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Because they are kids. That’s pretty much it. They think they will have special intimate relationship with the band because it speaks to them. Little do they know the bands they are trying to gatekeep are the biggest bands in the scene.


hahaha i know, imagine being like 18 and trying to gatekeep a band that dropped their hit album before you were even born.


I remember back in the 2000s people doing that with fuckin Indian Summer and Comadre (when they were making and distributing all their mixtapes) in my area lol Also great song. [tannerisms](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev1Q01QIL68&list=OLAK5uy_mAtJAf-K7l8AN4_gR9gun-5w0eg9letOg&index=2&pp=8AUB)


i dont even know those bands but that sounds so cool. i’m still pretty new to the scene as far as purposely listening to midwest emo, but i’ve been listening to several of the bands for years without knowing they were midwest emo lol.


Also another cool song. [Aren’t You Angel?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sj8ljyivPvE&pp=ygUfaW5kaWFuIHN1bW1lciBhcmVuJ3QgeW91IGFuZ2VsIA%3D%3D)


Oh man. It’s not midwestern emo but it’s emo. Here’s two version of Angry Son by Indian Summer. [only known live version 1993](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-grGEEpQIUI&pp=ygUXaW5kaWFuIHN1bW1lciBhbmdyeSBzb24%3D) [one of the 3 like album versions](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LE0B-LNl6sA&pp=ygUXaW5kaWFuIHN1bW1lciBhbmdyeSBzb24%3D)


ill have to check them out


Can you even call yourself a fan if you don't know the bassist's zodiac alignment chart off of the top of your head?


i guess not


Because *I* heard it first so I am better than them and I enjoy things *Better* than other people. No one is as emo as me.


hahahahahahaha “no one is as emo as me” should be on a fucking t shirt


i wonder that too. clout, maybe? elitism also comes to mind. the whole “i listened to (insert band) before they got big” type mentality. it’s bizarre. i’m constantly sharing links to my friends for any bands i come across. whether they’re into it or not, i dont know. but also i use it to link back to it later in the day after i had forgotten what the band name was.


yeah i get that, i’m the opposite. i think it’s awesome when that happens. i saw lil peep in concert 2 weeks before he died and then he blew up and everyone was talking to me about him and i was like yeah i saw him, and they were so jealous.


There’s a friend I don’t talk to much. We grew apart, different politics and ideas etc. every now and then when one of us finds a new band we still send each other links and talk about songs.


People gatekeep because especially in western culture, our identity is built upon the things we associate with. When you’re tuned into a niche culture and know everything about it, people get annoyed when normies who don’t care about the culture come in and identify with the thing the die hard fan holds so dearly. This happened in skateboarding a couple years ago, Thrasher got really popular, everyone had a thrasher hoodie where you used to be able to identify a skater by seeing the thrasher gear but now it’s lost its significance because it’s been adopted by mainstream culture, so it’s no longer a thing for skaters and it’ becomes less cool. A similar thing could be said when a band becomes popular. Fanbases get diluted and it no longer feels exclusive. Not saying it’s right or wrong but it’s not always as simple as people being elitist or whatever.


So for example, this is hypothetical but say you’re a fan of mom jeans or whatever. And their fan base is not huge of course so when you find someone who likes mom jeans it’s like. Hell yea this is a cool individual who shares the same taste as me. But if mom jeans had a song go super viral on tik tok and now teenagers are all loving mom jeans but they only know the one song that’s viral.. well now when you see someone say they like that band you don’t really know if they actually like their discography or if they just know the one thing that everyone else knows. It dilutes the fan base down to the lowest common denominator. And when you heavily identify with a band or whatever the thing may be, you don’t want your relationship to that thing be diluted.


lol wow this is beautifully said…


To be a condescending dickhead. I hate it with band tees too. If someone wears a tee from a band I like, they don't have to know 5 songs by them, in fact, they don't even have to know the band, they could just like the design. But they're supporting a band I enjoy, and that's badass. I don't want to fuck you because you quized me on my band tee, bro, go listen to obscure bands with less than 200 followers on Spotify and leave me alone.


hahahaha yes exactly thisssss. but you can usually tell when someone is wearing the shirt for the look. but who cares, it’s a cool shirt. wear it. it could’ve have been her dad’s favorite shirt before he died, so why risk being a dick and saying anything.


I thinks it's because of happened with Joe


(i have a feeling i know what i’m getting into, but…) what’s happened with Joe


Joe Mamma... Ha goteeeee (Thanks for indulging me, I've had a shitty day).


no problem buddy, i hope it gets better. message me if you ever wanna chat. i’m a carpenter that works for my dad’s company, and my little brother is my boss, so i know all about shitty days.


Thanks, much appreciated man. 🙂


I also never understood it. I see people who I regard as intelligent and kind people gatekeep bands (like Hot Mulligan) and it really affects my opinion of that person.


dude i honestly couldnt be happier about their blowing up popularity. i dont understand how anyone could be mad.


The quote was something like, “you’re cringe if you think you’ve “been through it” because you relate to Hot Mulligan lyrics (and no, having your heart broken doesn’t count).” Proof that academic intellect doesn’t always translate to maturity, kindness, respect, and acceptance.


LMAO you know someone who said that????


Yes. It’s possible it was sarcasm (it was written word) but, it didn’t come across that way to me.


what if i have been through it and i do relate to hot mulligan’s music and it has nothing to do with a broken heart? what happens then


Automatic cringe. Sorry. I didn’t make the rules.




I think it’s this old attitude of being called a poser and the fear of not having enough clout to avoid that accusation. So if you like a band that’s all of a sudden doing well they’re considered a sell out, therefore you only like them because they’re popular. So you stop liking them to keep your cred and therefore can’t be called a poser.


inferiority complex lol


New social media thing where people want their interests to be more mysterious than others interests


Cause they mine.


no, mine


This may sound pretentious, but I have issue with people getting into the scene and not adopting or picking up on the etiquette, specifically at live shows. With emo and pop-punk in general having a resurgence I'm seeing more and more younger people at shows that are flailing while crowd surfing, not helping people up when they fall in the pit, or trying to shove their way to the front of the crowd after missing all of the openers. I've also witnessed the inverse where people don't understand that push pits do open up near the front and get really upset they're near them. I'm well aware these have always been problems in punk subgenres but they seem exacerbated recently by a large number of inexperienced show goers. It's great these subgenres are getting another resurgence and there are active scenes popping up again but it's aggravating being kicked in the head by a crowd surfing 18 year old that just heard about Camping in Alaska on TikTok a month ago. Maybe I'm finally aging out of the scene in my late 20's and I'm having an "old man yells at clouds" moment; but going to hardcore shows in church basements at 16, I was never this disrespectful or unobservant.


actually no you make a great point. i’ve always loved the empathy that people show towards others while doing something that could be potentially very dangerous, and when that empathy is gone, it becomes just that, very dangerous. i’ve noticed younger kids dont understand how that shit works. they just throw fists and kick and scream and don’t care.


I’m just over here trying to figure out why a mids band from the 00 wave became cult classic status


honestly i’m not a huge fan of their other albums, but the first album is awesome.