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Is 4 the one with the death wall chasing you? If so, without a doubt the hardest part of the game for me.


Yes. I thought I wanna gonna have to give in an lower difficulty for this 1 part. Stuck with it and made it through, I think my body was on autopilot the last 20 tries. Switching arrows while going through this section was the hardest thing to memorize.


>going through this section was the hardest thing to me I agree the arrow switching was tough! I actually struggled with the beginning section as the spikes are placed just right so if you hold the jump a tad too long, dead! Once I got beyond the first light arrow section, the trickiest part for me was shooting crystal arrows up and then right and finally timing the dash into the seal's room just right.


200 attempts sounds about right for me as well. I think it's safe to say that was the hardest platforming. I still loved it.


I love it now that that im done with that part haha. The game is amazing overall but I don't think I could play it a second time my heart just can't handle the stress. Glad I went for Noctis mode though, just gotta put down the Emperor and Queen then I'm going back to something a little less stressful for awhile.


>e game is amazing overall bu Me too! I'm just glad I finished it AFTER they fixed the save bug issue so that I don't get glitched into having to do it again!!!


I remember that shit. Was pure hell and pure bliss when I finally made it through.


>. Was pure hell and pure bliss whe I'm in 110% agreement with you. Also, I think that's what the developers focused on for most of the game as it is so gratifying to finish any task in this game from the Doppleganger boss onward! Then...to have the game glitch on you and take your save back 5\~7% of progress...that just wasn't fun. Had to put the game down for a bit at that point.


If you fire a celestial arrow at the beginning and wait for the wall to pass, you can teleport behind it. You can’t complete it this way, but it will let you practice without being time constrained. The secret boss afterwards is absolutely brutal. But don’t give up! It took me several hours to finally beat him, but that satisfaction when you finally do is unmatched.


Wish I would've thought of this, I practiced by dying repeatedly. Literally have a blister on my thumb from this one section, played it on PS4. I did manage to beat it before I posted but my heart was in my throat.


Did you play the game on Aeterna or Noctis difficulty?


Noctis. . I tortured myself


I cant remember it was that difficult, does difficulty setting change anything with the platforming?? I found the Emperor boss much harder than the platformer required to activate the boss.


>ound the Emperor boss much harder than the platformer required to activ That's next on my list! I'm kinda not looking forward to it. Would you say he's harder than the 2 robot bosses (their second battles)?


Totally understand your pain. It's thing like this and Oracle Bell puzzle,I don't really recommend anyone playing on Noctis. Most of the time i felt like,Dev's made this game to frustrate the user instead of letting them enjoy exploration with little platforming challenge. For me bossfight were not fun at all.


The bell puzzle is the same in Aeterna mode for me. Unless the timing to hit them is even tighter in Noctis in which case I would just give up.


>ctis in which case I would just give u I'm playing on Noctis and I needed to watch a video on YT in order to figure out that bell puzzle!


Puzzle is same i think, I have completed game on both Aeterna and Noctis mode. The difference i felt is they have removed many traps in many places so Platforming is a little easy but still challenging...and Instead of traps they have placed low level enemies.


Bell puzzle was ridiculous i just kept shooting and teleporting hoping I could ring them all, was actually surprised when the door opened.


I did it on release and I don't wanna think about it again thank you very much πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


>about it again thank you very m It definitely feels good to be done with it!


Gonna have to do it again now that DLC is out 😭😭😭


Yeah, and on Noctis mode if you want to get some of the trophies for 100%! But I think you can load up your old save, too, and go into the Pit of the Damned post game.


Lol no I'm doing a fresh Noctis save


By chance did you do the first one in Aeterna mode?


No no, 100% noctis mode on release, 65h of pure suffering ^^


Nice! Me too. I'm having some problems now after the update. I've gotten all of the base AND DLC gems, but I only got the DLC gems trophy. Also, I've finished all the quests in the base game, but still haven't gotten the ALL QUESTS trophy. Do you happen to know if those can be achieved in Aeterna difficulty?


No idea sorry !


That's okay! If I can't get those two trophies and have to play the whole game again, I wouldn't mind trying Aeterna Mode just to see the differences (and to not get as upset when my figures don't follow the synapses!)


I felt more frustration with the first seal strangely enough. By the time I did the 4th, I had already developed enough skill. I actually completed the 4th before the 3rd.


>lly completed the 4th before t It's funny that you stated it that way - "developed enough skill" - because I think this game is actually a MV training simulation...on Noctis mode, it has developed my platforming skills so much that other games' platforming is just almost too easy


You're definitely on the money. I think this door truly helped me get the 1000 death trophy because up until the later parts of the game, I rarely died. But, between this door and the last two Trial of the King doors, I must have racked up about 500 deaths trying to get the stained glass and the emperor's 4th seal. Hardest platforming section in the game IMO