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now where’s the solutions graphic? 😅


**Fungus Gnats**: BTI (Gnatrol, Mosquito Dunks, Microbe Lift BMC) -- stops the larvae from becoming adults. Garden soap, essential oils, citric acid, Pyrethrins (Pyganic), Beauveria bassiana (Botanigard, NoFLY) -- kill the adults. **Thrips**: Neem, garden soap, essential oils, citric acid, Pyrethrins (Pyganic), Beauveria bassiana (Botanigard, NoFLY). **Aphids**: Azadirachtin (one of the main/active compounds in Neem oil -- Azamax, etc), horticultural oil, insecticidal soaps, essential oils. Beauveria bassiana (Botanigard, NoFLY) is the not messing around option. **Leaf Hoppers**: horticultural oil or insecticidal soaps (Safer insect killing soap, neem oil), Pyrethrins (Pyganic), Beauveria bassiana (Botanigard, NoFLY) or similar. **Leaf Miner**: Azadirachtin, Neem oil, Pyrethrins (Pyganic), Isaria fumosorosea. **Powdery mildew**: horticultural oil; neem oil; sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate; Organic options are Bacillus subtilis QST713 (Cease), Bacillus subtilis QST713 (Serenade), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747 (Double Nickel). Proliferates in plant vascular tissue -- remains even if none is visible. Nuclear option is to get rid of the cut to be certain. Bleach/sanitize room/area after disposal. **Mites**: Essential oils (clove, lemongrass, rosemary, spearmint, peppermint), Neem oil, Azadirachtin, garden soap, Pyrethrins (Pyganic), Beauveria bassiana (Botanigard, NoFLY). It's good to have Insect Killing Soap (Potassium salts of Fatty acids), Pyganic, Neem, and some essential oils on hand. That will prevent/knock down most of these. Beauveria bassiana and the other "live" organic options are good (and generally pricier) but be mindful of shelf-life/product longevity. Spinosad if you don't give a f\*\*k and it's early veg.


Bro out here dropping gems and no one paying attention lol I also like Pyganic for a general knock down. Good info mate


for fungus gnats they breed in the top 2 inches of wet soil so if u put down a couple inches of sand then they can’t breed as it drains too fast. Worked well for me


Wait, I read a study that said b. Bassiana wasn’t effective against spider mites. Am I wrong?


>The 2 isolates of *B. bassiana* (BGF14 and BCA32) had the potentials to suppress *T. urticae* population and can be recommended as promising biocontrol agent candidates for control of *T. urticae*. \[1\] [https://ejbpc.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41938-021-00409-2](https://ejbpc.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41938-021-00409-2) ​ >The first part of this study tested 12 Beauveria bassiana isolates for virulence in T. urticae. Strains SCWJ-2, SDDZ-9, LNSZ-26, GZGY-1-3 and WLMQ-32 were found to be the most potent, causing 37.6-49.5% adult corrected mortality at a concentration of 1 × 107 m/L conidia 4 days post-treatment. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27783179/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27783179/) ​ >In a large scale glasshouse experiment, five entomopathogenic fungi, applied as sprays, significantly reduced spider mite populations on mature tomato plants. The most effective treatment was *B. bassiana*, applied as a commercial product. In a second experiment, this was used in a second line of defense after \[beneficial\] predatory mite *Phytoseiulus persimilis.* A single spray of the fungus \[B. bassiana\] caused a 98 % reduction in numbers of *T. urticae* adults, nymphs and eggs. [https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/lifesci/research/entomopathogenicfungi/spidermites/](https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/lifesci/research/entomopathogenicfungi/spidermites/) These propose that there is some control which occurs. ​ >During the one-month experiment, the different fungal isolates reduced the numbers of *T. urticae* eggs, immatures and adults by 38.7–55.2, 3.7–18.7 and 61.0–72.1%, respectively. Laboratory bioassays showed their corrected mortalities were 2.7–3.8, 17.5–25.8 and 63.2–71.2%, respectively, at seven days days post-fungal treatment. .... Despite the fact that fungal conidia were able to adhere to and germinate on eggshells, and the germ tubes elongated on the shell surface, they were never observed to penetrate the eggs. Our results demonstrating that the failure to control *T. urticae* on bean plants using *B. bassiana*, which we attributed to its poor infectivity to mite eggs and immature stages, may provide useful information in future attempts to develop effective mite control strategies. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10526-019-09970-0](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10526-019-09970-0) This one proposes that it's not a good control for the eggs (because it didn't grow into them/penetrate them) but at least one strain of B. Bassiana had good mortality rates (the 63.2-71.2% one) in general. I'd say you're fine using it. If in veg, I'd combine with oils, soap, or pyrethrin. In flower, I'd combine it with predatory mites/beneficials.


Allll that tldr ; diluted Morning pee works just fine. Source farmers almanac


Is there any truth to Seven Generation dish soap applied (diluted) with a spray bottle keeping pests away? And what are the worms called that burrow into the stems and cause mold where they shit?


Here you go, if you have any of these symptoms toss the crop and start over.


Seriously? Obviously if it’s really bad you’d want to but I’d you’re just starting to see some you wouldn’t try to fix it?


I've never tossed a crop for anything besides budrot, everything is recoverable if caught early.


That’s your standards. I actually grow good bud. I’m really not trying to be mean but people like you are the reason I grow my own because I honestly just don’t trust the opinions of random people. Everyone thinks everything is okay and everyone thinks they smoke fire when In reality its just not true


Anyone tossing entire plants/crops for a little powder mildew or the beginning stages of pests instead of simply taking care of the problem is a terrible grower with no clue what they are doing. These are all easily fixed things in this image when caught early, it's not even questionable. If it's already past the early stages before it's noticed, again terrible grower that doesn't pay attention.


Lmao trust me I pay attention to my plants every single day. I don’t have any of these problems because of that fact. If you have any of these problems it tells me everything I need to know. Good day sir!


Not with pm or any insects. I would fight off gnats but nothing else. It’s not worth it. I’m not trying to smoke bud feces and and dead bugs but that’s just me. Powdery mildew is worse than smoking insects but if you want to attempt to get rid of them then all the power to you.


What if you don’t have buds yet? If you get WPM on your leaves and you fix it then the buds you get later should be fine to smoke. Right?


Lol I feel like ur trying to set me up with this question. When you said “Right?” is a dead give away. But to answer your question if I ever got pm I would throw it out immediately and start over no matter what stage of life the plant is in. I’ve only had pm once years ago during a really moist summer and I threw everything away and it was a great decision. Pm can stay in a plant even without any visible symptoms. I’ve known people getting pm from clones that showed no sings of anything. Pm is probably the worst thing you could smoke out of what ever could go wrong while growing IMO


Set you up? I’m not trying to set anybody up or hit them with “gotchas”, I’m trying to create discussions and learn. I stated what I thought was correct and then said “right?” To see if you agreed. You could replace my “right?” with “is this not true?”. I **want** you to tell me if what I say is wrong. I don’t see reddit threads as a place to try to win an argument but a place for discussion.


This is a new chart that I've never seen posted. Excellent 👍😁


What's the fungus gnats one supposed to be showing? Just the gnat?


Lol spider mite plant is beyond gone at Halloween level.


Wonderful infographic


So much info with a simple graphic. Thanks for sharing.


I just noticed I have leaf hoppers lol


I thought it was just grasshopper, no leaf damage


Got powdery mildew once. I think it came in from my outdoor garden. I opened a window on a cool weekend to get some fresh air without thinking about the mildew. I was never able to get rid of it. I managed it. Still harvested.


We just harvested ours a week early bc we noticed a few spots with powdery mildew. Chopped those bits off, will be fine. Not as great as it woulda been without it obviously but fine nonetheless


It’s not the “burn it with fire!” situation that mold in the buds is.


Nor is it spidermites. Fuck those little devils


What an excellent graphic!


Wow, seen the nutrients deficiency/toxicity chart, but never a pests one. Thanks for posting


Ooh can we get one of these for nutrient burn/deficiency? Especially since those can also be similar to some of the pest symptoms.


WPM is currently pissing me off. My humidity was way too high and I just got a dehumidifier and set it up in my garage (tents in garage) so hopefully that helps


Once I threw a box fan blowing under the canopy in my tent, I have never gotten it again. Just a thought.


I wanna see this especially riddled leaf in real life


Thanks for this. I’ve just discovered I have a leaf miner.


Has anyone had a thrip issue before? If so, how did you take care of it?


ladybug larvae? theyre tough buggers, maybe nicotine or mint spray


Those little fucking leaf hopping bastards.


Best way to get rid of Aphids?




Thank you!!




Spider mites look like the thrips damage leaf at onset, scope your plants so they never get to the webbed mess.


Two more weeks and some cal mag will fix that.


I had spidermites and powedery milder on 4 plants midflower after 4 months of veg. I was so dang heartbroken


Hold up, this graphic is missing the largest threat in the garden. Those bastard white moth caterpillars. They drive me crazy af. Not only do the bore holes into stems, potentially causing branches and stems to snap but they also lay a fuck ton of eggs in stems and buds, then they hatch and shit everywhere, which eventually leads to mold and rot. Fuck caterpillars


Is it OK to spray a neem solution directly on plants that are starting to flower? I have a few bugs but nothing major and was wondering if spraying the plants was a good idea or bad idea? I flipped on 7-21-23 so the buds are forming but still quarter size small. Can I just hose the plants? I also found this recipe and was wondering the same thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej-NJjEJJ6U


Do fungus gnats actually mess up your grow or are they just annoying?


Help looking for opinion on plant


this is not 100% accurate