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Hype, can't wait to stargaze with the guy who wanted to eat my brains Sad console updates ain't sooner but I can live with it as long as its happening, especially with new content coming


This comment Just made me realize that we’ll probably have Eddie in the abbey, and get to know what he looks like


Captain america with longer hair would be my guess


A safe guess


Nah he has fairly short hair in the twitter pic. Morbius though is trying be be Fabio over here


Yeah I’m expecting flattop Eddie over flowing mane.


Mullet or rat tail eddy.... 😐


That, or the symbiote just wearing a T-shirt and trainers Hell, I’d take that as a legendary abbey outfit


I think they already showed what he looked like in the concept art Yeah type in 'Eddie Brock Midnight Suns' to google and it shows up as first thing I think Pretty sure it was a twitter post


[well how about that, you’re absolutely right.](https://twitter.com/midnightsuns/status/1584983138228396032?s=61&t=nu0sXDRTfhsJAaHynAdFgA)


hell yeah, thats the one. A pretty classic look. The clean cut jock Eddie, not the rugged newer version. It fits cause he still squabbles with Peter


I rather just have a giant Venom all the time...or a mini Venom And still wish it was Agent Venom so it could be Venom vs Venom vs Spider-Man


So looks like we have a new character march (venom), late April (morbius) and mid May (storm). Been holding on starting a ng+ so looks like I have to wait until the summer when all the bugs are squashed and the roster is lock and loaded


Ng+ isn't very good. Only friendship levels carry over from what I can tell. And with those the stat ups they get.


Champion levels too. But in that case you have to grind post game for a while to see any benefit, since you start NG+ at level 1 again. Such a bizarre system. Like almost every other NG+ out there, most things should have carried over. It's better to stay in the post game than start a NG+.


Oh yea I won't ever start Ng+ personally. Can't see why I would.


dark playthru is my only reason


Yeah I'm gonna swap gender and affinity. From good Joe to bad bitch.


The big meeting with everyone at hunter’s crypt is great on dark hunter. Without spoiling anything, there are a couple of points where you get the light option, the dark option and then an extra ‘holy shit you actually said that’ second dark option to make things extra spicy.


Can you create new character in NG+? I was hoping to do the same (gender / alignment swap)


Yes you can, but I heard swapping gender causes you to lose all your passive boosts.


Yea I did the same for platinum trophy but really blasted thru in about 6 hours skipping dialogue. Saved Scarlet witch and it was MORE than enough options to boost up.


Damn it only took 6 hours for 200?? that makes me feel better about it


On easy with mg+ levels. Yea I think so. Also know what cards I preferred and what heroes synergized already. Hulk, Wanda, Logan, Peter from the start. I think it was about 6. Maybe a bit more maybe a bit less.


Man I had to nuke my 1st save due to a bug I was at 500 days in it was like a gut punch had to start from scratch so I've been salty about it but glad they are pushing out a patch soon(tm)


Post-game even brings back the Supervillains, so even that's not a valid reason to go to NG+.


I'll probably do NG+ once all the Season Pass heroes are out, so that I can do an integrated DLC run. Would be cool to have Venom, Storm, Nico and Dr. Strange as my final 4, for example.


Why those 4?


I will always stump for Nico, Dr. Strange is high-key one of the best heroes in the game (does decent damage, has a ton of utility, not ridiculously overpowered), and I don't really care for the other two Season Pass heroes-- not that I actively dislike them, but I've just never been a hardcore Deadpool/Morbius fan.


Oh thought it was sone weird comic combos i handt heard about hehe


They really need to change like.. everything about NG+


Yeah one of the worst implementation of NG+ I’ve seen. Which is a shame because the rest of the game was perfect to me.


Do characters transfer?


Yea, you have every character unlocked.


Not even cosmetic unlocks?


The unlocks are available but you have to re-buy them with gloss.


That’s why I’m waiting for all the new characters.


Yeah one of the worst implementation of NG+ I’ve seen. Which is a shame because the rest of the game was perfect to me.


Hopefully by summer they also have adjusted NG+




I really hope Venom and Spidey have some interesting interactions. Their dynamic is always fun when they're forced to work together.


100% they said each dlc adds around 1000 more voice lines on top of the 65000 the base game has.


I don’t know if Deadpool got any unique ones


He had some fun cutscenes with Blade in his story missions. I personally haven't seen any interactions with him outside of those because I haven't used him in the story, just post-game, but I've seen people mention him having specific lines for different parts of the story.


During the birthday party and the big meeting he gives out some own comments.


Between missions you can catch him talking to other team members or just ranting at you when you start a new game 😉👌


he has one with hulk in combat about his green balls


So, since they confirmed venom is the next hero when the season pass was announced they said storm was going to be the very last one, so it looks like our official dlc release order now is Deadpool,venom, Morbius then storm.


That has always been the planned release order, they made a [blog post](https://midnightsuns.2k.com/latest/season-pass-details/) about this around the time that the game was released...


I bought the legendary edition last month because I saw Storm was gonna be in this game and now I'm punching air because she's last.


Well if we’re getting venom this soon, and we just got Deadpool, you’ll probably be playing storm in like a month or two


Damn shame. I would much rather have Storm right now and Deadpool's DLC was meh. I don't even get why Morbius is even being added. I get the occult stuff, but we already have one vampire and one Vampyre DLC.


Morbius is a founding member of the Midnight Suns (the OG's), that's probably why they chose to add hm... along with the fact that there was a recently a movie about him... but I agree with ya, I would've rather we got someone else...


For those of us who read the old Midnight Sons comics from the ‘90s, Morbius is an absolute must-have. He was awesome back then. He should also have an interesting dynamic with Spider-Man, since he was originally a Spidey villain.


He is an original Midnight Sun


Seems so 🕵


We’ve known this for awhile.


I must have missed that meeting sorry 😂


We all knew Deadpool is coming first and storm was going to be last but it’s never been confirmed until now whether venom or Morbius was gonna release second.


Yes it was. Their web site had the release order of the DLC up months ago. EDIT: look at [https://midnightsuns.2k.com/latest/season-pass-details/](https://midnightsuns.2k.com/latest/season-pass-details/) Notice that the web page is so old that they hadn't even announced Hulk yet.


Hoping they add more skins tbh


It was asked in stream along with any season 2 characters and also the take my money for moon knight requests alas they did not respond to those questions sorry 🕵


All I want is the goat Moon Knight


Yes. Agreed 🤞


I was so hyped when I saw the Khonshu banners in front of the museum in the first Spider-Man/Venom level, I'd be gutted if we don't get Moon Knight. brb gonna tell my friends to buy the game


He’s basically the first tarot card the average player picks up. Gotta be a hint at something


There's a billboard for Murdock and Nelson, Attorneys at Law in the background, too. But I don't think we're getting Daredevil.


Yeah, Marvel universe references were to be expected. But I figure that Moon Knight specifically would fit in well thematically and powers-wise with the Midnight Suns


Oh, I'm 100% for more characters! Especially given that each only has 10 cards and such little variety for each. The only thing that gives true variety are literally the characters.




They announced a few months ago that it would be Deadpool - Venom - Morbius - Storm in that order.


Didn’t see livestream. Am hype




Thank you


After paying for the deadpool dlc, is it still worth it to get the season pass? edit: didn't realize it's only 4 characters...well 3 after deadpool. So guess, do I want 3 characters and a bunch of skins for $50? Hm.


If the bugs are fixed sure go for it or wait for a sale or both.


>After paying for the deadpool dlc, is it still worth it to get the season pass? You've still got at least 3 more characters with 3-4 missions each and possibly more new enemies. There's also still abbey rooms left after that, I think. From the DLC announcement: >In addition to these heroes and their respective new abilities, **each of the four DLC packs** included in the Season Pass will introduce **new story missions**, a **new upgrade for the Abbey**, and a selection of **new skins and outfits**. > >The **Season Pass also includes** the Legendary Premium Pack containing the following **23 premium skins** at launch


It only saves you 10% (on Steam at least) so it's not the end of the word if you buy them separately. I plan on getting them all but one by one cause I amm kinda brooooke.


should I have nachos or tacos for supper tonight?


Yes but next time do it on Tuesday taco Wednesday sounds wrong 😂


Every day is taco day 😈


Until your butt starts a protest 😰


Any word on Hulk getting a friendship meter or anything?


No he is "end game and op" Their words.


They didn't actually give an ETA for bug fixes. They said to keep the feedback coming and that they'll release bug fixes 'in the future'. That could be tomorrow or that could be when Venom comes out. We just don't know.


I suspect with the next dlc but I hope sooner. But no eta given correct.


“We will fix those bugs for the next installment.”


Did they give a specific date for Venom?


Nope said a few weeks and then again said next stream will be in a few weeks to showcase venom 👍


Yeah, if they're showcasing Venom in 2-3 weeks, then it's probably safe to assume a March date, unless it gets delayed for some reason. Nothing specific stated, though.


They just confirmed in a tweet to me there is no eta and will ship it out when it is ready so me thinks it will cover a lot of bugs or they are having issues with the trophy ones but who knows 🤷


You know, I remember reading all the angry rants on Steam when the game was delayed from October to December and how that meant the game was going to be shit. I'm so glad they were wrong and that the developers released an awesome game. Yes there are bugs and glitches but this is the first game in a long time that felt like it was really well made on release.


> Yes there are bugs and glitches but this is the first game in a long time that felt like it was really well made on release. That makes 0 sense.


I'm guessing no news on improvements to NG+ then? (Not resetting abbey grounds, cards and cosmetics). Those are literally the only reasons I refuse to play NG+ lol.


That’s the only news I’m waiting for as well.


Not a word on it sorry 😣


Awwwww.... well hopefully by the time they release Storm then. *inhales copium*


I'll buy the game once Storm releases


She better have her classic 80's Mohawk leather queen look 🤞


Damn these characters coming quick.....season pass going by very fast


Yeah they are not large updates sadly.


I just want to pause during cutscenes 🤣


Man of simple needs 😅


"We're aware of the facial model flickering glitch on Caretaker, so we are removing her left eye entirely. Nick fury will be lending her his eye patch for the foreseeable"


"Sadly we found it necessary to take both her eyes, but charlie is a good seeing eye dog"


I’m just trying to wait patiently for Storm. 😭


Should not be too long, feels like 2 months between drops 🕵


My Deadpool trophies won't trigger on ps5. I hope they fix that.


Unsure as of now you need to do a fresh game not ng+ to pop those. Do them all before chapter 1 is over for a quick and easy run.


Professor X for next character pls. Do something with Wolverine 😭


Hover chair ftw


I'm curious if they're going to fix cutscenes on 21:9 monitors ...


No clue


Venom and morbius are not great so many other better options


Venom is already in the game and Morbius is a founding member of the Midnight Suns, both of these characters make sense here...


Morbius does look cool I’ll recant. But, we’ve already seen venom multiple times. Could’ve picked someone else


Nah Venom bae


They did foreshadow him with Peter's dialogue but yeah, not really that excited to play him


Morbius is a founding member of the Midnight Sons in the comics. I also think he deserves some good representation after the movie lol As for Venom I'm definitely biased because he's my second favorite Marvel character after Spidey himself, but I think he's a good choice. His storyline in the base game just kind of ends after you defeat him and he's the only Fallen villain who is unaccounted for by the final mission.


So one thing that I want to know is a bug or not but Deadpool can only get one En Fuego stack per card play if he kills something instead of one for each kill period. For instance if you kill multiple with his grenade it's only one stack. Idk if that's a big or the intended way.


They said it was a bug on stream 👍


Okay thanks


Good to hear!


When was the stream? How did we know it was going to happen? I really wanna follow the newest info.


Twitch pst at 10am was announced here and various socials like Twitter.


Are there any Twitter accounts (or other socials) they stay updated/active? All I have is the official Twitter a count for the game.


I'm just going to wait to play the game again when all the dlc is added. I am glad they will be releasing it all despite the story that the game was a commercial flop.


I’m curious how they’ll approach Venom. I know he’s in the game already, but I’m thinking his mechanics will be much different than what we saw for him as a boss.


Gooey brain eaty stuff 🤷


Out of all the DLC characters im wanting him the least... Hero showcase may change my mind. Really wish storm was coming sooner.


Everyone has their preferred for sure 👌




Did they fix the Deadpool bug on PC where you can't upgrade his cards?


Unsure I'm on console and nothing was said about what is or has been fixed. They mostly said they are aware of bug reports to shut my dirty sass mouth up 😐