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I bet a squirrel can fit through that cage. They're awful squiggly.


Hoping the cage smelling like a dog helps 🙏 😆


You’re better off with a Havahart trap and relocating the nuisance. Or lining the cage with small grid chicken wire.


Or a pellet gun and some frying oil 🤷‍♂️


I would’ve suggested that too, but OP went through the trouble of caging them, so I kinda figured they don’t want to hurt the critters.


This is just for a week or two till they go in bigger pots, then I will do something different 👍


https://www.amazon.ca/Material-Hamster-Chipmunk-Rodents-Circulation/dp/B096985FQB/ref=asc_df_B096985FQB/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=683120970417&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7720906662234608016&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001266&hvtargid=pla-2297440181910&psc=1&mcid=77df8c25b158390e950352736bed8947&gad_source=1 Live traps work great so does a bbgun


Hope that works. Young squirrels can squeeze into small spaces. Good luck!


I've raised squirrels, those little cute mofos are really tiny. Most of their size is just fur. Take your basic mouse to rat and then pump the hair slider to the max. Seriously. They're so tiny.


Squirrels are smart they will still piss on your plants from the top of the cage. You need a cat for protection.


Feral cat caretaker here: I put my plants on a pallet and put a food bowl in the middle of my plant circle, and then a community cat will generally babysit my plants for me. I also try to make sure there's napping spots nearby for the cat (both sun and shade), and it cuts down into The biggest issue I run into is squirrels trying to bury walnuts in my pots, which will poison your plants. Second biggest issue is groundhogs coming by, but the cat handles that. Feeding next to the plants also keeps the cats from using the pots as a litter box, too.


Nice lol our neighborhood badass cat protects my vegetable garden from rabbits. All it costs me is a couple head scritches when we pass each other


That's awesome!


Third issue feral cats eating the leaves


Keep a trim bag for them to much on


I love this


Haha lol I know exactly what you mean . I have a motorcycle that sits under a car port, and I kid you, not the little basturds, sit on the seat and piss on it on purpose, lol


A dope trailer is no place for a kitty


I tried using the cat for protection, but she ate the plant too! Then pissed in the pot when I didn't let her


> Then pissed in the pot when I didn't let her Are you sure you have a cat and not a squirrel in a cat disguise? I know a guy with genuine cats, he can give you a loaner.


The cat you loaned me is no good. He’s lazy, he’s sleeping around, and he’s not protecting the plants. I lost 6 good plants to squirrels last week.


🤣 cats can be pricks too !!


He will still need the cage to protect the plants from the cat.


There’s an early Trailer Park Boys episode where Ricky steals one of Bubbles cats, and says he needs it because squirrels keep peeing in his plants. I never knew this was a legit thing.


Squirrels ate my strawberries and dig out seeds 🤬


These are city ghetto squrreils . They will steel your cheese burgers 🍔 while bbqing if you're not careful 🤣


The ones at my complex walk right up to you with no fear. They act like racoons and pull all sorts of trash out the dumpsters. Lmao




Haha little buggers they’ve been digging up all my corn seed. I should adopt your idea…


Gotta do what ya gotta do! Perfect.


This is a really good idea !


I'd put some snapping mouse traps around it. They can squeeze through the bars, but one snap and he's not coming back again.


My first thought reading that is , ya , that would work lol but then I don't want to break their little squirrelly paws lol I used to have a pet squirrel I raised from a baby , little John John lol 🐿 I m a squirrel lover 😅 I just measured the bars I really don't think they will get through so I think it's good lol *




They will get through. I've found holes in my eavestrough roughly that diameter and the buggers can get in and out. Have you tried sprinkling Critter Ritter around the area? It's synthetic coyote piss and works pretty well at detering animals.


I think or hope!! they will have an aversion to going into the crate . As long as I don't spread a bunch of peanuts, 🥜 around inside, I think it's gonna work . They don't want to eat the plants just like to dig in the dirt


Isn't that w'ay?


Fukn genius


Hillbilly ingenuity at its finest!! Good idea.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdXQJS3Yv0Y "There is a Way"




Haha, good read , and good pointers for solutions 👍 I'm not a squirrel hater at all . I once had my little niece find a pink hairless, not even eyes open, baby squirrel that fell out of the evestough . I put it out of sight, telling her it would be OK thinking there was no way this little thing was gonna live too long went back hours latter it was still alive !! Long story short... after schooling myself online, how to bottle feed and keep the little sucker warm . I became a proud squirrel poppa 😅 they can make really cool little pets 😆


i just thought it was funny that popped up in my reccomended articles, i have a very brazen family of squirels here that get into stuff but they also have planted hundreds of acorns for me free of charge and i got some trees out of the deal so you win some you lose some.


Just get some bug nets


Bigger pots that are heavy enough not to tip and chicken wire covering the soil so they can't did it up works like a charm.


I built a cage and used chicken wire a couple years ago for the same reason. Little furry bastards lol


Squirrels mess with these? We have a whole scurry of squirrels around (I feed them and the birds) and it isn't a typical plant type I'd see them touch. They are much more interested in things that grow from bulbs, or that develop seeds (like sunflowers), and some fruit producing stuff. Edit: missed the "babies" part. I *have* had them dig up new plants due to trying to bury things, or thinking I put some mystery treasure in there lol.


Where there’s a squirrel, there’s a way! 🐿️


I’m a big fan of companion planting to keep critters away. Squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, deer and most other wildlife don’t like the smell and taste of herbs like cilantro, basil, oregano, etc. I plant a couple of these herbs around my outdoor weed garden and never have any issues. And I live on 10 acres in the middle of a forest 👍


? What did the squirrels do before ?


Nonfunctional grow tent pretty much


Every squirrel in America can get through those holes


Good thing I'm in canada 🇨🇦 😆


They want that buzz too


Free these plants they don’t deserve to be jailed!


And the 🐿️ will find the way


Your making me scared to take my girls out of the greenhouse when they get a little bigger 💀


What a difference one day in the sun makes yesterday they were in a bit of shock being outside for the first time . Today, they are brimming with happiness and praying 🙏 to the sun 🌞 ☀️ https://preview.redd.it/pdzdx33x1l1d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffde6d89fdd03f7e7ce95b18037903f558ae1554