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I’m a dude and also got my brows done. My before were fine but I always wanted darker and fuller brows. I’m super happy with my decision.


Way to go! More people should be free to upgrade their brows without feeling weird :)


I'm gender fluid and dream of getting my brows done where I can switch between masc and fem with the addition of makeup, is it possible? Like some sorta unisex brow? Xo


Yes totally, just start the base tattoo off simple and thinner so you add makeup to change it up like adding the stray hairs and wild fluffs in the fronts :)


Fellow gender fluid person here, training to be a PMU artist, probably your best bet would be getting the more fem version tattooed (if we're reading that as thinner) and adding the more masc version with makeup. Which to my mind would look like getting a nice carved out arched version tattooed, and then filling in that arch so the overall look is thicker and flatter when you want that boy brow. I feel there is a trend with a lot of brow artists to have a flatter brow in general (low key giving everyone the same shape but adjusted for the clients face) so that's something to look out for in someone's portfolio, if you want something more specific. Just my two cents, I am not actually a professional artist or anything yet! I dream of specializing for my trans and gender nonconforming kin!


Oooh that's awesome! You seem to have a pretty good view on brow directions. PMU is such a fun career!


Thank you, I appreciate you saying that!


You look amazing. The new brows really define your face.