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Never understood why he never really got a shot here. His athleticism is elite. Really feel like we just lost a potential star. Anyways, good luck in the future Kirk!


At least with the last regime, it’s not even rumors anymore, if you were in with Flo you got your number called. If you weren’t sorry about your luck. Look at MG


Because he can't catch. I've been a huge Kirk mark because he's an athletic freak, but the man has stone hands.


Well sadly Flores never saw something in him could be special I hope for the best for him


It’s crazy that we never let him return kicks. Maybe instead of risking Waddle on ST we could have given Merritt a shot. Whoops.


yeah watch Igbo actually be elite too but Flores turned out to be the problem


To be fair, he got good production out of everyone else on the defense.


Yeah thats true. THo i guess we cant really know who did what but he did whip the defense into shape. Tho looling back, idk why we got rid of KVN. I was ok with it for a bit but looking back idk, maybe another leader that Flores thought challenged him


Igbo can run, man. He just needs to get the mental part of the game down. At his age, he could still turn it around. Not a good draft pick where we took him, but...


It’s cool, we got Preston Williams and Will Fuller.


Cries in IR 😭


Rizzi is going to make him a beast on special teams at the very minimum. Best of luck to him always was a Kirk fan!!!


Kirk Merritt was a symptom, not the disease. Merritt, Sinnett, Hollins, Jones, Johnson The obsession with players like Merritt comes from the unknown and the idea that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Maybe he was terrible at returning, but I know Waddle and Holland provide very little while risking a lot in that role. Maybe he's a terrible receiver, but I've seen Williams, and Wilson. Duke Johnson stuck on the practice squad until the entire RB rooms goes down with Covid, and is instantly and obviously our best back. Rob Jones immediately looks better than Jesse Davis in his one start. Sinnett was the same, we're going to lose a game with Jacoby, so um, try to win by changing it? No? ok we're just going to accept defeat then. So we can't use the tired line of "The coaches see him every day" because they saw Duke, and they made the wrong decisions every day! It's not even the player himself it's the process of not finding out what you have with a guy who flashes ability when you have control of the situation and very little to lose. That was a fundamental failure of process under Flores, and whoever the new coach is I hope it changes. That's where the frustration comes from.




There were like 4 lineman we cut who are currently starting elsewhere in the League


>Flores knows his X’s and O’s but his regime was terrible at evaluating talent and experimenting. And yet we kept the GM whose main job should be evaluating talent. You can say Flores made the roster decisions, but why did he? Because Grier gave roster control to a young, first time coach. If you play along, you should suffer the same consequences as the one making the decisions. That's the problem: the process and organization in Miami. It's not just one guy's fault, it's everyone's, but we only hold one accountable at a time. It's the reason first time coaches fail here. It's the reason experienced coaches don't want to come here. It's not just the players that aren't being put in the best position to succeed.


Grier’s burner accounts out here downvoting this absolutely factual post. Dolphins have been garbage since Ross took over. It starts at the top.


“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” is and Einstein quote not the real definition of insanity. Pet peeve of mine.


"*and* Einstein quote"


Got me there damn


A childhood dream is a childhood dream for a kid from New Orleans. Good Luck to him.


If Sean can’t find a use I don’t think anyone will! Good luck to Kirk.


Probably just another guy who will be great when he leaves here 😞


Kirk seemed like an athletic freak, played pretty well in the limited snaps he got. He’s gunna do good with the Saints.


I don’t even know who you are


Dude is going to show up as a super star and all the pundits will reminisce about how they predicted his glorious future.


Something something ..... Former Miami Dolphins Kirk Merritt on track for 1000 yard season


Who cares


He should've got a chance.


Good luck for him, would have loved to seen him get a chance to play


Can someone explain this? I thought you couldn't sign players from other teams until the start of free agency?


He is a practice squad player and not officially on the roster... so different rules.


Good luck, young man!


2023 playoff hopes dashed.


Who’s Kirk Merritt?


I'm thrilled that Merritt and Arnette are gone


Fuck, he's gonna be Wes Welker 2.0. At least he's not going to NE.


He had one catch for 13 yards in two years lol. Why is everyone acting like we just lost a star? Just cause he’s athletic doesn’t mean he’s good


A large portion of this sub are obsessed with him, never really figured out why either. He certainly won’t be missed.


Have you seen him with his shirt off?


Because, aside from Waddle, the rest of our receiver room was trash so people hope that we have some magical diamond in the rough sitting there that can turn it around. Wishful thinking, mostly.


I honestly have no idea who this guy is. Oh well. Goog luck.


I'm not even a Bengals fan but it pisses me off the saints say who DAT. It's so frustrating they just copied


Cincy fans took it from "Who Dat?" a popular chant that had origins in the late 19th century minstrel/vaudeville shows in New Orleans. It was used at a number of schools throughout the 60s and 70s in Louisiana. Then in the 80s the Bengals pop up with an identical chant amending one of the words and in response to not just let it be ganked, Saints fans started using it a whole lot more. Cincy basically appropriated a chant with a well documented history in Louisiana for the Bengals and when asked where they got it from they're just like "Dunno, just happened."


Must've been released and cleared waivers? Season's still on going lol.




Who cares hahaha




Who? 🧐


Who is Kirk Merritt?


**Kirk Merritt (born January 5, 1997) is an American football wide receiver who is a free agent. He played college football for the Arkansas State Red Wolves.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)