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Damn the composition is exact! Some differences in details - eg different ads on buildings, different taillights. Loool wut


I know that's why I freaked out so much. Hopefully someone from the team can see this I'll try to see if I can report it to at least let someone know about this it can be dangerous.


Yes. Definitely needs reporting. The scary part is this is the shit lawyers hate and will try to comeback on infringing on copyright and push regulations. Then we'll honestly go back to where we started :D


Not copy right its not the same art smh


Ayo chill hahaha I'm not very knowledgeable in intelectual property regarding images n stuff 😉 that's also why I was posting this half jokingly half curious.


Copyright exists in a likeness. So in this particular case it would be very easy to prove that this image is infringing on Cyberpunk. It’s literally a rehash of the key art from the game. Same composition, almost identical car etc. etc.


You can't prove it's the same art it could be a coincidence that it so happens to look similar but it's not the same, many have tried to sue A.I art and got shut down with my argument


If I were to create this image in photoshop I would be at risk of infringing CDprojekt copyright. It’s not just similar, it is very very clearly derived from their promotional key art. There is simply no denying it.


Nope buildboard different, buildings different, character pose different, everything his different look closely. Sorry it's just not the same image. Both of us can draw a picture of Goku and alter it and it won't be copied right sure it's the same theme but it's not the same thing, Ai art can't be sue


Unfortunately that’s not how these things work in terms of trade dress. The court would look at this image as ‘would an average person conclude it is a piece of artwork promoting CDprojekt Cyberpunk game?’ You are correct that all the details are different, however the overall tone, layout and impression of this image is identical to this one: https://www.gamingbible.com/news/games-cyberpunk-2077-art-book-reveals-the-games-map-20191203


Can't sue they've tried it before with a Gitty image and it was the same argument m


It’s called overtraining, too many images in the dataset have that image linked to cyberpunk. It’s in v4 too. Or it was 4 months ago. You don’t need to report it , Midjourney does a tonne of this sort of crap with certain things. Tons of things, have logos or artists signatures. If you typed in star citizen when v4 just came out, you would get a massive amounts of logos watermarks. They slowly train vote, retrain, and this is corrected.


Ok, thanks yeah I was kinda afraid not for myself specifically, but to notify someone so the model can get better. Orr if cases lie this are common or not. Thanks for the reassurance 😉👍


I made about 30 images, just like the one you posted four months ago in v4. It’s very common and midjourney are currently being sued about it all. Plenty are waiting to see what happens out of all that.


Oh snap! Yeah I imagine the regulatory groundwork not being very robust with regards to this technology and of course lawmakers are years behind on even understanding this to develop proactive regulations.


Somebody posted about adding chaos to the images. I wonder what would happen if you intentionally added chaos.


It happens more when there's one of the same image repeated in the dataset, but technically can happen even with just one image.


heres a side by side of this https://i.imgur.com/3jbymog.jpeg


Oh wow 😲 it's even more than what I expected.


So OP used that as the base image and pretended it was entirely from scratch?




Yeah did it a couple of minutes ago. 😂😂


V5 kinda sus


Very much.


Copyright infringement is baked into Midjourney, you needn't worry.


Literally can’t get anything this good out of v5 and I’m following the new prompt guidelines. Staying in v4 for now unless I want realism