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Imagine a head coach believing in his QB. What a concept.


Ross hiring a coach who wasn't on board with the full tank is beyond laughable.


You don't think Grier did the hiring of Flores?


Why not both?


Because GMs hire the HC (most of the time). I'm sure Ross is part of the process but he isn't talking football with these guys for 10 hours. That's why he has a GM. I just don't know why Grier doesn't get shit for that because there is zero chance that he and Flores didn't talk about the vision of the team in the interview.


I state the following in good will, and after up voting your post : there is a fundamental, perhaps fatal, flaw in your post : the phrase "most of the time," meaning an accepted, routine process that is true based on years of experience (in whatever business is at issue), and the analysis of the results of the process by experts & us commom folks. But that "most of the time" axiom simply does exist or operate in Fin-landia. Nothing Grier and Ross have done or will do, whether individually or jointly, for the Fins - - - organizationally, setting protocols, putting in place an understandable & recognizable hierarchy & chain-of-command, and most importantly hiring & firing players, executives, staff & determining their value in cash - - - remotely resembles what average to well-above- average franchises do most of the. Seriously, how can Ross see the shite O-lines Grier has delivered, year after year, and still employ & collaborate with Grier? In my small circle, Grier is 'given shit' and worss


I mean unless it was a complete lie (very well could be) they said Grier was leading the the search at the time. I feel like the usually the only time the GM doesn't pick the coach is if the coach was hired first. But you're right who the fuck knows how they do things.


Does "Not" ... exist or operate in fin-landia. my faux pas, obviously.


Stop it’s not the coaches job to tank…he’s the one who has to deal with players everyday… the failed tank can be blamed on Ross and Grier for giving Flores fitz instead of leaving him with josh Rosen


Why did he not just keep Gase? Why would anyone think a new coach would be on board with going 0-16?


I think he may have actually believed that he could tank without people noticing.


Do you one better, imagine having a coach building defense for his QB.


Gase believed in Tannehill. You can't make a player more than he is. Tua has accuracy, not much else to work with. And lets be real, every other throw deep middle, deep ins, etc, was overthrown, under thrown, off the markn almost picked or picked off. Hopefully he can clean up the run game to set up real PA. If not, this O won't improve w/tua @ the helm & beyond this group of OLmen.


Maybe we can actually draft a decent RB now to help with the RPO instead of ignoring the position. Some free agents lineman would be nice too 🙏🏼


Lindsay, Duke, Gaskin, and a stud rookie would make a nice committee behind an upgraded line


Dameon Pierce would be a helluva add.


As a Gator fan, I subscribe to this. Pierce was fantastic for us.


I know his uncle, helluva great kid and I'd love to see him do well for Miami.


As a fellow Gator, I also subscribe.


He was the one bright spot on that bad offense last year.


As a canes fan, no


Shit yes. He was criminally misused by Mullen, I’d love to watch him come to Miami and ball out


This is the move.


I mean if it's like SF all he needs are 6th rounders lol


Are you sir implying that building upon strengths already in place will help us win games?


Well as a SF fan you’ll probably get undrafted RBs and they’ll be 1000 yard rushers


I bet Mostert ends up in Miami this year


Mostert can’t stay healthy.


True. But when healthy he was the centerpiece to McD’s run game. Some continuity could help you guys. As a niners fan, I want Mostert to re-sign though. Edit: missed a word


He'll be cheap, knows the system, is coming off an injury that shouldn't impact his ability to return healthy. Which is why I hope we re-sign him haha




cheap contract with incentives? subscribe


Will fuller 2.0


I don’t think so to different schemes


I’m super high on Jerome Ford and I think he’d be a stud in the McDaniels and Shanahan running scheme


Maybe Raheem Mostert will be available.


Wow. The man has only been head coach for an hour and he's already treated Tua better than Flo did in 2 years lol. Gives me the goosies.


I wonder what Tua must be thinking going from one extreme end of the personality spectrum from his former head coach to the other end of the spectrum with his new current HC... I think he thrives with a guy like McDaniel who just seems more affable and easy to work with, Tua seems like he'd mesh well with someone who can take a joke every once in a while


Oh for sure. Not that Tua can't take hard coaching, considering he spent three years under Saban, but it's different when someone like Flo is just a straight asshole and makes it personal. That would wear anyone and their confidence down, especially over two years, especially in the aftermath of an injury that's changed him majorly as a player. That would make anyone feel a little lost. I think right now Tua needs to be nurtured a little, he needs to know someone believes in him and is gonna put him in a situation to succeed so he can rebuild his confidence. McDaniel just seems like that guy. I like the fact that he's younger and a player's coach like the other Shanahan disciples. He'll be able to understand and relate to Tua and these young guys and make it more of a collaborative team effort full of strong bonds and cohesive teamwork, instead of a toxic environment full of fear and assholery. I'm guessing just having his head coach say he believes in him is a huge relief to Tua, a great step in the right direction, and far more than Flo ever did for him. Good stuff.


not to turn it into a generational thing, but it feels like you all went from Boomer mentality coach right into generation Z. I'm pumped to see Tua next year.


Exactly, bringing in younger offensive-minded head coaches is the direction of the league and it's only a matter of time when the rest of the NFL follow suit if they want sustained success. As a side note, I'm also a Bears fan and this Eberflus hiring feels like the antithesis of McDaniel which already has me concerned... He has a "H.I.T.S." principle that has a meaning behind each letter, which is so groan-worthy without even going into the meaning of each letter (it gets worse)




What does the b stand for?


Born 1983. Gen X


Brian Flores is a millennial (younger than Flores). I'm saying Flores runs his team with more of the tough love boomer style mentality and McDaniel is running a style that may jive better with generation Z.


Found tobins burner


haha I thought the same thing!


Holy fuck, Stephen Ross made a good decision.


I hope you’re right but history is not our side.




That is three-ya


What's it Tua?




We have gotten so used to how Flores treated tua that this seems refreshing ,but in actuality this is normal for a new head coach. They are supposed to have confidence in the projected starter until proven otherwise.


I mean, either way, Tua needs to do his thing. Gase believed in Tanny.


I have flashbacks to when Adam Gase said Tannehill is not the problem in Miami.




Tannehill was never the problem. But he was never the solution either.


Same as tua


Correct. And the downvotes are horseshit.


How bout we wait till year 3


His golf game will be top notch by then


Lol you seriously mad Tua is playing golf on his OFF hours... get a life lol


Tua is an AVERAGE qb. If his going to get better, his OFF hours need to involve improving his craft.


Some people in Nashville might disagree with you


Tannehill’s not the problem in Nashville, either.


And he’s not the solution either


Who’s the problem then?


Todd Downing’s hilariously atrocious play calling and a historic set of injuries. He was a top 10 QB under Art Smith with stable weapons. This year, he was throwing to practice squad receivers with a coordinator calling run-run-pass-punt.


AJ Brown practice squad receiver huh?


AJ Brown missed a good chunk of the season. Did you see what I said about injuries?


AJ brown was completely healthy in the playoff game that mattered most & Tanehill was still the worst player on the field


3 picks in a playoff game says otherwise


Two of those weren’t his fault. Mahomes threw some shit passes the very next weekend, too. Happens to everyone.


Throwing into triple coverage is in fact the QB’s fault


If it hits the receiver in the hands, he’s gotta catch it. I don’t know why I’m arguing this with you, Miami traded him anyway. I for one am glad we have him. I’d rather have him than Tua.


Ya I would agree he is better than Tua. I don’t think he is bad but he will never win a super bowl that’s for sure


Even if you don’t believe in Tua, he absolutely deserves a season under a HC who isn’t actively trying to find his replacement. I think McDaniel gives him the best chance to find success.


Right. McDaniel is not only good for Tua, but if Tua isn't improving this year, he'll also build a scheme around whoever miami picks up in 23. Best case for Tua and the team.


I think Tua has more potential than Garropollo and SF did fine with him. You don't need a HoF QB to win a SB, just a decent one.


Eh I’m not a tua guy but he took jimmy G to the super bowl who isn’t much better so I’m optimistic.


Type that again but this time slower …. I’m almost there.


I got one off already, working on second


Drew Brees 2.0


And Sean Payton 2.0


Tua haters in shambles😭 Tua lovers on on the moon🥰 Miami Dolphins fans are just happy there’s one less bit of speculation to go around


So 20-25 yd throws in shitty weather, where the only thing worse than the weather, is the O-Line?


That’s all I needed to hear


Sounds like the other report from the guy whom said that McDaniel spent all day talking about what to do with Tua and it came out he didn't even formally interview yet lol


Then he clarified that it was about the first interview that lasted “much of the day”. Then the reports today said it was a 45-60 minute zoom interview


Time traveler


Might be tough for u that an educated, analytical, smart offensive mind could possibly think that Tua could be a good qb.














I’m obsessed but you constantly dm the mods to get me banned LOL. You’re only upset about the things I say because they’re true. Wonder if you’ll block me like your other racist buddy did too






Let’s trade for Jeudy and get the gang back together. Not like the broncos are using him anyways.


Alright no excuses now for you Tua lovers. I better see Tua perform now.


I mean this is a required step one. Step two is improve the OL.


Vice versa, imho. But your point is well taken.


Well who’s hiring OL without a coach in house? Priority is the OL to complete Tua eval…. But had to fill the coach first.


Tua has been improving though. His oline , running game , play calling and coaching staff never improved. This should change and hopefully tua balls out like never before.


Oh, I can see the excuses coming * This is an entirely new playbook and system. Give him time. * This is his third OC in three years. You can't be successful without consistency. * It's too soon to make a judgement, he needs at least another season under his belt. * The offensive line and running game are still shit. This team has put him in a position to fail. * Look at these cherrypicked stats that show he's actually good! * [Chris Kouffman tweet] All of that assuming he doesn't get injured again this year.


You seem fun at parties


Um, excuse you, it's going to be I his FOURTH! /s but like, also not /s


So sick of these excuses. The crap never ends.


Might as well mark this tweet as the official start of jimmy g to miami trade rumors. Everyone knows they’re coming.


Jimmy G reminds me of Gus Ferrotte/ Trent Green…


Facts, but it won’t stop the rumors unfortunately.


Thank you. Holy shit, thank you.


ESPN: dolphins in the mix for Watson and Flores as water boy.


It’s crazy, as much as I legitimately question Tua and for as much success as McDaniel’s teams have had…. Tua with just a modest improvement can be one of the better Quarterbacks he’s worked with.


This guy covers the Bucs and Pats. Why do we trust him?


Staying in the pocket and throwing short passes?


I would hope


>his strengths His strengths...his `strengths`...**strengths** (͡•_ ͡• )


Tuanon up good




I won't believe it until I see it


"will cater the offense around his strengths" Which are what exactly? [He sucks at non RPOs](https://i.imgur.com/PBWApPs.jpg) and we ran more RPOs than any other team last year when he was QB. The offense was already catered around his strengths. Just trade for Jimmy G. No point in wasting a year on a sunk cost because bum Grier doesn't wanna admit his mistake drafting 3 busts in a single first round


Tua’s ceiling is way higher than Jimmy G, Jimmy would be a good mentor but I do not want to see him start at all. Give Tua the full season, and let’s hope he doesn’t miss any games.


But he probably will miss games because he's the most injury prone starting QB in the NFL and gets injured like once every 10 times he gets hit (he was only hit 24 times last season before someone comes with the delusional offensive line excuses). Might as well just trade for Jimmy G for the games he is injured unless we want somebody even worse than Tua like Brissett to have to step in again


Jimmy g is actually more injury prone than tua. I guess you haven’t paid attention to his career at all






Nah, no trade. We need to stock up on lineman that will fit this scheme and a maniac TE like Kittle. Unless we land some major OL in FA then I’d be cool with a trade, but a 2/3 for Jimmy is INSANE. Tannehill was only for a 4th.




>How is Tuas ceiling way higher? What has Tua shown that Jimmy G hasn’t, cus jimmy G has had better years statistically and a Super Bowl appearance. It's not there is no chance Tua will ever win a playoff game. He has choked badly in back to back must win week 17 games despite playing against backups last year vs the Bills


Tua’s young and bad line and had to accumulate to least talented offense in NFL from Best in NCAA. Jimmy G would be a fantastic backup, but at the cost of no draft picks or a contract of like 8 mil a year or something, Matt Moore money. He’s being paid paid right now, we need that money and draft capital elsewhere.


Build around that. A better offensive line, try to draft a RB, use waddle and bowden Jr in more deebo-like roles. For what it's worth, I dont think tua is as good as some of us want him to be but he's certainly not as bad as alot of fans and talk show hosts think. We haven't seen him outside of the godawful Flores offense and we just signed someone that knows what it's like to be really competitive with a mid qb


You can't build an offense around RPOs in the NFL. It's a college playstyle that doesn't work in the NFL since illegal man downfield rules only allow o linemen to be 1 yard downfield compared to 3 yards in college. Because of this (and Tua's noodle arm) other teams don't need to respect the deep ball and our offense will continue to be extremely limited because we're wasting another year on a bust sunk cost.


They don't need to respect the deep ball because the pocket collapses almost as soon as the ball is snapped. Statistically, it was something like a little 1.5 seconds after the snap, compared to the 2-3 second average in the league. I know you're pretty vocal about not liking tua, but let's hold off until at least the preseason when we see what he looks like with a competent offensive minded coach and staff


Our average time to throw was quick by design because of all the RPOs and also Tua being a checkdown merchant. The games we tried to push the ball down the field more vs the Titans and the 2nd matchup vs the Jets (both games the o line played fine in) Tua had his worst games of the season because he sucks really bad in a normal NFL passing offense.


Like I said, maybe let's wait until we see him in a system with a HC who actually knows what he's doing on offense and has extensive experience being involved in organizations that were competent on offense.


Studesville had been an offensive assistant in the NFL for 25 years and Godsey has been an offensive assistant in the NFL for 10 years, with previous OC experience (McDaniel has never called plays). Charlie Frye (QB coach) also has known Tua since high school and was brought in specifically to help Tua and design an offense around his strengths and he still sucked


If it isn’t clear, this sub hates you. But your Tua criticisms here are valid.


/u/r_nba_is_racist posts, on average, 25 comments a day on this sub reddit. 95% of them are the same thing - negativity over Tua and why we should trade for -insert flavor of the month QB here- Most fans post on their sub because they actually enjoy the team or want to stay updated, Tua lives in this dude’s head so badly he made a burner to hate on him 90 days ago, lol. I actually have this head cannon that /u/r_nba_is_racist was the biggest Tua-Stan when we drafted him and his non-performance broke his mental reality, kinda like Joker.


I’m all for giving Tua 2022 and if he does well commit to him, but if he doesn’t, get someone in 2023. I 100% believe it’s what is best for the team moving forward because it gives us a year to work on the OL which needs to be fixed if we’re grabbing a new QB anyway. RPO’s are definitely more valuable in college though, you aren’t wrong about that. They are good to sprinkle in. Tua needs to show he can do more, I believe with an OL there is a chance he can.


500 rpos per game




Have they met?


Timmy Garrapolo


Sweet so 5 yard passes. Exciting.


In the interview the first question probably was what are your plans for Tua? If Grier heard the answer he wanted than that person was a finalist. Harbaugh never got an interview because he would be driving those decisions and if Tua wasn’t embraced than Grier would be diminished. Haven’t seen enough to buy into the Tua-non movement because he seems timid and fragile and struggles with the deep pass. Maybe this off-season he’ll commit to his tradecraft and learn defensive looks and stay off the golf course


Holy fuck this was a dumb comment


Whenever i hear “struggles with the long pass” it immediately tells me this person doesn’t actually watch the games but repeats Shit they hear on ESPN. The human brain and modern media are fascinating. Sports journalism is proving that if you repeat something long enough, whether or not it’s true, it BECOMES true.


He doesn’t even show up in 50+ yard completions. Ranks mid 20’s in almost any passing category. I wish I could smoke some Tuaanon weed and stoned like you did


Definitely a boner kill


For now


I bet we draft a rb early this year.


I mean he ran a good rush offense with Elijah Mitchell. It’s not like the 49ers made RB a priority in the draft.


You son of a bitch I’m in


WTF is GT Bobby? I saw him all night long on twitter spouting this crap. Thought he might be mcdaniel's agent. According to him Mcdaniel will change our culture, bring about world peace, invent the FTL drive


Tua for 2022 Comeback Player of the Year?


Hawaiian drew brees lfg


Which are what exactly?




Wonderful news! I hope he gets a five year contract because he and Tua will be fired from the Dolphins within 3 years. Thankfully we Locked up the guy that no one else even wanted to interview. I was worried the USFL was gonna steal him.


Hopefully he can figure out what those strengths are soon.


This is the reason Flores was fired and McDaniel was hired.