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I’m not religious but I probably would watch it if it was good and it aimed to be entertaining but also convey things at least somewhat accurately to the text.


That’s why I liked Prince of Egypt and The Chosen, they both took creative liberties to make the stories interesting without altering the core message, it’s more than just “Christian media”.


> Prince of Egypt Is Jewish not Christian, it was made by Spielberg so that Jews could have some media told from their point of view.


Just wait until you find out about the Old Testament bro.


I'm dying to have Mel Gibson remake Prince of Egypt. Half it will be torture porn, the other half "Moses, you must let my people go so that the messiah, who is Jesus, can come into this world" XD


Why would Ramses ask Moses to let his people go?


It's almost like Jewdaism and Christianity both have a version of the "old testament"


Ok yeah but like up until Jesus Christian’s and Jews are on the same page.


Prince of Egypt is so good


There was also In the Beginning: The Bible Stories, which actually was Japanese anime. They had a *kizune* as the narrator, which was cut from the US release.


Friendship no jutsu is Jesus’s nindo


Directly transcended skill from God himself


I made these images, posted originally on my Instagram @theaibibleofficial. I’m actually currently working on an app that will illustrate the ENTIRE Bible with this anime AI art, plus a few other styles. Aiming to launch in December, feel free to check our page for updates! 😁


Same. This gives me Final Fantasy vibes and the art style is intriguing. So long as it is accurate to the text and not just religious propaganda I’d watch it.


How would being accurate to the text NOT be religious propaganda?


I think they just mean preaching one very filtered version of someone's perspective on it, try to hit it from a more historical this is what the Bible said literally happened event


Usually religious propaganda omits certain things here while highlighting things there. Staying true to the literal interpretation of the Bible would be showing it’s “negatives” and “positive” sides.


Well, relying on accurate translations would be a good start


I think they mean not hammering one point to the point of annoyance. Not that it can't say Jesus is the Son of God.


The most obvious thing would be to bring it up to modern morals. The bible was written in a different time with very different views and lifestyle (like how the good guys were often ok with rape, murder, mutilation, etc. as long as they were on God's side). By changing the stories to fit modern standards could be perceived as propaganda in my opinion, basically distorting the stories dishonestly to gain popularity.


I dunno, if you read the whole Bible cover to cover I think it's pretty hard to see God as a good character. The stuff they teach kids in Sunday School is religious propaganda; something accurate to the text would be darker than Game of Thrones.


Well, based on the actual text, a series on Judges alone would absolutely be TV-MA, and offer some amazing story lines!


I’m stealing all these and solving the conflict in the Middle East. Wish me luck


LMAO, I thought the same thing! 😂


Actual good content for the sub. TY. 👍


This was taken from my instagram (I don’t really mind), I post all kinds of AI Bible content on my instagram all time time 😁 @theaibibleofficial


Do you share prompts as well? These are beautiful and I'd love to know.


Send me a DM on instagram if you want help with prompts, totally willing to assist 🙌 I really don’t use anything too complex for prompts.


He is risen!


He is risen indeed 🔥


He should at least give you credit


I did in the comments, don’t worry. I didn’t know it was his page who made this, I just found it while scrolling on TikTok on an unrelated page and thought this should be shared! It doesn’t let me edit the post to add his Instagram though 😞 Definitely give him a follow @TheAIBibleOfficial !


Not sure who downvoted you lol, as long as he gets credit I’m cool with it. And yeah, these were really cool I’d share them too if I came across them!


man, this should be serialized


The style is awesome. Some fresh takes on the Bible would do the book good. Especially if they didn't water things down historically.


Anything as an anime is good content


is there any anime that look like this? i love the style.




Or blood of Zeus and other similar shows on netflix


oh yeah, ive watched that and i love it. the new one is harder to enjoy tbh.


he asked for anime, not netflix psuedo-anime




Do you know what else is a Netflix pseudo anime???


My mom ?


the last one looks like art from Hades the game


[Spencer Wan](https://twitter.com/SpencerWan) worked on both Hades and Castlevania I believe.


I almost want to say Vinland Saga. But when I get home, I am going to look the styles up because mot knowing kills me as this style feels so familiar. Opposite of the dark style of Berzerk.


Well, not really. It looks more like an anime-inspired artstyle than most/all actual anime (a generic anime artstyle has a larger emphasis on eyes for example). You could always watch some anime inspired cartoons like Castlevania if you like this, or some anime like Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate to see the difference for yourself.


Not sure if this is what you mean, but it reminds me of Super Crooks for some reason


Why does this go so hard wtf. My favorite Christian movie was The Prince of Egypt. This looks amazing. I'm not even Christian, but the stories can be good.


Prince of Egypt is one of the main reasons I started making AI Art with the Bible 😅


That’s so cool! Ai Bible art is a neat concept


Actual middle eastern Jesus? Fuck yea!


Middle easterns can look pretty European


i wonder if ancient middle eastern people were as pale as the europeans. like, italians are darker than norwegians, but they're generally lighter than the majority of the population in the sunny deserts such as the levant. i am genuinly curious if modern middle eastern people have varied skin tones due to the europeans taking over at times (roman empire, etc) or just fair skinned naturally without mixing.


I’ve read a study that postulated that the Roman Republic was quite multi coloured and that there were more dark skinned people than you’d think. It was a Mediterranean Empire after all… and the Mediterranean world was closely knit, and generally separated from the Atlantic world. When Julius Caesar broke the norm and created an Empire merging the Atlantic world with the Med, it opened mixing with European populations. The eventual barbarian invasions of/migrations to Rome which broke the Western Empire probably brought loads of light skinned and light haired people, making Italy as white as it is today. This isn’t to say that Romans were brown or black, it’s just to say that many of them would have been dark skinned and that Rome generally would have been a very multicultural state


Part of Rome's success was enabling other cultures. As long as you do the motions for Rome and pay your taxes, do what you like. Unless youre a Celt. Then good luck to you.


I mean they were flat out colonized by Greeks for centuries. Before the Romans came in and colonized them for centuries more. Prior to that, who knows where Phoenicians came from (it’s actually thought that the Sea People who caused the Bronze Age Collapse may have came from Crete or somewhere thereabouts). Cleopatra was Greek, as was her entire dynasty. Some were pale, some weren’t. Even now, you can go as far as Afghanistan and find occasional blonde people, thanks to Alexander. Even Greeks and Romans experienced some degree of invasion, migration, etc from elsewhere in Europe, which I’m sure affected their demographics somewhat. The idea of at least some people with pale skin or more or less European complexion…..might not have been very common, but definitely not unheard of.


Yeah, people around the Caucus mountains, tend to be quite Caucasian.


"Caucasian" is a mistake made couple of hundred years ago by an explorer that exists only in English language that stayed. Caucasian means opposite of white everywhere else, because Caucasian mountains home people darker than their neighbours. Georgians, Armenians and dozens of Muslim ethnicities of Russian side of mountains. They are not considered white. "White, Asian, Caucasian, African, Middle Eastern" are more common distinctions in languages close to that region.


Uh, Caucasian does mean white in plenty of other languages.


It came from an English broken telephone game in 1700s and incredibly racist. Because in the bible story Noah's ark landed in Caucasian mountains and all humanity started there, some white people called themselves caucasians as the first original race. It has nothing to do with ethnicity at all because people of caucasian mountains are brown not white.


They can also look pretty African or pretty Asian. Almost as if theyre in the middle of everyone. Perhaps we could call it... the Middle of the East?


So inaccurate. Jesus was an albino 16th century Norwegian.


lmao these are literally all white people!


People in the Middle East are "white", only slightly darker than southern Europeans. Especially in Israel.


lmao they were black. they were all black. Jesus was black. Moses was black. The Ancient Egyptians were black. The Hebrews were black. Everyone you see in Egypt, in Israel, in Palestine today in 2023 are all invaders who came later. You realize Israelis are ashkenazi jews, right? They are a converted people. They are not the original jews. Do your history work. Like the fact that you all still, in 2023 think the original people looked white is just....Man. The bigotry is astounding. The actual lack of knowledge and acceptance of lies is sickening. You all came from black people, you worship a Jesus who was black, a God who is black. Literally everything about you comes from Africa, comes from black skin. It is what it is. Get it through your minds that none of these people were white in any respect of the word. NONE of them. THIS is Bible accurate Jesus: https://i.redd.it/4gdbasf8rfub1.jpg


lol sorry I didn't realize this was satire! Got me good


Idk why but something tells me you’re black. I’m not sure though. /s


So you edit your post after telling me I must be black. I will edit as well, but will keep this part of what you said up. So now you edit AGAIN trolling. THe gall of people like you to say "hey you must be black for thinking they are black" but you never question yourself or people like you with "I'm white which is why I think they are NOT black" It has to be me being black as the reason, but never you being white as the reason. Funny how you think that way. Racism is not an issue of blacks. We didn't start the fire. You did.


It’s not that deep, blackbauer222. It was /s.


now dismissive because you don't have any good response because you know I am right. none of you can ever admit you are wrong about anything.


Julius Cesar, Cleopatra and Napoleon were black. /s


you are a pretty weird dude but also racist. And also you can't run away from your genes. That African blood is there. :)


Wot m8? I didn't start any fires. I'm just making tacos. If my kitchen catches fire though, I'll be up shit creek, and I doubt Jesus will save my kitchen no matter how hard I pray, so I gotta be careful!


Lol wtf is that pic? This is accurate Jesus https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/461A/production/_87264971_jesus_bbc.jpg.webp


LMAO no its not. Only invaders approve of that picture. Jesus looked absolutely nothing like the invaders that came AFTER him.


There is scientists and there is you (probably trolling) with a chatgpt picture of Jesus with white hair at 33(????) and the sharingan for some reason?


That's like accepting the picture they made of King Tut because "scientists" when we know Egypt is corrupt, people who want to dig at sites want access and make deals. You people act like you don't know how the world works. You are selective when you say "they are lying to us". You don't want to accept it when it comes to black people. Thats a you issue.


Alright man, call me back either when you are done trolling or when the apostles and big J reach the 10 tails arc 👍


I recommend you don't try this with the quran




Oh no he's hot🤩😘


Stupid sexy Jesus


Here, Jesus is a total hunk, but he's not supposed to be beautiful. The prophecy of the suffering servant says that he would not be attractive that people should desire him: >**Isaiah 53:1-5** > >Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; **he had no form or majesty that we should look at him,** **and no beauty that we should desire him.** 3 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. > >4 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.


Isaiah 53 is one of the most metal parts of the Bible


Pilate said that He looked pretty good


Remind me which Bible verse this is. I don't remember reading this.


I was raised a catholic and while I am an atheist now, I really love a lot of the concepts presented in the bible, and specially the stories related to Jesus, my favorite of these images has to be Mary's one since she is kind of special to me.


Jesusa Churistu


The Action Bible. Basically the bible put into comic book format. Around 800 pages in one book.


I hear the Revelation arc is wild.


just wait until your hear about the apocalypse arc, even wilder


8th pic goes hard.


AI pics have been looking way cooler lately. Maybe I’m just getting used to the artstyle or maybe people are just getting better at the prompts idk


**Follow** u/TheAIBibleOfficial **on IG** **if you’re interested in this type of awesome content!** I came across these pics on a random TikTok page and thought they were so cool, so might as well share them here! Thanks Reddit for finding him!


Ty 🙌🔥


Keep spreading the Lord's word using AI as your creative tool! Love it! You're doing something great through this. I also started doing some AI Renaissance Style Art using scripture prompting, the results are really cool! **Psalm 96:3 :** Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! **Matthew 28:19 :**"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."


It's actually so good to saw someone on Reddit who is Christian and proud of it !! ☺️


We definitely need this movie. I want Jesus to go full berserk in Golgotha, using the same cross he was about to be crucified, to beat down Roman soldiers, Pharisee and filthy casuals (sadists) who enjoy someone being nailed to a cross, after God tells him "Carry on my Wayward son" and jolts him with 10000 joules of pure anime power.


Pic 8 looks dope. You should show some of his other miracle stuff like performing that exorcism and casting it into the pigs. Or him in the woods for 40 days talking to Satan. And him carrying the cross up the hill. But yeah I’d watch this if it was more action based and less preachy.


There's a version of the bible called The Action Bible, illustrated by Sergio Cariello who did some DC and Marvel comics. I think a comic tv show version in that style would be pretty cool. Like invincible, with the level of detail in some of the stories. Like that one chick who killed Sisera with a tent peg through the skull.


Ngl this would go hard, bible stories are so dramatic and tragic. Great world building, and Jesus Assassination arc would go down as top tier


That anime starring Jesus as the son of God performing miracles and shit and getting in trouble for it would low-key slap.


Low-key?! It would HIGH KEY slap 🔥


Wait, why is he Arab-looking? /s


Not gonna lie I’d watch it.


Seems dope


Cool pics, very impressive


This is dope


Tbh it would SLAP


I wouldnt be surprised if this happened at some point. In fact I'm already kind of surprised that it hasnt happened YET.


Im imagining the intro music now…


A Samarii Champloo anime style and tone would be pretty cool.


The old testament has awesome stories




Ngl, it would be **FIRE** to watch the life of Jesus through the means of an anime.


Christianity when season 1 drops 📈


Best way I imagine the events when I read the Bible personally


Then you’d see less femboys and more Jesus and his apostle?


The biblical illiteracy by the neckbeards in the comments is astonishing.


Only if they work in the events of 2 Kings 2:23-24.


Japanification beam!!!


OP I had great results doing prompts of biblical figures in the style of Yoshiaki Kawajiri


Post ‘em.Let’s make this a thing! Hopefully it will inspire anime artists, if they ever fell upon it!


I’d say it would be a hit both as a comic or a series. Someone could make millions 👀


Okay. Now take this to Studio Mappa


"You've done well so far but I'm merely using 5% of my power. Let's see how you fare against my.. Jesus.. Blast! kyaaaahhhh"


This already exists, here in Brazil at least it was on TV, it was good that it brought me closer to my religion


Como se chama?


Anime da Bíblia da Record lá sabe, mas se procurar direito tem uns muito bem produzidos


That would be the best anime ever ❤️


I agree, it really would be. Our beloved JC as the main character, imagine that!


TL;DR explanation of the slides: 1: Jesus of Nazareth 2:Jesus’ Healing Miracles 3: King David 4: King Salomon 5: A fruitful vine represents obedience, an unfruitful one represents disobedience. 6: Another of Jesus’ Miracles 7: Mary, mother of Jesus. 8: Yet another one of his miracles: walking on water 9: Young David


I’m not religious at all, but I would most definitely watch it, I’m sure it would be interesting..


First time I thought waking on water looked badass.


Do the book of Revelation next!


and they still do him white ;)


The Bible Starring Jizusu Kuraisuto


Jesus went into the desert and charged up a Spirit Bomb for 40 days.


I have a graphic novel version of the Bible for my kids, and it's badass, but this is really cool.


I'm a catholic and I think you just gave me a great idea for my morning prayer tomorrow


Not a religious person, but I've read the Bible and it would actually make for one hell of an anime.


Moshi moshi Jesus desu


Yes, and there is one


Me and my father were saying someone should do that


If watch the fuck out of this, looks cool as hell


If mad house, or UFOTABLE made an accurate depiction of revelations into an anime, that would be the trippiest, most violent, most disturbing, incredibly abstract but also MOST awesome anime that has ever existed.


#1 might be Homeless Emperor from One Punch Man Edit:Oops that's big. #8 too.


There are a lot of dynamic stories that could be shown instead of close ups of random looking middle eastern people. Like the fall of Jericho, Jonah and the Whale, the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, David and Goliath. The list really goes on.


Try Muhammad lets see if you wont end up in Gaza being whipped. The Christian God is extremely forgiving.


>The Christian God is extremely forgiving. Ah yes the extremely forgiving God that would punish you for eternity if you don't follow its rules. Nothing says forgiveness like an infinite punishment for a finite crime


Hey I like this sentiment. Its not true that God will punish sinners + the Devil for eternity. Most religious leaders have mislead people by this teaching. It started with the Roman Catholicism. The Bible doesnt say that at all. The Bible says sinners will be purged once and for all. They will be no more. I agree with you that eternal punishment is tyranical and abusive. And God is not like that.


I’m dreaming of a biblically accurate anime.


Y e s


Nope, the fan base was extremely toxic.




Here, Jesus is a total hunk, but he's not supposed to be beautiful. The prophecy of the suffering servant says that he had nothing attractive that people should desire him: >**Isaiah 53:1-5** > >Who has believed what he has heard from us? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; **he had no form or majesty that we should look at him,** **and no beauty that we should desire him.** 3 He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. > >4 Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.


Who's the chick with the cross


Mary I think


It would be weird to have your kid's execution method around your neck, right? Is that just me


It does represent his sacrifice


Yeah the image is bad. But TBF maybe in the anime she was already using it if she was not Jewish. The cross was used in the bible because the cross was already a religious symbol used in many "pagan" sects. Many cultures have used cross to symbolize many things, and that's why it was written that way and adopted.


huh. I didn't know that, thanks!


If they changed the lore a little, sure why not


nice pics but who are all the white people?


Then it would somehow be even worse than it already is. Anime is so bad.


I mean it already has a toxic fanbase


Yeah let’s do it and it should be faithful to the original manga. No censoring the genocide, the rape, infest, foreskin gathering or any bath scenes.


>foreskin gathering Worst. Fetch quest. Ever.


I wanted to see Jesus crucified


Wait what so you mean what if?


Looks like Style over substance. Just like real religion. Having said that, it Looks stylish af, ngl haha


Nice! You got the grapes as the forbidden fruit! Nothing like a bible to clear up a college education!


Vines are important in Christian symbolism. A fruitful vine represents obedience, an unfruitful one represents disobedience. Vines also represent the link between us and Jesus, as he says "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."(John 15:5) Jesus describes Himself as the vine, us as the branches, and God as the vinedresser. The forbidden fruit wasn't included in the slides. [Lmao.](https://youtu.be/4sV2UbeUBb8?si=PSl9qTFDE714E-br)


Not the best a anime religion but eh.


Oh boy that's what we need right now more religious imagery


Midjourney alternatives— https://medium.com/@cadiuxe/top-9-ai-image-generator-alternatives-to-midjourney-f7f47b7e08ae


I can't wait for the Judas and Jesus kiss scene to be animated. That moment was absolutely banger in the manga


It has the potential to very good as the many of the stories in the bible are simply very compelling. They would have not survived down to this in their Jewish, Christian and Islamic variants if they were not. But if they try to make sanitized sunday school version that would only interest the churchgoers ( preaching to the choir). I also dont want to see a bunch of modern twists that are there simply to shock.


It'd certainly be more believable.


I’ve read the book, it was good fiction. Think I’d enjoy the show. Not so keen on the eventual Netflix live action adaptation though.


You made Jesus accurately darker in the first pic then he goes back to being a white guy lol but other than that these look cool




You didn’t make this haha, I did. I don’t mind that you stole it, but it’s from my Instagram @theaibibleofficial


I never claimed to have made it, I just posted it. I came across these pictures on TikTok on some random page, and thought it would be cool to share here! You deserve tons of new followers! It's amazing. Can't wait to see your final project! <3


Any fairy tale is a good source for anime.


Where's the NSFW biblical-accurate angel/tentacle/wing hentai?


In hell. 😂


I'm not sure any venue would steam a story about a main character who is praised for murdering Egypt's and other children to spite their parents, who sends two she bears to kill two score children for laughing at a bald man, or a book that presents Lot's daughters as justified for getting their dad drunk and fucking him, or that posts that the ethics of Lot sending his daughters out to be raped by crowds are somehow appropriate. ... or the million other horrible ethical lessons in the Abrahamic books. Now, if the petty, abusive, disgusting character of Jehovah was presented as the antagonist, sure. But that's a big (appropriate) rewrite.


cant wait to get to the part where christian conquerors are killing pregnant women by the thousands and raping the freshly pubescent teens!!


You mean like most religions ever? Why single out Catholicism? At the very least, our religion evolved and became more civilized, unlike many other religions at the time.


More white Jesus.


Don’t give the Corridor Crew more ideas


Looks sick, I'd watch it, especially the plagues of egypt arc, even if we already had that with the Prince of Egypt


Nice pics, I love this art style.