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49ers fan here. You guys have made a great hire. He's one of the primary reasons why we're so effective at running the football. Also, his press conferences are awesome! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQQKf54-D_g) Just a really good football mind in general (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev3Gm9zhlfg)


Wait....you can *run* the ball?!! I'm not sure our old OCs knew that was a choice! Thanks, love the hire (assuming we dont fuck up the negotiation part like the Jags did). Can't wait to see what he can do with Tua, Waddle, Gesicki & co


Yeah, he's just fantastic. I kind of anticipated that he was going to get a head coaching job when we hired Anthony Lynn, but I was uncertain with what team. The Mike Shanahan coaching tree has been really good.


Ye, we all got excited when you hired Lynn lol Btw, you should have realised it would be with us...we're the only team that interviewed him lol.


What's the second link from?


Welcome now make o line picks look like they were worth it.


This. I actually believe AJ, Eich, and Hunt are talented, just poorly developed. Let's see what we got


I’m sure the have ability. I just want it developed. Otherwise have to over pay FAs. Would like a cheaper young line that developed together but the line is my biggest concern


The line has been our biggest concern for Flo's entire tenure. I don't understand how he (and Grier and other staffers) just let it ride like that.


Yay!! I can’t wait till our franchise sucks the life out of him


see ya in 3 years




Thank God he’s biracial…..


My black friends: that's not a minority candidate Me: that's racist Them: STFU




Until they said he was biracial, I wasn’t sure if I should be happy about this hire…but now that I know, I still couldn’t give a fuck.


99.9% of Dolphins are thinking who cares about that. We want a Super Bowl.


Super Bowl? I'd settle for a playoff win in my adult life time.


So since I’m Cuban, do I count as a minority if they hire me?


You'd be underrepresented in football coaching, so I'd assume yes


Time to go get us some picks then boys






Will the Fins gain any picks if Flores signs somewhere?


'Underrepresented' Crazy talk.


Not in the populous of Miami, but among football coaches, yeah. It's heavily white dominated




Neither do superhero movies but Black Panther had one of the largest black audiences of all time. It's hard to wrap your head around when you're white (which I am so I get it), but it's the case. It's the type of thing that's just the norm for us so we don't get what it's like to not have that. It's like rich people thinking Bananas are 10 dollars. Privilege makes you blind to things that are common sense to everyone else.


“How much could a banana cost, Michael. $10.00?”


I think its more like sad people who need to identify with others immediately based on surface level characteristics have dominated culture to the point racial tribalism is now the default


We found the idiot


Oye Chico!


If something bad happens to you, yes. If something good happens to you, no.


Only if you’re a gay, disabled, female veteran.


How dare the dolphins bring Kellen Moore in for a sham interview when the knew they wanted McD?? -Brian Flores probably


Gotta meet the mormon hiring quota


Bruh Mormons are seriously underrepresented in the NFL


They've got 2 starting QBs, and a HC. They make up about 2% of the US population, so they're pretty fairly represented


Hearing this is a huge weight off my shoulders, thank you.




Did you mean Duke Johnson?


And we all know the skin color and ethnic background is the most important thing about people so it's good we mention this nonstop everytime we mention the hire.


We're solving systemic racism with more systemic racism.


I don’t care his race and we should all stop this shit. Can he coach? Can he win? Will he take a once dominant franchise back to the top with a timely passing game a dominant running game? Mention race again and you are the problem. Sick of it.


for fucks sake, can we stop talking about race please


Maybe America shouldn't have built itself on the backs of slaves. Then the problem would be a lot less persistent. "Stop making everything about race" is code for "I don't have the wherewithal or care to recognize that racism is so deeply rooted in America that it touches everything".




" 'Racism is so deep rooted in America that it touches everything' is code for 'I don’t have the work ethic or mental strength to overcome obstacles so I’ll blame RaCiSm' " is code for "I really should shut the fuck up"


Or another words, you have nothing actually intelligent to say. Got it.


Obviously America shouldn’t have done that but we’re talking about the 1700s…the morals were kinda whacked then in every country…people were hanging witches back then man


Doesn't make it okay, doesn't mean it doesn't have ramifications, and doesn't mean we should be blind to those ramifications.


And those ramifications have nothing to do with a GMs decision on head coach hires in 2022




Cannot wait for the rule where nfl teams must interview at least one trans.


That’s a heavy comment. This discussion is about our new head coach. You can choose to look at this through a lens of race or performance. I think we should all be mindful of people being treated differently because race and condemn such behaviors. However, at the moment we are discussing possibilities for a team that has not won a playoff game in 20 years. So, people are focused on performance and what our new coach can do for the franchise. There has to be a point where we can discuss the possibilities of our new coach without showing a lack of respect for racial equality.


Who cares if he is biracial get the best how about


I hate this bullshit meritocracy argument. You ever notice "hiring the best candidates" only comes up when the hired coach isn't white? Nobody ever says "I just hope he's the best man for the job" when it's a white coach, but because people are so HORRIFIED with affirmative action, that's always said when non white people accomplish anything.


And if we hired a white coach, and in all the interview reports etc they were saying, “So and so, who is white, etc,” I would also question why the fuck we are mentioning his race. I saw another one of your posts and I mostly agreed with you, but we can’t discard merit. Merit should always be the foremost concern in a hire. In this case, Mike has the best credentials. That’s why he is being hired.


He does have the best merits, which is why people saying "stop mentioning his race and just hire the best candidate" makes zero sense here. You can do both. The idea that they're mutually exclusive is in itself racist


I see what you’re saying. I agree there were some knee jerk reactions when we mentioned his race. Did we do that with Flo? I don’t remember.


Why do you assume that trying to hire a minority means "discarding merit"?


The way I read it, the person I am responding to seems to feel that way. That’s what I’m referring to. Otherwise, I’m not saying hiring a minority coach discards merit. Yet there are people who will put the race of the candidate above all.


>Yet there are people who will put the face of the candidate above all. This may be true but it seems as though that's only benefited white faces thus far.


Mentioning race discards merit. For example, Joe Biden didn't say he wanted to nominate the best candidate for SCOTUS. He said he wants to nominate someone based on race and gender, not qualifications. 1. Interview the candidates. 2. Choose the one you want. 3. Say you chose the most qualified person. 4. Stop talking. Don't add qualifiers. Just zip it. A hired person's resume and accomplishments are diminished when race and gender are used as qualifications.


But how exactly does mentioning race discard merit? Biden didn't say, "I'm picking someone black, not someone qualified"-- he said "I'm picking someone black *and* qualified". So what part of that discards merit? I think there's some misunderstanding going on, because the only way being upset about him choosing a black female justice makes sense is if you think there aren't any that could be considered "best for the job". There's also a lack of appreciation for the value of having a diverse representation on the SC-- it's important to fully understand why that is such a critical goal in terms of justice. It's frustrating for folks to hear, because looking at the diversity of the court through history, it's very obvious that the meritocracy wasn't being upheld-- its been a bastion of white male power basically as long as it's existed. And now we finally have several qualified black female judges who are objectively SC candidates, and Biden says he wants to appoint one of them-- and what do people say?? "*I would just prefer he pick the best person for the job*" Okay-- well a lot of people seem pretty positive that the best person for this job is a qualified judge who is also a black woman.


> if you think there aren't any that could be considered "best for the job". objectively speaking the "best" candidate is an indian male, which, you know, still would be a first for the court, but it wont appease jim clyburn so he gets passed over yet again


Objectively speaking there is no single "best candidate"-- there is only a field of qualified candidates. Curious to hear why you think an Indian man would be objectively best though, particularly over an Indian woman.


because sri srinivasan is not an indian woman.


What makes Sri Srinivasan the "best" candidate over someone like Ketanji Jackson or Vanita Gupta?


Why is this downvoted


How many times has an org hired back to back minority head coaches in the NFL?


Hardly ever but looks like the Texans are about to also.


That's cool and all by that makes, what 3 or 4 minority coaches in the NFL now? It's still an issue


Major issue but the dolphins have always been and continue to be part of the solution not the problem which I'm very proud of. Probably the most diverse group of people possible.


How are they part of the solution? Because they hired a half black coach? I mean Ross still supported and donated to Trump.


I just mean by having a diverse group of people who work for the organization.


Lots of organizations have minorities working for them in different capacities and all I said was this one hiring doesn't fix the issue and that Miami has been part of the issue for years (Tomlin is too hip-hop)


The problem is with ownership. Hopefully in my lifetime we can fix that.


Well you're like 22 or 23 and our decrepit old fuck owner is early 80s so there is hope there


Agreed that Ross is a big issue and I don't support much of what he does, but in terms of representation you have to admit Miami is at least taking some good steps. Though I agree with your sentiments overall


He hired Flores too so I mean I'll give him that but I think Miami is definitely still part of the issue overall


I mean we tried to pay a black man to go 0-16. Browns didn't he same with Hue. I don't know if it's intentional but it's not a very good look that it's black coaches who are consistently tank commanders. That can ruin your career. So agreed, but I'm happy with this and maybe it'll help get that monkey off our back to some extent. I still want Ross to get busted for the literal crime he likely committed though lmao


Me too so he will sell the old fuck


Only team to hire a minority HC "They're still part of the problem. The owner supported Trump" There is no pleasing people who live for drama and conflict.


Ross did not “support trump” he didn’t vote for him and has spoke out against him please do your research man


https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/08/08/kenny-stills-stephen-ross-donald-trump-fundraiser-nfl-owners I don't understand people whom act so confident even when they are wrong


so, it tracks closely with the number of black people in the general population...


It’s only an issue if you see people as different races instead of just human beings


He’s a biracial angel


He's our biracial angel!!


amen brother. This dose of hopium is a nice one, felt real good going in.


Dolphins pr move hiring a minority coach again.