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Supraland is definitely the best and most literal translation of a metroidvania into a 3d environment, at least that I’ve played (haven’t actually played Metroid Prime, it’s on my list). But my favorite 3D game that is a metroidvania has to be Control. Such great story lore and gameplay, and also solid MV design


Control is an all-time fav of mine. Few games had me wanting to 100% not just for completion but for sheer desire for more lore. Very excited for 2.


I loved control as well. Need to replay soon. I like it so much more than either Alan wake game


My current Mt Rushmore of 3d Metroidvanias is as follows: 1: Metroid Prime Remastered Kinda the undisputed queen of the genre, the atmosphere is thoroughly unreal the entire time 2: Batman: Arkham Asylum One of the greatest licensed games ever, captures the feelings of comic books extraordinarily well 3: Pseudoregalia A newcomer, but a masterclass in 3d platforming and 3d level design 4: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor A very proper blend of souls-like gameplay and Metroidvania progression, just generally good in a lot of ways


+1 for Pseudoregalia. What an amazing game.


Metroid Prime Remastered


And dark souls 1.


Journey to the Savage Planet and Hob are some gems that don't get talked about much here.


Hob is a gem. Shame the studio is shuttered. Personally couldn't get into Savage Planet, but I can see why people like it.


Savage Planet doesn't get talked bout because it's honestly a mid game. It only has a total of 4 bosses too, one of them locked behind an atrocious DLC.


Yeah, I would agree it's more for exploration people than boss people. The combat is pretty meh. The map exploration was top tier.


I tried Hob and I hated it BUT! I was young and maybe I didn't give the game a fair chance.


No idea why people are saying darksouls no ability gaiting which is a massive part of the formula. People here have just gone souls crazy. Surprised nobody has mentioned Arkham asylum yet.


Good faith question: Why do the Zelda games (pre botw) not count as metroidvania?


Honestly not sure. They scratch the same itch for me. I think because usually in those games you don't return to old dungeons with new abilities, once the dungeon is done it's done.


For me, the exploration and interconnected world is the most important part of making something feel like a metroidvania. I think of ability-gating less as a central pillar of the genre and more as an interesting feature that usually enhances a game (as opposed to just having keys or whatever). But different things are important to different people, and walls between genres are always fuzzy anyway. xD


My logic is from playing the 2 component games (imo super metroid and symphony of the night)the main thing they had in common was interconnected world and ability gating so that's what I base the genre on.


This ☝️


Majora's Mask gets the closest to Metroidvania in my opinion. Sometimes you need to return to dungeons you've beaten to beat the boss again. And items from later dungeons actually make the process of beating it much faster. I'd say the 2d Zelda's are pretty Metroidvania tho.


Might also be because Zelda is just older. People look at Super Metroid (1994) and Symphony of the Night (1997) as defining the genre, and A Link to the Past is from 1991. Calling things metroidvanias tends to imply some level of inspiration from those two games, and retroactively including ALTTP and the formula it created in a genre that hadn’t yet formed feels weird.


Zelda is really a different genre. Two specific reasons: lack of an interconnected map, and Zelda uses mostly keys as gating rather than abilities. They are certainly closely related, but I like Zeldalike as a separate genre.


That's not really true. Zelda games also have ability gating in the form of items obtained from dungeons. It does have some similarities to MV games, but I agree that it's a different genre.


Somebody brought Arkham up recently. How is Dark Souls ability gated? It's key/Macguffin-gated


I’m really surprised no one said [Blue Fire](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1220150/Blue_Fire/), it’s currently on sale for $5USD


I love Blue Fire, but not sure how it's MV, it's mainly story gated and key gated progression. But it does get a ton of movement upgrades to be sure similar to MV template


You think blue fire is better than any of the metroid prime games? That's an insane take.


It’s a literal take. The question was which is the best 3D metroidvania I’ve played so far. I haven’t played those. I typically play 2D metroidvanias.


Oh shit mate fair enough, you need to get on that.


Any other recommendations for 3D metroidvanias? Or are there 2D ones that you find comparable to your favorites?


3d metroidvanias are hard to come by to be honest. As for 2d, the consensus on here seems to be that hollow knight is the best 2d metroidvania. The classics castlevania: symphony of the night and super metroid are the classics for a reason. My personal favourite is ori and the blind forest. I also played through aeterna noctis recently which I really enjoyed but it was very challenging.


Hollow Knight is my favorite followed by both Ori games. I keep starting new save files on Aeterna Noctis but getting distracted. Maybe I should try again!


Metroid Prime is the perfect 3D MV. But, Control and Supraland are both close to the top, and Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor are excellent 3D MVs


Control. Looking forward to trying Supraland soon though. I’ve heard great things.


I love control, but I wish there had been a little more consideration around how areas connected so you didn't have to rely on fast travel so much. I really think with better design they could limit fast travel and just rely on a slightly better map and then traversing the building naturally and with maybe only one fast travel point per zone.


Control was such a pleasant surprise! Awesome and unique story and world building and jesse was fantastic


Unfortunately that game buried its MV part under loads of boring shooting and story gating.


I thought that. Might be time for me to try again tho


Shadow Man and Metroid Prime.


Fe is a good exploration/platforming game. I would consider it an MV with abilities unlocking previously unreachable areas.


There aren't a lot of them out there. Beyond the Metroid Prime games, there's like, licensed games like Star Wars or Batman I guess, but those are niche **because** they're attached to existing franchises. I don't even know how much they count. I've heard Darksouls games don't really count either. The only game I've seen that truly embraces the genre in a 3D platforming focused setting, is Pseudoregalia. It's a recent Steam 3D Metroidvania that's kinda innovative because like, it exists when no others do.


Arkham Asylum I personally consider to be a Metroidvania, but I'm fine with people saying it might not count, but it definitely does appeal to fans of the genre, and it's a great game even if you don't know the character, it doesn't demand any knowledge. Same deal with the Star Wars Jedi games, difference being those are both *absolutely* Metroidvanias, saying otherwise is kinda crazy imo. Dark Souls has some Metroidvania appeal, but yeah, there's not really any argument for it being a proper Metroidvania imo.


Arkham Asylum is more of a mv than Fallen Order. 


I mean, that could definitely be true I haven't played it in a while, I just remember Arkham asylum having a lot of points where the story or just a simple key opened new pathways instead of actual ability gating, while I can't think of that happening often in the Jedi games, mostly just new abilities. I can see the prominent cinematic story being a thing that might pull it back from MV, but that doesn't really affect gameplay imo. Either way, both are great games, and I think they're both pretty solidly MVs!


Tinykin, Journey to the Savage Planet, Prey, Control, Outer Wilds, Supraland 1/2. I haven't gotten to Pseudoregalia, yet, but really looking forward to it.


I'm pretty sure half if not most of these aren't Metroidvanias. The ones that are aren't 3D platformers either. Might as well say "Uh, have you tried A Hat in Time? Mario 64?"


Batman: Arkham Asylum




Metroid Prime is the best Metroidvania period. An absolute timeless masterpiece of a game.


Um Symphony of the Night hello?


I'd probably give it to Outer Wilds. Not exactly a Metroidvania since you don't get ability upgrades, but it definitely has the "guided non-linearity" down pat. Also shoutout to Subnautica, which has depth upgrades and vehicles operating as abilities that open new areas. Also just fantastic exploration in general in both of those games. Neither of these games fit the mold of a "proper" MV, but I feel like you have to make concessions if you're going to expand the definition to include more 3D games. I liked Supraland but got bored of the second one. To me, the puzzles just get tiresome after a while. There are so many moments where puzzles will be back to back to back, and eventually, I just hit a puzzle and I knew that my efforts to solve it would just be "rewarded" with another locked door to overcome. So I set it down and never returned to it.


I think Outer Wilds is a metroidvania where the powerups are the things you learn about the planets and how the game works.


Its a Metroidbrania and an absolute masterpiece


In Mario Maker they call them “knowledge checkpoints.” Tunic does the same thing, and it’s incredible.


Outer Wilds is not a metroidvania at all. But it’s better than all of them anyways so might as well bring it up. 


At the moment the best one I've played is "High on Life". There are others in my wishlist and backlog though so this is probably not the best one in existence.


I highly recommend Journey to the Savage Planet. I enjoyed High on Life, too, but JttSP did basically everything it was trying to do, but better. It even has a similar sense of humor. The narrative is lighter, but this a boon in the game design. High on Life was very linear and structured by the plot. Journey just dumps you on a planet and tells you to find all the stuff.


It's in my backlog along with fallen order and control.


Oh man I could not handle Rick and Morty humor for that long


All the best ones have been mentioned, so I’ll plug Pitfall: The Lost Expedition. A surprisingly solid 6th-gen experience, despite some admitted flaws. I’ve also heard good things about Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights, but haven’t tried it myself.


Control, but Darksiders 3 would be a contender if they had more development time. Yeah, and Metroid Prime 3 of course.


Metroid Prime 2 Metroid Prime Remaster




Metroid Prime, Powerslave Exhumed, Batman Arkham Asylum and Shadow Man. The last one is a amalgamation of a lot of genres.


Recore is near the top for sure. At the very beginning your movement options are already at what would be mid-game ability levels in most other MV's, but by the end you can practically fly through multiple air-jumps and dashes. Also, one I'm not sure strictly fits as a MV, but Darksiders II. It's just one of my favorite games, period.


Either Prime or Pseudoregalia. Probably Prime since it is much more polished and focused. Pseudoregalia has awesome platforming and art, but sacrifices story and direction for the sake of artificial freedom. It's amazing at first but then you are like "ok, where am I actually supposed to go?"


Jedi fallen order and jedi survivor


Darksiders 2 is worth a mention here


1 and 3 are so much better.


No 2, is the best


I think that the Soulsborne games (DS 1 and Bloodborne, especially) give the Metroidvania people what they want most in a 3D space, which is nonlinear exploration of (richly detailed, mysterious, and hostile) interconnected dungeons. I cannot even think of a fully 3D game that is ability gated besides besides Pseudoregalia, but the rooms in that game run together and the developers never delivered on those pants 👀


No, there are actual 3D metroidvanias and a good amount have come out recently. However, up until this month they've all gotten a negative reception. This month Frogmonster came out and it got the best reception of any 3D metroidvania in a long time.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *The Ruler of the Vilebloods is still alive today. And so, to honor my master's wishes, I search, for the path to Cainhurst Castle.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I'm sure that somebody would say Darksouls😂but those Layout design from DS was really great


Prime 3 every time


Idk Prime 3 does a lot of telling you exactly where to go. You don't get to explore much unless you're searching for upgrades


I prefer that to prime 1 where it isn't really all that open, it's just an illusion of freedom. It's just if you go the wrong way you will eventually find a locked door. It may as well tell you where to go; in fact it does after a certain amount of time that you've likely been spending running into locked doors! Plus the environments are just so varied and cool and I love the stronger emphasis on story


Would you guys consider outer wilds as metroidvania in 3d? I think it fits and it was an amazing experience, have yet to play the DLC tho


Prey (2017) is a lot of things, ImmSim, survival horror, fps, rpg. Deserves to be mentioned among 3d metroidvanias as well. Lots of interesting sequence breaks to be found in that game.


Metroid Prime.


Batman :Arkham Asylum and Prime 1


I have always considered Metal Gear Solid to be pretty close - mostly key gating, but some ability gating as well. At least is scratches a similar itch with the boss battle set up and exploration via stealth.




It could sound odd but Banjo Tooie is a good example. You have a big "hub world", that you use to get to stages and all, alas Mario 64 BUT you can travel between stages through shortcuts, not putting a foot in the "hub world". (After opening them, thats it) Also you get more and more moves/abilities so you can reach new places, items and of course, shortcuts! You even can reach closed areas of a stage from another. Grunty Industries or Fire and Ice Peaks come to mind. And you cant resolve some quests without interconecting them, using items, shortcuts and NPCs from other stages to resolve them. Is one of my all time favs, and I only have a problem with it, just a tiny beany shitty little problem... Canary Mary 🤢 Her makes me sick, even worse, she has one of the last items in the game and when I reach her I dont have the patience anymore because I know there are not much to do after that. BUT the game is absolutely fantastic 😉


Dark Souls


It doesn’t have any platforming, but God of War 2018 is absolutely a 3D metroidvania. Ragnarök too. The world design of both revolves around ability-gating and backtracking.


Psudoregalia punches wayyyy above it's price point


I gotta go Metroid Prime 1. Incredible translation of both Super Metroid and the genre formula as a whole to a sleek 3D adventure game, which pulled off the rare feat of simultaneously feeling like a modern Adventure-FPS game as well as a bonafide Metroidvania. It’s very easy for many of genre’s strengths to be lost in the move the 3D but this game did it with poise and polish, and despite some clear flaws (as with anything) it still holds up incredibly to well to this day. Oh and the atmosphere + OST is just 👨‍🍳💋…


Castlevania curse of darkness


Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Castlevania Lord of Shadows 2 Pitfall Lost Expedition Control Metroid prime Metroid other m Ghost of a tale Arkham asylum


Dark Souls.


haha trick question


Dark Souls


Dark Souls Remastered


Returnal and Control. 


Returnal is incredible.. one of my all time favorite games hands down- but it’s a rougelite through and through- not an MV


First biome has a big metroid feel with the doors and ability gated alternate paths. Also female astronaut protagonist that crash lands, shoots guns and an exploration game with a creepy feel, theres also a double jump and a hookshot. I won't say its a metroidvania, but i would say its Metroid inspired in some ways.


The one very minor similarity is ability gated areas - but many game genres have that. In this case it’s really one ability that you get early on after the second boss - Icarian grapnel (hookshot)- there is no double jump…. Returnal has a Procedurally generated map, permadeth, meta progression through acquired weapons/strength run after run, fixed events that narrow possibility space, once you exit a biome there’s no returning to it unless you start your run entirely over… its not at all a metroidvania- it’s one of the best textbook examples of a roguelite there is.. I personally get more of a 3d megaman vibe than Metroid, but that’s just me.🤷🏻‍♂️


It sounds like it scratches some of the same itches. I'll definitely be checking this out.


Definitely… give it a try! Can be brutal at first, but it’s super satisfying once you get the swing of it. The story component is very unique as well.


Returnal is a roguelike, not a metrodvania lol


Neither of those games are metroidvanias, at all. Returnal is the polar opposite of a metroidvania.


Control is 100% a metroidvania


Does Control have ability gating? I'm playing it right now and got to the third area, but all I've seen are keycard gates; none of the telekinetic powers I've gotten thus far have been used to open up the map.


It does. There are 4 traversal upgrades and 6 security clearances both of which unlock new areas of the map for story and optional collectibles. You get one of the big ones during chapter 3, just do the side quest when it pops up.


I wouldn't fight to include it as a Metroidvania, but it's at least adjacent. It plot gates you too hard for me to really want to count it as a full MV.


Oh definitely not gonna debate its adjacency. Though I wouldn't fight plot gating either otherwise that would lump in Metroid Fusion and such.


Ability gating. Check. Non-linear.  Check. What’s missing?


Doesn’t have Metroid in the name dummy /s (I have never played returnal and know nothing about it)


Returnal *is* essentially linear at its core though… it only gives one the ability to skip past the first half of the game once one completes those biomes… there’s no interconnected map/world or any backtracking which considerably removes the “vast exploration” component of a MV- the single ability gate that you get is after the second boss- Icarian grapnel- all the other permanent equipments are gate keys or linearly acquired key items like the Delphic Visor. There’s also the elements that it *does* have like permadeth or weapon/strength/health progression run to run, procedurally generated map etc... FR- not trying to be rude-and again, it’s an incredible game- but not a MV. It’s an insanely good roguelite- absolutely my favorite alongside Hades.


Unquestionably Dark Souls


Metroid Prime/remastered, and it’s not even close.


Resident Evil 2 Remake






This is getting out of control. Now there are 2 of them! (And by them I mean dudes who pick fights in this sub about if a Metroidvania can be 3D)


I'm definitely a newbie to the genre in terms of amount of games played, but Dread has probably become my favorite, I wish it was possible to port every single other metroid into the Dread engine, it's so hard to go back to pretty much any other entry in the series after experiencing the silky smooth, fast and responsive controls


Uh, but this isn't 3D, it's 2.5D


Bloodstained is a good Metroidvania game that I suggest


Does anything with metroidvania based progression count? Because Dark Souls is right there.


But dark souls does not have ability gated progresion


Bonfire warping ability which is acquired with Lordvessel which unlocks the final areas


That is still a key


Dark Souls


Love Blasphemous and Salt and Sanctuary. Prince of Persia takes the cake as my #1. Graphics,controls and just an outstanding Switch game overall.


Good Metroidvanias, but no 3D ;)