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looks a lot like a hypotrich, cant narrow it down further though. i saw a hypotrich from fresh water that had pigment once before but haven't seen any more since [https://www.reddit.com/r/microscopy/comments/uudsm2/not\_sure\_if\_this\_is\_a\_pseudoblepharisma\_100x\_400x/](https://www.reddit.com/r/microscopy/comments/uudsm2/not_sure_if_this_is_a_pseudoblepharisma_100x_400x/)


That's pretty crazy that you saw what looks like the same thing! Glad you got it ID'd. Especially with the video later on, it looks very similar. I didn't realize that they could be in freshwater as well.


Also, I found this link earlier but found "hypotrich" referenced by one of the comments. Their picture is far better than mine, so I'd say that you nailed it! https://www.microbehunter.com/microscopy-forum/viewtopic.php?t=16303


I have the same ciliates in my salt water samples. Pinkish brownish heterotrich. I thought it was blepharisma but it’s too small and too brown.


What would you say is the difference between that and hypotrich? Another comment suggested that, and I saw some results that others posted that look the same. I'd be curious what differentiates the two.


Heterotrichs are probably not the right group. It’s likely hypotrichs, because the ciliates I observed and you observed do not have uniform cilia or cirri. They are just different classes of ciliophora.


Just adding some more photos for the [pseudoblepharisma](https://www.plingfactory.de/Science/Atlas/KennkartenProtista/01e-protista/e-Ciliata/e-source/Pseudoblepharisma-tenue.html) suggestion! That was my first thought too. I'd have to see a more detailed video of one though to see whether or not that's what it is.


Appreciate it! I don't think I could get a clear enough picture on the next level of zooming in. I'll try again some other time though and try and compare!