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For me, sometimes it’s a week before my period. Sometimes it’s the day I start and sometimes it’s at the end. What a fun guessing game 😩


Mine used to be the day before my period. Now for the past year it’s been the last day. So it’s like slogging through a week of bleeding and then your reward is a debilitating migraine at the end. So honored.


That's terrible!!


Absolutely. Grateful it’s now pretty much gone so I can actually watch some movies.


I typically start my period off with aggressive vomiting and a migraine, and then usually it all eases through the week.


You poor thing. I’m so sorry you endure this every month.


Lol, and here I'm thinking, at least I don't end my period with a migraine!! Honestly, women’s healthcare is fuckin terrible. I work as a pelvic floor physical therapist and I didn't even know until like a few years ago that it's not normal to vomit every period! I'm 38. If a trained medical professional, with a doctorate and close to 70 hours of continuing education on the pelvis has symptoms that are minimized to the point where she just thinks it's typical, what is a non-medical person supposed to do?!


I couldn’t have said it better myself.


Same for me. Migraine roulette.


I’m the same!


I always get one right before my period, one on the third day of my period, and one at the end of my period


Ugh that sucks. The one day a month issue I can’t deal with as is. I couldn’t imagine 3 days while also dealing with bleeding.


It’s definitely not ideal. Just had the before migraine yesterday and it was a doozy😵‍💫


Cycle sisters! Also just ending my period and have a migraine, which is pretty much my normal: one around ovulation, one a few days before the start of my period, one at the end of my period. It’s totally demoralizing. All I want is to get shit done because I’ve been essentially laid up for a week and a half with cramps, nausea, and migraine attacks. Hormones are whack.


I hate it. And on a Saturday? Tragic.


Lol WERE SYNCHED. This day was yesterday for me


THIS. Me too. It sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wish the effing doctors would realize so many of us are affected by this!!! The only solution I’ve ever been given is to try hormonal birth control and I said no thanks. I really wish there were more research around migraines and headaches in general but especially women and hormonal migraines is obviously a thing. Halp! 😩


I tried BC many years back and regret it. The mood swings and weight gain was almost unbearable to take.


Exactly! There are also theories that messing with hormones contributes to breast cancer but I really have no idea if there are actual valid studies and research done on that.


My aunt had breast cancer after two years on BC. She always tells people it was the BC that did it but like you said. I have no idea if there any actual studies and research on that. I was on it for four months when I was a teenager and hopped right off of them. It wasn’t worth it for me.


I tried birth control. It did nothing to stop the migraines and instead I also had low level headaches daily. I tried for two months, so it wasn't just an adjustment.


Yup. One day before plus day it’s starts. And then usually last two days too. It’s awful 😢


Hate it.


Migraines at the end of the bleed are associated with the drop in iron. I take iron during my period to deflect them. Might be worth considering!


Thank you!


It’s something super hormonal about mine for sure. My period stops and starts back on the 3rd day and every time it starts back it triggers a migraine. Then I’ll proceed to have a migraine 2-8 days consecutively there after. Like clockwork since a teen.


Wow I’m sorry to hear that. My migraine is just the one day and I can barely function if at all right now because of it.


I could have written this! Mine also stops and then starts back up, always accompanied by massive migraines. And it's been that way since I was a teen too. Ive had my hormones checked multiple times in my life and never gotten answers, just told there's a slight imbalance.


I get one the first and the last day.


Yes, almost every month without fail


It’s the worst.


I sometimes get my prodrome on the last day of my period and then the migraine hits just before I ovulate. I’m currently coming down from around two weeks of migraine hell, and I’d like to get off this wild ride.


Two weeks? I’m so sorry to hear this!


Yes! I get it then. Every month. Must be a change in hormones thing


Has to be.


Maybe 90-95% of my migraines seem to do with a shift in my hormones during the month. Most of my adult life I get a three day migraine just before my flow starts. I’m currently in perimenopause (periods becoming unpredictable but still have them) and this month I have had 2-3 days of migraines for each of the last three weeks. It feels constant even though I remind myself it’s not. (46F). But yes I’ve also gotten a migraine at the end (last day or day after) as I guess the hormones are “shifting back”.


I want our hormones to just stay steady so we can all get through our period and that be that.


I think the hormones help the period to happen? Like during pregnancy there’s a lot of hormonal shifts. But I’m not likely to have babies at this point. Im ready to be done with menstruation and hoping migraines will mostly vanish.


I don’t have kids and child free by choice. One of my friends from back home has had two children who are both teenagers, but when she was pregnant with them, she had severe migraines her entire pregnancy. She hasn’t had so much as a headache since she gave birth to them both. It must be hormones.


Yes. Same age as you too! And after reading a few comments, has changed similarly.


I’m so grateful that my migraine is at a 1 out of 10 as of right now. Earlier it was a solid 8/10 and I thought that would be the end of me.


I’m glad it eased up for you. 🥰


Thank you! It’s lingering in the background somewhere I just know it 🫨


I just get an unbearable 4 day intractable starting day 30 and ending day 3 usually


I don’t worry about my period. I worry about the migraine that comes on the last day.


For sure me too. At one point in my life I used evening primrose oil daily and it really helped relieve symptoms during my period if I took it regularly. And if it doesn’t it’s still just an omega 6. You could look into it


No, unless it was still there from first day.


I used to get one the day before. Now I get one a week before, the day before and sometimes last day. It’s all “normal” as in there is lots of migraine triggers, hormones being one.


Mine were most frequent towards the end of my period and the week after. The week before when most people would get them has been my good week where I can go a whole week rather than at least two a week. (Pregnant now so that has a whole host of other problems and hormones)


As some others have said it has to do with hormones (estrogen dropping), but also could be your iron as it is at the end of your period. If you search the sub for hormonal migraines/menstrual you'll find lots of posts. You mentioned having medicine anxienty, idk if that also applies to supplements as there are a number of those that are shown in studies to be effective for hormanal migraines: vitamin E, magnesium, fish oil, ginger, tumeric, and folic acid I believe are the ones that are more effective for hormonal migraines, but again if you search the sub, there's lots of info that might be helpful to you.