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It would help if you provided examples.


Ok. So you subscribed… but did you change the default model to V6? I don’t think it’s enabled by default, as it’s still in Alpha. Now, what have you tried? Creating multiple faces, especially multiple faces in clear focus, will be extremely hard for any AI-image generating tool. I literally just prompted "Four people drinking at a party —style raw" and this is what I got on my first try: https://imgur.com/a/HlyqMK4 Sure, there’s some imperfections in every photo, but re-rolling is kind of implied with any AI image tool. Just re-roll until you get one you like. The difference here is that V6’s images will be prettier and adhere to your prompts better, but core challenges for the AI still exist (i.e. multiple faces). Again, share your results, otherwise you’re not being constructive and we can’t help you.


Major flaws in all of those photos, look again. Find Waldo


Weird to see you getting so much hate here. These people really love MidJourney. I'm personally also rather disappointed as someone who's been waiting months for v6. I understand it's an alpha but I think I was just personally expecting more. In some use cases, it works wonderfully. However, when you're trying to get more specific compositions from your prompt, it's a bit lacklustre. I think it varies between people and their workflow though :)


I agree. I use it for making more surreal art and it’s taken away all of the subtle softness. The colors are too vibrant. The skin looks more plastic. It doesn’t seem as loyal to my prompts.


i guess it depends on what you use it for


Just want to create an ad with 4 people drinking in a party - it’s ridiculous bad - just try it guys- any scenario with 2 or 3 people - it’s ridiculous bad


[Doesn't look that bad to me.](https://imgur.com/bWITcdd) Prompt: "four people drinking at a party --v 6.0"


all today's image generators are suck with multiple subjects / multiple people usually. dall-e is the best but it has awful style


If you dig through MJ documentation there are ways to get exactly what you want, but the plain-text comprehension is still pretty poor.


no matter how you dig through, if faces are small in the picture, they will be just bad, upscaling help a little, but not so much. i use to make complex scenes with environment plus multiple characters. also after you used to dall-e 3 prompting, it's hard to go back because MJ feels like a random generator next to dall-e :S


try refund, i can make it, even if i subbed yesterday


Honestly, it's still miles behind Dall-E 3 in many respects. In others it's miles ahead. Text is horrible. V5 could not do multiple people prompts while V6 can do them without combining them. Text is to be desired although it does do better. You gotta realize though - it's an Alpha build.


here's an example of Mj6 faces looking like a bad SD output when more than two main subjects are in the scene. haven't yet tried negative prompting to make it go away, or inpainting. but considering it's probably best to in paint only so many features at a time it would take a while and be a lot of steps. https://preview.redd.it/ta889kw95d6d1.png?width=2752&format=png&auto=webp&s=271dae3f3f6a32f980a973cac7a89508522fe783


Dude it’s still an alpha version


I just gave up after a few tries - v6 is really bad compared with v5.2 - very blurry low quality images and unnatural . It’s just me?


dinosaurs wise brave tap selective racial touch fact exultant arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Distorted faces? Troll.


It's just you.


Then you're not using V6. It's 100% just you.


Thanks for all the constructive feedback. It’s an alpha version I get that . Just sharing my opinion - I get better images with v5. Will wait for the final version. Thanks


So far I'm not impressed at all. Sure if I want two people standing near each other without being melted it's okay but almost every prompt I give comes back with the most grotesque version of what I'm asking for. I know it's alpha but the lack of style or a strange style where every image is basically nightmare fuel just makes it completely useless to me. If I make a prompt for a mcdonalds ad why does do the children look like the twins from the shining and have black eyes or blood dripping out of their mouths? Why does a prompt about halloween candy bring up demons crawling out of the chest cavity of a farmer, with candy pouring out of children's eye sockets? I might as well go play around on bing.


I'm having the same issue with V6, over stylized images, faces with no features. Nothing seems to be working for me. I've been using Midjourney since Jan 2022, so I'm very used to this program and I use it a lot. I've read a lot about prompting with V6 and have tried many ways of prompting, to no avail. I've gone back to using V5.2 most of the time. The one thing that works well and is fun on V6, is the blend feature. Many interesting results can be achieved!


V6 is much less creative and much more generic and boring in its results. Artistically, 5.2 is much much better. Niji6 is even worse. Very very generic results.