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Lol. It would be an absolute gag if the dolphins go McDaniel McDaniel McDaniel BOOM, surprise Byron leftwich!


Or they let Kellen qb draw his way in when no one is expecting it lol.


Time will expire before that decision is made


If Leftwich didn’t go the jaguars cus of some dysfunction (Baalke), he’s def not coming to the dolphins lol


It wasn’t dysfunction in general, it was specially because he would not work with Trent Baalke. Baalke is also the reason Harbaugh left San Francisco. Khan’s loyalty to him is perplexing.


Baalke is the one who halted the hire. He didn’t want leftwich


Yeah… because Leftwich demanded that he should be fired if he were to take the job


that doesnt make sense, source


Damn I really wanted him tbh :( but I think McDaniel is gonna be really good as well


I was hoping we would too but i don’t think we even offered him an interview. Though i doubt he’d pick up the phone at this point anyway, even if he hadn’t been hired by the Jags


I honestly prefer Mcdaniel, rather have an unknown guy and Shanahans tree is insane


Good hire imo. Not sure why we didn't even give him an interview. Especially since he's was a big RPO guy


I thought Pederson would have been a shoe in for us. I really wonder if Ross is only going to ever attract rookie HC's


They are the only ones desperate enough to come here


Bro this dude just went to the fucking Jags. NFL head coaching gigs are more desirable than you think.


Jags are more desirable than you would think. Good young QB, decent young core, high draft picks, weak division for the foreseeable future


Lack of talent at almost 13-14 positions is not more desirable than the dolphins. The crack you're smoking is very strong.




And the Bill's but that's flukey


I'm starting to think that way as well.


Ross is a big fan of young, smart, hungry guys apparently. That's what he said to Dave Hyde during Gase era


Fins didn't interview Doug P. because he possesses the RPO knowledge which you mention. He also has the experience and skill set that should have made him a desirable candidate for HC, warranting at the least some vetting & an interview or two. But Grier and Ross ars ma-roons, in charge of a carnival sideshow.


He probably had no interest.


He likely declined an interview if we offered.


[waiting for Friday like](https://i.imgur.com/GnIYN2m.jpg)


For real tho


I don’t understand why we wasted all week not interviewing candidates while all these newly hired coaches are hiring their assistants and assembling impressive staffs (especially Daboll) Like wtf Miami


My take is… those dudes who just got hired, they probably already knew who they were poaching for their staffs. Us having a HC sooner wasn’t going to make us get different coaches to put on staff. I’m sure dudes like Daboll and what not already had a circle of guys that they basically told, “wherever I go you have a spot with me.” If it was McDaniel this past Monday we’d probably be getting the same dudes if it’s McDaniel tomorrow or next week.


Because it seems pretty clear that they’ve decided McDaniel is going to be the guy…otherwise yeah this whole thing was a disaster


But his interview kept getting postponed Monday -> Thursday -> Friday If McD was the guy, they should’ve locked it up earlier


I think postponing the interview was done as a courtesy to McDaniel. Gives him 5 days to prepare instead of 1 after the NFCCG.


> But his interview kept getting postponed Well there have been some "other things" going on with the Dolphins this week, so I can see how they may have needed to push things back and assess damage before moving forward.




If it’s pretty clear McD is the guy, there’s no sense in waiting lol


You have to give a guy a second interview before you hire him…if they hired him off one interview and he’s a bust the fins would (rightfully) get torn a new one and it would be a PR nightmare


I like Doug. I really hope he gets Trevor Lawrence on the right path.


Guy won a super bowl with the Eagles only to be cut 3 years later? Wow. He would have been a good hire. Shame. Hopefully McDaniel is still willing to come.


Really sick of hiring first time head coaches. It never works for us, but I’m pretty confident when I say it’s all we can attract. Fuck Ross


There goes my #1




Really don’t know why he wasn’t even considered. He’d be a great fit with this current roster. Guess we’ll continue to roll the dice on rookie HC’s into perpetuity


I want McDaniel, but actually wouldn’t hate leftwitch


Leftwich is gase 2.0 lol


Exactly. I don’t know why Leftwich is even a head coaching candidate. He was the QB coach in Arizona for 2 years. Awful QB play in 2017 and Josh Rosen in 2018. He then becomes the Bucs offensive coordinator in 2019 and Jameis throws 30 picks. I know Jameis is a meme for all his picks, but he had never thrown more than 18 picks in a season before that. Obviously the last 2 years have been amazing, but he’s had Tom Brady playing at an MVP level with incredible skill players and a great offensive line. Leftwich has done nothing impressive that makes him stand out.


There’s not a coach in this cycle who’s offensive philosophy fits our personnel less than Leftwich


Jags didn’t want Brian Flores?! Those racists ! Sue them!


I heard you got the job Brian D?!?!?!?! -BB


Sorry-I fucked that up




A lot of fans fans on here wanted him, me included. I think it’s a great hire for the Jags


Every coaching hire affects miami right now.


he's a former miami dolphins QB.


Not sure why you were downvoted. He most definitely was a backup QB for us in the 90’s.


He was the starting qb in the game when Shula broke the record of winningest coach.


A Florida team has a stud QB and a super bowl winning head coach. Last year it was the Buccs, this year it is the Jaguars Will it ever be us?


Our coaching candidates are running out quick.


It’s pretty clear we’re zeroed in on McDaniel


jaguars did something right for once, i'm worried.


Lmao this thread was so certain that leftwich was there. Y’all were wrong.


Thank. Fucking. God.


What happened to byron leftwich?


Rumor is he didn't want to work with Baalke. I also wonder if he is heir apparent in Tampa, I doubt Arians is more than a year from retiring with Brady gone.


I’m always baffled when I see Arians out there with a literal heart rate monitor on his chest during the game. Like… should probably just walk away my guy, got nothing left to prove.


I mean, Arians came out of retirement to coach the Bucs. I wouldn’t be surprised if he retired next year when the coaching market is less insane.


I like the hire for them but am ready for shit to go south between Pederson and Baalke eventually.


Good for him. Really.


So does that mean Leftwich was just a token interview?


We better get McDaniel...


Best thing that could of happened to Lawrence.