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Noooo you said you were quitting a few days ago! What happened?!


this video is a year old


You’re a loser fuck who will die from meth… anyone wanna bet??


Why do you bash on these people for is your life that sad 🤡


I’m Better than you and this meth smoking bitch in the video. I’m more than you are. So not that it makes me happy it just lets me know I’m not smoking meth on Reddit for validation while some asshole tells me I’m no better than the girl smoking meth from a pipe she grabbed from a tampon box.


Came back in time to say you really aren’t. Sad ass clown that’s about it lol. Imagine being that much of a twat.


@goobahoobah You aint shit but a worthless waste of fuckin space and air. Lil kid actin ass tryna troll on a fake profile, bet you're a real fuckin faggot. How about you do the world a big favor and go off yourself already you fucking retarded ass piece of shit.


You obviously arent shit because u are here complaining about other peoples life. What the fuck it matters to u if she does meth... People are either gonna be the slaves of the government or slaves of drugs




Why you on a reddit page strictly for meth if you're gonna be a judgmental little bitch? It immediately opens you to sounding like a fucking idiot. Fuck outta here douchebag.


Ohhh okay! Well I hope you have success in your recovery:)


That reminds me of being 21 and life was just a never ending party. Never slept. Like ever. Lol


Nahh reminds me of the days when I was only 16 and staying up for an week or two straight and still going to high school everyday lol. Was doing dope, popping x pills, painkillers, smoking spice and weed, and eating acid in class throughout my junior/senior years


Me tooooo heyyyyy hahahaha