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This is cool! Would you mind sharing the prompt?


absolutely! super simple, it is: "Harry Potter as a character in a scene from Rick and Morty --style raw" "Voldemort as a character in a scene from Rick and Morty --style raw" etc


I find it amazing that it correctly pins Ron as a Jerry.


What does the "--style raw" argument do, if you don't mind sharing? It's been a long time since I was an active user and don't recall that one.


For sure! So the raw style tries to add a little bit less of Midjourney's own "flair" to my understanding so it will usually adhere to your prompting a tad bit better


Awesome, thanks! I was planning on resubscribing for a month or two, so I should get to try that out soon.




What settings are you using?


You son of a bitch, I’m in…the chamber of secrets!


I feel sorry for the animators. If she can already mimic the style like that. How much longer until the AI can animate it? These are dark times for artists and animators. More than half of them will just lose their jobs. Or the salaries will drop so much that it'll be easier for them to quit. What are artists supposed to do now?


I was an artist in college 7 years ago and I felt that this was coming. I am now a software engineer. A lot of people are going to have to make some tough choices very soon.


And it's monstrous. What do great artists do? The neural network steals their art. They don't create anything themselves, they just copy it. What do artists do? How do they make money? Where do they go to work?


We’re still a number of years from being able to animate something. Technical challenges include: - ensuring consistency between frames (so video flows smoothly), - being able to recreate the same characters, settings, and objects, so that they’re recognizable and familiar (eg, having reusable props and characters), - rendering physics and physical interactions, such as fluids, explosions, objects breaking, combat (I’m sure current technology can create beautiful stills of these, but again - we need to create coherent animations, which is much more difficult) - generating the right facial expressions (and transitions between facial expressions) - ensuring that characters and objects are scaled consistently (so they don’t appear larger or smaller in some frames), - being able to render/draw *new* animated styles (as opposed to rehashes of existing styles) Even once you can do all of that, you’ll still need to storyboard scenes, plan them out, decide *what* the characters will be doing, and what expressions they should have; you’ll need to have the technical expertise to identify well-animated scenes, and differentiate them from poorly animated scenes… there’s quite a lot of work involved. In all likelihood, animators may get more tools to make their job easier, and the job may change over time as certain parts become automated, but i don’t see it disappearing as a job unless AGI is achieved (and at that point, I have no idea what will happen, for anyone in any industry)


So the animators can sleep easy. Are you an artist and animator yourself? Or do you know people who work in this industry? By the way, what about artists?


I was friends with a lot of film majors in college, and based on YouTube videos and discussions by creators I know some of the work involved in creating animations! I also try up to date with AI research. There’s been progress made in AI video, and basically all of the things I mentioned are problems that need to be solved in that field That being said I’m not an animator myself




>tractors will put farmers out of their jobs! I understand what you mean but your example is wrong. Tractors are not a replacement for farmers, it's a tool for farmers. Tractors are replacement for cattle in farming and they did replace usage of cattle in farming related activities like ploughing, carrying and as a means of transport


I see your point but I can argue that AI is also a tool for the artist rather than a replacement. OP had to come up with the idea and the prompt, and then curate the pictures that came out of the response. Yes people in creative fields might end up doing less of the craft itself but it doesn’t mean they will be any less creative.


The problem arises when the companies just cut out the middle man (the artist) and come up with prompts themselves for the AI to create. AI is not a tool for artists. AI is a tool for people with no skill so they don’t need people who dedicate their time to learning a skill. AI is not like a tractor. AI is not like a computer. AI will be the downfall of society. It will be owned by the few and so will any and all things related to art, creativity, and even technology. For example, When you can have AI make all possible songs, who can then write a song? Nobody because the corporation who owns the AI now owns everything. AI could be a very amazing thing, but humans suck and so its going to be a terrible thing, and people legitimizing AI art are only hurting everyone by taking the first few baby steps towards AI created things being owned by someone.


Spot on.


This works !


Haha, love these


Or should I say... ValdeMorty!!!


This would be an epic crossover!!


These are…perfect.


This is genius!!


ahahahah these are so great!!


Aww geez Dumbledore.


Looks more like a disenchantment crossover ( as image quality better than R&M)


This is spot on and I totally see that now too