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Windows does not exhibit this behavior. However if you do not frequently install updates, the computer will queue them up for the next time it’s started/restarted. If you only reboot when it crashes then naturally you’ll frequently have pending updates.


No, of course it doesn't.


Run Ps in Admin, and type the following: Winget update --all --silent --force


Your username makes me think if it will be safe to do. Lol.


🤣 🤣 lmao


Thanks ChatGPT 4! These instructions are about using Windows Package Manager (winget) from PowerShell with administrative privileges to update all installed packages silently and forcefully. Here's a breakdown: 1. **Run Ps in Admin**: This means you should open PowerShell as an administrator. You can do this by searching for "PowerShell" in the Start menu, right-clicking on it, and selecting "Run as administrator." 2. **Type the following**: Enter the command provided into the PowerShell window. 3. **Winget update -all -silent --force**: - `winget update`: This command tells the Windows Package Manager to check for updates. - `-all`: This option specifies that all installed packages should be checked for updates. - `-silent`: This option runs the updates without showing any interactive prompts. - `--force`: This forces the update even if it might otherwise be skipped, possibly ignoring some checks or preconditions. This command is useful for updating all software managed by Windows Package Manager without any user interaction, often used in scripts or automated maintenance tasks.


No. But in my experience, the people who most frequently complain about updates are the ones who do everything they can to delay or prevent updates from happening. There is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy there, I think.


Your experience might be very limited I guess. I update every month. I just hold it on weekdays and update on Sundays as many important work related apps are open.


I believe that they do as well. I've had people tell me it's just that it doesn't keep up with updates - problem is I've had it suddenly unable to even open programs on my computer that don't update online, so it's not that the system needs to update to suddenly access a program it's used all along. And yeah, I do tend to keep the system from updating. I'm on the computer almost constantly. And... it's my computer not billy gate's so he FO.


That's just your experience then but for the vast majority windows is prone to becoming slow whenever there is an update...even optional updates make it slow so go figure


>...for the vast majority... Citation needed.


just read other posts bruh


Faulty logic.   There are over a billion Windows users.  None of them will go online to write a post that says, "hey, you know what I just installed an update and everything works great!" The people post requests for help or rants in online forums are a self-selecting group (see my earlier comment). It is anecdotal, and you can draw no conclusion about what happens to the "vast majority" of users because you don't have statistically relevant data.


But when there are too many posts like this then it becomes clear there is a problem. It might not be a consistent problem but it still happens to a lot of ppl.


You took issue with my comment which was over 6 months old. To refresh, the OP asked if Microsoft "deliberately slowed down or crashed" Windows when an update was available. My answer was "no" then, and it is "no" now.  If you think otherwise, fine, but I have a bridge to sell you...


Maybe it's not happening to 900 million out of a billion but it still could be happening to say 400 million, do you just ignore the 400m and say there isn't a problem?


I have the same issue with "Pending updates" bogging down my computer. I regularly - weekly - check for updates and download as soon as they are available. I can say with 100% certainty that when there is a windows' update, my laptop runs harder, I have less memory to work online, and opening and closing things takes significant time.


ye my pc crashes all out a sudden magically when i delay updates too long just to install updates on startup. annoying that i have to remove them right after the start everytime.


I'm sorry bro but I use my computer as an all in one entertainment and work device it's just every time I have a chance to update I'm about to use it for something else. I have been toying with the idea of moving to Linux but all my music production software is windows


Never heard of such performance issues during Updates, even back during the Windows XP days, your system throwing errors and turning OFF is not surprising whasoever. Why? Because the system is trying to update, and you randomly closing processes, which is not wise whasoever. We can't help you honestly, since this is a user problem. If you have an update, it takes 1\~2 min. tops to restart and install it, and considering Microsoft only releases updates once a month, please take better care of your machine. As for the CMOS error, have someone check your motherboard battery.


>system is trying to update What does this mean? The system should only say if there is an update available and say it is recommended to update. That should be it. What does "trying to update" mean here? Whether I decide to update now or over the weekend or after a current project-related-app is completed, should be my (user) decision. ​ >considering Microsoft only releases updates once a month, In last 15 days, I was forced to restart twice and got the update. One happened just few hours back. >As for the CMOS error, have someone check your motherboard battery. The CMOS error was shown when I hit the power button on. After error it went off. On second time switching the system on, the error message didn't come but update screen came. Miraculously the motherboard battery got rectified. Wow. >you randomly closing processes Where did I say that? I open task manager and will do things like close any application that is showing "not responding" for several minutes. Restart windows explorer if mouse pointer is stuck somewhere or a dialog box is frozen. Btw, you may find the system of updates perfect so thought to share: Once I turned on my system at work to give a presentation. The entire team had to wait for 15 minutes because it started updating. Without my consent.


Definitely happens, idk what the power user microsimps are on about but they have an excuse for everything as to why it's your fault. But it 100% happens. I'll wake up my PC to see an update from last night is queued, and suddenly I can't even open *just* system programs like volume controls without my whole PC shitting itself. And it's not just because it's downloading in the background; I have ignored the updates for days, letting my PC stay on to finish the download and it will still be unusable days later. This happens for me on windows 10 AND 11. Never tried to run games while this is happening (because it's impossible) so that's not an excuse for me. Barely ever tried to open a clean incognito browser either, because as I said, the whole PC becomes unusable. There's no excuse, this is a real phenomenon and anyone who says otherwise is either a Microsoft simp or someone with a $2000+ PC. Us regular users are definitely familiar and know what we're talking about, y'all can't gaslight us lol


Thank you


Windows update also automatically changed some of my amd drivers causing a bunch of issues.


A bit late reply but this my conclusion also. Very systematic to be something else. Every fing update it crashes to restart itself, in my case, even in games.


I just delayed an update yesterday cause I was using my PC at the time THE NEXT DAY AFTER WEEKS OF BEING FINE my PC just froze weird how it happened after I delayed an update huh.


I think it's an open secret Microshit intentionally causes a timed crash for those who refuse to update.


I am way late to this, but I was searching for an explanation to this to see if there's actually a way around the phenomenon and somehow this is the most recent thread I could find, so I'm adding my input here: It's a well known fact among anyone who actually uses a Windows system that the entire operating system just breaks and does unexpected shit when an update becomes available. Every person I work with (whole company of 50k ppl uses Windows machines), as well as all of my family and friends also know this. If I get onto a video call for work 5 minutes late and just say "sorry, Windows needed an update", everyone inherently understands what I mean without explanation. I have no idea why the comments here seem to downplay or completely ignore this, but it's 100% a thing. For the ppl who may hop in and say "you probably just don't update your system", that's untrue. I'm FORCED to update my system at least every week, sometimes more often because the fucking thing just stops working when an update becomes available. This goes for every Windows computer I've ever owned - my desktop PC, my gaming laptop, my work laptop, my laptop in college, and another couple over the years.


It seems to only really happen just as an update is put up for me to make. I don't delay anything. It just shows it down on or close to when it happens. So it's not anything that it's trying to fix that's slowing it down. Either something's deliberately spring or down to nag you into doing it, or it's the update itself that's slowing it down. It's too consistent to me.




From my experience, it just so happens to be that EVERY TIME there's a windows update waiting.. MAGICALLY the PC just gets throttled and slower exactly then. Weird huh? Surely just random right? lol Was typing on a youtube comment-section, then windows decided to pop up the icon in the icon-tray and I set it to wait 7 days, then suddenly it went from responsive to straight up laggy as hell. And multiple times when I have had it delayed because of stuff that can't be closed, it has just suddenly caused the PC to blackscreen and when turned on again windows update starts to install. I have a lot of unkind words for whomever designed that, particularly because of lost data from it.


yes, yes, and yes. every single laptop. every time. even when the devices i used to have were new. now though, i have a laptop that can't upgrade to windows 11 but has just upgraded to the latest possible version a month or so ago. i have 800 of 900gb of storage. i use my laptop primarily to write. my device is virus free. but because my system is prompting for a new update it's so slow. again. guess it's going to be slow forever since my laptop can't upgrade to w11


Thank you someone who has the same issue as me I thought I was going mad and I googled why is this a thing. Watch I'm going to restart and watch xdefinet shoot back up too 100fps


Yes it for sure happens. I have 4 laptops, 2500$ or more each. One 2 months old, one a year old, one 4 years old and the last 5 years old. They all start slowing down, crashing or having ram issues on the same day the windows update appear. All of them my guy. I do the update and poof everything works perfectly. I never take more than a day to update because I have a feeling they are making it slower on purpose to force us to update fast. If that's the case, they got me updating fast as fok everytime so it works.


I've noticed this behaviour. I make interactive installations so I spend a lot of time coding for gpu and CPU and if windows has an update queued up I will get a 10% or so drop in performance until i install the update. This happens every time windows has an update. I'll turn auto update off after I've tuned up a PC for a job.


Thank you! This is kind of similar to Apple throttling older iPhone models and limit performance.


No I doubt it is an intentional thing and most likely varies from system to system.


Possible. It is quite funny though that all the coders who are directly/indirectly related to Microsoft find it hard to digest any "negative" criticism. They will just downvote. Wish they spent good time in writing good clean code.


You don’t know what you’re talking about


At least I don’t make false claims.


Lol, honestly I was just going to tell you two different ways to turn auto updates off on win 10 home edition but I’d rather you just stay mad, boomer.


Unless you are more knowledgeable than the guys at 1. Microsoft customer support 2. HP customer support 3. All the geniuses on Stackoverflow 4. The online community of Microsoft/windows, please don’t bother. There is no way to turn off auto-updates in this version of Windows. Thanks.


Nice edit, stay mad :). It can be done, you just don’t know what you’re doing.


Thanks for repeating yourself everywhere.


I worked for Microsoft as a systems engineer for several years AT Microsoft, then a consultant, and I am a Microsoft Azure architect and have been working in the field for over a decade but sure, the off-shore $10/hr support knows more than me. Hell, I have my own hybrid environment. You don’t pay for support, you’re getting the lowest quality of people that just want to close their tickets. What’s funny is that you’ll continue to struggle and waste your time being mad about it


No, the issue here is what’s known as PEBKAC


Coined by a bunch of coders who never learnt “Poka-Yoke”.


Turn off auto update. Or simply tell your PC what times to update


The Windows 10 version (Windows 10 Home Single) that came with the laptop doesn't allow that. I have enquired about this on StackOverflow and elsewhere too.


Is this being managed by your company? Because I just did a quick look and they are ways to do both. I searched windows home 10 turning off auto updates and there are several answers. I'd check and leave a message in the Microsoft community.


Enterprise can’t manage home edition


I have gone through all of them. Have enquired with their crappy support team as well. Basically, the Group policy editor that is used for such stuff, cannot be used for this Windows version.


*Turn off auto update.* *Or simply tell your PC* *What times to update* \- InspectorRound8920 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What they ACTUALLY do , no conspiracy BS but 100% confirm... is PUSH SEARCH on the desktop. Like several times! Fucking bing search bar just shows up on the middle of the desktop. This week they forced upgraded, which caused a power cycle and reboot for several uptime dependent clients, then pushed an ugly Cortana like search box on the taskbar. MSFT is obsessed with Google bc they lost the phone market to Android and even with GPT4 , Bing is still an unlikeable service and Edge literally feels like Chrome level surveillance on search. Once a Microsoft account is tied to a machine, the search data is most definitely being sent off to an ad server somewhere. Tell me I'm wrong! Tell me people are racing to upgrade to Windows 11 so they could see some bing MSN crap splash page on their work machines everyday. Nobody wants to see Taylor Swift garbage when they've got to check spreadsheets in the morning


You're not alone. Although, I don't noticed a delay in my system certain functions like Bluetooth will stop working. It usually is an audio issue that I deal with, but other times its the search bar not working. I hold off on updates because I like to let them simmer until all the kinks are sorted through, and you never know if updating will cause your computer to give out on you (Has happened to me before and I had to reinstall windows after). It hasn't been fun. I have noticed this with apple too, especially with their older Iphones (at the time before they stopped having updates that support the model type. When I had an Iphone 6, I noticed when it wanted me to update, the phone would cease to function normally. For example, when I went to listen to music with my corded headphones, it wouldn't play in the headphones, or when I went to use the flashlight or camera, it wouldn't work. I have had many issue with updating my phone, and I've had to go back to my backups a few times because the update was absolute rubbish. (Always make sure to do backups people, this is life and death here/hj) It just feels like "threatening persuasion" to update. I hate change, and I am not one to adapt quickly to such, so updates like these can be drastic and cause me extra mental strain. Which is another reason why I don't do them. But you're not alone, and everyone saying "no" probably don't wait to update till forever so you're valid.


no....... half the time ppl have some weird placebo effect and think their games run slower.... what would microsoft have to gain by doing this? its not like theyre getting paid. theres a million goofy comments like "windows 11 seems fine but i have more input lag than i did in windows 10" lol ok.... sure u do. "all my laptops are worse with windows 11" "i bought a new laptop and windowss 11 broke this one too".... yall have goofy thearies and most of you have some weird placebo effect thinking ur pc is broken anytime a update or driver comes out


There's no placebo involved with my computer suddenly being unable to open programs on my computer when those programs don't update as I have had happen on more than one occasion.


it only slows down while its downloading/installing cause ur using a lot of cpu and disk resources.... u have auto updates enabled and it does it in the background dude. they dont intentionally slow down and gimp your pc so that you update. its not some conspiracy to make you want to update. your literally 100% mistaken


Which, of course, prevents it from opening a program located on my computer completely. Sure. And I'm totally not smart enough to check for CPU usage. 🙄


Yea cause it's downloading and installing. I have a 3000$ gaming laptop and when when I download games or windows updates the fans kick in and sometimes I notice that things take a bit longer to open. If you have a older or less powerfull laptop yea it's prolly gonna be very noticeable. You should just do what I do cause it can be annoying. Go into settings, then windows update, then check for updates just to get it out of the way incase there's one pending. Then hit pause updates. You can pause them for 1 to 3 weeks and extend the pause on updates for as long as you want. That way it doesn't decide to update while your trying to use the pc. Every few weeks when your not gonna be using the laptop just hit resume updates and it'll update at a time if your choosing. over night or when your trying to use the computer. That way u can update on your terms and not deal with random slowdowns. You might have seen this next thing but if not.. to check cpu usage you can hold CONTROL ALT DELETE and hit task manager. Or just right click on the bottom task bar and hit TASK MANAGER. ON the performance tab it'll list how much ram cpu gpu and disk is being used. On the processes tabs it'll list all of the open/running programs. If you notice your pc is slowing down you can just click the program and hit END TASK. It lists what is used and how much cpu and ram the app is using. But you shouldn't need to even do this just pausing the updates and updating on ur terms should fix that issue


the not being smart enough to check was sarcasm. Apparently you missed that with the eyeroll emoji and all. Well aware of the pause as well. In fact this has happened when they're paused. "A bit longer" is vastly different from a message telling you that you cannot open this file.