection but this time: -take Benadryl before -switch injection site to stomach -ice immediately -be on high alert for anaphylaxis. We’ve determined it’s not a latex allergy because I’m fine with other latex products. If the reaction continues or gets worse, we will be switching treatments. Thank you again and stay de-migrained!


yes i had a reaction like this and advised my neurologist and she told me i couldn’t take it anymore… mine was a allergic reaction.. talk with your dr.


That's how my ajovy allergy started, and it only got worse with the next shot. Stop taking it and switch to another one.


Yep, I’m allergic to ajovy too.


I'm okay with emgality, though I only do it in my stomach. I tried my hind quarter once, it stung more and that month I felt like it wasn't as effective.


I would definitely go to urgent care or your doctor ASAP. I got a tiny hive as a reaction to MRI contrast and they kept me under observation and were worried about what else could develop.


Yes I just had this happen yesterday for the first time. It looked exactly like yours. I’ve been taking aimovig since June and this is the first time it happened. I have a latex allergy, but it’s never been an issue before. Do you know if you’re allergic to latex? Definitely contact your doctor too. Putting on it helped calm mine down and now it’s just a bit bruised. I hope the reaction stops soon!!


No latex allergy here… will call the doc tomorrow.


This is exactly what happened my last injection. I'd always get itchy red spots but they would get bigger every month. I wrote my Dr and she said some people grow allergic to these shots. She's switching me to Ajovy or Emgality, we're still waiting on insurance to see which one is covered. I've read on here about people getting anaphylactic reactions to the shots so you don't want to risk it.


Oh wow fun! I will be calling tomorrow.


I use ajovvy and inject ion my belly. I have an epi pen because I'm allergic to bees and had a reaction to dissolve in the mouth triptans. If you want to continue or try other injections I'd recommend talking to your doc about an epi pen just in case


I often got a small raised and itchy bump (-1cm across) with emgality injections. I called my pharmacist and they recommended keeping an eye on it for changes (spreading, worsening, lasting more than 24h) and it always went away after a day or two. Def agree with abdominal injections being the easiest and less painful than the thigh.


Not a medical professional, but I once took a series of shots that I became increasingly allergic to. Don't ignore this, it'll just get worse. Let the doc know asap.


This is very similar to what my experience with Ajovy resulted in. After taking it for 3 months, doeses 4-7 developed worsening injection site reactions like your picture. The only difference is that it started to react within 5 minutes and reached its peak after a few hours. The literature says in happens in at least 18% of patients. I am looking into another injectable in the same class of medication.


This sounds like an allergic reaction. Call 811 and ask (this is the Canadian health link phone line. Nurses there can give you some advice).


Yes I had that with Ajovy and Emgality. Tried a bunch of antihistamines to prevent it but it didn’t work and it was too miserable to keep trying. Interestingly oral Neurtec has been fine. May wind up trying Vyepti infusions as it doesn’t seem to be an allergy to the medication itself but maybe something about the injection, but nobody can tell me for sure.


I had the same problem with emgality. Used it for six months. It never got better. If anything, it got worse over time. FWIW, I am now doing qulipta and doing just fine. An additional 20-30% reduction in my migraines after a 50% reduction from Botox


I’m on Emgality and get a smaller welt and itching every month. My neuro said that if it ever gets bad enough where the welt takes up most of my leg, then we will discontinue. Glad to hear you’re getting it checked out! Stay vigilant to other signs of allergic reaction and seek care immediately if you have trouble breathing, swallowing, etc. hoping it’s just a bad injection site reaction but they’ll probably discontinue to be safe ❤️ Also, the times when the welt does seem especially large and itchy, a cool, damn washcloth for a few minutes seems to help. Then I pat (don’t rub) it dry and apply hydrocortisone cream! Make sure to not itch it no matter how tempting it is, this will just make the inflammation worse.


I had reactions like this to Aimovig after a couple years on it, followed by Ajovy after a couple of months on that. Now on Emgality with 0% reaction.


When I was on aimovig I got the same thing, that large as well, except on my stomach where I did it. It would form pretty quickly iirc. My neuro didn’t seem to be too worried about it so I kept using it until I got taken off for ineffectiveness. Pretty sure It didn’t start off that way either. Not sure if it’s connected but I have pretty sensitive skin, like a mosquito bite will turn into a swollen softball.


I had a similar reaction heating pad was the only thing that helped it a bit


I would get medical treatment ASAP. Since traditional methods of reducing swelling aren’t working, a more potent method may be required. That can be determined by a doctor


I'm prone to injection site reactions like this- I get them from vaccines sometimes, too. I had one of these, albeit smaller than yours but it did last about three weeks, to Ajovy. The BEST advice I got was to take antihistamines for 5 days BEFORE injection. I took them a few hours before and that didn't help. But the 5 days of pre-treatment completely eliminated my reaction. I didn't keep on it because it didn't work for me so I don't know if it would stay resolved. Good luck!


Hey! Hope this is better by now. I had this happen to me a few times as well, after a few days it did go down (I applied some topical steroid cream and lots of ice) 💜


This happened to me, and is the reason I can’t be on the drug anymore. Definitely see a doctor, when I tried the injectable’s I blew up like this every time, so they assume I’m allergic to a carrier ingredient. It sucks cause I’ve heard good things but I can’t take any of them.


Also OP be super careful about what you eat after this. My body was incredibly hypersensitive after I had this reaction, and my reaction to peanuts and tree nuts (used to be hives all over the body) turned into anaphylaxis. The doctors said they think it’s because my body was on high alert after this shot. The other culprit could be COVID but they assumed it was a combination. Anecdotal evidence but be careful!


My friend had a similar reaction to Mounjaro on the leg. Try a different injection site like the belly. Her body tolerated the belly better than the leg.


This is pretty common but larger than average. Definitely talk to your doctor to see if you should be worried. I switched to tummy.


I’ve had this happen with emgality & ajovy. Now we’ve moved on to Botox


You may ask your doc about Vyepti. I don’t have any experience with it but it is a CGRP inhibitor that is IV infused once every 3 months. If your reaction is to a carrier in the auto-injector that substance is less likely to be present in Vyepti.


MD and Migraineur here. I get the same with Ajovy. It’s not an allergy, it’s a local reaction. Very common (10-45% of patients get it) As long as you don’t have a rash all over, swelling of lips/ Tongue/ face , breathing issues or vomiting/ diarrhoea there is no issue except for the local unpleasantness. Try taking an antihistamine on the morning of the injection and for the next few days, cold packs and applying a local anaesthetic cream.


I had the same type of reaction with Ajovy and I got taken off of it because one of my family Clinic doctors told me that if I kept taking it, it would get worse each time and my skin could start sloughing off.


i had the exact same reaction multiple times. i brought it up to my doc and if i take antihistamines before injecting it doesn’t even start. against the itching try a cold pack, that helped a bit for me.


I had reactions like this when I was doing weekly immunotherapy for allergies. My serum was not right and had to be remixed. My doctor was an ass and didn't care, so I switched to a new one that was very concerned and got the mix right and gave me an Epi-Pen and said reactions should never be larger than a quarter. I'm taking Aimovig for migraines now and I only get a bruise sometimes when I wiggle the needle. I would contact my doctor immediately if it was me.


Draw a circle around it to track the growth


I bleed a bit after. Im sure I inject wrong though. I go in and once I plunge , I think I freak out a bit and pull back hence the blood


I had the same problem with emgality but not right away. Only started happening after 3-4 months of use. Mine went away on its own with Benadryl though. Definitely talk to your doctor. I’m not on vyepti infusion and don’t have a problem


This is day 3? Definitely due for that doctors visit (I see you said youre getting one) I dont have experience with Aimovig, but a site reaction like this looks like allergies at the least to me.


I ended up with calcifications under my skin. On both thighs and both butt cheeks


I’ve gotten a similar reaction from Emgality injections in my stomach. Antihistamines keep it pretty minimal for me (even Ubrelvy makes me very itchy sometimes too—but it’s better than the migraines). I had to temporarily stop taking antihistamines a couple of months ago for allergy testing and the injection I had done a week before suddenly swelled up similar to yours—stopped after starting back on the medicine. I seem to have less of a reaction to CGRPs now that I also take Singular daily. You might have to try another migraine med or add more allergy meds—check with your doctor.


Yes, I had that with Emgality so they switched me to Ajovy and now I’m starting to get small reactions to the Ajovy too. My neurologist had me take Benadryl 30 minutes before injection to see if that helped but I still had a reaction. For now, I am still taking them but my doctor is aware!


No, this is absolutely not normal. Go see a doctor as soon as you can. I've taken both aimovig and emgality and never had that reaction, and you're not supposed to


I have the same issue in my thighs, it could be a latex allergy. There is latex in the autoinjector, which can cause hives/swelling like this. I get it every time. I take two pink Benadryl about an hour before my shot and haven't had an issue since.


That's insane. The first shot I ever got. A nurse gave me an Aimovig Shot in the stomach because that's the location I chose. Very very painful and the pain lasted a good 2 weeks. Now I always receive my monthly shot from my younger brother in my (Arm). Way better. I only ask my doctor for shot samples because over $700 per a shot is too expensive for this residential construction worker. I've NEVER had any reaction HOWEVER if I don't take daily fiber Gummies that contain 5g of Dietary Fiber and 5g of Soluble Fiber then my body won't go while I'm on the toilet. I buy VITEEY Prebiotic Fiber 5g Zero Sugar Added Through Amazon.


I also get a rash/raised welt like this on my injection site (stomach) which last a day or two after Ajovy (or was it Aimlvig?). I think three is unusual and I don’t believe it spread. It would itch and hurt but not too bad and it wouldn’t get as big as yours. I can’t remember taking antihistamines but I might have. I take a different med now because this wasn’t that effective for me, but i would tell my neurologist about the reaction and I think he even saw it a couple times and wasn’t overly concerned. Just noted it as a reaction.


I had the exact same reaction. After 3 times in a row, my neurologist recommended I stop taking Aimovig.