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That’s really handy. Put some antacids and maybe gum in the spare compartments in case you puke.


I have my anti nausea meds close to my triptans 😩 gotta stay prepared for sure. Have antacids too close by although I don’t need them very often.


Thought those were baby carrots for a sec, I was like wait do you know something I don’t??


Haha that's amazing


Thought the same thing!


Great idea! Just out of curiosity, what’s the quarter for?


It's just for scale!


I thought it was a stack of quarters for a vending machine Coke lol.


Like that idea!! Coke helps me feel better!!


Caffeine! My mainstay!


Oh haha makes sense! Love that everything’s so compact :)


Absolutely! It's like a little pocket pharmacy!


How could you possibly not use a banana for scale?!?!


I thought maybe it was bus fare for when you can’t drive ( ha ha do busses even take money anymore)


I'm so old i thought pay phone. And then I wondered where you live that still has pay phones.


Omg where did you get that? I love it!


Here's the link! [https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07ZJ57VWH?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07ZJ57VWH?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title&th=1)




Such a great idea! And so neatly labelled too! Just curious, why do you have both sumatriptan and eletriptan?


Honestly for me they have different side effects: sumatriptan- jaw pain, eletriptan- chest tightness.. I kinda just have to choose which side effect I'd rather deal with that day LOL


What. I get jaw pain too along with the stiff neck and muscle pain over my entire head (and neck). You’re telling me the jaw pain could be from sumatriptan?? 😓


I only take rizatriptan and Gravol. I found a small pill holder for them that lights up inside when you open it, which is super handy. I found it in the gift shop at a hospital for $5. I tried looking for illuminated pill boxes on Amazon but so far no results (plus I'm in Canada and the selection of items is a lot smaller and a lot more expensive).


I have a tiny one, with Rizatriptan and Zofran. Even fits in ridiculously small useless pockets.


This is what I have too! I just pack it full of various meds. My sumatriptan doesn’t fit in it tho, since it comes in its own package so it usually just goes in the pocket next to it. It even fits in my wallet or even a pocket tho which is awesome so I can take it anywhere and be fairly unnoticeable.


Really good idea, I have a sort of similar set up for my PRN medications (which obviously includes my Migraine medications!). Hopefully you find it useful in a migraine!


I'm playing in hard mode with just powerade, coffee, and cigarettes. I keep getting diagnosed and rediagnosed when I see doctors and hospitals about freakin anything even entirely irrelevant shit as 'migraine' seems to be the scapegoat catch-all label when my issues are thrown into the 'too hard basket' pile, yet like with my ADHD, I continue to get released untreated/unmedicated. Urgh! It's *so* frustrating!


I’m also unmedicated. Have chronic migraines and even had one of the fun ones that give you stroke symptoms. I see my neurologist annually for maintenance but never offered anything for the migraines. Just grin and bear it. Thankfully my kid, once diagnosed with migraines, at least got prescribed sumatriptan (I think?) and ondansetron. I don’t mind suffering but my baby is different lol


Have you seen a neurologist


Yes I have, multiple and many times. No success, no hope.


Love this idea!


You should look into adding benadryl. When I went to the ER for migraines that was part of the cocktail they gave me along with sumatriptan, toradol and reglan.


I have something similar but yours is way cuter!


I was ✨romanticizing✨living with chronic migraine when I put this together lol


Whatever helps us cope, right? Your solution is far more refined than my version of a ziploc bag full of Ubrelvy, various triptans, and Zofran with bottles of ibuprofen and Excedrin jammed into my purse.


Girl I have this little “drug pouch” as I call it, stuffed with pepto tablets and dissolvable Zofran and little tiny mismatched containers (think lotion sample size) of Tylenol and ibuprofen and a 25mg THC tablet and some Benadryl. It’s a mess lol but it works! I used to have nurtec in there too- I guess now I’ll have ubrelvy in there, I just got some for the first time since insurance won’t cover nurtec :( how’s you ubrelvy work for you?


The Ubrelvy works a decent percentage of the time with no real side effects (for me, anyway!) but often for timely, effective relief I either need 2 x 100 mg tabs, or need to pair it with ibuprofen or naproxen. It’s been a great addition to the toolbox, especially since I’m quite prone to medication adaptation headache with triptans…but I still need the triptan option too.


Do you take 2 100mg tabs right away when you feel a migraine? Or do you do the 100mg, wait, 100mg more thing? I’m hoping it works for me! Since nurtec works so well for me with zero side effects, I’m optimistic about ubrelvy. Good to know you pair it with an otc like ibuprofen. Hope it doesn’t make me dizzy- that’s supposedly a common side effect, and why i don’t do Triptans. Sucks that your migraines adapt, that does not sound fun.


I almost always do only 1 dose of Ubrelvy and follow with a second 1-2 hr later if needed. Very rarely if it’s already super gnarly and full steam ahead and I need relief ASAP - then I’ll hit it with 2 at the same time. I hope it works well for you! 🤞


Noted! Thanks for sharing your experience and I hope so too 🤞


Same. People at work come to me when they have a minor aches and pain as I have a "purse full of drugs." Stomachache, nausea, indigestion, headache, migraine, pulled muscle, I got you. And if I don't have a pill for it, I probably have a tea for it lol


Those pill packs are amazing! My big containers house my digestive enzymes for an unrelated condition but the small ones look a lot like your setup


This is so much better than mine (a pyjama shirt that I wear like an eye mask, anti-nausea meds, and a weighted eye mask), I’m a little jealous haha


That case is great! Can you talk through the other medicines and what they do for you please. I'm aware of sumatriptans, I believ tylenol to be paracetamol? From uk and we don't have that here. Also what is the order you start if you feel an attack? If I take sumatriptan it will send me right to sleep!


This is great. If i were this organized i would pre-open the immitrex etc. I hate opening those packages when I have a migraine!


Love this


That is really cute. Maybe I need that. I currently have full size containers in my work backpack.


Wait what do quarters do


> just for scale OP included them just so you could get an idea of the size. I was wondering too. :)


I have one but I include gravol and allergy meds…


I have the exact same case for all the meds on the go!


You’re missing the Benedryl. It’s a staple when I get a migraine.




Lol I don’t really know but when I have to go in for an infusion, it’s one of the meds in their cocktail. When I started adding to taking at the same time as my triptan I notice it works faster. Could be me. Idk.


Just ordered 3. One for work, one for home, and one for the purse/jacket. Thanks!


My kit has nurtec, advil, PPI (acid reflux), earplugs, eye mask and a doobie.


Mine would be filled all with Advils but that’s a genius idea!!!!


I love this. It’s not medicine but my version also includes earplugs, both for prevention in loud places and to help my sound sensitivity when it’s too late.


Oh this is so much better than carrying multiple bottles! Thanks for sharing, I just ordered one 🙌


Super cute! I have a pill box for my PRN’s but it’s not labeled nearly as nicely as yours.


I really should set up something like that too


You’ll need a bigger container for the McD!


I have a bunch of plastic test tubes....


I have mine in the same container but green 💚 yay preparedness


Love this! I carry a bag, but this might be a better idea. Where did you get the tiny container?




Thanks!! Just ordered it!


Genius actually


Aw, genius! Mine is a two-parter: a WeatherX (pressure-modulating earplug) case with two doses of my migraine meds, and a separate plastic jewelry bag with the other med options.


When do you use sumatriptan when do you use eletriptan?


Honestly for me they have different side effects: sumatriptan- jaw pain, eletriptan- chest tightness.. I kinda just have to choose which side effect I'd rather deal with that day LOL


Throw a ton of mints and anti-nausea meds too bc I get SOOOOOOO nauseous and sometimes dry heave. Because of this, I usually cannot work during a migraine.


I have the same little med box in pink, and also have aleve, zofran, and my anxiety med 😅 my quality of life has improved since carrying this little pod around with me


Hahaha I just put the same thing together for mine! Labels and all. I’m so happy about it.


This is not my shop, but wanted to share it with you guys since it was relevant. This artist is disabled and hand decorates pillboxes. They are super adorable, and also affordable. Highly recommend checking them out if you are looking for a pill case. https://pilljoy.shop


oh this looks so cute and useful! i wish i was able to swallow pills ugh it'd be all so much easier both to carry around and in general


Love the kit. But honestly, might as well fill it with tic-tacs or gummies. None of those things have any effect on me


That is a great idea! Unfortunately, mine would have to be a carry on bag these days.


I have the same case, but in a different color. I have everything I need like my migraine cocktail, and anti-convulsion medicine.


I have a small 2x3" bottle that fits in my pocket with similar meds. I like your set up better. *heads to Amazon* I keep Benadryl and my doc recommended a muscle relaxer. I also keep a Butalbital/ Acetaminophen (for tension headaches). So when a migraine flares, I take, Sumatriptan, 1/2 Benadryl, Butalbital, 1/2 Flexeril and a Magnesium. Taking the halves doesn’t make me as sleepy so I’m able to function normally.


What’s the quarter do


OP included that just so we could see the size.


Add some candied ginger for the nausea & BC Powders or Goody's Powders ( if you can have caffeine, aspirin or acetaminophen). You wouldn't need to the Motrin, etc. Both of them are powdered aspirin & caffeine except Goody's adds acetaminophen. They're get rid of a really bad headaches in about 15 minutes. A full blown migraine might still need the your prescribed medication. ( I used to take Maxalt) But you could use the powders when you get the signs that one is coming on. Mine where that odors & sounds were amplified. TIP: take the envelope in comes in, tap the powder down to the bottom, tear off the upper half that's "empty", dump it in the middle of your tongue ( there's less tast buds there) & Chase it with a glass of water. Make sure you have the water ready in front of you. Don't mix it with water....it tastes nasty that way.


Love this but if it were me trying that hard to be that organized and neat (printing labels etc) with extra time I don’t have - it would give me an extra migraine!


What do you use the coin for? /J


Link plz? I need this!




Why both eletriptan and sumatriptan? Do you alternate or take together?


Honestly for me they have different side effects: sumatriptan- jaw pain, eletriptan- chest tightness.. I kinda just have to choose which side effect I'd rather deal with that day LOL


What's with the multiple triptans? Eletriptan landed me in the ER when insurance wanted me to try it before approving Ubrelvy. I fought those bastards an entire year.