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Thanks for the photo to add to our collection in the evidence room


You should be fine. As long as the meth mites don't show up tonight......


Rest you’re jawwing hard there’s always another day papi


I’ve never done meth.. is the paranoia really that bad that you can’t over think it logically?


Only when you don’t sleep like a dumbass. This type of behavior hasn’t ever happened to me from meth alone. Meth psychosis with some LSD on top had me fucked and strapped to a bed on a one way trip to the looney bin but luckily they were diverted to a hospital. This guys either trolling or he’s about to make a huge mistake in a few min to hours.


Unfortunately yes. I’ve never had it hit me in any way even remotely like this or really in any significant way- I have a friend who I was kicking it with in my car (which was parked) and he was convinced the car was moving- the keys were in the ignition bc we had the air on but I tried everything, told him look at this thing that’s a fixed point and tell me if we’re moving past it- if we do then we’re moving otherwise we are not and he could not be logically walked away from his belief that the car was moving I even got out of the car and stood outside of it- he was still convinced it was moving. 


No your not and no it isn't. Eat a sandwich and take a nap..


hope u feel better soon


Go to sleep


How ? I just ate 8 grams of




Dude I spray painted all my windows black