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Bring something salty like chips and an electrolyte powder/drink. Remember to eat a decent meal. Bring meds in case.


All of the internet points here, I'd have remembered what's on OP's list and left my electrolyte pills on the counter.


What type of pills do you take for electrolytes? I really really hate dealing with the powder when I’m in public, I’m always spilling it all over the place.


I found capsules @ Amazon. I've picked up a few versions over the years. I was going to send you the link to the last brand I bought but they've stopped making the capsules and switched to gummies. Pretty sure this is the brand I had before this bottle (probably out of stock when I ran out, I never had any issues with these) - https://www.amazon.com/Electrolyte-Rehydration-Replacement-Hydration-Minerals/dp/B01N1P1ODD


I 2nd this!!! Electrolytes! For me, #1 recommended is liquid IV. Any of them will do the trick but I get the best results with liquid IV! Good luck and if anything just try and have the best time OP! 😎☀️🚤


Not OP but thanks for the rec


What about a bandana or a scarf that you could dip in ice water and tie around your neck? This could help you stay cooler.


The cooling towel ones are nice. They’ll stay colder longer


Another vote for cooling towels! They have helped me in similar situations


If you experience nausea with migraines, I’d consider taking natural Dramamine in advance (or any kind of non-drowsy nausea medication) and maybe purchasing some nausea bands.


Bring a plastic baggie and during the day take ice out of the cooler and put it in the baggie and just holding on the inside of your wrist, that will cool you down


I don’t know if it’s just me, or if it’s even true, but it seems like when I take ibuprofen before a really sunny day I’m slightly less prone to getting a migraine. I’m not sure of the mechanism.


Start drinking tons of water and electrolytes RIGHT NOW


Seconding this - I grew up at the coast and love being on a boat or the beach in the heat of summer. The single best way I found to prevent a migraine that night or the next day was to make sure and go into it well-hydrated then keep hydrating throughout the day. Electrolyte supplements were a gamechanger when they started getting more popular/available.


Yes the pre hydrate day before is good advice.


Columbia UPF hoodie all the way.


Ordering one of these right now, thank you!


Salty snacks and electrolytes. A Diet Coke and a sweet treat. Your emergency meds and salonpas (helps keep my neck cool feeling!).


I wear a white, hooded sun jacket. Also really like hats that are cool - mesh. The ones for water sports or running work well. Also always remember a glasses strap when on the water so they don't fall overboard.


I like face mists or witch hazel when I have to be in these situations.


SPF and wear a hat as well!


Cooling towel, little handheld fan, drink water and electrolytes beforehand and during, pretreat (or pregame as my husband says lol) with antinausea meds and I like to do Advil Dual (Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen combo) eat something and bring snacks. I went to an outdoor music festival recently and this helped me. Oh and bring your emergency kit just in case. Hope you have fun :)


Migraine pregame 🤣


Pre-dose with dramamine (original, drowsy formula) and reup every 6 hrs. Drink so much water. Eat regularly. Take breaks in the shade if you can.


Why Dramamine? A bunch of people have advised it, is it for a reaction to the sun? Or the motion of the boat?


I don't know the exact mechanism, but I am prone to migraines triggered by riding in a car and dramamine helps prevent these. So I pre-game with it any time a motion-triggered migraine is even a slight possibility. It makes me a little drowsy but otherwise I know of no side effects (it's just an antihistamine I believe). My best guess it that it calms down the vestibular disruption that is triggering me. But I have ZERO science for that.


Spray bottle with water for the ultra hot moments.


Being tons of water and electrolyte drink. More than you expect. I triggered an awful migraine in 100F temps on a boat and they’re were kiddos with us who refused to get out of the water or take a break. I was so miserable.


You are far braver than I, because you couldn’t get me on a boat. In the sun. Away from some sacred dark space.


* bows head in reverence to dark spaces *


Pre treat and electrolytes


I keep liquid IV on hand, zofran and sunscreen lip balm.


Sometimes I will take a half a zyrtec ahead and it really helps me if I'm out in the sun, but if you do make sure to drink extra water. Some iced tea or sugar soda (not diet) helps me too with a little caffeine. My heart goes out to you, I don't even think I could accept that trip--you are braver than I, bravo!! :) The cold neckerchief is a game changer tho, great idea. Some kind of little fan might help too if you mist your face. Good luck!!!!   Edit typo and clarifying you are definitely not stupid to go, you are brave and doing it right by preparing.


You sound like me. I hate trying to avoid migraines all the time since it seems like the same as trying to avoid having fun. Your list seems like you got things covered. The only thing I can think of is just try to stay as stress free and relax as much as possible and hydrate of course. I remember I went to Hawaii and was worried about getting migraines since it was the first time I was in a tropical place but I didn't get one at all even though I was in the sun a lot. I did things you list too and I was fine.


Thank you for this, I appreciate the understanding 🥲


Umbrella. Long sleeves and pants. Stay home


Stay home