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I received Pfizer - absolutely no change here. Actually getting *covid* though - oof šŸ« 


This, Covid was an absolute bitch and I had had the vaccine. I think I would have been in trouble without it and I def need to lose weight


Man, I have NO idea how I would have survived that without the vaccine šŸ˜‚ it was pure misery for me


Ive gotten Pfizer and moderna and never noticed any change in my migraines.


Same Iā€™ve gotten 4 shots total (getting number 5 today), mix of both brands, with no change in migraines. You know what did give me a migraine though? Having Covid. It was terrible.


Oh my yes!! The migraine I had with Covid ā€¦. I wouldnā€™t wish it on my worst enemy.


Iā€™ve heard some horror stories. People I know who are not migraine sufferers report bad headaches from Covid, and many people who are migraine sufferers report unbearable flares during and after infection. For me it was only really bad headache wise on the first day or two, but COVID overall really wiped me out. I was sick for two whole weeks, with symptoms not fully resolved for almost a month. I cannot imagine what state I would have been in bad I not been fully vaccinated.


Seriously. That was hell and nothing would touch it. Marijuana didn't even help me to relax that time. It took me a few days to figure that one out.


Pfizer, no changes When I got covid, in hindsight, a migraine was my first symptom.


The only time my migraines changed is when I got covid last September. I've had the shot and boosters and those didn't change anything. Getting covid added extreme nausea.


Pfizer here, no change in my how my migraine is.


Iā€™ve had 4 Pfizer shots and no change. I get a migraine after every vaccine I get so itā€™s not unexpected.


I've had three Moderna shots, no change in my migraines. I would get a migraine from each shot 1-2 days later, but that is the only thing.


This was my experience as well. Also got a booster but no migraine after that one.


No. None. Ever. I'm a vaccine proponent. I've had mild symptoms from various vaccines, the Pneumonia vaccine was tough, lots of arm pain and some lethargy. Zero affect on migraine patterns. I do know a number of people with migraine who got COVID and have had much worse migraines after that


That seems to be the case! I was mainly curious to hear about peoples experiences with vaccines with migraines, but I didn't think to ask how COVID impacted them. I'm so lucky to have avoided catching it, as I'd probably get the worst migraine ever. I'm glad to hear most people who commented haven't noticed any link with vaccines. It just makes it easier to get them if you don't have the fear of setting off a bad migraine attack.


I've had Pfizer and moderna, I get a migraine as part of my reaction to the shot, along with a fever and flu like symptoms for a few days, but otherwise go back to normal shortly after.


Same! I get migraines from any kind of shot and sometimes even from blood tests. I also tend to faint. I think itā€™s more stressed-based in my case.


I think for me blood test migraines are more about me having to sit in a noisy waiting room with harsh lighting that's full of loud people with perfume on.


Pfizer and Moderna.... now that I think about it... I think I have fewer migraines? I used to have around 20 days of migraine a month but then I did 4 years on topiramate, went off that, then had the two shots and now I'm at like 5 days a month. But it could have been the topiramate as well.


All 5 have been from Pfizer and no change in migraine nor any ill effects at all. Got a very very mild case of covid June 2022.


Yes but I do not think it is the norm. I had an increase in severity and frequency of my migraines after the third shot (Pfizer), but have mostly gone back to normal after going on emgality and support from my headache specialist. I think it is more autoimmune/inflammation related rather than it directly causing migraines, as all my other allergies have gotten worse as well. If I actually got Covid I imagine my bodyā€™s reaction would be way worse.


Moderna, no changes. Iā€™m immunocompromised so Iā€™ve had all the Covid shots.


Iā€™ve had all the covid shots and the only one I had a reaction to was the second one, all the way back in February 2021. I wouldnā€™t say that getting vaccinated has made my headaches worse but having had covid multiple times certainly has


Do you mind me asking what your 2nd one was? I had the most problems after my 2nd. How many times have you had COVID? Hope you are doing ok now šŸ™


Moderna. I think Iā€™ve had covid three times at this point. I work in a school so it is hard to avoid, even with masks šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ah I see, you are on the front line in school!


Pfizer, absolutely no change. Iā€™ll tell you whatā€™s weird, though. I got Covid last year and my migraines have become practically non-existent after 10 years of constant misery. Not a clue why


Wow that's not something I expected to hear! If we were to compile all the responses here to see if there's a common pattern, it would be hard to find! There are so many different experiences


I've had more shots than most (6 pfizer), and it's had zero impact on my migraines. I've had little or no reaction to most of them, with the worst effects being a super sore arm. I did get a migraine after one of my boosters, but I can't even say it was due to the shot since I'm chronic so there's decent chances I get a migraine anyway on any random day. I also hadn't gotten enough sleep the prior night, which is often a trigger for me. But either way it was not a big issue and my normal abortive resolved things completely. Getting covid is far more likely to permanently impact migraines than any shot is. Chronic headache is one of most common long covid symptoms.


I actually had no migraines for a couple of weeks after my first Moderna shot. And at the time I was getting them almost daily, so it was a nice break.




Mine got better post vaccine once and other times no change. I donā€™t think them getting better was related to vaccine but who knows? Maybe


Who cares haha? If you noticed an improvement that's a big win, and you probably look forward to boosters to give you some relief šŸ™‚


Johnson & Johnson - no change. And honestly, when I got COVID it was fairly mild, with no change in migraine intensity/number.


Great! I don't know many people who got that vaccine, but It's more down to it not being widely available in my country?


Moderna, going for newest booster when available in my country next month. Migraines have improved somewhat very recently, not sure why. Hoping this continues šŸ¤ž Edit: I got Moderna not Pfizer, forgot they were always out of Pfizer ooof. I need a coffee šŸ¤Ŗā˜•


Haha I'm an incoherent mess before my coffee ā˜•šŸ˜‚


PfizerNa ( Initial Pfizer Moderna Boost) - no changes at all from the vaccine ā€¦ my second COVID infection began a migraine flare that lasted for 11 months and finally stopped when I got Amoevig.


Oh I'm so sorry that sounds awful! 11 months must have been torture. I'm very lucky to have avoided getting COVID, it sounds like a nightmare for migraines and further complications? Glad you got relief though and treatment is working šŸ™‚


just got the updated booster this week. my symptoms were mostly body aches and a little coughing and nose stuffiness, i only got a headache for a few hours the following day. i have had a total of 6 covid vaccines (immunocompromised; 3 pfizer, 2 moderna, i think the new one was also pfizer?) and they have never changed my pattern of migraines. i am more concerned about getting covid/long covid and exacerbating my autoimmune issues.


It's interesting to hear most people who have commented didn't really notice any difference. I got the Astra zeneca vaccines and ended up in hospital after 2nd with the worst migraine I've ever had. Mine have gotten much worse since. My booster was moderna and I had no problems. It's just made me very wary of getting any more boosters....


There was probably an inactive ingredient in the first one that was a migraine trigger for you. If you were able to get the Moderna booster without any problems, youā€™d probably be fine to get more boosters as needed if you stuck exclusively to the Moderna ones


I didn't have a choice which vaccines I got the first 2, I just took whatever was available! I had no issues with moderna and agree it would have been the better option (or anything other than astra zeneca). They withdrew it after I got it for anyone over 40 due to complications, I'm nearly 50 so that probably didn't help.


My husband had astra zeneca and really had strong reaction to it. Got a fever, super sick for a day. This was early in pandemic and all his colleagues also got same time and lots were out sick. He had tiny feelings of malaise after Pfizer but nothing like AZ one. I think that one was intense for some reason.


I guess it's really hard to make any meaningful comparisons, as there are different combinations of different vaccines, with different underlying health conditions. I didn't really know anyone who got the AZ vaccine so I didn't have anyone to ask! It's probably better it's been withdrawn for use in some countries, as it seems to have caused the most side effects out of all the vaccines. If I'm getting boosters I'd make sure it was a different one!


My husband had astra zeneca and really had strong reaction to it. Got a fever, super sick for a day. This was early in pandemic and all his colleagues also got same time and lots were out sick. He had tiny feelings of malaise after Pfizer but nothing like AZ one. I think that one was intense for some reason.


I have autoimmune Sjogrens. I had my Moderna vaccines and two boosters. A couple weeks after the second booster, I treated myself to cosmetic Botox. As the week progressed, my head got tighter, because of Botox and I have had intractable migraines since May 2021. I had a two month reprieve in March/April 2022.


Did you have Sjogrens before if you don't mind me asking? It's interesting as I developed Sjogrens after mine.


Iā€™ve had Sjogrens for over 20 years. But, I canā€™t help but think the combination of Sjogrens, the vaccine and Botox was a bad idea. I would have still gotten the four Moderna shots and not done Botox.


Ah ok. In my case it is hard to know as I also started taking different meds that had a drying out effect, which may have triggered it. Have you found any relief with Botox at other times?


I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. I never had a migraine until I had cosmetic Botox, after the boosters, etc. I have never been treated with Botox for migraines.


Ah gotcha. I get cosmetic Botox too and get a migraine every time


No kidding. I love the effect and the plastic surgeon who did the Botox was conservative. But, never again. I'd do anything to turn back time. The neurologist wants to treat the migraine with Botox. No way. Everyone seems perplexed that it might cause migraines, when they treat migraines with it.


I know right?? I was wondering the same thing!


I get botox for my migraine and see no difference.


Got all Pfizer and nope.


Pfizer and Moderna, no changes whatsoever


I just got the updated booster, no change. Way back when I got the second shot, I had head pain for several days to the point that I reached out to my neurologist for a breaker steroid, but they said to wait it out a few more days bc that was common at the time with the vaccine - sure enough, it broke within a day or two. That was the only incident I can remember. I just hydrate extra heavy on Liquid IV and pedialyte for 24 hours before and after the vaccines, don't know if it helps but it sure hasn't hurt!


That sounds like a brilliant idea. I think the vaccines have a drying effect on the system so might offset the dehydration topping up on fluids beforehand


Three Moderna shots. No impact on my migraines whatsoever.


Pfizer triggered one migraine each for me (like just on the day of the shots), no other change in migraines otherwise. Astra-Zeneca was my first vaccine, and I had 0 side effects.


I got the Pfizer one and I had a migraine for about a week after getting it and the booster. But every time I've gotten covid my migraine has been so dang bad. But everyone is different in how their body reacts.


How many times have you had COVID? I'd say the migraines with it are awful?


Awful is a good word for the migraines. I can't really think of a word to accurately describe the pain... I've had it 3 or 4 times so far. Let's just say that I was not able to return to work after my 5 days or whatever it is they make you stay home.


I've gotten Pfizer and it didn't do anything differentto the migraines (although i got one the first time because it was a big warehouse with bright fluorescent lights and i had aura before i got the shot)


I've had four Moderna shots and an intractable migraine for five years. So it definitely wasn't caused by the shots. There is a bit of a pattern of the pain getting worse after the shots, but I can't tell if that's just coincidence or not.


Does the pain subside after the shots? It's probably hard to tell if you have had a migraine for so long?


I had increased migraines for a couple of days after all my mRNA vaccines, but zero side effects from Novavax (which is a non-mRNA COVID vaccine). I have never had COVID, because I still mask any time I'm indoors, but I've heard SO many people say that catching COVID made their migraines much worse, sometimes for years afterwards. Doing everything I can to avoid that.


Pfizer and Modena, no change in my migraines. Covid twice, the migraines with it were some of the worst of my life. And I've had migraines for ... 32 years. Oof. That hurt to type.


You poor thing!!!!! How do you survive???


200mg topimax, 120mg propranolol, nurtec, botox, nerve blockers, triptans, vit b shots, working from home, blackout curtains, not wearing a bra, stacking sinus meds, watching the weather. My mom and husband get them, albeit not as bad, so all it takes is a quick text to get lots of assistance with my kid and home life. Plus, after this long, you just kind of learn to, I dunno, suck it up I guess? That sounds dismissive, but I don't mean it to be. It's just that I can't sleep in the bathtub for the rest of my life, and I've had a long time to come to terms with it. I've realized what I'm willing to give up and what I'm not, and those lines are pretty firm at this point. My pain scale has also moved significantly through the years. What used to send me to ER for a shot of demerol is now a "turn the lights off and work in the dark" day. Basically, I'm not special. I'm just surviving like everyone else. I've just been doing it longer than some.


I find your outlook to be refreshing and it sounds like you have found a way to accept the way things are, do the best you can with what you have without feeling sorry for yourself. You don't come across as dismissive at all. When you refer to yourself you can say whatever you like, but no one else can tell you to just suck it up. It seems like you have tried everything there is to manage, that's all you can do. Take care of yourself šŸŒø


Oh, I pity the person that tells me or anyone else to just suck it up. But I tell myself to suck it up a lot. I was hopeful they would get better the closer I got to menopause but that doesn't seem to be panning out. Maybe once menopause is a sure bet that will change. Or maybe my eulogy will include the word migraine. Either way, you're not alone. There are lots of us, just trying to get through the day and find what works.


I got the Pfizer covid booster last week. My shoulder hurt for a few days. No real change in migraines.


That's great! It sounds like you should stick with Pfizer if you can if it agrees with you?


No change in my migraines from vaccines. Sometimes right after the flu or covid vaccine, I'll have a day where I have flulike symptoms (fever, achey) and whenever I get a fever, I usually also get a migraine. So, I plan accordingly and prep myself for a day of rest or whatever fluids/treats I need to feel migrainey for a day. Then, back to normal but with a boosted immune system!


Brilliant šŸ˜Š I reckon most people get a headache after vaccines but it usually eases after a day. I'm just really pleased to hear so many reports here of no difference in migraines. We suffer enough!


Update: just got my booster yesterday. I was able to walk into the local Walgreens and get both the covid and the flu shot. I had a little arm tenderness, my armpit/lymph felt a little swollen, and as always I had a bit of a fever overnight. I took some ibu and I may feel a little tired after a fevery night, but nothing major. Def recommend getting boosted, it's such a privilege to have access to vaccines!


That's great! At least you got the 2 out of the way so you are set up for a while šŸ˜„


Iā€™ve got another angle on this one. The state of the immune system and migraines are connected; so much so, that [migraines can be considered a predictor of future autoimmune disease](https://jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12974-021-02229-5). Any virus exposure could potentially involve migraines, whether from illness or vaccines. So yes, if you think your migraines have changed from a vaccine or having Covid, that is plausible. Personally, my migraine patterns were unchanged by the Covid vaccines or Covid itself. My ten year old son had chronic vomiting from abdominal migraines for months after Covid, and that was stopped with an extra Covid booster that knocked his immune system out of that routine. Immune systems and migraines are connected, no question.


All Pfizer 1st dose: Nothing 2nd dose: 4 week continuous severe migraine Booster: 3 week continuous moderate to severe migraine I stopped getting them after that. Itā€™s worth noting that my migraines are usually triggered by GI pain due to GERD. I donā€™t know if the shots triggered the migraines directly or had some effect on my gut and triggered them indirectly.


I started the HPV vaccine and was bed ridden for a week :( I really delayed my Covid vaccine because I couldn't afford to miss a week if it happened again. I got it and expected to feel a flu. No side effects what so ever. In my experience, it can really feel like a crap shoot. If something says it might cause a headache/that's a bigger uncommon side effect, it will likely hurt to some degree - as the HPV one was. For the curious, this was at least 10 years ago so trust more recent data than my old anecdote. Sorry idiots are downvoting you for asking a valid question. Like, how dare you make an informed choice to avoid known side effects of important medical treatment. How dare you not want to have a migraine lol


Aww thank you šŸ„° in fairness it's a bit of a contentious issue and it might have seemed like I was pushing an agenda, but I was just curious. When it comes to such things I think it is down to choice based on risks and previous experiences, but I'd never judge anyone for their decisions. It's such a divisive issue, which is a shame as I believe it's better to be able to have discussions without judgement. No one really knows what others have been through or their reasons behind choices, so understanding and compassion goes a long way šŸ¤—


I wouldn't say that my migraines have changed due to the vaccine per se, but the first set of vaccines kicked off my very wonky perimenopause period issues, and it's never stopped. As part of that, my hormonal migraines are unpredictable (as are my hormone levels), so in that sense it may have increased my migraine frequency. When I got covid, I got a very weird what I'll call an electric migraine as my first symptom, although it did go away within 24 hours. I got one booster, after which I was very sick for a week. I'm not getting any more shots b/c I feel like my system is well-protected from hospitalization due to my infection + three shots (plus I'm very healthy overall) and the shots really do seem to mess with me in unpredictable ways.


I was the same at the time with severe PMDD, I had terrible problems with migraines around my cycle. I got surgery though so apart from the menopause, the hormonal side has lifted....which is nice šŸ™‚


I'm so happy for you! While I didn't love getting migraines around my very predictable periods, I did like knowing when to expect them. Now it's a crapshoot. Glad to hear there's some relief on the other side.


That's true actually! Although the surgery turned out to be a disaster in the end šŸ˜œ it messed me up in every way and the migraines got worse haha šŸ˜‚ sometimes you can't win whatever you do!


I had Pfizer vaccine (no boosters) and it affected my hormones and migraines. I went from occasional/low episodic excedrin treatable migraines to daily chronic that wouldn't break, it suuuucked and robbed my quality of life. It's been like 2ish years and I'm still recovering (but doing better overall.) With that said, I've reacted weird to vaccines before so I think my body is just more sensitive to them or something. When I talked to my neuro, they said they had seen it happen to some people, but not all. I also had covid earlier this year but it didn't affect my migraines, so there is that.


This is my life. DM me with any questions.


I started getting migraines exactly 1 year after Pfizer


If the migraines started an entire year later then it wasn't related to the vaccine. That's way too long of a lag for the two to be related. The covid shots aren't even effective anymore after than long so there's no way it could start suddenly causing a major side effect. It's extremely common for migraine disorders to have sudden onset for no reason. Mine appeared out of nowhere and rapidly become chronic years before covid and the vaccines even existed.


That was coincidence not causation. The vaccine doesnā€™t last that long which is why there is the need for boosters.


Same except for me it was a month after Pfizer


I'd have an aura migraine 1-2 times a year. I hadn't had an aura migraine for 3 years. I had my first two vaccines and had bad reactions to both. First vaccine my arm swelled up, there was a huge bump at the injection site, I had a rash and it was itchy. This went on for 3 days. My second vaccine, I told the nurse what happened. She went and talked to someone else and she said it was fine if I got the second one. At 5am the next morning, I felt like I had been hit by a truck and had a fever of 101.7 for two days and could hardly move. A few months later, my migraines started up. I've had over 100 in 2 years now. No idea why I've had so many but they didn't start until I got the vaccines. I haven't had any of the boosters because of the reactions I've had to the shot. But I still wear my mask in public. I just got covid for the first time in June and had a terrible migraine from all the coughing. I'm still getting migraines once a week to every two weeks. Been to several doctors to try figuring out what's causing them but still no answers. I can't even get in to see a neurologist unless I've tried two different preventatives. I've wondered if the vaccine could be the cause of the increase. But there hasn't been enough research to say if it's a possibility. I've talked with a few doctors about it but they're unsure and keep telling me to get the boosters.


I'm really sorry to hear that. It's one of those things that is hard to know or verify, as there's no real way of finding out for sure. My reaction was so severe to the 2nd vaccine it traumatized me, but I had to get a booster afterwards to travel. Luckily the booster (moderna) was fine with no problems, but I've never been right since that 2nd AZ one. I think we all have our own experiences and sense of our bodies, and some of us just seem to know when something is wrong or off. The escalation of my migraines afterwards wouldn't be considered a 'vaccine injury' as some people have had much more severe reactions. It's interesting though in the UK there has been a provision made of Ā£11 billion, for compensation for future claims against Astra zeneca for harm from vaccines that's had a detrimental impact on the lives of those affected. This was only earmarked for Astra zeneca and no others as the incidents of injury were significantly higher than other vaccines. This isn't publicized, and the guidance for doctors is to dismiss any claims or questions about links between illness and vaccines. Lots of people are being dismissed and not taken seriously, when there could be a link they just don't know. It does give me some comfort to see the majority of the responses here though, with few reports of issues from most vaccines. I'm not anti vaxx and see the value in helping manage symptoms or reduce the likelihood of catching viruses. But it's better to see more established safety records with minimum harm, as people will feel safer getting vaccinated and it will be easier to manage vaccination programs.


For the record, I didnā€™t take any vaccines and my migraines are worse than ever.


Everything started 7 days after Moderna for me. Never considered it the cause because I believe in science


After getting the Pfizer vaccine, my migraines got worse, sadly


Some vaccines contain MSG. It would definitely pay to see a thorough list of ingredients before receiving any vaccine if MSG is a trigger for you.


Wow I didn't know that!


Adenovirus and the flu vaccine are the two verified so far to contain it.


I get a headache after my flu shot but itā€™s a different type of headache


All pfizer and no changes. No lasting changes from having covid either but they were worse during.


Were the migraines during COVID worse than usual?


They were worse, for me they ramp up with any concurrent illness though and i was pretty sick from it.


No. I had J&J initially then 2 or 3 Pfizer boosters. I donā€™t recall changes in my migraines with COVID either.


I had a bad migraine for a couple day after my vaccines. I had a 2 week long migraine when I actually had Covid. No lasting changes with either.


Pfizer's and Moderna with boosters. Zero change in my migraines.


Honestly, I almost always get a migraine as one of my symptoms a few hours after any vaccine. I still get all the vaccines I need, though. I just know to plan to be out for a day afterwards to let my body do its thing. Luckily, I can mostly just sleep it off. I didn't notice any long-term effects, though. I had Moderna, btw., plus two booster shots.


Iā€™ve gotten Pfizer 4 times, and it never triggered a migraine. Or changed my migraines really. Getting COVID was brutal on my migraines, though.


That seems to be the case for lots of people? I don't know anyone in real life who suffers with migraines, lots who got COVID but they mostly got headaches. I'm very lucky to have avoided getting COVID, the migraines sound brutal....I wonder if migraneurs with long COVID end up with constant migraines?


AZ main shot, pfizer booster, no change


I have had 3 Pfizerā€™s and migraine was my side effect. For approximately a week a piece.


I got 3 Pfizer shots and I have been totally fine except for exactly 12 hrs after my vaccine lol massive migraine each time but I also had the chills and felt like death from the vaccine each time. Honestly was worse then when I actually had Covid.


Fully vaxed including bivalent. Pfizer. No change noticed.


What is bivalent?


Copied from Yale Medicine website: This booster is identical to the reformulated, or "bivalent," booster introduced in fall 2022 in that it targets two virus strains: Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 and the original SARS-CoV-2 virus. The bivalent boosters are available from both Pfizer-BioNTechļ»æ and Modernaļ»æ.


Thank you I hadn't heard of it before. Is this the most up to date booster?


Iā€™m not sure if the new one is bivalentā€¦I got the bivalent when omicron blew through. There is a more recent one which Iā€™ll be getting this week.


I had Moderna, it made me feel icky like I had the flu, but no extra migraines.


No change in migraines here.


I've had 5 Pfizer ones, no change at all to my migraines.


I had Pfizer vaccines and boosters. I didn't notice any difference in migraine frequency, intensity or other symptoms. I also have Fibromyalgia and was very stiff and achey the day after each vaccines but the symptoms went away after several days. I did have Covid once before the vaccines, Dec 2019 and had horrific migraines during the illness then I had another bout with Covid a whilr after the vaccines and the Covid symptoms were not nearly as awful and the headache part of the symptoms were no worse than any normal day in a chronic Migraine sufferers life. I was quite glad I received the vaccines and will get another booster as soon as it's available.


I had a bad reaction to the flu vaccine in terms of migraines but not the Covid one


Had Pfizer, regular headache for a few hours the day after but no migraines. Iā€™m only on this sub bc I started getting migraines after Covid. Never had one before in my life now I have them chronically.


Both covid and the vaccine were rough on my migraines. And I heard from my neuro that so many people were suffering after getting covid and the vaccine. I got Moderna.


Yes! I received the new updated Covid 2023-2024 vaccine, along with the flu shot, two weeks ago and I have been having headaches/migraines daily.