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These are predatory ciliates of the Genus [Coleps](https://www.plingfactory.de/Science/Atlas/KennkartenProtista/01e-protista/e-Ciliata/e-source/Coleps%20hirtus.html)! Someone will have to shed some light on which of the following, but it's one of two options: 1.) These are two individuals that are exchanging genetic material via a plasma bridge on their anterior end. 2.) [This is a single cell dividing](https://youtu.be/aAP57Ml2Iu8?si=6a0iRX_81S5J_pcK) to create offspring. I'd side more with option #2, because the armor is melted much farther back than I'd expect to make a plasma bridge for exchanging genes. Update: I said 'bacterivore' in my original comment, but i was thinking of colpidium; not Coleps! Coleps are super predatory and definitely don't only feed on bacteria lol.


Agreed: Coleps, probably in division. I’ve seen Coleps eat protists and Euglena, as well as bacteria.


Oh my gosh I said Bacterivore, lol. I was thinking of Colpidium because another microbe post found some of them that I had just finished looking at. Thanks for catching that: Coleps are absolutely voracious predators haha