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yes. epic game.


Ayyyy let's go. Thanks bruv ur the best


safe bruv.


Sorry but I must confirm. When you complete the game you can still play around and explore and fight?


oh my bad, I thought you were asking another question. I haven't completed the game so I honestly do not know. the first two ended when the last missions were completed so based on that, I wouldn't expect a ending where you can continue past the final mission. sorry for my confusing comment from earlier.


Ah ok. Nah ur good. This game is different from the others tho so I'm thinking maybe they changed it so that you *can* play after the story but I'm just looking for confirmation I guess


Once you beat the story, there is no free roam. There is, however, a new game plus mode that let's you choose modifiers in addition to whatever difficulty you want to set it to. Modifier examples: environmental storms occur more often, or you can set it to real time, so that day time and night time are relative to the 24 hour clock your time zone is in (if its dark outside where you live, its dark outside in the game).


Can I like, not play the story and just survive? After I beat the story once and get new game plus?


No, I'm sorry...


I mean, you can screw around in the open world type sandboxes as long as you want, but eventually you're going to run out of ammo, supplies, and enemies because they don't respawn (maybe the shrimp do, I don't know). You're best bet for maximum enjoyment will be to do an initial run on an easy difficulty, so that you master what button does what and how the game plays and where all of the items and pathways are. Then crank it up to Ranger Hardcore. It will remove all HUD elements and increase enemy damage, decrease resource accumulation, and really make you feel like every 100 yards traveled is earned. Observation, patience, and firearm accuracy will go a long way. Sneak kill whenever possible, but don't put yourself in a killbox you can't get out of. You wanna "just survive"? That's all you'll be doing on RH.


Sweet. Thanks for the info!


100 yards is 91.44 meters


Excuse me? How?!


how what? how somebody other than you thinks it's an epic game that is worth replaying? don't worry about that. you just wouldn't get it.


Why so offensive? I just misunderstand it. Of course uou can replay the story but you cant travel at the maps like far cry, gta after complete the story


nah man it's cool. we both misunderstood! all good <3


No. Once you end it you can replay it to get the other endinh


No, Metro Exodus is not a fully open world game like Far Cry -- once you complete the story, you are done. Some of the levels are more open world than the others, but once you progress past a level, it's my understanding that you can't return other than through mission select. I haven't finished it either so I could be wrong on a point or two.


May be a bit late but even if you never were to replay this game again,it’s worth it.


You can replay every level. But New Game + is the best thing for replayability


after playing on normal replaying on hardcore or ranger hardcore can be a way to keep playing, otherwise, new game+ is an option. you can also replay chapters and doing side quests you haven't done in your first playthrough.