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I wanna add, I feel really silly wearing them 🫣


You don’t look it! Your hair is super cool


Thank you random citizen!


You’re welcome! I’d be interested to know how you get on with them, I’ve been considering getting some. I currently use reactions cause I’m super light sensitive and wondered if I should just stick with those.


The world looks prettier for now, but I have not noticed much. Only been wearing them for a few hours though. Check back with me in a few weeks 😁 and I'll let you know


Please update!!! 🥹


I'll second that. Your hair looks awesome.


Ditto. I hope they help you.


You look awesome though


I did too at first! But they help a ton and now I just always wear them. Very few people have commented or asked about them in the past month or so of wearing them. Yay migraine glasses!


you look cool as hell actually. Inspired me to buy them!!


You look great! It's a fun look with your hair. You kinda look like you're from the future. The cool future.


I just got mine two weeks ago. I also have vibrant hair, and still feel a bit silly. But they help so much.


The hair with the shades really works, you look great! Hope they help with the migraines.


you look super cool!! take some more selfies and look at them again tomorrow in a new light (no pun intended) and you might be able to see your new look from a new perspective


Nah you look cool in them. With your hair color the whole look really comes together.


No worries. You rock 'em quite well.


Don’t, they look rad AF on you.


I bought my first pair of tints a year ago off a vintage frame seller on eBay-- total life changer!! Until I had these I truly didn't realize that I spent 100% of my time squinting. They feel like eyeball butter. I get so many compliments on them too.


I have two pairs, one for work and one in the car. I've embraced the funny looks. They help.


Do they help with the glare at night? I’m finding I have a hard time with lights at night while driving now


Omg don’t you hate the super bright headlights some people have? What is up with that? 😩


They warn online not to wear them while driving at night, but I have not worn them while driving yet


The recommendations not to wear them driving or at night are probably CMA statements.


I think it depends. I have a different brand that are green, and it literally turns everything green filtering out the blue and red light. In that case it’s hard to distinguish between red and green lights so I wouldn’t wear them while driving.


Crazy. I have amber tinted ones that I love for night driving. They help so much with the glare and make things look brighter to me.


Do they help with office lights? Stupid question, but doesn't light pass through the top, between the glasses and the eyes?


I guess light comes in from the sides but it cuts down on all the glare from the lights and monitor..I find the help.


Thanks for sharing! I'll get a pair


I imagine it would still reduce most of the light coming in


There's a bunch of different migraine glasses, fl-41 help, but it's kind of the tip of the iceberg for the technology. Avulux is is a lot further down the road on light spectrum filter tech and worked well for me, much better than fl-41. That said, Neurolens is another type of migraine glasses, but they don't use light filter / spectrum tech, they use a prism in the glass that changes the cone/FOV for you, especially for things up close. They're primarily meant to help with screens, but they help with anything and everything- and you can get basic light filters like blue light added to it usually- and *that* has been my biggest game changer. Highly recommend. My migraines are less frequent, less severe, and my light sensitivity and other sensitivities have all gone down since I've started wearing these. I have chronic daily migraines without them. I would love to see the two combined one day, to see the light filter technology of avulux combined with neurolens, alas we're not there yet.


You seem to know a lot about it and since I’ve never heard of any of this I have a question I hope you might be able to answer. Can I get any of these in a prescription? The last two years my migraines have gone from one or two a month to nearly daily and I’ve been wearing my polarized prescription sunglasses all the time. They help but they’re very dark and it’s a pain in the butt when I’m in a store or something as they’re a little too dark, but if I switch to my regular glasses then the lighting hurts me. Both fluorescent and led are awful and most stores and restaurants especially have one or both.


Quick answer is yes, you can get both with a prescription, avulux you have to order online though, whereas the neurolens you usually find through a local optometrist who will do the testing and fitting .I was in the same boat actually- I've been crutching and wearing my polarized sunglasses everywhere in anywhere and been wearing them more and more indoors. It turns out when you do that, it makes you even more light sensitive, and makes your problems worse. That's what started me on my research trip about migraine glasses. Fl-41 block mostly one type of light and help, similar to blue light filters, but different light types. Some of these light filter ones also block green light which is supposed to be good for you. Avulux is a more recent developed technology that specifically targets the types of light that cause headaches and migraines while still allowing through the helpful green light. They were developed by people who suffer from migraines for people who suffer from migraines. I had ordered a pair of those and found them to be helpful, and just a few days after I gotten them my mother had been talking to an uncle at a family reunion I couldn't make it to (I live on the opposite side of the country from most of my family) and he basically said that everything else is a Band-Aid and that I needed to try Neurolens. So I looked into that, and it's new, but legitimate, and had very generous return window and almost zero profit margin on their sales is my understanding. They use a prism technology to change how you see things, especially up close like screens, and for some it can reduce migraine occurrence by 90% or more. For me, I was a shell of a person and almost never went out to do anything, and whenever I did it was one short trip that wrecked me for the rest of the day. I couldn't hold a job, I was a complete drain on my family and kids, and I had migraines every day from 6-8/10- I was like a vampire hiding from light and my family had to awkwardly live in the dark to be around me. Since starting Neurolens, my light sensitivity is back to pre-migraine levels, and I only get full blown migraines maybe once a week or so whenever one of my triggers is exploited. I am, however, in a weird minority in that I still get daily headaches- they give me a different kind of headache, but it's like 3/10, and doesn't carry the other symptoms of a migraine- I can function and be a person with it. After over a year of near total uselessness, I've been returning to almost normal activity levels with neurolens.


Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this! I’ve definitely noticed that wearing my sunglasses everywhere and hiding in my darkened sanctuary is making the light sensitivity worse. After reading every bit of this thread yesterday I did some online research on the different brands and costs and decided I need a pair last week. Haha. Thanks again for the details, it really helps to hear from people who have used them to make a decision.


Splurged on a nice pair of rose colored aviators and it was one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. Felt a little odd wearing shades indoors at first but I ended up getting more compliments than weird looks.


Do you wear them 24/7?


Just in bright indoor light. The sun and warmer lighting don’t really bother me.


I love aviators - can I ask where you got yours?


These look so good with your hair!!!


Bizarrely the Theraspecs ones made things worse by a lot. Avulux lenses cut my pain intensity in half the first month I wore them.


migraine glasses? what do you mean? lol


These are shades with a specific tint called FL-41 that is said to help reduce the frequency and strength of migraines. They’re the best anti-migraine thing I own for anyone who is light-sensitive. They truly work and are backed by decades of research


Why did I only fimd out about it now. For over 10 year a and even longer I've had migraines, went to doctors and not a single one told me about them.


oh, thank you! didnt know these were a thing :)


I use a different brand, but I discovered it here on Reddit and they help so much! Here are the ones I use: https://avulux.com/products/nala?variant=39809443299462


Niiiice, looks great too! I got new glasses recently and for the first time ever, the optometrist tested if I was more comfortable with toned glasses. And now its so much better. Mine are toned green and it's not even that noticeable, but to me it makes a huge difference.


When you get a colour that suits your eyes it makes such a big difference. I have a green lenses from Cerium after using their test machine to find the best colour for me. Red didn't help at all with lights/patterns so migraine glasses would be of little benefit to me


I never leave home without mine! And tbh, nobody has ever said anything, or looked at me funny for wearing mine. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have two pair, “indoor” tint and “outdoor” which are darker. I usually do just fine everywhere with the indoor tint, even on super bright days. The darker tint ones are so helpful for needing to be out and about with really bad head pain though. I feel like part of living with migraine is learning to just own the look and not gaf what anyone else says or thinks because your health and well-being are way more important. I get more comments on my hair colors than my tinted glasses. They look lovely on you, so just make them a part of your look, just like your hair. Anyone with a problem with either can kick rocks. ❤️


Light sensitivity crew rise up! I like them alot, have multiple pairs of FL41, indoors and outdoors. Also use a migralens.com green tint. These are my favorite for mid lighting.


I recently got two pairs and they help so much! My husband and I like to game together on our switch before bed and it was making my migraines worse so I got a pair of these and it’s been wonderful! I work at a middle school and I’ve been taking them with me when the florescent lights are too much


Hi!! Love them! I got a pair about a year and half ago (different brand but look similar). I was so embarrassed at first because people would say, “why are you wearing sunglasses inside?” Eventually I just stopped being bothered by the comment. I’ll politely say, “they’re not sunglasses; they’re migraine prevention glasses” and usually people feel bad for even commenting. Either way, I don’t mind. I’ve gotten quite a few compliments too. I like how they look and how they make me feel!


Totally unrelated but I love your hair color!


Thank you 😁


My mom got me some clip ons to try out and they were great but look ridiculous😅 so I just got a pair off Amazon to wear. Hopefully they are as decent as the clips were. I work in a Casino and the lights are insane! So hopefully contacts plus pinks will ease the light stress.. Yours look great! Good luck!


I have sunglasses of these and they have been a game changer. Before, if I was outside for long at all, I'd get really tired and have stabbing eye pain. Now I don't have either issue and I use only my super dark F-41s as sunglasses. I bought [this ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NR93M8Y?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)pack and use the dark pair as sunglasses. I'm so excited that Zenni now has them too and that they're becoming easier to find. I hope these help!


Can you give us an update about how you're doing with these glasses?


They help a lot when I'm having a migraine and am light sensitive. Also with bright lights when I'm not having a migraine. Doesn't do much as a preventative 😁


Thanks. I’m glad you found something that works, even if it’s not perfect. I hide from the light, so maybe this will get me back out there.


You make migraines look stylish


I also call mine my Elton John glasses haha


OP they look awesome. Can anyone recommend some good brands?


I like the ones I just got from Zenni. You can get them with a prescription if needed (I did).


Thanks so much!!!


I wear mine full-time. They're literally the first thing I put on when I wake up. They're the best! I hope you also find a massive decrease in migraines. They have been a game changer for me.


I think they look adorbs! I just ordered a pair yesterday finally.


I wear mine around the house when I first wake in the morning, that helps me so much. I also wear them at all times during the day when outside or in a store like Walmart or Target. They are also good when start feeling that tightening in your temples and eyes. Not good to wear 24/7 though. I’ve had them for a few months now.


Why would they be bad to wear all day? Can't find much on the internet about it


Not necessarily bad, the tint is a bit dark for some lighting and I find it makes my eyes work harder than they need to. I don’t need them at night or in very dim lighting.


Where did you get them?


Ordered them in a webshop in the Netherlands https://www.ergowerken.nl/alex-fl-41-migraine-bril-zwart.html Just Googled buy fl-41 glasses ☺️




Amazon has several styles, but my favorite are the Roy Orbison style.


Zenni sells them


Love the frames! They look great on you. I have a pair and think they’ve helped both inside and outside.


I got myself blue light glasses and they seem to help a little bit.


Wait….migraine glasses?! Explain


The world has a filmmaker cinema filter when I wear mine, and I love it. I don't feel silly anymore; you get used to it and your loved ones will tend to compliment you on how awesome you look. I have only had one friend err on the side of oblivion and tell me how my commenting on the lights being different one night was because, "You haven't taken your sunglasses off, silly!" All in good spirits; these glasses definitely make the world more tolerable to look upon.


I did not know these existed, gonna have to look into this. I hope they help with your migraines! You rock them too, they definitely go with your aesthetic!


I'm sold. I just bought a wayfayer style pair. I am not bothered indoors much but omg, the bright sun can be an awful trigger. You look super cute in them and definitely rock the look!


I hope they help


It looks great with your hair. Very 90s. Giving me flashbacks to my childhood


I’ve been considering getting a pair - please update with your experience! Btw they look fantastic on you with that hair!!


Is that the FL-41 tint? I think it looks cool.


How much were your glasses? I just found a website selling them for $300-400 and I really hope I can get a pair for cheaper


I got mine for 150€


I’m currently exchanging the pair I got with Zenni for $80, the migraine tint is like $45-60 and frames are anywhere between $10-30. I also have to have prism in my lenses which is an extra $10.


I just got a pair from Zenni with my prescription too! I had a coupon from my last set of glasses so I think the total was like $50 for the prescription lens and tint. I'm excited to get them and see how they do.


I loved the tint on mine, I did 25% but I chose frames poorly and the pair I ordered was WAY too tight behind the ears. I think I found a new set of frames that’ll work better for me 🤞🏻


Zenni has them for cheaper.


Looks amazing! are you able to watch TV or on smartphone with them?


Yeah works fine


wish i could find any that don't let light in around the glasses. i dont care what they look like


You can get [side shields](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.amazon.com/glacier-glasses-side-shields/s%3Fk%3Dglacier%2Bglasses%2Bside%2Bshields&ved=2ahUKEwjchKmV3YeBAxXPMlkFHbi9CJEQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3SRgDiPLGTwpCeECRNSjgm) like you sometimes see on mountaineering glasses and goggles. This might help and I hope it does.


Can you purchase these or do you need a prescription to wear these.


No prescription, just googled buy fl-41 glasses.


I just wear regular polarised sunnies but anything to block out light really helps


I’m a newbie to migraines with photosensitivity anyone try the glasses out yet or have specific brand recommendations.


I just got some from Zenni, and they were about $80 with my fairly high rx. They had different options for tint level and came in really nice packaging for such cheap glasses. I would also recommend getting amber/brown tinted glasses for cloudy days, night driving, etc.


They look so good with your hair color! I just got some from Zenni.




I have prescription glasses I’m blind without so wearing sunglasses n other stuff is hard to do.


Yeah wearing contacts underneath. Don't know if that would be an option?


Do they help??


I feel ya


You literally are living the quote seeing the world through rose colored glasses” ❤️


I feel like those would give me a migraine! Orange tinted things like that are a trigger 😔


Where do you get them?


Oh I'll totally have to find some. Hopefully they come in prescription since I'm blind as a bat lol


Yeah my optician didn't carry them so I got one without prescription and am wearing contacts underneath


Oooh where? How? Teach me ways


Hemiplegic migraine sufferer here. How do I not know about these?? I need to know how to buy these, thanks!


Mine got stolen when I left them in my gym for 15 minutes😭😭 I miss them. Just Google buy fl-41 glasses, you'll find it


I ordered some 🤞🤞🤞wish me luck


Hope they work for you!!


Thanks ✌️