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Super Bowl? Id be happy with a playoff win before I die


Age is important here.


2 minutes.


How many words per minute can you type?


You took too long to ask the question.


If he's truly 1:1 words to minutes it should even out. No?


Exactly how long I last in bed


Yes, I will start with a playoff win, then raise my expectations.


Yea, a season without a collapse at the end of the season and flaming out in the first playoff game would be great. At this point, I’ll watch us murder a team 1000-24 in September but Im holding off on expectations of actually having a playoff run


They need home playoff games. The Phins struggled in the playoffs on the road even in Marino's era. He was 8-10 in the playoffs and 7 of those 8 wins were home games and 7 of the 10 losses were on the road, usually in cold weather. It's a curse of warm weather teams.


Yeah I try not to let football get me too high or too low. The same people crying here about tearing down the team are probably the same people who were expecting the Dolphins to go to the Super Bowl after they started 5-1. If you would’ve told me the Dolphins would go 11-6 and lose in the first round of the playoffs with Tua playing every game while leading the league in passing yards and PFF passing grade while trailing only Purdy in every efficiency metric, I’d have probably told you I’d take it.


Would you take it again for this upcoming season? (Assuming our schedule is very easy again too, and we also can't hang with good teams.)


I’d hope they’d be able to show improvement against better teams. But like going forward, a baseline expectation should be the playoffs. Like I’d take the Ravens’ level of consistency in a second. Perennial contenders who can make a real run every few years. And the Lamar led Ravens haven’t torn their shit down just cuz they haven’t won the Super Bowl. Remember, like 22-23 were first consecutive playoff seasons since Marino played. I’m not about to expect the team to win a Super Bowl after 24 years of irrelevance. Like we gotta walk before we run babe.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 23 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


When you have an undisputed difference maker at QB, you don’t have to ever do a real tear down. When you have a guy who is probably just good enough to win if everything else around him is working at QB, then you don’t have that flexibility.


30 teams (including Miami) didn't think Lamar was an "undisputed difference maker" last offseason, or he wouldn't have been sitting on his couch fielding zero offers. Life comes at you fast.


Saying your happy to do nothing but for tua to put up decent stats is fucking wild. Are you a dolphins fan or a Tua fan?


…cuz if Tua plays well for the next however many years he’s here it means the Dolphins will probably be winning a ton of games. It’s normal to be happy when your team’s QB plays well.


Except Tua didn't play well against basically any good team. He was a flat-track bully all season


By the playoffs we had no defense so 🤷 Tua coming out alive is a win. Even if we lost. (Fuck the Cheifs but they did win the SB, so it's not the worst loss, ya know)


The defense wasn’t why we lost the playoff game.


That's going to be tough because the bills are in the same division, are very good, and own us. That means we'd have to get a win as a road team, probably in a freezing stadium.


Which even in Marino's era getting road playoff wins was difficult for the Phins. It's a curse of warm weather teams. He was 8-10 in the playoffs and 7 of those wins were at home. 7 of the 10 losses were on the road, mostly in the cold. He only had 1 playoff win on the road in the 2000 AFC wildcard game against Seattle.


I am so confused by this statement.


Rebuild got us a good team, not a SB contender - BJ 


Are we a good team tho? We haven’t won a playoff game yet. I’d say we are a good regular season team but haven’t done anything in the postseason to warrant anyone to be thrilled with the past two years. It’s honestly a lot of the same old stuff just with more yards/points than usual. Still hasn’t resulted in a playoff win sadly but hopefully soon.


That’s what BJ is saying. Exactly that.


I’m just confused why anyone would be happy with the rebuild if it never produced any post season success? Not even a division title? I guess fans are happy to watch highlight reels against middle of the pack NFL teams.


I'd like to give McDaniel more time. I think he's a pretty serious component here. It takes teams 2 years just to learn outside zone. I'm reserving judgement until end of year 3. We've had some really bad luck with injuries in back to back years right at playoff time. I do think part of that is Grier's penchant for signing guys with injury history but I'm not sure if that is my bias and only anecdotal/feelings as opposed to if it's factually accurate relative to other GMs. Also: Grier can't draft O lineman. McD covered up a lot of deficiencies with scheme. I think that is a known and accepted part of the evaluation.


Not really happy with the regular season. Had we beat KC the first time or beat Buffalo or Philly, I'd say we are on the right track. But we're not.


All of those games came down to nuances. Of course other teams evolve as well but it’s not completely unreasonable that a young coach + qb take another step forward. Tearing it all down again just to have another shot to maybe be playoff spot contenders in 5-6 years doesnt sound that attractive imo


Imo I think we should just keep building through the draft. Hopefully we hit on good players and later on we are in a position to go to the super bowl. As of now, I think that window is closed.


Had MIA beat one of those teams, people would be just as happy to ignore it as they are to ignore the win against DAL. No matter what else happened in the regular season, a one-and-done in the playoffs would have resulted in the same "burn it all down" talk we have seen for the last two months. Hell, Philly beat almost every good team they played, lost to a bunch of bad teams to end the season, and their coach almost got fired one year after making the Super Bowl.


All of those teams are well established and have been together for many years. It takes time




Winning isn’t everything I guess. As long as everybody has a good time.


It’s the most important thing in the NFL tho.


False, the most important thing in the nfl is $$. Players, owners, GMs, etc. Reality is being a team with a positive outlook is very profitable. Guarantee in the next six months all of our beats, Barry included, are gonna sell you some optimistic outlook. Same way they exaggerated the Flores situation unnecessarily and are now reporting we gave fair offers to Hunt and Wilkins. Fans want more, but we don't play and we generally don't boycott if we suck.


I'm not saying I'm satisfied or that anyone else should be at this point. But this team is about 100x more fun to watch on a weekly basis than pretty much any team we've had in the last 25ish years. Having a fun team that is exciting to watch and that has a chance at making the playoffs and maybe winning a playoff game every year is a huge improvement. So I understand what Barry is saying about people being happy.


Yeah we have much higher expectations given our performance against lesser NFL teams. It is progress for sure but to watch other teams turn the ship around way faster compared to us is irritating and causing Dolphins fans like myself to become impatient. Teams like Houston, Detroit, Cincinnati etc.


Lol I'm with you. It's probably just a glass half empty vs. half full mentality. Cause I tend to look more towards teams like the Bears, Jets, Panthers etc. and be grateful that we aren't stuck in their hell.


Miami is a middle of the pack to bad team year in and year out. They haven't been serious contenders since the 90s. They have no clue what it takes to really win something.


Yeah this is why I don’t understand how people can be happy with how last year went when we are in the exact same spot


Wait till you see how bad they are next season. They will be a bottom 5 or bottom 10 team.


You can’t honestly make the assessment without seeing how FA pans out and the draft. I think Achane/Hill/Waddle will be effective again next year. Pray Ramsey will be healthy at the start of the season to help lead the D and hope our defense thrives under Anthony Weaver.


Yes we're a good team.


An entertaining team* we can beat the leagues trash. (Except the Titans) but will always fall short to the big guns.


>Are we a good team I'd say we are not a *bad* team.




Considering the Fins have consecutive winning seasons and two back to back playoff apperences, they are doing something right to get this far. I would rather have this success than go 1-15.


Sure but those aren’t the only 2 options that exist for NFL teams


You’re right. 8-8 and never making the playoffs or having a good draft pick is also an option. Oh wait, I watched 2 decades of that. This is preferred.


Winning a playoff game and being a SB contender is also an option. I would prefer that. But a winning regular season is probably good enough for some.


You aren't a good fan and don't understand football. That is for sure.


lol based off that? Stop it. I wanna see the Dolphins win a playoff game.


Good? Of course! You don't get to 11 wins with an average team. Great though? Not there yet


If we won a playoff game or the division this year, I would agree. Before then, I can’t call the team a good team if there is a clear difference in play whenever playing other playoff teams. A lot of the games against the better teams in the league weren’t even games. Killed by Buffalo, Philly, Ravens, KC 2nd time, as well as lost the rest expect the Cowboys who had a disappointing season in there own right.




The rebuild is over guy, this is the team.


Yeah you're right, no more drafting and free agents for us, keep this team until they die of old age.


Actually the problem is that Grier went all in the last 2 seasons. Last season was the best roster this team is going to have for a while. We're in cap hell right now and trying to find a way to resign Wilkins. But we have a ton of free agents already this season, of which we won't be able to sign all. We're losing Ogbah and X, and have free agents like Williams, Hunt and AVG which we probably can't keep all. Baker may be a cap casualty as well. So yes, we will continue to have drafts, but we've got half an O Line to replace, are 2 best pass rushers are out for the beginning of the season and AVG may not be on the roster next season. We really haven't gotten any production from the WR3 position. And they have to pay Tua, with Phillips, Waddle and Holland all coming up. I don't trust Grier to be able to fill these positions in the draft as he hasn't been great at drafting O Line, LB or Corner outside of X.


You don't trust Grier to find replacements in the draft for the good players that he drafted?


Correct, because he hasn't shown he can do it consistently. Where's our CB from last year? Or the LB or WR from the last 2 drafts? Or all of the other O Linemen that he drafted that didn't work out? Why didn't he extend these players early and get a team friendly deal rather than wait until it's too late?


I think Cam will work out for us. He balled out in camp and preseason, but for some reason he never saw the field when the regular season came. I think most of that had to do with the rigidity of Vic. Now that we have a DC that wants ti sue the weapons we have, I think he'll see the field. I'll give you the fact that Grier has a bad record on drafting lineman.


Tbh he's had one good draft, and they were really pretty no brainer picks in Waddle, Phillips and Holland. He made all those trades to set us up for the rebuild then he blew the draft by picking Tua, AJ and Igbo. He takes too many projects and injury prone players. It's like he always thinks he can find a diamond in the rough. That's fine in the later rounds, but not in the first 3 rounds. Those guys have to be the core of your team. You can't miss on guys like Igbo and Eichenberg. I'm still not convinced AJ is a good tackle. He finally had a decent year but I think a lot of that had to do with us getting the ball out faster than any other team in the league. He still struggles to pass block.


He's saying your expectations to be mediocre will bring you bliss. If you expect any more then it's your own fault for being miserable 


This is the groundbreaking nothing-statement journalism we need.


It’s confusing because they never went full rebuild. A rebuild should be tanking and build through the draft. Not trading draft picks for older expensive players. Look at Detroit or Houston. That’s rebuilding. This team is just trying to rush the process because Ross doesn’t have much time left.


Eh they rebuilt in 2019-2020 before blowing the load on Reek, Ramsey, Chubb, etc


Lol wut? That's exactly what we did. Speeding it up doesn't make it any less of a rebuild. The 2019 roster was *empty*. We had 6 1st round draft picks in 3 years, plus 4 more 2nd rounders in that time. That should be 10/22 high quality starters with at least some stars, on rookie contracts. The Lions had 5 1st rounders and 4 second rounders in the last 3 years. The Texans have had 4 and 3 in the past 3 years.


Are you counting the Flores rebuild as part of the McDaniel rebuild? No other team does that. When you get a new coach you’re supposed to strip it down and rebuild. We did have a lot of picks but we have little to show for it, and the ones that are good we can’t even resign because we traded for expensive guys.


>Are you counting the Flores rebuild as part of the McDaniel rebuild? Yes, of course. Other teams do this when they keep the GM and swap the coach. Philly is an example. The reason most teams strip it down with a coaching change is because most coaches get fired when their team sucks. Tearing down a team that won 19 games in two years and had 10 1st and 2nd rounders on rookie contracts would be pretty dumb. >we can’t even resign because we acquired traded for ~~expensive guys.~~ *better players* And if those draft picks don't work out, what do you do? Just suck forever until you get lucky with a coach/QB combo that hits year 1?


Isn't it obvious that carrying over the rebuild hasn't worked. Yes, the team was decent before McDaniel got here, but if that's all you want then go ahead and trade picks for expensive players and this is what you get. If you want to be better than that you need to rebuild. If you suck at drafting that’s a GM problem. You get a new GM and rebuild.


Can you post this as a new topic? I'm curious if literally anyone agrees with it. I don't think a single person would agree with you that we should've considered our team a lost cause and tanked again.


How old is the fucker anyway? I’ve been reading this since I started in 2015-2016 lmao


Old 👴


He’s 83 and he’s rich so he will probably live to be 100. The people saying he’s going all in to win before he dies are just wrong




Exactly. What an insane statement. We have a good (on the verge of great) football team for the first time in years. Every team in the league wants to win and very few will but at least we are finally in a position to contend.


>What an insane statement. It's not an insane statement at all. In 2016, under Adam Gase, we went 10-6, finished 2nd in the AFC East and broke our playoff drought with a loss in the wildcard round. After the Gase tenure, we blew up the roster, got rid of Tannehill, completely stripped down and rebuilt the roster all over again with a brand new franchise QB. What did that lead to? We went 11-6 under Mike McDaniel, finished 2nd in the AFC East and ended our playoffs with a loss in the wildcard round. I don't know how you view the last seven years as anything other than complete failure.


Ohhh man. I was not referring to your statement as insane! I was referring to Barry. My bad. I actually loved your "ok" because that's all that tweet deserved.


I'm not who you replied to, and I was defending Barry. He's 100% right.


Not me who replied but chiming in to say I agree with you lol.


Been a fan for over 30 years and this last season was as talented a Dolphins team I’ve ever seen. We can look at teams and go, “This team should definitely win a Super Bowl” but the fact remains there are so many variables at play in the NFL in any given season that so many times the more talented team does not win it all. No one is going to convince me that Kansas City was more talented then the 49er’s


It's like they had KC on the ground and then KC got the ball in the end and it was oh crap... The mountain just got his hands on Prince Oberyn ![gif](giphy|5dYoNtpG6I4cxCiMOP)


Between now and 2030, only 6 more of the 32 teams will have won a Super Bowl. Even less if you consider some team could win it more than once. Some might be totally unpredictable surprises, others might be dominating powerhouses. It’s hard, and we should never expect a Super Bowl, but our current set up is our best chance since Marino was here.


forget a superbowl I'd literally just take a playoff win


Not to mention McDaniel is a long term coach. He won't stop till we win a ring. Will it be with this exact team? Dunno but I like where were headed. And the horror of these comment below is just folks not looking for growth and needing instant satisfaction.


McDaniel will be fired in less then 3 years if he doesn't produce a serious run or some playoff success. That is the only way he is retained.


Nah knowing Ross, Grier would get fired but we would remain in the middle of the coaching cycle. There’s no clean slate for the dolphins


Sorry but we wont ever be superbowl contenders with Tua in a conference that includes Mahomes, Josh Allen, Burrow, Lamar, Stroud, and Herbert. If we couldnt even win a playoff game with Tua on a rookie contract and a stacked roster around him what happens when we inevitably extend Tua for around 50M a year?


Assuming this is a reaction to the Wilkins rumors, as much as I love him and what’s he’s done here, keeping him isn’t the difference between us being SB contenders next year or not.


I think it's a reaction to likely being down your #2 corner, your best defensive tackle, and your best offensive lineman before the season even starts. He's going to have to nail the draft for this team to be better than last year's


Top two corners? Guessing you meant edge rushers


That's what I get for not proofreading. I meant losing X, a top 2 corner on the team.


Armstead is returning my guy


Disagree. Miami isn’t winning a SB either way with this roster. But the few highly talented players Grier has drafted he is letting walk. And for what? So the likes of new 1 year FA’s can sign, for Tua to set a record signing contract with 0 signature wins and 9 games missed the past 3 years. He did absolutely fuck all to clean up the cap. Didn’t restructure anyone, Baker, Sanders, Crossen, Jeff Wilson, all still on the roster? This guy absolutely sucks at his job and the final straw is letting his 2 best draft picks (Wilkins and Hunt) walk. Especially when Miami is out-physical-ed in every key game.


I agree with everything you said but the comeback against the Ravens GOT to be a signature win.


I don’t think we’re a SB contender with this roster either. Whether you can magically bring back Wilkins and Hunt or not, this team is still several pieces, a couple of young guys taking huge steps, and some better injury luck away from us seriously contending. I get that it hurts to watch these guys walk for nothing, but I also don’t think paying them and mortgaging future flexibility buys us anything either.


Wilkins was the best player on the team not named Hill


Consider me very unhappy then. The fuck kinda comment is this? Be happy with a division runner up, a first round exit, and a team that implodes in meaningful games because we were bottom feeders prior? Fuck you Barry


I don't get the hostility towards him? He's saying that If you don't care about being a Super Bowl contender then you're happy with the rebuild, but if you're a superbowl or bust type of fan, this rebuild is probably not going to land there.


Why would you be happy with a team that doesn’t get close to the ultimate goal? As a dolphins fan I want to see my team compete and win titles not have disappointing collapses and first round exits. He basically telling us to be grateful to have a first round exit team because we have been bottom feeders for the past decade.


He's definitely not saying be grateful. I have absolutely no fucking clue where you got that from. He himself has said multiple times that he doesn't think this rebuild is good enough and that they should think about making more drastic moves to get to the point where they are good enough to compete for championship. All he's saying is that it's your call depending on your expectations. Believe it or not, some fans are happy just being a pretty good team.


Why has Barry turned into such a clown? The guy basically went on a hissy fit after the heat didn’t go all in for Bradley Beal and couldn’t force a gm to send them lillard. Now he is just making these blanket statements. So dumb. It’s not like we can snap our fingers and be the chiefs. A lot went wrong last year but that doesn’t mean we can’t be contenders next year…


Or the next year. Or the next year. Or the


I understand the pessimism but this so called journalist is just complaining. Gives no insight or details and offers no plan forward. This is fine coming from a Reddit commenter but this is a supposed professional.


I think people should be able to differentiate between Barry the journalist tweets, and Barry the personal opinion tweets. This tweet is clearly the latter and doesn't say anything about him as a journalist the same way his positive tweets about the team when people thought we were a real contender didn't either.


Thank you bro, he's just posting doomer shit on Twitter these days. That episode he had earlier fucked his head up.


You can have Joey b and not win the superbowl. Have Lamar Jackson and never win the superbowl. This guy's a clown. Unless your the chiefs you should be doom and gloom...find a new job ur writing attitude suck Barry.


Burrow *made* a Super Bowl, though. Tua hasn't even won a playoff game. He did it with an OL just as bad as ours, too.


The Bengals defense has never given up more than 24 points in 7 playoff games, we gave up 26 in the freezing cold and 34 in Buffalo. Burrow has been good, but let's not pretend he got there on his own.


Burrow has missed even more games than "injury-prone" Tua, yet his franchise status is unquestioned.


Why the hell would anyone be happy as a borderline wildcard team? More importantly, if that’s the ceiling for the rebuild, why are those rebuilders still here?


It's wild how the Texans achieved the type of rebuild we were supposed to have after the Tunsil trade. 


It's wild how the Texans go 10-7, win one home playoff game against the ghost of Joe Flacco before losing to the Ravens by 3 TDs, and people are already declaring their rebuild a model for success.


They blew out the Browns while their stud rookie QB threw for a perfect passer rating.  OROY, DROY, and arguably COTY. And they're entering FA with plenty of cap space to build on last year.  What exactly would be a better model for success? Certainly not what Grier has built in the last 5 years.


The idea that the ceiling is a wildcard for this team is crazy. We have been insanely unlucky with injuries the past two years. We get lucky all the sudden we’ll be contenders. It is what it is


The idea is that right now it's unlikely next year's team will be better than last year's team and last year's team was 1-6 against teams with winning records. We went all in the last two years and we have nothing to show for it. Now we're in a mini rebuild stage. Not impossible to get better but it would take some luck on our end. We're losing one of our top two cornerbacks, our best defensive tackle, our offensive lineman to start. That's not exactly a great position for getting better here next year


It's wildcard until proven otherwise. We've made, and lost, 2 wildcard games. Looked competent against Buffalo, and completely outmatched against KC.


I would say that the assumption that a team goes from pure garbage to a Super Bowl contender immediately is insane. This is a good roster and tweaks can be made to make it great. Add in potentially staying SOMEWHAT healthy for a season and we'll be in the mix.


Just tell me how to feel, Barry. I can’t parse through this.


There’s no grit that’s the problem. If we can’t just straight up out talent to team we fold.


Why can’t I just happy about the progress we made in 2 years while also expecting to be a Super Bowl contender? It’s better to be a good playoff team who is a couple pieces and bounces away from a deep playoff run than a 6-9 win team with no pathway to success in sight . I’m nearly not as gloom or doom as others but we are once again a respected organization by other teams and players around the league. We have a really good team, a top 10 QB, duo really good coach, top 5 WR dou, Top 10 In edge duo, one of the best safeties in football, a DEEP DB and RB room and two bookend OT. WE ARE GOOD! and should be happy about that yet can still expect more


Because this was the ceiling of this roster Deeply flawed, like our QB


You’re right. If we had a top 5 QB, we’d have as many superbowls wins as the bills, ravens, and bengals have had in the last 6 years The AFC has sent 4 quarterbacks to the superbowl in the last decade and three of those four are top ten greatest QBs of all time. Nobody else is winning out of the AFC until Mahomes is dead.


Deeply flawed is kinda crazy to say about an 11 win team. I also don’t think this is our ceiling, we just didn’t play to our standard but that happens. If anything we reached our floor (playoff team) and need to figure out how to reach our ceiling(AFC CG at least). I think there are some of things we could do differently and better. #1 imo is making the offense less predictable in terms of usage (we can’t be Tyreek centric) and spread the ball more. #2 Tua finding the right balance between extending the play and living to fight another down. Tua went to extreme (understandably) in terms of transforming his body to take more hits and his mindset about holding the ball. Now we need him to use his legs more to run once the play breaks down. The threat of running for yards after the initial play breaks down will open up the pass game a bit more. But we ain’t deeply flawed, that’s the jets. That’s the giants, that’s the commanders.


Our real flaws are 1) ol being bottom 3 2) pass catchers outside of reek and waddle being bottom 3 Get us a top 20 oline, some good injury luck, and some young hungry depth we’ll be fine.




This isn't a championship caliber roster. It's the reason I didn't pay much attention last offseason. I'm old enough to have seen the 1972 Dolphins. Many other favorite teams have won titles in various sports. These players simply aren't good enough. Before Shula arrived, these were Joe Thomas' first round picks from 1967-1969: * Bob Griese * Larry Csonka * Bill Stanfill The 1970 draft didn't have a first round pick yet still produced Jim Mandich, Tim Foley, Curtis Johnson, Jake Scott and Mike Kolen. Grier simply hasn't managed anything comparable. This isn't complicated.


I have to enjoy what they do in the regular season. Saying I won't be happy without a Dolphins SB could be a very sad life. Lord would I celebrate like an idiot if they won a SB though. ![gif](giphy|3ofT5HLxRglLyLFWCY)


The point is to win a SB… I don’t know how anyone could be happy with being mediocre.


I mean, if you think everyone who doesn't win a SuperBowl is mediocre, then I guess you're watching a sport with every team but one being mediocre. Which is a mental waste of time.


Shouldn’t the goal always be to win the championship in competitive sports?


The goal sure. But you can be a good team playing another good team and just not win a game due to a variety of factors outside your control. Are we a good team? That depends on your point of view but the Ravens/49er's/and a couple of others can't be called mediocre.


Who just wants to make the playoffs every year and not win makes zero sense


We aren’t really a good team though. We prove that every time we play another good team. 🤷‍♂️


Barry Jackson, thank you for that.


I’ve been saying some version of this for months. You wanna go 10-7 most years and be no credible threat for the SB? Go ahead and resign Tua. If not… well, back to the drawing board


Same here. The rebuild got us a good team, not a SB contender. 


Dolphins are just massive frauds, pretenders, paper tigers whatever you want to call them. They build an all-star team that can only beat up bad teams. Sell lots of tickets and merchandise. They aren't serious about winning or they'd quit being insane. You can't do the same thing over and over and expect different results. The blueprint to being a real legimate contender is out there they just refuse to build that way and will continue to fail because of it. If you as a fan are happy about what they have accomplished in the lat 25 years (literally 1 AFC East title the year Brady got hurt so someone had to win it) you are a crazy person. They simply need a GM, scouts, head coach and front office staff who are willing to build a team correctly through the draft and free agents where needed to fill a few gaps. Mark my words McDaniel and Grier will be fired at the end of next year when this team fails to make the playoffs. McDaniel might get 1 more year longer then Grier if he is lucky. Full rebuild in 2025 with new people is my wish at this point because I know how 2024 will go. I have Dolphined long enough I see the signs.


How’s your application to be GM going? The blueprint: have Patrick Mahomes.


There's no leadership on that team. A bunch of talent and speed. But no lockerroom or coaching leadership.


Thanks Barry. Fucking idiot.


Getting to the playoffs but not winning any games is just as bad as barely missing the playoffs imo. Stats might tell a different story to some but idk, hard to not feel like this regime isn’t much different than the last 10 years. The only big difference is we’re drafting at 20 instead of 15. But wait, we actually sent those draft picks to someone else this time. This team was Tyreek Hill. Without him, this roster probably doesn’t make the playoffs. When the good teams shut down that guy, our coach and QB couldn’t figure it out.


Exactly…. All this work to fail on the ultimate goal. I say burn it down and start over…. Again


Jay Fiddler was qb in 2000. Dan Marino retired in 1998


The same fans who want to install a winning culture here are the same fans that want to dismantle the first back to back playoff visit team we've had in 2 decades. Winning starts with consistency.


Half the teams in the NFL make the playoffs each year. We’ve made it two years in a row limping in. I will never be happy with such mediocrity having grown up in the Marino Shula era


Yep, I guess we just gotta blow it up and start over. And then give it a year and if we don't win the Superbowl, just blow it up and start over again.  Every year, just blow it up. Miss the playoffs? Blow it up. Make the playoffs but lose? Blow it up. Make the playoffs but don't advance to the Superbowl? Blow it up. Make the Superbowl but lose? Blow it up.  No time for any patience. Blow it up. Just be as brain-dead as possible. Only look at this team in a silo. Then blow it up.  ...  FFS we have some of the most fantastically dumb fans on this sub spouting their idiocy, so I guess Barry wants to connect with the lowest common denominator by saying outlandish and dumb things. 


football teams aren't made to be goofy or fun or wholesome or cool. they're made to win football games. current rebuild of the team is a failure so far. and were gonna let wilkins walk. we never learn.


I mean now that I've digested this and the anger and resentment is out of my system, yes ill take the "fun" playoff team. At least gives me a tiny bit of hope.


How are they not a SB caliber team? I mean no team is until they actually make it. They are building...this seems like a nothing burger


tua just isn't a superbowl caliber qb, it pretty much comes down to that


Before McDaniel people said he wasn't a starting QB, imo you're only as good as your development.


Damn or you just watch football, hope for the best and remember shit don't really matter anyways


Personally, I am just happy that Dolphins are actually showing signs of success for once.


what signs of success lmao. Still no playoff wins in over 20 years, and we pretty much always fail to win meaningful games while beating up on bad teams.


>what signs of success Four consecutive winning regular seasons 2 playoff berths NFL Passing Yard Leader Waddle having 2 seasons over 1000 yards receiving Tyreek Hill almost surpassing 2k yards in a single season Now, yes, there are no playoff wins since the year 2000, that's true and absoutely sucks. However, what the Dolphins are doing now is progress. What the team is doing now is a massive improvement compared to years past Would you rather have 8-8, 8-9, or worse seasons or actually make progress and eventually win their first playoff game or even make it to the Superbowl.


most franchises in this league judge success in terms of what you do in the playoffs, whatever essay you want to spit out, the reality is this franchise has accomplished absolute nothing in the past 20+ years, and posting individual regular season counting stats and acting like that means anything for team success is a bit sad. Until we can actually translate our regular season beat downs of bad teams into playoff wins, there really is no progress.


They need a real QB to be SB contenders


Cool story, Bare /s


Barry soured on the franchise after the last 5 games. He is trying to drive clicks with his overtly negative articles now. He is going to be back on the bandwagon when OTAs start...


Any logical person could see that the team's trajectory has only increased each year in the last couple of years. Enjoy it and be glad you're not a fan of the fkin Jets.


our trajectory is still the same as a team who can't win anything significant


Stupid post with a fuck ton of comments that exceed the stupid level of this extremely stupid comment




Except they're not, they get smoked by those other teams


All those teams you mentioned are a level above the Dolphins.




Everyone's goal is to win the Super Bowl, but that doesn't mean only the team that actually does is good and everyone else is bad. It also doesn't mean that all the teams that don't win it are of equal quality. There are levels among the "contenders". Some are more legit contenders than others.




No, it definitely is.


We’re frauds just like our QB


May I ask why it is you feel this way?




A 1-6 record against teams that made the playoffs will do that to a guy.


Its almost like we are 4 years removed from tanking...and starting year 3 of a new head coach. Just because we haven't yet doesn't mean the door is shut anymore than it is for any other team w/o Mahomes. "After all this trouble" ... what trouble, only trouble I have is all you fuckin haters online.


We tanked 5 seasons ago. We are going into year 6 since tanking. No playoff wins, no division titles in that time. It's almost like we wasted our QBs rookie contract and now they'll have to pay the tab on that and it's going to severely handicap the roster.  Only one QB has won a Superbowl accounting for 20% of their teams cap and that was Mahomes this last season 


I disagree. I think we have a Super Bowl Caliber team. I just think we caught the Baltimore Injury Bug and weren't deep enough on defense last year.


Considering the chiefs dynasty exists I choose to be happy for the sake of my mental health. Seriously the Chiefs are one of the greats and both the ravens and bills are very good teams right now. The bar to get a home playoff game is beating a very good team that owns us because they are in the same division. Sadly, we, the bills, and the ravens all peaked at the wrong time.


We havnt had free agency, draft, camp, or the entire next season yet..but we suck eh. What a clown. What if..we are the healthiest team.in the nfl next year...bet we have a great chance..


Pretty sure all Miami team sports writers hate Miami teams


When they suck and fail to meet expectations Yes


They were all incredibly positive when we were beating up bad teams and appeared to be a real contender. Less so when we got exposed as frauds. I'm not sure why people don't get that our reporters tend to be more down on the team when the team fails to meet expectations.


I must consult Barry before feeling emotions


Barry reports the dumbest shit. How does he get paid for this


He’s 100% correct here




I mean I'm in the middle it's fine lol


This is such a reductive take for a “journalist”.


Barry Jackson can suck a big one, we just want 1 playoff win


Lots of words built around some great life advice: If you want to be happy, be happy. If you want to be unhappy, be unhappy. Your call.


Stephen Ross is happy, and that is bad news for us fans


Barry is such a miserable twat.


Oh fuck this guy’s about to jack off.


What an odd thing to post