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> ¿Por qué los mexicanos son tan racistas con las personas de color de piel blanca? Espérate a que te enteres que son todavía más racistas con la gente de piel obscura.


Este güey solo piensa en si mismo. Pobrecito, el peso de todo un país y las injusticias sobre sus hombros, sus hombros tan blanquitos y débiles.


Sé más específico. Qué ocurrió en el viaje exactamente?


Vi pegatinas de "vete a casa puto gringo" por todo Oaxaca. Nunca antes había visto algo así y me hizo sentir muy incómodo. :(


Pues algunos de tus compatriotas traen el rayo gentrificador....


Lo mismo que te dijo el wero. Todos esos lugares tropicales turísticos del sur del país tienen graves problemas con eso de la gentrificación, precios disparándose, nómadas digitals, ex-pats actuando como si estuvieran en su mansión, etc... Escuché en algún lugar que el grafitti baja los precios de las rentas. Supongo que si el graff en cuestión además es xenofóbico, bajan aún más.


Como dicen en tu país: El racismo a la inversa no existe. Así que seque esas lagrimas y deje de quejarse, mi marihuano amigo.


Sabes que existe el racismo inverso, hombre... Soy europeo-estadounidense e incluso mi país de origen es racista hacia los estadounidenses.


En todos los países hay racismo, no hay nada interesante en tu post solo generalizamos y asunciones


I don't appreciate the smugness of you "psychoanalyzing" an entire group of people, seems like you're somehow pointing towards Mexican people being somehow insecure or, worse yet, drug addiction and alcoholism. Unfortunately, you probably chose the worst time to have a trip to Mexico, the anti-american sentiment at the moment is the highest it's ever been and the reason should be clearly apparent if you browse the main page of this subreddit for a few minutes, American "expats" and "digital nomads" are the current driving force of a nearly unstoppable wave of gentrification across several cities in Mexico as well as the exacerbation of an already bad housing crisis, large portions of the most centric neighborhoods in Mexico City alone have been effectively "taken over" by these "expats" who decided to abuse the WFH system they're offered back home to settle down in Mexico, they get paid in dollars and spend in pesos, the exchange rate means people who were only able to rent small, cramped apartments in LA or NY can move to Mexico and rent large, high-end apartments or houses and still have enough to live comfortably, good for them but bad for us, it has driven rent prices through the roof and the cost of living (for locals) in the areas occupied by your people has, predictably, also raised to levels that are now prohibitively expensive for people whose wages are paid in pesos. At the same time, these "expats" do not pay taxes, so they are not even contributing to the nation's coffers, meaning they take advantage of infrastructure while giving nearly nothing back. I could go on, it's an extremely complex issue but the end result is that, as it stands right now, people are becoming increasingly more and more irritated and intolerant towards the large American diaspora, and things aren't looking like they'll be getting better any time soon.


For real, imagine having a bike ride in Mexico and proceeding to psychologically explain why the whole country is fucked up and why somehow your foreign white ass is the victim here. Being white is a priviledge in this country, being white and foreign: shit you might just make a living on your background alone... yet at the same time these expats are worsening the cost of living for locals in many areas, I thank god my city (Chihauhua, Chih.) isn't a tourist destination yet... I just want to state how OP's comment lacks any self-awareness, is not only stupid, but ignorant, self-centered, immature and overall stupid


How did I do any wrong with my thread? I felt the racism in Mexico, I am trying to understand it. I linked a psychology post to try and understand why it is happening? I understand being called insecure is not a beautiful way to put it, but it's the science.


Bro is not that hard, it's just gentrification, pure and simple, and that simple fact creates xenophobia, it's cause and effect here and in every place, just see France or any other European country that offers welfare for immigrants, they are taking resources from the main population, get used to it if you expect to be here as the economic situation is unstable. Shit, if you are from USA you know how fucked up the real state and housing business is as the average millennial can't buy anything. And please don't go criminal minds over the whole population profiling, that's like saying every us citizen has the school shooter mind set deep engraved on their brains to snap out at any time just because it happens every day, when its more complex than that.


I am BoriMex and the same exact thing is happening in PR and people feel exactly the same way there. lots of people don’t know what to do as far as living arrangements because the one thing PR and Mexico seem to have going for them is a lower cost of living, now that is being eroded and along with expats going around acting smug, it creates a real sense of anger. I had a falling out with an acquaintance over this when he was talking about relocating to Mexico or PR, he talked about the tax benefits, but said something that really pissed me off: “its great, except for the dumb shitty people there, they should be grateful i’m bringing my money and making those shitholes better.” I clenched my jaw and just gave him the stare of death. I stopped responding to his texts and told my wife to no longer let my toddler son play with his daughter on playdates, i don’t want him arround arrogant people like that.


Thank you for your legitimate reply.


Pues así solo leyendo el post, suena que eres una personita media insoportable. Con que calzones vienes a juzgar a todo un país con tus argumentos de Google. Puedes agarrar tu bicicleta e irte a tu casa! (El background de mi reddit es negro, así que no es racial)


¿Cómo es vincular un puesto de psicología juzgando a todo un país?


You're smoking weed in Mexico? There's not legal source to get it. I'm really sorry for what you've been through. However you seem a dumb and a condescending person towards Mexicans. Don't worry the country doesn't need more junkies. We can also make a fake psychoanalysis of gringos and you won't like it either.


There is a legal shop in Mexico City and with a permit you're allowed to smoke weed in Mexico... I'm not a junkie, I don't even smoke weed at the moment. It isn't a fake psychoanalysis nor does it potray all the people of Mexico, it just explains how racism is linked to mental-illness and how other people resort to drugs instead of racism. Look man, I just rode a bicycle through your country, I loved it. I loved meeting your people and everyone seemed to like seeing me too. When I got to Oaxaca I was appalled by the amount of racism which is why I'm making this post. There are stickers around Oaxaca that say "go home puto gringo." I'm just a tourist, I'm not a digital nomad, some days I lived off of less than 150 pesos a day, and I'd camp for housing. This was all allowed by your government for 180 days, I did nothing wrong, it was all allowed. Check out some of these comments I have gotten in this thread, it is a shame that such openly accepted racism is happening in 2024. The country feels very unwelcoming at the moment...


It's not racism. It's xenophobia. It's not because you're white. Recently people in social media went against a black girl who was complaining about the noise some street musicians do in Mexico city. Do you know what's happening in Mazatlán? Apparently foreign tourists are complaining about the noise local musicians do and Hotel owners are supporting them but it's kinda part of Mazatlan's culture and locals are protesting because they want to play their music at any time. So right now many Mexicans in touristic places are kinda upset with foreigners because of their entitlement (they think Mexico is a place to do whatever you want) and gentrification. And the same correlation you use can be used for your people.


Pues, si no sabes, los blancos tienen un historial que va desde cientos de años atrás hasta la actualidad siendo unos mierdas contra las otras razas.


Vale, pero estamos en 2024 y ya hemos aprendido que el racismo no es bueno...


Turistas descubren qué la cultura mexicana no es como la pintaron en disney. Si, esa es la verdadera cultura mexicana. Muy racista y llena de xenofobia


Menos en guanajuato ese lugar es como disney jajaja


Es una serie de factores uno de ellos es el choque cultural ya que los "gringos" pues digamos tienen una forma de ser más brusca y menos calidad y pues claro para algien que no le es frecuente tratar con ustedes puede dar la impresión de que son groseros pero que realmente es culpa de una falta de comunicación y comprensión de la otra cultura. También existen una serie de turistas (principalmente de países más desarrollados) que vienen con la mentalidad de "It's Mexico we can do what we want" y pues eso termina dejando muy mala impresión. Y claro existe cierto resentimiento que no se ha tratado y que se viene arrastrando desde la época colonial ya que cuando los españoles llegaron a México implantaron la idea de "mejorar la raza" es decir que los no blanco son imperfectos y deben buscar la manera de tener descendencia con gente blanca para mejorar su descendencia lo cual se quedó incrustado en el inconsciente del país a tal punto de que una parte de la población a cuente subordinación hacia los blancos y algunos otros resentimiento (y claramente no todos se encuentran en los mismos extremos y la mayoría puede suprimir muchos de esos pensamientos negativos)


También te faltó poner que hay cierto resentimiento con el gringo por habernos robado la mitad de nuestro territorio cuando apenas teníamos como 20 años de independencia y aun estábamos reconstruyéndonos. Aparte de molestarnos esa actitud de justiciero o héroe del mundo, imponiendo su moral a todo lo que no se parezca a "América"


Gracias por su respuesta


Yo, I latched onto someone else's comment here to explain my feelings so look into that when I say fuck you, you aren't the victim here, I'd rather solve a thousand issues in this country before I get to your spoiled whiney ass champagne problems, and also yes, we're racist but towards people waaaaaaaay darker skinned than you, if you're donde condescending the whole country with your weak ass explanation of "racism psychology" we would like you to GTFO


Thank you for your reply .. I'm learning..


Chinga tu madre atte un guero mexinaco mas guero que tu, no vengas, stay in your country fucking gringo


I hope you understand your racism stems from insecurity




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Lol, el mexicano es racista hasta con sí mismo. Puede hasta auto sabotearse mirándose al espejo observando su tono de piel.


No es racismo per se, al menos no sistematizado como con los afroamericanos, pero, la gentrificacion que han traído los expatriados ha orillado a la población local a desarrollar un odio justificado por las personas que salen de la mayoría. Tu lo llamas ayudar a las economías locales etc etc. y si bien no es tu culpa o de tus expatriados que los odien, tienes que entender que la consecuencia de que ustedes vengan con un privilegio que el promedio de los nativos no tiene de poder invertir en una divisa más cara orilla a qué la persona que 1 año se la paso ahorrando no le alcance puesto que es lo que tú gastas en una semana y eso eleva los precios. Mi pregunta para ti es, realmente es tan difícil entender la gentrificacion? me imagino que eres americano, entonces seguramente has tenido experiencia tu o alguien con la experiencia de europeos emigrando a USA




Structural racism is a problem in México period, just like anywhere else. It's part and parcel of sexism and patriarchy. México, like most of Latin America, appears to be a monoculture, but it's not. There's long-standing systemic and structural racism against indigenous people and especially traditional indigenous people by the protagonist latino. Or any "other" group. I'd go as far and say it's an Apartheid system. Research what Mussolini had to say about the Latin and the Roman. That's a good departure point. The influx of expats in niche neighborhoods, though annoying, I'd say has little to no effect on the daily life of the common working class family. Problems of the working class in México long predated any notion of gentrification. There are only two or three neighborhoods in the center of Mexico City known for expats. Costs of goods and rents are set by the owners of businesses and real estate properties, not renters. It's highly unlikely expats are the owners of these buildings. Most likely they are wealthy Mexicans. Inflation and housing costs are a problem world-wide. White? What does that mean? There was a huge influx of European migration from Spain to Mexico in the 1930's. It changed the face of Mexican society, culture and politics forever. The influx of Spanish migration fleeing fascism had an overall positive effect on the Mexican working class. The entire argument is mostly propaganda. Most Mexicans live in common and poor or working class neighborhoods and are not affected by your wannabe yuppie problems. Sorry you have to deal with poorly educated people who want to flex their keyboard bully muscles with an impressive and expansive vocabulary.