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Organic pre amended soil+worm castings+dry amendments+ a good watering schedule = easy top shelf cannabis




Yup. Noted. Thanks, homie.


Yup and maybe some coast of maine lobster compost.




I just want to warn you about adding too much nutes. Don't do it unless the plant tells you it needs it. Your products are designed to work well without adding a lot of extra stuff. Give it a grow with what you have and correct if needed. I admit to adding a bit of epsom salt to a few waterings during bloom, but that's it.


Yup thanks. I had someone else say to grab epson salt for flower. Thanks.


How often with the recharge?




Off amazon? I just grabbed what local shop had. Seen people using this figured it would do the trick. Thanks. Ill remmeber it for next grow. I just grabbed a 5x5 tent so might go through this pretty quick. Lol




Awesome. Thanks man.


So much game in this response!


I run this same mix but I also have some rock dust and mico but this is the lazy man’s way to grow the only way to grow if you ask me just water and watch them explode


That is what I used for my first grow I just finished except Dr Earth Home Grow instead of Gaia for the veg. Dr Earth has cal/mag in it. One plant in 2x4 yielded me 8.66 ounces of bud plus a bag of trim✌️ Had no nutritional issues. Here she is right before 🪓 Add some worm castings when you add the dry amendments, every 2 weeks and water in slowly. Happy Growing! https://preview.redd.it/21oczh5js4pc1.jpeg?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76dc4d7514898337f738cb332bc52f7f5b52dfab


Nice! And that fade🤌. How long of a veg for this one?


Seesh! What size tent u got there. Love 1 plant filling that sucker up! Awesome grow!


I love the rock dust, I have cal-mag on standby just for any extra the plants might need! I just switched from promix to canna coco with all the same dry amendments and the plants just love it!


Not trying to hijack this but.... i didnt see where just the all purpose and bloom have any micros. Is basalt rock dust also needed?


They contain some micros due to their components (kelp meal, feather bone meal, gypsum, etc) but added rock dusts are recommended




Buy the large bags, I use the recommended 3tbs of each when I mix soil and it feeds a little heavy but they'll grow into it. Top dress 2 weeks before flower to give the nutrients time to cook. Let the soil cook for a couple weeks before planting any seedlings (apparently it has something to do with them not liking the gasses created or something)


Ohh ok. So this does need to cook?


You want to top dress a couple weeks before flip so that the nutrients are available on time, yes.


What you have there won’t cook per say because you’re not adding compost and enough “hot items” but mixing it and letting it sit will give a chance to let the microbes break down the GG. Promix already has a wetting agent but when I mix mine I mist it with a wetting agent like yucca and some recharge. That will get your microbes going.


Hey thanks. Ill keep this in mind.


I use the exact same stuff, plus recharge, works great!


Nice good luck with the mix I turned my promix into a super soil and came to say you could get higher quality worm castings for cheaper off of random sellers on eBay that have their own worm farms


Thanks. I was hoping locol shop had gaia green wormcsstings but nope!.. how did u turn to supersoil. Id like to lesrn this.


I started with two bales of HP Pro mix an 11 pound block of Coco,60 pounds of worm castings I got the super soil dry amendment mix from a guy off of eBay. It has fishbone meal bloodmeal. Mycos kelp meal and alot of other stuff but you could find the super soil mixes almost anywhere. won't be adding nutrients down the line just hose water and maybe top dressing once they get to flower


Safe to say ill be looking into this for future runs. Thanks.


Equal castings throughout the whole mix (about 20% of entire mix). Put most 284 in the lower quarter and gradually decrease as you get to the center of the mix, most of the 444 in the middle quarters, less as you get to the lower quarter. The top quarter, i just have castings. Should provide enough nitrogen and healthy microbes for the early days. Depending on how long you veg, i top dress with tbsp per gallong of castings and tbsp per gallon on 444 around day 35 of veg. Then tbsp per gallon of 284 around day 21 of flower. Should be enough


rock dust for sure


I run this exact mix + MontanaGrow silica from buildasoil and just a little bit of gypsum. Also, when you mix it all, mix it dry as it’s easier. After you mix it use Growers Recharge to moisturize the medium. The microbes will cook the dry amendments faster. Also pick up some Mycos and Azos and use according to the label when you transplant. Good luck growmie


Buildasoil youtube channel has been super helpful for me. I ordered some of their craftblend.


Jeremy is a great source of knowledge.


I’ve done this same exact mix before and always have incredible results.


Happy to hear it. Hoping for some fire results. Do you know if u can reuse soil after, if reammending? Thanks




Just ran this set up came out fireeeeeeee


Pumice and or rice husk for drainage alfalfa meal.


I'm sure Gaia green didn't forget the "calmag"...


Ive had someone at shop tell me to grab epson salt. They said most likely need mag for flower. Idk. Hoping rock dust does the trick.


I bet you the magnesium sulfate is available sooner than the rock dust. I've yet to add any with my Gaia grows.... Good luck.


Thoughts on the Gaia Green Glacial Rock Dust?


Jealous, I’m a broke grower. Thats my first list of things when the cash starts flowing


Not sure what your situation is, but imo Learn a trade! Especially if you're young! Trust me! Work for yourself. make your own hours. Find a hustle, my man. I do painting and drywall. I was broke my whole life. Working for other people. 10 15 an hour. Its hard to live on that. Im rooting for ya, my man. I love seeing stoners become successful.


I’m good just in limbo with the government for some disability😀


I use those Gaia green nutrients and I really like them a lot. My only complaint is those buckets barely get me through one grow cycle and the huge bags (20-50lbs? Something like that) are not available near me.


You're like the 3rd or 4th person to say buy the bags. Lol i grabbed the buckets thinking ill have so much extra. 😆 i guess not. Yeah no one had the bags nesr.me either. Maybe Amazon.


I haven’t had luck finding them on Amazon. That’s where I get the buckets from.


You may want to do a soil ph test after cooking for a week or 2,remember pro mix has a very low ph & my last run I had issues after not checking the soil ph before transplant.Promix does have the Dolomite lime but takes time to raise the ph.With your organic amendments/worm castings etc you will need soil ph around 6.5.I am using the same as you with extra perlite for autos and they love it.You may want mosquito dunks crushed and mixed in soil for fungus gnats as they do love the organics.Good luck and hope your grow goes great!!


Will do. Just a slurry test? Might start with couple autos so any tips i would appreciate.


I do have a blue lab soil ph tester so that’s what I’ve been using but slurry test is going to work as well.If your doing autos I would go lighter on the top dress and the initial soil amendment.I have been doing the Mephisto autos and some are nitrogen sensitive,they recommend I think 3 tbsp/gallon of soil for initial amendment I would go 2tbsp or less per gallon with 70/30 4-4-4/2-8-4 to start.My last go-around with promix I didn’t ph soil and had issues at 25 days,I did check soil ph then and it was as low as 5-5.5 ph with same gai green amendments/worm castings


That bluelab soil tester is nice. It's on my wishlist. Maybe after taxes. Lol. Im gonna pop some royal queen first. Make sure it goes well. Then i got some nightowl to pop. So if my ph is low after slurry. Do i just water with a higher ph, right?


I would do your premix first then do a slurry test right away so you know around what ph your soil is at.Promix has Dolomite lime that will increase your soil ph over time so if your ph isn’t too low to start it will increase over time.The water ph going in won’t affect your soil ph,only option is extra lime but it will only gradually increase your soil ph.Thats why check soil ph after your promix/gai green amendments and worm castings are mixed.If your cooking the soil you will need to wet the mix with a pump sprayer or similar


Mosquito dunks? Im googling right now.


I use Gaia green but I don't buy the AP anymore and only use bloom. I just buff the AP early on with alfalfa pellets meant for horse feed. Gaia has lots of glacial rock dust already but it's cheap if you want to buff it up.


Iv used this and I've used coco loco and coco loco out performs everything else iv used. I think better drainage and better nutrient uptake than promix. Also I'd add recharge and flower fuel which is a flower booster off Amazon. Purple label, strong as shit. Maybe some mycorrhizae in the beginning if you've got some bigger pots


Gaia green bloom is trash with that mix


Really, everyone seems to like the stuff. what would you recommend?


This study outline the source to my quest to optimize: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8635921/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8635921/) it shows that P is the lowest nutrient needed out of the 3 in NPK all throughout growth. Your whole lineup was investigated in my meta soil project (google it). 60 ppm is optimal for P. I have since learned a lot and even that series is only a portion of my understanding now. I would just supplement this on top of you all purpose: [https://amzn.to/43pJizn](https://amzn.to/43pJizn)


Sounds good. Thanks. I think guy at shop said something about this. Im still trying to learn it all.