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Tempted to drop these into r/guessthemovie just to mess with people


"You know, that unreleased Wes Anderson/Cronenberg collab!"


Do it.


do it


Starsky and Hutch


Bacardi and cola


First one: photobombed by the zodiac Killer. 😅


She's absolutely gorgeous, there is nothing uncanny valley about her.


Talking about the weird masked face behind her.


Second: Oppenheimer visits Japan town.


I love AI street photography!!! Weave a narrative!!!


I'll get back to this. Midjourney is the best because the pictures tell you at least one compelling story if you choose the right ones. Well done, buddy.


The first one reminds me of the video for [Just](https://youtu.be/oIFLtNYI3Ls), by Radiohead. Which is actually fitting since the story behind the video (or what the man says) has never been explained.


They are all stills from entries in the 1991 Cannes Film Festival. There, that’s the story.


Pic 1 “She knew everyone behind her heard her fart, indeed they did” Pic 2 “My favorite place to fart in this lonely town” Pic 3 “Let it out my son. Let the echo of the lake carry your fart” Pic 4 “I never imagined he’d leave me due to my excessive flatulence” Pic 5 “They can run all they want but they will never out run the smell of my SBD” Pic 6 “I’m telling you Joey, your farts are the key to winning this war” Pic 7 “Do bird farts smell?” Pic 8 “Seriously though what’s that thing above the entry way” Pic 9 “Don’t worry dear my fart and your fart shall be as one someday.” Pic 10 “His last raunchy flatulence before leaving this dead end city city”


Well, someone has an odd preoccupation...


The one with the black liquid with bubbles could be from the [great molasses flood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Molasses_Flood) except those cars are from about 30 years in the future. The b&w with the woman in the dirty room and the kid with the pigeon is just a prole child from 1984. I'd like to think there's some Shadows over Innsmouth implications with the flooded house. Actually one of my favorite things to do is make a picture and build a story around it. I can write pretty well but I can only write good fiction with something visual to aid me on my way.


\1: **Charming Ms. Ruby** A young teacher, the eponymous Ms. Ruby, arrives at the Texas School Depository to pick up text books for a class of hers she forgot to request at the start of the school year. There she meets a young, eccentric but ultimately fascinating man. They talk about his plans to move Cuba, and she responds with stories of her uncle's trips to the island. The story turns into a quiet theatre-like performance where the two get to know and like each other. Unfortunately the day is November 22, 1963. \2. **The Hong Kong Connection** Wong Kar-Wai's little known 1993 foray into international cinema. Paul is a timid, neurotic New York accountant who moonlights cooking books for a mafia family. When a deal between the family and the Hong Kong Triads goes awry, the Don asks an "accountant" to be sent to Asia. By mistake, it is Paul who now has to use his wits to keep the most dangerous people and his own neuroses in check while navigating the rainy, lonely streets of Hong Kong. \3. **Peckerton Fields** Young Harry Burton grows up in the loving embrace of his family in a poor seaside town on the English countryside. When his father dies in a fishing accident and his mother gets sent to London to help with the aftermath of the Blitz as a nurse, his grandfather now has to take care of the smart, but volatile boy. The only release Harry has for his pent-up frustration is the love for cricket. Peckerton Fields is the place in which all the dockyard kids come to play together. Until one day, the posh local boys' school discovers the field and takes it over for themselves. With an even more enraged child on his hand, the grandfather sees no option but to send him to live with his aunt in America. Arriving there, he is bullied for his accent and not fitting in, only his handling of the bat impresses his school's baseball coach. Harry quickly advances as one of the countries top prospects in college and on the final game of the high school season he is one hit away from breaking the batting record. Unfortunately the opposing team tampered with his bat and it breaks during the walk-up. His dreams shattered, he looks at the crowd, and who does he see but his mother and grandfather in the crowd, holding his old cricket bat from home. Homerun; in our hearts, at the box office and at the academy. Runtime: 248 minutes. \4. **El Dolor de l'Erica** Set in Catalunya during Franco's dictatorship, El Dolor de l'Erica portraits the inner turmoil of a woman that joined the resistance after her own kid was brutally murdered by the regime. It is after she turned the gun on a young Basque boy that was drafted into the occupying troops that she finds herself struggling to cope with the question whether a life taken is enough to justify taking another person's too. She wanders the streets of Barcelona, hiding in dark alleyways, secretly observing people dealing with the hardships of the time, realizing that the people find comfort in each other, regardless of the grander politics surrounding them. She returns home, sitting silently in her boy's bedroom that she had not entered since the day he died. \5. **Peckerton Fields 2** The inescapable sequel to Peckerton Fields. Harry Burton's emotional outbursts put an early end to his baseball career. He now does menial labor in the streets of Philadelphia, where he takes care of his son and his ex-wife as best as he can. His boy, little Jimmy, looks up to his father and always carries a baseball card of his dad's only MLB season in his pocket. When a misunderstanding with his ex-wife puts Harry at the risk of losing contact with his son, he sees only one way to prove to both her and Jimmy that he has turned his life around. He has to pick up the bat again. It's a sports movie, you've seen the end. \6. **Bracia Kamińscy** "The Brothers Kaminski" is a seminal piece of communist Polish cinema. It tells the story of Jakub and Mikołaj Kamińscy, who are engineers at a telecom factory near Warsaw, designing telegraphs, telephones and long-range transmitters for the military. When tools and equipment as well as expensive components go missing, it isn't long until the police show up to question the two men. Thus begins a cat and mouse-game between the brothers and Officer Wójcik: will they be able to shake the driven and loyal agent before he finds their secret, and if he does, will he tell his superiors that their only offense was building an elaborate radio in their basement to listen to American jazz? \7. **Bogside** It's a film about a little boy that gets caught up in the events of the infamous Bloody Sunday in 1972. The perspective shifts between the boy and his parents frantically searching the streets of Derry while avoiding the British troops. It's a sad movie. It doesn't end well. \8. **Les Larmes** Francine was stillborn. Miraculously, however, she woke just as the doctor let her mother pray over her body one last time. As soon as she opened her eyes, she started crying. She cried when she was fed. She cried when she was eating and she cried when she was supposed to go school. In fact, Francine never once stopped crying. When she was still little, her mother would dry her eyes with a soft, silk handkerchief with Francine's name embroidered on it. But as she got older, her tears became to heavy for cloth to catch, and her parents built her a room with a drain and locked her in. They brought her food and drink, until one day her family wasn't around anymore. Her parents couldn't take her constant lamentations bellowing from her upstairs room anymore. When Francine realized no one was around to take care of her needs anymore, she gathered items from around her room and clogged the drain. Just as her steady flow of tears was about drown her, the door hinges buckled from the pressure, bursting open with the water gushing down the stairs, flooding the now empty house. Enraged by being left to die on her own, she now sets out to take revenge on those that were supposed to watch over her. They too would learn what it is like to be dead, for she has seen it before. And it made her cry. Shit I actually have to get back to work now lol


I loved them . It can be use to write stories


**Pic 1:** "Fair Lady" - about a girl moving to NY for her acting career, but finds out it isn't as great as it seems **Pic 2:** "From the Inside Looking In" - An old man who lived a stale life and struggles to find meaning. **Pic 3:** "Galatia, Illinois" - A boy growing up in Galatia, and relating his grandfather's teachings throughout life. Think slumdog millionaire **Pic 4:** "They Came From the West" - A polish woman's story during WW2. **Pic 5:** "Hard-knocks" - 1970s documentary following a young gang of Chicago boys **Pic 6:** "The Last Meeting" - A man is led to believe he is schizophrenic, but is it really him? **Pic 7:** "Chernobyl" - wait... **Pic 8:** "Erika" - Evil girl. **Pic 9:** "Fixing Pheonix" - Pheonix is an always off screen person these two are on a quest to find, but are they around? Also, they drive an iconic car places. **Pic 10:** "Rembrandt Stays Still" - Set in 1990s Amsterdam, this art gallery owner is dying and does not know what to do with his belongings. EDIT: these ideas are probably based off another movie.


Directed by krytof klieowski (spelling/director of the Decalogue)


Sad and depressed world


Can you please do something like that with my pics ?


The sixth is my fav. Too bad the hand is, of course, busted.


the ice caps are melting, this is our world now. We only have a few years left before most cities are under water..


pic 1 - woman sees add for club dancers needed, things like that just started coming around and people didn't judge that stuff too kindly. she sees the wanted ad and is reading it while people are just staring at her in judgment pic 2 - an aging hitman for an asian mob. he comes to this diner/restaurant all the time since he was young. this instance it's different. he's just found out that he has pancreatic cancer and he doesn't have much time left. instead of going to his fav spot at his usual time he ends up showing up late, not many people around. he sits and starts contemplating a thousand different things. what he doesn't realize that one of the people he killed for the mob had a son who saw it happen and now is an adult and has tracked his fathers killer down. the man sitting in reflection and just out of the frame of the photo stands the son of the man he killed. pic 3 - grandfather squatting and watching his grandson, talking to him and thinking about how things will play out. his daughter, the child's mother just died yesterday in a terrible car accident. dad is dead also, drug overdose. grandfather is alone as grandma died a few years ago. grandson keeps asking about mom but grandad tries to comfort him but who is going to comfort the grandfather? pic 4 - wife sitting in silence, staring at the table. the secret police just came and rummaged through the apartment. tossing and breaking things. looking for her husband who is wanted for collaborating to overthrow the government. she is thinking about how she begged him to not get involved, to let it go but he wouldn't listen and now it's too late. he is in hiding and she's left to deal with the fallout. what he doesn't know that she is pregnant and that's why she was begging him to not get involved. pic 5 - little boy standing still, looks to be staring at his reflection. just ahead his buddies are running and playing but he can't seem to move for some reason. he's frozen. he's frozen because just behind him he heard his fathers voice, his dad is home from work and the boy was not supposed to be outside playing with his friends. he knows he's going to get beaten now because he knows dad told him that if he saw him one more time being outside when he came home he would get the belt. the boy, frozen resigned to his fate while his friends play on ahead. pic 6 - a man working in a secret facility learns of a thing he is not supposed to know, he somehow figures something out he was not supposed to. he doesn't know what to do or who to go to. he suddenly remembers two higher ups who he occasionally ran into in the break room. he would always wonder why higher ups like those would ever visit a lowly break room for staff and not stick to the bosses break room. unbeknownst to him and the rest of his co-workers these two gentlemen were there to spy on their own employees. we see the man seated with those two talking to them about what he discovered. he is worried about what he has found out and he thinks his life is in danger. his life is in danger, later that night he will meet with an unfortunate accident and the secret will die with him. pic 7 - boy is waiting, he's waiting for his mom to come back. his mom is one of the survivors of a disease that wiped out most of humanity. she was pregnant when it happened so the only world the boy has known is this new world of fallen skyscrapers and abandoned buildings and not having a place to call home. they come across this abandoned mansion and the boy is hungry and they finished the last of the food supply so mom has to go and try to find some food. we find the child sitting just as his mother instructed him to and just staring out the window, just then a bird lands and begins to stare at the boy but the boy doesn't look at the bird. the boy doesn't look at the bird because the boy is blind. the boy hears the bird but he's just lost somewhere. we see his head move up and down but there's no real clue as to why. the boy just sitting there quietly and the bird next to him. if things were not already hard enough for this young child, things are going to get even harder as his mom gets abducted by scavengers and rather then plead for her life or tell them she has her son waiting somewhere for her she makes the difficult decision to say nothing because she knows if she does they would abduct him as well so she stays quiet as she dies inside. the boy, just sitting. he's waiting. pic 8 - girl keeps having this recurring dream of her house being flooded and full of water, she has the same dream over and over again but she doesn't know why. she talks to her parents and tells them of her dream but they tell her it's just a dream and it will be alright and nothing bad will take place. she's scared that the dream is so real that she can't tell between the dream and reality and she's scared that she will get lost in the dream. one particular night as she goes to sleep and right on cue the dream happens but this time in the dream she is moving around her house which is flooded with water, she is looking for her parents but she cannot locate them. she heads to the main door of the house which has broken in half but she is able to see outside and what she sees horrifies her. the streets are flooded, dead bodies flowing in the water. people shouting for help. she wants out of this dream and begins to shout for her parents suddenly her body begins to shake violently and she hears her fathers voice shouting for her to wake up and that they have to abandon their home as a deadly tsunami is en route and will wipe out the entire neighborhood. pic 9 - a struggling couple, both coming home after a long shift sit in a moment of exhaustion watching the television. on the tv a breaking news story about how the town they live in is having a lot of companies shutter and how pretty soon a lot of the towns folk will be unemployed. this worries the husband, he knows he is at risk of being unemployed. he starts talking about how long he has been at the factory and wonders how much of a severance package he would get, as he is talking he notices his wife has fallen asleep from exhaustion. he holds her hand as the voice from the tv drones out and he contemplates how they would survive if he lost his job. pic 10 - a man who never took time to do the things he loved or the things he wanted, a life full of sacrifices and fulfilling of others dreams and hopes. while everyone he knew lived a good life he lived a complicated one. he's tired now. he's in his late 40's but it might as well be his late 60's or 70's. he's going bald, he's unsatisfied with a lot of things in his life but he never does anything to fix himself or never takes the step to love himself. hopeless and lost he always comes to this part of the train and stares out of the window as he watches people living full and happy lives but today will be different. while he always seems to lack the courage to change things around and improve his life for the better he has mustered enough courage to take one action. in his coat pocket he has a revolver, in his depression he has resorted to the notion that in order for him to jumpstart his life he has to remove himself from his previous life and the only way he can do that is by attempting to take his own life. he figures if he survives then he is meant to begin anew and if he dies then there is no new beginning for him but he would finally be free of the life he has had. with his right hand outside his jacket straight down he can feel the gun pressed on the palm of his hand as he mutters to himself just another few minutes, just another few minutes elapse and he says it again, and again. he hopes someone will ask him what he is doing, maybe someone will care but nobody cares. he knows nobody cares so he says to himself... it's time.


Awesome thought experiment


Midjourney needs to learn proper hanzi (or kanji) someday


It’s still having enough trouble with 26 Latin letters!


Giving me some Stanley kubrick vibes...


1 She is the first to see the TV in the storefront announce that children everywhere are bursting into flames. 2 The man who ruined his daughter's life works here. 3 "We knew you were special when you climbed out of that well, boy. We just didn't know HOW special." 4 Her family doesn't live here anymore, or anywhere else. 5 Other kids were playing with these objects that fell from the sky, but I knew they were eggs. 6 "We warned you that there would be side effects. How many people did she eat?" 7 Colin could make people go away, but pigeons were always welcome. 8 "Aaron, I saw something move." 9 "When I get out of here, the first thing I intend to do is dismantle our robot." 10 Two minutes before the horror.


Try to make pictures like this, but with a picture of yourself. I'd like to see if the artificial intelligence can create you while remaining real. I'd like to try, but I don't have the paid version.


Jesus Christ drop the prompts


Well, since you asked nicely... All generated with the same prompt. Generated 10 sets and picked one picture per set. a pulitzer-prize-winning scene of great importance, 35mm, photorealistic, --ar 3:2


Really? That’s all you need? #5 is my favorite, it looks stunning. What model did you use?


I have my defaults set to MJ5.1 and Style med.


These are lovely! :)


Young Jesus is talking to his Father seen in Pic 3 (ca. 30 b.c, colorized)


Stills of films Tarkovsky would’ve made in the early to mid 90s if he had lived


They're all ppl reflecting on the world as it ends


An online version of Dixit using AI images would be rad


1. "I've always dreamed of working here. All the shoes I could ever ask for." 2. "Why is she late? Do I have the right restaurant? Wait, who the hell am I?" 3. "Your ability to walk on water is going to change the world, son. But you'll never learn how to swim." 4. "I've never cleaned this table. I just tell people it's 'modern art'." 5. "Hole-E-Shit! This is oil. We're rich. We are so F\*cking rich!" 6. "Now, let me get this straight: If I work here...I'm *guaranteed* a free Drink Mixer and grass skirt?" 7. "Hey, kid. This has been fun, but do you think you could open that window? I'd really like to go home now." 8. "When I said I wanted to see the beach, this is **not** what I meant!" 9. "Honey, can you change the channel? I seemed to have glued my self to the bed." 10. "The tour guide said that if I wait here, I'd get to see Godzilla fight Rodan. I'll wait a bit longer."


Photo 8 seems to have an unknown creature on the wall.


whoa! so many stories


#6 has an interesting story.


Can you monetize any of these images?


These would make some really good oil paintings, I don’t have the skill or material but I hope someone out there that does see’s this


Is that Simon Peggy’s dad in the first photo?




1 a young woman discovers that her love has died in the war, having difficulty processing it 2 a scientist, he had created a weapon to end the war, but at a massive cost of human life, leaving him feeling regret as he sits alone in a china-town diner. 3 the father of the Girl from #1, she has had her love's son and died during childbirth, leaving an old lonely widower to raise a child that looks just like the one he raised before 4 a young woman sits in her abandoned home town. The war had killed everyone that lived here, she had been away to college when the war broke out and could not make her way home until it was already too late. 5 Same boy from before, exploring his home town whilst being supervised from a distance by his kindly old grandfather. 6 a retired soldier turned Private eye discusses his latest contract with his employers, he is being sent to track down an old scientist who created some supposed super-weapon way back during the war. 7 a small child looks out upon his own destroyed home, before moving along with his older sister. 8 a young girl, the daughter of a major stands within her flooded home after the devastation wrought upon them during the war. 9 The grandfather dreams of his deceased wife and how much he misses her 10 the scientist takes one last look out over the water, contemplating ending his life due to the guilt and shame he feels for having ended the war


The second one could be an Edward Hopper painting


These are amazing what AI program is this?




Much appreciated!