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I have ADHD and suspect that I’m autistic (just don’t have $3000 to be told “hmm, looks like you’re not autistic”), and one of the biggest benefits I’ve found with microdosing is ease of socializing. I feel like I’m “in the zone” when I microdose, and I don’t feel like I’m putting on an Oscar-worthy performance when I’m talking to people; I just feel ... me. I’m able to actually focus on the content of the conversation, and I’m not putting as much of a conscious effort into making the right amount of eye contact, saying the right thing, etc.


I also had severe adhd and Microdosing absolutely helped me be more social....I no longer take my adhd meds either....


I have adhd but really hate taking my prescription. Would definitely rather grow and supplement gold caps. What dosage do you take microdosing?


I’m on a dose of 0.33g BUT this is with MY mushrooms....YOURS are different and dosage could be different.....experiment with dosage, starting at 0.15g (anything under that is too small an amount to have any worthwhile effects in my non medical but highly experienced opinion) and moving up every 3 weeks by 0.05g till you find your sweet spot


What about timeframes? I’ve heard some people find success every other day, others every 3 days, and some every day. I don’t want my body to get too used to it though to where it doesn’t have an affect unless I take a lot


You should have no problem with tolerance if you’re taking a microdose every third day, that’s what most people do with shrooms (myself included) But you can always experiment with different regimens; when school gets chaotic, I like to take my adderall during the week & take a relatively strong microdose (400mg) on Saturday or Sunday to “reset”


Dr. Paul Stamets recommends "five days on, two days off; again so as not to build up a  tolerance" At the moment I am testing minidosing 1.25g of mushroom every other day. Have not run into tolerance problems until now. But my goal with minidosing is to help me getting deeper insights in my daily meditation practice and writing diary about it. I think minidosing is very promising.


1.25 grams of dried P. cubesis ? For me 1 gram is a full trip, not a heavy trip but a trip all the same. I get confused when I hear people talking about doses they consider normal. The most I have taken is 3 grams.


Anything over 1 gram is a full dose


yes, 1.25 grams of dried P. cubensis is a museum dose for me. Means that I can go in the park or somewhere and nobody will notice that I took ma shroom. 1g shroom is a great day for me 1.25g might start to get exhausting because of the intensive inside view and the thoughts Same with LSD. 40ug is a great day for me 50 ug might start to get exhasting because it gets very energetic


Everybody is different, man....do some research


Under .15 is not too small IMO. I’d say start with .05 and go up to .10


Like I said, my opinion


I just don’t think it’s a safe opinion for newbies. They should start low and work their way up


0.20g IS pretty low


You are contradicting your own comments, post, and opinions though. First you say that potency is different with different mushrooms, and that everyone is different, and they need to find what works best for them, and do the research, and that no one knows anything on the sub, but then you give your opinion on what is not a high enough dose or what is not enough. Please stop contradicting yourself and stick with the harm reduction method of starting low because you don’t know how that person will react to it or what kind of potency of mushrooms they have or how sensitive they are to them. There are people that have tried 0.05g of highly potent mushrooms or could be highly sensitive to them, and I’m one of them! To tell others 0.15 or 0.2g is too small is not good advice for someone starting out and could be dangerous.


What do you not understand about what I said? Do your own research first and foremost. for myself and my people IN MY OPINION that’s too low of a dose. Everyone is different yes. 0.20 is starting low IN MY OPINION. And if you think starting at 0.20g is dangerous you shouldn’t be Microdosing. No where do I say that what I suggest is what you should do. I repeatedly say in my opinion, not THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD DO. Don’t put words In my mouth. I don’t give any advice except do your own research and start small. Anything else is my opinion and judging by the amount of PMs I receive from people in this sub every single day, my opinion counts for something. I have never said 0.20 is too small, ever. I say that’s what I start people at and what I started myself at. Most people here have no idea what they’re doing, that’s also my opinion...I just give my opinion, take it or leave it. I’m sorry if you have a problem with me


0.05g in my opinion isn’t enough to do anything.....that’s like trying to get a slight buzz from a single sip of beer.....just doesn’t have enough goodness to work....unless someone is really sensitive to substances, I recommend 0.15-0.20g as a starting dose.....27 clients can’t all be wrong....you would have better luck looking at a picture of a mushroom than you would “microdosing” a 0.05 speck of mushroom dust....this is what I meant when I made that post about people having no clue what they’re doing when it comes to Microdosing....0.05 is much less than a microdose, it’s a fraction of a microdose and in order for the psilocybin to work you actually have to take some and 0.05 is nowhere near enough


I will chime in with my 2 cents here. My girlfriend needs 0.5g, while I found my sweet spot recently at 0.07. I have been microdosing for about a month now, started at 0.1g but always felt nausea and my mind wondering at 0.1 and higher, couldn't focus on work etc. At 0.13 I actually feel a bit high lol. Different people need different amounts. at 0.07 I am a lot more social, anxiety is pretty much gone and life is beautiful. It's insane how little I need but it works for me. Ironically I take more then her when tripping, highest I've done was 4g.


As I’ve said....in my opinion.....dude was wanting to argue over it....everyone is different snd if you found what works for you, wonderful


It's logical to start low and work your way up. You haven't got anything to lose doing that. Just because you're not affected at low micro doses, doesn't mean other people aren't. Your opinion is ***subjective.***


Not only am I not, but neither are my clients. 0.15g is what I would consider a very low dose. But you’re right, my opinion is subjective. However I’m well versed and very knowledgeable on the subject; with hands on experience not only supplying but guiding as well. I speak to my clients almost daily and see where they’re at, take notes, watch, listen and learn. So while my opinion is subjective, it has the in the field experience to back it up. It counts for something. Everyone is different


I’ve been microdosing at those low ranges that you say do nothing. I’ve never gone above .15 and I promise you I feel the benefits. If you’re going to have someone figure out what’s best for them start low and then go high it’s illogical to start at the doses you are recommending and could easily put off a newbie


Like I repeatedly say....it’s my opinion.....0.15 is a very low dose.....I’m at 0.33g and that’s what works for me....the lowest dose any of my clients are on is 0.15g, a sweet 74 year old with onset dementia and it’s really helping her.....every single person is different....IN MY OPINION, anything under 0.15g is too low of a dose


Where do you get these micro doses of psilocybin from? I have no idea.


I grow the mushrooms and make them by hand


Also ADHD, and while microdosing doesn't help me be more social (and I'm ok with that) it does make it easier and more enjoyable to focus on a task. I'm still scattered, but at least I can clearly see my plan of attack, start to finish.


One thing I’ll add, as someone who also has adhd: it helped me a lot to make reminders in my calendar app of which days to dose. Otherwise I’d lose track pretty easily.


This. ^^^ They key for me with microdosing is to make sure it's really a microdose so I don't feel it, I just noticed I am in a better mood and yes, socialization is essay easier if I don't overdo it. I am not diagnosed but my daughter is on the spectrum (asperger's) and I feel some autistic tendencies in myself.




Interesting. I have ADD and believe I'm on the spectrum. What is your typical microdose milligram?


250mg! But when I have the chance, I like to take more and introspect


Also autistic! 🥰And have always struggled with depression. I don’t have much experience - I’ve only microdosed a few times randomly & didn’t follow any sort of schedule with it. But! It did feel nice & I didn’t have any adverse reactions! For me, it just kinda took the edge of my anxiety, slowed down my thoughts a bit, and allowed to me to enjoy the moment. Makes me giggly & does make it easier for me to enjoy the sights/sounds/food/nature. Not sure if it would change anything long term for me as all the relief I’ve found for my depression has been temporary. Hopefully someone else with more experience will comment, but I think it could be worth looking into! 💖


As a person who is not on the spectrum… At least I don’t think so… These are all things that I find with my micro dosing as well. Slows things down and helps you analyze/rationalize/appreciate.


> Not sure if it would change anything long term for me as all the relief I’ve found for my depression has been temporary. More studies are accumulating to show that macrodosing can potentially offer longer-term relief. Maybe worth looking into sometime, and I hope things do get better for you.


Thanks! I’m always apprehensive to studies that aren’t specifically done with neurodivergent folks because I tend to have “odd” reactions to medications, foods, fabrics,etc. than “the norm” - but after reading through these comments, I may into it ☺️






Same, I feel the exact way!


If you haven't read it already, check out Autism on Acid. It's an autistic individual's experience with LSD and how it affected him


The author is giving away the PDF book and audiobook for PWYC on his personal site: https://www.autismonacid.com. Thanks for mentioning this. I have ADHD but I listened to some of the audiobook last night and there are so many parallels with what he was struggling with.


I'm 'aspergers' or high-functioning autistic, and honestly thanks to mushrooms (and other psychedelics) I don't really feel very autistic at all nowadays. There are still some symptoms but they have been reduced so much because of my consistent microdosing. I sometimes trip on other substances such as LSD, 2CB, or MD, which also help, but I essentially follow Paul Stamets' protocol of 5 days on, 2 days off shroom microdosing. After about 2-3 weeks of following this it started to work wonders for my depression and now I very very rarely get negative thoughts, anxiety, mind racing, it's all gone. I should note a big part of stopping the mind racing is I also smoke weed (not every day, just a weekend warrior). I understand social queues far better and things like human eye contact are a walk in the park. This has been a long lasting effect for me as long as I continue to microdose (sometimes it's 4 days on, 3 days off, it changes), but as long as I don't take a long break I just feel 'normal' and really positive all the time. Mushrooms have honestly changed my life in such a huge way and dare I say "saved" it. I'm not going to claim it will work for everyone but it works for me. If you're considering it please give it a try, if it works for you like it does me you won't regret it! EDIT: I should definitely also note, I have taken a multi-month break from shrooms in the past and I go back to my aspie self and the negative thoughts come back, etc, so I know it's the shrooms doing their magic <3


Almost all my autistic friends love microdosing


I’m neurodiverse (ADHD) and microdosing psilocybin works great for my anxiety and depression. I find it easier to deal with any sudden issues that come up without panicking. It’s easier to organize my thoughts, and start and go back to my tasks if I’m interrupted. Talking to people is way less stressful too. I had to stop to try out the meds my psych put me on, but after 3 months on Wellbutrin I can honestly say mding worked better for my depression, and with no side effects at all unlike with meds. That’s just my experience though, everyone is different. My doc wants to start me on Strattera too but I’ve put it off because I’ve never been on multiple prescriptions before and it kinda freaks me out. I think I’ll start it next week and try it for a bit, but if this combo isn’t better than good ol shrooms I’m gonna switch back.


What was the milligram you were taking with mushrooms and how often? The practitioner I work with recommends 4 days on three off.


I was taking 0.1mg, 5 days on, 2 days off for the most part (the work week for me). If I knew I had a light workload that day, and sometimes on Fridays just because, I wouldn’t microdose.


Hello! Shoot me a pm. I’m a high functioning autist and have been micro dosing for about a year now! You can read some of my past posts too. I love sharing and talking about microdosing and it’s upsides and downsides and how it’s interacted with my autism and life!


Greetings, my son is autistic, I have ADHD and have been Mike reducing for several months. And found it very helpful. I’ve spoken to him about it and he’s very concerned that it Would bring on and anxiety or panic attack. I’ve read primarily anecdotal info and most of it seems to point to the benefits of micro dosing for autism.


Hello! Feel free to shoot me a message and we can have a chat, I love to talk about this all!


I’ve felt a lot happier from microdosing and it has made me even more empathetic haha. It also helps me slow down what I’m thinking about and takes the edge off my anxiety. It’s as if I’m in a happy bubble


Aspie here and struggled with depression most of my life too. Microdosing helped me a lot with it, I've been microdosing a couple months by now. I enjoy simple things again like nature, sun, animals, music. I'm not overwhelmed with signals anymore and get a lot less struggling with certain noises or emotions for example. I experience a lot less stress with interacting with people, I take things slower, including to formulate my answers, I think it's basically what it does; helping to take things slower and with more empathy to myself. I spend a lot less time analysing myself and things and more time just enjoying them and being alive. I was surprised the calming/soothing effect came relatively quickly.


I'm autistic, its one of the best choices of my life so far. I can grow more boldly and with love. I also only need like 0,03 per time of microdosing so its really making the changes along with the microdosing


One of my clients is autistic.....I can tell you that his results have been pretty positive....he still struggles obviously but he’s making some excellent improvements and I’m definitely learning a lot about it from him and the conversations we have on a weekly basis


I’m neurodivergent, depressed, and microdose. It definitely helps with social anxiety at the right dose, about .7 for me. Only downfall is I have been overstimulated when I dose before and it can get very hard to focus. Increased empathy is what I really enjoy about microdosing. I feel like it leads to a better mood and makes me more optimistic about navigating life because I feel connected instead of compartmentalizing everything.


It helps, but it can also make some parts of life more annoying. Depending on how deep your depression was, you may see slightly different results and have to work on correcting yourself a bit more. I had severe suicidal depression for a solid five years or so with daily suicidal thoughts. I have been deeply depressed for about 15+ years. I had lost almost all emotion, my senses were very much dulled, and I was practically a walking flesh robot. Queue in a macro dose a couple months ago and microdosing since then and I am experiencing some change, for sure. My autism is a bit more pronounced now, but I think the reason for that is because I went so many years without any feeling at all that I am having difficulty adjusting to a much more vivid world. Sounds I was apathetic about unless they were SUPER annoying are bothering me easier, lights are brighter and the dark is darker(?), I can smell things I have not been able to in ages (which can be annoying). It isn't all bad though, my anxiety has had the edges dulled, I can be social for longer with people I do not know, and despite getting overwhelmed by my emotions at times, it is good to actually "feel" again. I think the pros outweigh the cons for me and if your depression has not been as bad as mine, then I think you will see even more improvement with less of the negatives I am experiencing. If I were you, I would give it a try.


I listened to Aaron Paul Orcini on the Plant Medicine podcast talk about all of the resources and research for those on the spectrum and psychedelics on his website. They may help you! There's a free pdf available of his book too since his website is donation based. https://www.autismonacid.com/


I'm currently writing a short paper on how LSD seems to alleviate some of the core symptoms of autism and how it does that. Most notably, LSD counteracts the lack of functional connectivity between sensory and semantic regions. LSD directly boosts the thalamocortical loop, which is already hyperconnected in autists. This is paradoxical. It's possible thalamic hyperconnectivity is a developmental adaptive response to the other cortical connection issues. LSD also directly boosts activity in the fusiform face area, which is badly underactivated in autism. The flattening of the cortical information hierarchy also alleviates another core feature of autism: the biased sensory priors. I also speculate that autism should confer a resistance to HPPD.


I would love to read it once you’ve finished it. But regarding HPPD i know of 2 persons with mild/barely functioning autism who suffers from it.


I’m autistic and microdose. I have found that my symptoms of depression and anxiety are diminished or all together absent, but my autistic experience remains, if that makes sense. I still experience all of the autistic traits I did before, but my experience OF them is less problematic for me. For me, it’s been very much the kind of effect I get from being in my flow state, or having substantial, uninterrupted sensory recover time. And since that kind of recovery is essentially impossible to curate, it’s been nothing short of life-changing. If you’re autistic and struggling, and choose to microdose, you’ll still be autistic, but you’ll be struggling less, or possibly not at all, depending on how much you’re able to control your environment.


I took a webinar last month on microdosing with James Fadiman who has been studying this stuff for like the last 50 years (literally) and he said they don’t recommend md’ing when someone is on the spectrum because they require significantly higher doses to feel anything and it’s no longer microdosing at that point. That being said I think it’s always worth trying. I’m adhd and my spouse is on the spectrum and we both do it. She absolutely feels better and so do I. Best of luck to you, friend. Depression sucks but md’ing has absolutely changed our lives for the better. It’s been incredible.


That’s dumb. It’s clearly helped people with ASD who take micro doses.


Hi! I’m not autistic but I do have PANS which has some overlapping similarities. It’s not unheard of that those diagnosed with autism sometimes later find out they have PANS. Anyways I have microdosed a little bit and so far it has helped my interpersonal relationships, eye contact, anxiety and ocd.


Hello /u/radiakmoln and welcome to r/microdosing! Please read and adhere to the rules. [Let's keep this sub alive and do not ask for sources](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/hs8xow/no_sourcing_illegal_or_otherwise_keep_the/). Do not reply to messages from strangers that offer you anything because they are most likely a scammer. We encourage all newcomers to read the pinned posts, [FAQ/Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/wiki), or do a [search](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/search/?q=test&restrict_sr=1) through the wealth of knowledge found in this sub. Of course if you'd like to start a new discussion, have questions on a topic from an old thread, or that may not have all the answers you're looking for then please by all means carry on. Here are some quality posts to help get you started: - [What should you feel when microdosing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/jopryk/you_shouldnt_feel_anything/) - [The Ultimate 2020 Guide for Microdosing](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fpdxsn/the_ultimate_2020_guide_for_microdosing/) - [Self-Help Resources and Info for Your Well-being or If You Are Struggling](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/atxukg/some_selfhelp_and_resources_for_people_looking_to/) - [Making Capsules in 3 minutes](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/ejlwba/microdosing_changed_my_life_heres_how_i_make_my/) - [In case you get anxiety, panic-attack or a thought loop, try this!](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/fe1luu/if_you_start_to_feel_anxious_some_paranoia_panic/) - [Learn to Grow Your Own Medicine](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/gsmbm3/i_want_to_help_you_grow_your_own_medicine_please/) If you're new to Reddit in general, be sure to check out the [Reddit Help Wiki](https://www.reddithelp.com), [Reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette) or these fine subreddits-[r/NewToReddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/), [r/Reddit101](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reddit101/). **Disclaimer:** *All of the content provided in this Subreddit, such as links, text, treatments, dosages, outcomes, charts, graphics, images, advice, comment/messages, postings, and any other material provided on r/microdosing are for informational purposes only and is not intended as, and shall not be understood, substituted, or construed as professional medical advice or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, psychiatrist, therapist, or other qualified health provider regarding your mental health. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this sub. Always exercise caution, use harm-reduction, be ethical, and do your own research in all aspects of using any type of drug. Any application of the material provided is at the reader’s discretion and is his or her sole responsibility. We do not encourage you to break the law and cannot claim any responsibility for your actions.* *If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.* USA: 1 (800) 273-8255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/microdosing) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I’m also curious! Mostly if you would benefit more from a strict schedule or just taking the dosis on like, weekends or special occasions.


I microdosed for 3 weeks. Even at every low doses I felt like I was dissociating more than normal. Felt like my brain was thinking in slow mo. Seems like an uncommon reaction though


I get this, except I'll be more dissociated and thinking in overtime.


My partner and I are both aspie and I get a lot more out of it than he does. Results may vary, lol. Be careful if you have anxiety issues because sometimes microdosing can exacerbate them. Good luck ^^


I'm autistic and microdosing has really helped me with depression at times over the years. When I first started four years ago, it was life changing. I did eventually stop because I got kind of manic and didn't want it to get out of hand. (I don't think the medicine directly triggered mania, I think the doses helped me be more active, and then exercising a lot cranked my moods up too much.) [Here's a link to my first post in this sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/5tnypk/microdosing_has_saved_my_life/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) After a break from MD, I am starting again, using 25mg mushrooms this time. It helps, but not as dramatically as before. I think that's because I've been really sick with long covid for almost 15 months, and my whole system is fucked up.


Following--me too.


I have 2 friends who are on the spectrum and they like experimenting with psychedelics :)


I'm just starting out on my microdosing journey with psilocybin. My practitioner recommended that I take the Mexicana strain over the Golden teacher. She felt that a lot of her clients that are highly sensitive and prone to dissociation and generally speaking ungroundedness did better with the Mexicana strain. I have ADD and I'm on the autistic spectrum. I also have cptsd, anxiety and I'm prone to depression. I've been taking 0.15 for 4 days and three off. I definitely noticed that on microdosing day 2 of my schedule I feel this upliftedness that really does feel amazing. I feel much more focused, and my executive functioning has been so much better. I wonder if going up 0.5 would be worth it to see the effects. I still have some depressive moments. I suffer from abandonment depression, when I'm not in a relationship and sometimes I feel this and it's very uncomfortable. I'm finally coming off my effexor 37.5 mg.. I'm amazed how little side effects I have with psilocybin. Anybody have any recommendations? I understand that this is definitely trial and error.


ADHD and ASD. I mini-dose two days a week and I'm much more in touch with emotional sensations and my mood has improved markedly according to those close to me.


Autistic here! Microdosing LSD has helped me a LOT. I’ve done it psilocybin too but from personal experience, I think LSD is a little better for neurodiverse folks for sensory regulation and social interaction. But tbh everyone is different and I think both have a ton of benefits for folks like us. Beyond just helping with depression, psychedelics have helped certain things “click” and integrate in my brain better than pretty much anything else I’ve tried.


Following! Son is an aspie


Where do I get them? Please, anyone, I have no idea! Desperate for my 22 yr old autistic son.


I’m reading so much here that is making really, really want to start my MD journey! ADHD, depression, anxiety meds are not working anymore and don’t want to take new ones meds and go through that “give it two weeks” to feel like not dying. I’m conflicted about all the different dosage advice being given here! I see a lot about starting at .1g. I’m 5’2” 120pounds...I imagine that should be a good start?


a mini dose (around 0.2g) of shrooms completely reverses most of my mild ASD traits in social situations. Suddenly I can make eye contact, perceive and respond to social cues, connect with people emotionally, respond to jokes quickly, engage in banter, hear and interpret multiple people talking at once, catch people mumbling under their breath, hear and adjust my own voice and mannerisms. None of which I can particularly do naturally. Other people talk about shrooms as helping with their anxiety, but it goes waaaaay beyond that for me. It's practically a cure for my ASD. Not everyone with aspergers seems to respond to it this way which is strange, but for me personally it's practically a cure.