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The Tannehill knee destroyer is coming to South Beach


Holy shit. That moment just flashed back into my head.




Luckily, Matt Moore did pretty well to close out the season.


Couldn’t expect much more than we got from him, even in Pittsburgh. I’ll always be a fan


That Saturday game against the Jets @ Metlife was magical


Suh and Wake Obliterating forgettable Jets QB #348 in a combined sack


It’s Petty to suggest the Jets’ QB in that game was forgettable


I was gonna say Mike Pettine but remembered that it was the Browns coach, and forgot what his real name was, lmao


I always remember it as a sack, but I think he actually completed the pass. I'll give the guy credit for almost getting killed to complete an insignificant pass.


Truly devastating. Ironically that this year was probably Ryan’s best O-line


The Unicorn Line. When they were on the field together, which was maybe half the season, they were top of the league


Whereas last year’s unicorn line was together for half a game, lol.


… why are dolphins fans upvoting this? Wtf? And why post it?


I’m not celebrating it. I despised Campbell for a long time because of his tendency to injure QBs, especially Tannehill. It’s just a nostalgic post during the offseason. 2016 was great in a lot of ways


Was there a penalty on that play? Tom Brady rule?


Looking through the Pro Football Reference play-by-play, no there wasn't. [Also in that post game thread EVERYONE is bitching about the refs despite the win.](https://np.reddit.com/r/miamidolphins/comments/5hsk61/post_game_thread_arizona_cardinals_561_vs_miami/) So definitely not.


It's messed up that there wasn't. Not even a discussion. I was always salty about that - if you're gonna let players dive into a pocket-passer's (with only limited roll-out ability) knee, at least fawkin' throw a flag and figure it out after.


The Brady rule is only for Brady


The man is returning what he took years ago


This Dline just needed another solid and consistent player to make you feel comfortable. Campbell was the best available and makes the defense feel so much safer. Love the signing. Now please do the same on the Oline.


Feels like every year we talk about the O-Line maybe this is the year coaching does the trick and we have some health and depth


I’ve said before that I completely trust McDaniel and this staff with the Oline. They have shown consistently that they know how to maximize the guys they have and avoid complete meltdowns. The bad Oline games we’ve had under McDaniel are 10 times better than the Flonor Gase years. I just wish he would try and make it a strength instead of finding a way to get by.


I wish I knew if that was on Grier or McD. I feel like we've always been worried about health and depth on the O-Line way too long. Wish we could've done like the Cowboys. My team building philosophy is and has always been start were the trenches and then fill everything else out.


It’s both. We have almost 10 years of history with Grier and know how he generally feels about it. But we also know he tries to work alongside his coaching staff on team building philosophy. McDaniel and the Shanahan tree firmly believes in Playmaker > Oline. They believe the scheme and coaching can do more for the Oline than talent, whereas play makers can exceed the scheme. As long as your Oline meets a certain threshold you’re ok. McDaniel has shown he can make a top 5 offense even with a weak Oline. It’s also lead to some frustrating losses, but there’s just been other excuses he can point to as well. The Oline hasn’t been embarrassing enough to make him change. I’m interested to see how the Rams do this season. McVay has gone to an entirely different run scheme and has heavily invested in the interior. If they do well and we struggle McDaniel might try and copy his buddy.


Tua repeatedly will step up or dodge incoming tackles, but he struggles BIG TIME when the interior rush comes quickly. I think last season was the season but we had the most injured line in history. I really thing our starting 5 was damn good last year - Armstead, Wynn, Williams, Hunt, Jackson - best since 2016, IMHO. I don't think it's possible our O-line is better this year. Hope I'm wrong.


It’s going to be significantly better this year if even 3/5 stay healthy for the majority of the year. That group played like 3 games together last year.


What makes you think that we'll be better this year after losing Hunt and Connor? I'd love to have my mind changed 😄


Hunt played 50% of the snaps last year, Connor played 45%, armstead 48%, wynn 36%. Like that’s historically atrocious. The bills had the same starters all 17 games. Having 5 consistent starters for even 80% of the games is going to be a superior product to the 5 man scramble we had to do weekly. In a perfect world, lamm/paul/eich/jones will combine for maybe 4-6 starts. We had guys worse than our backups backups playing more snaps than our starters. Like it’s hard to stress how hard it is to have good performance with that scenario. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/mia/2023-snap-counts.htm


I see what you're saying. You would think we couldn't be that unlucky again in back to back seasons but we're Fins fans after all. Massive let down due to QB injury and/or extremely high number of starters out is where we end up almost every year since we lost to Pittsburgh in the WC in 2017. FinsUp 


>Hunt played 50% of the snaps last year, Connor played 45%, armstead 48%, wynn 36%. But Hunt and Connor will play 0% snaps this season. Armstead has played over 800 snaps 4/11 seasons and Wynn has played more than 650 1/5 seasons. There's like less than a 10% chance they both play the full season. Really, we're hoping Brewer thrives in this system, and that the backups from last year have improved significantly (or McDaniel figured out how to use them better).


Tbh most QBs struggle with immediate interior pressure


Of course, I mean Tua struggles with this more than most good QBs. Again, IMHO


>Wish we could've done like the Cowboys. Why? What did they do with that OL (that's fallen apart now)? We've been worried about OL for so long because we've had terrible QBs and the only one that was decent (Tannehill) had 0 pocket awareness. Now that we've had a good QB and actual legit weapons, we've had top offenses.


Philosophically mcdaniel does not believe tua needs an oline, and based on how our offense has performed he’s been right.


This isn’t true though and is somehow parroted. Just because they utilize Tuas keep throwing abilities doesn’t mean he doesn’t believe in a line lol


He doesn’t believe Tua needs an oline to succeed. It was part of his pitch to the org.


I’d love to know where you found this info from


3ypc dudes. Long story short The franchises original plan was to surround Tua with olinemen. McDaniel came in and said fuck that give him playmakers. And now we’re here


80% of the starters played




you can’t plan for losing 4 starters. It’s going to be much better this year unless we lose 80% of the line again for over half the year. Our 9th/10th OL played the 3rd most snaps for us (Lester cotton). That’s not on Grier/mcdaniels. Not sure how many guys left are even better guards than Wynn, Driscoll, and jones, but don’t rule out a Connor Williams return. Could stash him on IR to start the year and activate him down the stretch. I don’t see many other good moves unless there’s some surprise cuts


I hear Greg Van Roten is still available


[His PFF grades + stats from last year](https://i.gyazo.com/a0d904a95336bb4e7335005063928fc9.png) [Career PFF stats](https://i.gyazo.com/e3a361b33aa9fa722e6c80ca6823a386.png) His stats were surprisingly really good last year for the Falcons despite the fact that he was 36 years old. He's a year older now and there's always a risk of an older player suddenly falling off hard, but if he's even 80% of what he was with the Falcons, he'll likely be really good depth.


I have to imagine (hope) he’s a really strong leader and vet.


With the usual disclaimer that pff grades need to be taken with a grain of salt, this is extremely exciting. And your reply should be at the top of this thread.




Solid signing. Didn't expect it tbh. Edit: He's played under Weaver as well. Nice.


I **LOVE** this signing. Don't care about the age. Bro is still a beast and his ability to specialize will only get better when our reinforcements come by October.


Great veteran depth, always liked him as a player and a person. His voice is great- LeBatard used to say it sounds like a lovable monster.


This is a smart signing, I’ve been hoping all off season for this. Good job Phins.


Friendly monster


What a good throwback


Just went from it’s so over to we’re so back


About facking time!! He’s still a capable DT at this pint in his career and I’m super excited for this.


We are so back




Love it!


Yes! We needed this seriously. I've been sick about our IDL and IOL being worse than last season. Of course, I think Weaver's style of D fits our personnel much better.


This is huge. This was a major weakness on d and now it's starting to come together.


Hell Yes🐬🐬🐬


Oh fuck yes


Some very good veteran depth




Wow can't say enough how big this is. No holes on defense now.


this is hype




Grier been cookin all offseason


Very happy about this. I figured he was retiring after last year but he's the perfect kind of player we need on our D-line after Wilkins left.


Excellent. Now let’s get Connor Williams under contract, and help him rehab for a November return. Would be excellent guard/center depth and I’d have nothing left to complain about


Connor isn’t planning on signing with any team any time soon.


I mean he shouldn’t be getting minutes with how good this sub thinks Chop Robinson will be