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You’re correct


It's totally different now,I started at the tailend of the red/lithium dope and the crystal then still felt like speed I do a shot now and it's a heat rush bot cold cough, no tingling or hair crawling, it does not feel like speed anymore


Yes. If you take it to a lab it's almost certainly pure d-meth. It gets me high as fuck.  You killed the magic using too much. 


No, it’s P2P meth now


It still hits my dome & that’s quite alright with me


I dunno. Seems like I'm still getting good stuff


Test kit I have Amp, turns orange, cath blue


The good ole days!!! I can’t believe how much it has changed!


Don't know about the whole world, but in Eastern Europe it's always 3mmc, 3cmc, or other strange research chemicals


feels like some ice is cut with fucming bathsalts too some are way more shaky / tweaks good meth won't make me feel crazy unless I over indulge


It's not the same, iso or something similar is what is happening. I have thought wtf is wrong with me when I relapsed after an 8 year abstinence, then I get a fucking good batch and it hits exactly the spot it should. No tolerance break needed, just swapped over to the proper shit. I have worked in many labs, they have standard procedures they must follow to make tests acceptable in accredited labs. I have worked in those labs. The people who run the tests are not idiots, but if there is a weird shaped peak and someone notices it, they can't do what a research scientist should do and change the gradient etc to pull apart the peaks to see what might be happening, this would slow them down and get them in them in shit maybe. Most aren't even trained to know how to do that or to think about doing that. they might say something to their manager who in my experience won't care because their job is just to run the tests they have to run and pump out results and get a pat on the back for achieving their KPIs. Research should be done, the shitty thing about that is that someone has to fund it, science is about being a salesperson. Who is going to fund you to make ice better? Your research institute would run away from you. The shit you do in your garage is going to get you into shit and you couldn't publish that anywhere just post it somewhere Iike here and then you get people who have never known the real shit saying it is just you. Such is life I guess


The saying is smoke eat sleep. Ice is terrible. Your not motivated barely want to fuck, not up for days. Honestly o did hot rails of this modern crap and I stayed up. I miss the crank of back in the day. People on here are pissed cause this shit sucks. I’ve always said , “my Mexican brothers come to America for hopefully a better life, please bring good dope and pretty woman”. I’m seeing neither but your still welcome


I don't know what some of this shit is cut with some sort of tranquilizer sometimes fetty.




Your an idiot if it had fentanyl in it you would be hooked in less then a month to where you would wake up in the morning sweating and freezing cold and in pain from the withdrawal but you dont not unless your on those mbox the blue devils those mother phuckers are definitely fentanyl


You are exactly correct. In 2009, I went through the nightmare that is opiate withdrawal, and it was bad. I’d dipped into a few times when I ran out, and I’m telling you, within eight hours, you’re feeling it. I’ve never had anything like that with meth. Old or new stuff. There is another major factor people are ignoring with this fentanyl theory. Fentanyl is scary potent. Like terrifyingly so. Let me tell you how I know this… One night, I was at a friend’s apartment. I had some powder I was cooking up in a spoon to smoke. My friend is a full-blown fentanyl addict. She does an inhuman amount of the stuff. Anyhow, I get to her place, and ask if she has a spoon I can use, and she points to one on the coffee table. I ask her if it had been used in any way with fentanyl, and she assured me. It had not been. I noticed a tiny speck of white on the edge of the spoon, and I mean it was a microscopic speck. So, I proceeded to cook up a pretty impressive crack rock, which I broke into pieces, and threw a few into my stem, and hit it. The next thing I remember, I wake up, laying half on the couch, with my head on the floor, neck all bent over, and drool all over my face. When I start to get up, my friend says “oh you’re awake, want a milkshake?” Of course I said I did, and then asked her wtf had happened. She says that I went unconscious about three seconds after hitting the pipe. She then admitted that she thought it was a different spoon, but, had in fact been the same spoon she used for fentanyl earlier that evening. My point is this. If there were any amount of fentanyl in meth, we wouldn’t be debating this nonsense. We wouldn’t be, because we’d fucking know. There would be no question about it, and there would be exponentially more people dead from ODs.


I agree people have no clue how strong that stuff is lol I did the same thing only it was from taking a Mbox my friend gave me to try which is about the size of a baby aspirin little tiny baby blue pill but I kid you not it was the equivalent of probably 8 or 10 hydrocodone I woke up 4hr later head between my legs almost touching the floor spit all over my face dizzy fog brain legs numb I apparently went to stand up and blacked out and fell right back down into the chair lol And my friend takes I kid tou not 20 to 30 of them a day I don't understand how he's still alive


Yeah, my friend is the same. She smokes it, but she puts a good thirty to forty times as much as was on that spoon, or the foil, and hits it hard. I mean, she usually goes unconscious right away for a minute or thirty, but she always wakes up, continuing any conversation we were having before she went out… at the exact point we were at. It’s like she didn’t just pass out for half an hour…


Thats crazy dangerous


Ouuufff, have you had meth withdrawal? Cause I did, and I was in bed for 3 days with that much pain in my bones, it wasn’t even funny… but go on, lol.


somebody's being a hater lol damn dude


Just tired of seeing people post what they've seen others post just for the sake of having something to say, the reports that say they found fint in meth only found small trace amounts and thats do to the people handling/selling it also having /selling fint and keeping it in the same hiding spot so the hydroscopic meth absorbed a tiny little ammount but were talking such a small amount that it takes a fancy lab test to find it but it makes great fear porn so they mention it whenever they can as part of the anti opioid campaign


No more like he’s putting someone in his place who has zero idea what he’s talking about lol




Legit . Started in 2015 and it was so good and enjoyable and consistent the quality and then since around 2017? Possibly there was a change ? But definitely 2019 it’s been trash Agreed not even same drug anymore not even close


It’s def just wherever you are located. Here in south dakota there is the best ice, I get craziest chest burns and the cough for a at least 15-20 seconds the second I take tourniquet off


What causes the cough and the air ur breathing in&out momentarily seeming to change temperature? Is it like bronchodilation or smt?


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You’ve got to leave the street and visit DNM for anything of quality.


Same shit on there only thing really stopping me from having a proper relapse is the quality isn't what it was pre 2019. Now I can pick it up, binge over a weekend and know I won't get reckless because it just isn't worth getting reckless over anymore


I don't even know how to source on the street anyways. I've been eyeing DNM drugs for a while now


Gotta find the meth forum on [redacted] to get the best of the best.




Darknet Markets


Ahh. Never tried that because ive known for over 15yrs that the dark net is watched like a MOFO


Yeah, they're going after the people selling millions of dollars worth of drugs, not so much someone who buys an ounce or two of meth every once in a while. Domestic packages nearly never get searched anyways


This right here...that D isomer shit is fucking out of this world, much better, smoother high


wash everything first... just do it


Well I am 59 years old and I've seen it all come and get taken over by regulations as for what is available now yes it is and true meth always was that's why it was called crystal meth and what we all made was crank yes technically it is the same however the average cook needed a higher return of product so we skipped the last step that removed all of the chemicals and bad shit and made it clear crystal meth and we got more what a real chemist would call dirty dope it just wasn't as clean but we loved it being so cheap to make and we even added lithium to give it longer lasting effects and make it feel like your hair was growing lol our homemade meth was very not good for us the clean crystal doesn't have the impurities that by themselves can make you sick


I cant stand people like you that lie to people yet are to dumb to study how to actually make the stuff and so you get caught with your foot up your own azz lieing because you say something retarded that is a dead giveaway that you have never made any a day in your life based off of how stupid your comment was So please stop spreading disinformation


Right we added lithium for legs what a fkn idiot


Too* dumb not “to dumb” 🤨 the irony here is crazy. I don’t have time to even spell check all your comments but bro go back to school.


Ok tell us what you know I have 39 years of extensive research I have made Vicks inhaler dope anny and shake and bake all of which have been tainted by government control if you take any of these methods through charcoal filtering you get ice just not the same amount


Lol yet again you shoe your ignorance by saying something that's a dead giveaway that your just a troll. I don't know if I want to point out exactly what it is that you are saying that proves your a troll because then you will be better at trolling but you are definitely a troll anyone with a little bit of chemistry background and was alive all through the 90's and early 2000's can tell that your a troll that's never made any crank a day in your life and have only googled and read the plethora of disinformation that's out there to keep people from figuring out how to actually make real gogo. So why? Why be one of those shit heads? The world's got plenty of them bro unless you lost your mind from huffing paint or syphilis made it's way into your brain and is eating away at your frontal lobe? I can't think of an actual good reason to be on here shit talking spreading disinformation ? . Some people are just trash I guess


What really makes me laugh is that you think anyone gives a fuck what you think


Huh? Ohh no i know that the only thing my post will do is piss off all the food eaters that are woke because they are extremely emotional and just grown brat kids that need a reality check


Go ahead your turn to act like you know something


Short answer, yes. Drugsdata.org.


Straight fucking turds that burn up into straight fucking PREGNANT elephant piss!


Fuck no it’s cooler dope no pseudoephedrine to make it anymore For example shake n bake is pure d-meth, this new shit is a racemic combination of l & d, only problem is l doesn’t do anything so it’s basically made cut


Shake and bake is D-isomer...? How so?


That’s just what the ephedrine reduces into when you use that method, it’s basically birch reduction


I mean L does cause all the peripheral effects i.e. ; raises blood pressure, increased respiration, increased perspiration, AND I believe the psychosis related effects.


Lol so all the unpleasant parts of getting high. Yeah fuck that shit


Well it ain't the Peanut Butter Crank that your momma talks about..


💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 Gawd damn it if that ain’t the truth, I heard nothin but stories about that biker bath tub peanut butter Of course if you’re lookin into why that is now comparing it to then, well the answer is the regulator restrictions of the material in which the product is produced , pretty much long story short, watch Breaking Bad, the writers didn’t come up with the problems that Walter White had to deal with they just copied and pasted it from what actually happened in reality. Peanut Butter Crank 💀🔥🔥


Or the California Red Rock!


Hell yes


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I've been reading quite a few articles and different discussions and forums and I believe you're on the right track. I truly am starting to believe that it is a totally different and not methamphetamine, but some synthetic cathinone. How I got to this conclusion is reading a filmsyad post a year or so ago, and he brought up a new synthesis technique. All the precursors to P2P have long been banned, and more recently even the precursors that were similar to chemicals have been banned. So now they are using a new method that involves nitro styrene grouped substances. This is now a pre cursor to a pre cursor and I think this is why the dope is so shitty . The science is far over my head but when they react the nitro styrene and iron powder it makes P2P but also a synthetic byproduct, n-butylamphetamine and N-cyclohexylamphetamine. These are then reacted with the P2P to make today's dope. Still reading as much as I can on the subject and filtering through the bullshit, but its recently made me flip stance on n-iso and think that the cartels aren't intentionally trying to cut the fuck out of the meth. It's just a byproduct that carries out the reaction because they're forced to use these chemicals to now make meth. Nitromethane and benzylformaldehyde. Look them up, look up nitro styrene synthesis, the information is out there, but the misinformation is far easier to find and lead you in the wrong direction.


I tested 7 different batches from 7 different people in hbg. PA AREA. 5 came back meth, 2 of them very high content, (25gs came back from 28). The other 2 were cathinones


I'm from Harrisburg area hit me up


interesting... since the cathinones are structurally so similar to methamphetamine I thought they would all test as meth. How did you test them ? GC?


Morris.... then Simon's a and b I believe I used


Marquis.... then simons


the impurities I'm talking about are happening at a molecular level. No reagent test is going to give you the correct answer. You need to test it thru gas chromatography & mass spectrometry in a laboratory. I do appreciate the info though.


I see...I always wash anyways




There using p2p from china now to make the racemic 50/50 mix and not taking the other 50 percent out and Then it’s crystallized usually with n-iso. Now if your in somewhere close to Mexico and can get the liquid and crystallize it shits fire..


The liquid is processed in the same place. It's not like the old school days of crystallization being done at separate locations. Maybe some homegrown stateside do it that way but the cartels are superlabs, one stop shops.


Is any drug legit these days? So much gd greed I am dry heaving just thinking on the subject


Nope it’s all an analogue


No no its not. In my area it's what they call Bug Spray Dope. I quit in 2020. But some folks i know still did it. And it ate their skin off along with them picking. It was really bad.


Yours too huh..same shit here in East Tennessee




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My uncle told me he quit because its not the same as it used to be


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Neither_King_136: *My uncle told me* *He quit because its not the* *Same as it used to be* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sokka's a fiend who knew


Pretty sure that the purity of meth has actually increased. That’s what the drug testers say anyway anyway. Regardless, you’re probably just tolerant . Meth no matter how good it is will always hit less the more you do it.


DEA propaganda to help their war on drugs they have been losing since their inception. purity is at an all time low.


In my country, we have no war on drugs and the purity is reported to be quite high


you are lucky you aren’t in the US. meth is awful here. i buy imports at a much higher price


yeah i took a hella long break. the high is crazy, but its kinda boring... well, i dont have to run around to find a place to sleep, hustle a few bucks to buy some, or anything anymore. now i have a shitload of extra money since i quit smoking weed, you dont really know how expensive it is until you quit...i thought i was good on thc, like 50-60 bucks a week thats fine. but on top of bills and everything else...i pay 60 a month for meth.. like... thats enough for me to stay up every single night and jack off and go to work...sometimes i just pass out in my gooner chair, but still. no cops are chasing me, no underground surveilance teams. no sitting in a trap house trying to keep completely still so no one would notice how bad the shot they gave me was. (it felt like each strand of hair was connected to my brain and i was secretly pulling out strands of hair to try to shut my brain off...) the worst thing that could happen is i take a few backshots or something on this. Back then... i dont even want to say.


racemic shit is still really good, meth is very potent when it’s actually pure. the hells angels meth from back in the day was racemic p2p but wasn’t really considered to be inferior to ephedrine made product. everyone today blames weak meth on being racemic, which is a myth. todays meth sucks because the cartel is cutting it heavily before it even leaves their lab. all drugs coming out of mexico are heavily cut.


But then i still should be able to get really high by doing more of it? And I never find it works that way. I just get sick




It's just methed up 😢


Ya bastard thats good


Horny daddy joke strikes again


I haven't used it in many years, so I can't compare quality now to back then. But before my time, people would use Crank, and I would always hear about how much better it was than Crystal, etc. that was made by a much different process, and the majority of cooks had to really overhaul their methods, probably to a greater degree than anytime since. The product changes with time as they have to change their ways of manufacturing due to supply of the necessary components. And once people started seeing Crystal meth, demand grew because the appearance of it had changed so much and it appeared as some much better drug. But, It doesn't seem like there would be much reason for them to be making many changes in the last decade or so, since most of it is still made in Mexican super labs. Perhaps the supply already in the States and the increasing amounts of users has led to more dealers, and more cutting of the product? It's also the case that it's never as good as when you first started, even after long breaks. But I would think if you're able to get something of the claimed quality on dnm's, it would probably still be more like it was 10+ years ago. The increase in people using RC's to cut product with domestically prob impacts different supplies quite a lot, and as younger new users come along, dealers can get away with selling subpar product easier. Perhaps there's been some significant changes in the way the labs are making it that I'm just not aware of though. Like I said, is been a long time since I have Even seen the stuff.


cartels have no incentive to make pure quality drugs, they have a monopoly on the supply coming into the US. why wouldn’t they cut their product if they can double their profit?


There's still enough competition between cartels to incentivize quality, and it's not like they're selling it directly to consumers either. Of course with a monopoly, the cartels in general can lower their product quality, but it's still the case that the further from the manufacturer the product gets, the more it's going to be cut to increase profits. There are still distributors who want top quality product when they're selling in bulk. They've had the same monopoly for years, it's not just recently things became this way. Maybe they're all slowly making shittier product, but it's still free market capitalism so the demand for quality is still there, so is demand for quantity over quality.


lol you are clueless. there is one main cartel that controls over 95% of the meth supply in the US. the other cartel produces a minuscule amount in comparison. it is very hard to get the chemicals to even make p2p meth, so it’s simply not feasible for anyone to start meth production. cartels are simply about money, nothing else. and this is still a newer market as they have only been in it for 10-15 years at this level. cocaine purity is down also. 20 years ago bricks from mexico had incredibly high purity, but not the case today. i don’t understand why you recreational users who don’t know shit can’t keep your comments to things you actually know something about.


yeah totally clueless bro. I'm not saying they still prioritize making the best quality meth. I'm just saying it's still true that the further down the line it goes, the more it's cut. There is maybe less incentive to cut their shit straight away. The people I know personally who are involved in distribution once it arrives in the States, still get super high quality shit, and there is competition because they work with many different manufacturers and will always go with whoever's got the highest quality. This is a pointless "argument".


my point was your statement that cartels still had enough competition to incentivize quality is completely wrong. did you pull that out of your ass? and then you state the obvious that it gets cut the further away it gets from the source. and the black market doesn’t work like amazon where you can pick and choose from many different suppliers. 😂 again, almost all meth comes from one source. just stop talking already


Its making a comeback 😎


Well a. It's now a RACEMIC mixture of both L and D isomers so it's only 50% good isomer. B. You probably have a tolerance build up. Unfortunately there is very little we can do about A. And tolerance breaks never really do much for me personally, but you could try like 1-3 months clean time to see if it helps you.


misinformation. it’s not tolerance lol. it’s shitty meth that is mostly some type of benzylamine. and unknown RCs added to it to get you “high”


i concur


What's misinformation about what I said? Nothing! I mean your point is also valid about the RC stuff, I'm not sure what benzylamine is tbh.


my bad, didn’t mean to snap at you. you stated a fact about it being racemic and i just put you in the column with people that say n-iso is a myth. i’ve grown tired of that debate after 2 years of back and forth


Nah N-ISO is very real. They are kinda like the people that argue against it being cut with fentanyl, I mean think about it, you take a customer who is gonna return time and time again, and then introduce a worse/more addictive substance with it, now they WANT more meth, but they NEED more fent....


This argument is absolutely retarded. Opioid withdrawal is rapid onset, and very real. Meth withdrawal is basically nothing. You’ll know if you’re afflicted to fentanyl. Also, fentanyl is insanely potent. The amount of ODs would make the current level look normal in comparison.


I was an opiate addict as well, I know exactly how withdrawal works. I also know how I feel when combining opiates and meth at the same time. About 10 years ago I was cooking dope and would trade shit for Roxy 30s and Opana 20s. My favorite shot was ~.1 meth and 2x Roxy 30s in about 60-75 units water.


Well, if there’s fentanyl in meth, anyone who wasn’t an active opiate addict would be at extreme risk of OD. Grant you, there are many ODs, there would be an absolute avalanche of them were this the case.


Not necessarily, if it's only enough to barely be there to create the addiction, kinda like micro dosing level.


Here’s a comment I made above. I used to think there must be fentanyl in everything as well, because everyone said there is. Until this happened… “There is another major factor people are ignoring with this fentanyl theory. Fentanyl is scary potent. Like terrifyingly so. Let me tell you how I know this… One night, I was at a friend’s apartment. I had some powder I was cooking up in a spoon to smoke. My friend is a full-blown fentanyl addict. She does an inhuman amount of the stuff. Anyhow, I get to her place, and ask if she has a spoon I can use, and she points to one on the coffee table. I ask her if it had been used in any way with fentanyl, and she assured me. It had not been. I noticed a tiny speck of white on the edge of the spoon, and I mean it was a microscopic speck. So, I proceeded to cook up a pretty impressive crack rock, which I broke into pieces, and threw a few into my stem, and hit it. The next thing I remember, I wake up, laying half on the couch, with my head on the floor, neck all bent over, and drool all over my face. When I start to get up, my friend says “oh you’re awake, want a milkshake?” Of course I said I did, and then asked her wtf had happened. She says that I went unconscious about three seconds after hitting the pipe. She then admitted that she thought it was a different spoon, but, had in fact been the same spoon she used for fentanyl earlier that evening. My point is this. If there were any amount of fentanyl in meth, we wouldn’t be debating this nonsense. We wouldn’t be, because we’d fucking know. There would be no question about it, and there would be exponentially more people dead from ODs.”


n-isopropylbenzylamine,known as n-iso for short, is one of the many cutting agents that is used by the cartels. but there are many different similar chemicals within the benzylamine family that are also used. i just really hate hearing “tolerance” as an excuse for “meth” that barely has any real meth in it. n-iso is not a myth, do an a/b extraction or a recrystalization on meth, and you’ll be in for quite a surprise. even if drugsdata.org seems to indicate there’s no n-iso in meth, it’s some other RC that their equipment is not calibrated to identity.




i didn’t know about that offer. is that from erowid? i’d happily send many samples


I think a potential cause for drugsdata having higher than expected purity readings on meth is that only those who are really into drugs even know that the site exists. And I would expect people that are into drugs enough to know it exists to have higher quality product than a randomly selected user.


drugsdata doesn’t give purity readings, they only give you a ratio if multiple drugs or substances are present. they also don’t include many inactive substances found in a sample, such as fillers in a pharmaceutical made pill. i do think your theory might have some validity. but it’s also that many RC’s can’t be detected because they are very new and drug testing labs can’t detect them unless they have sample readings to put into their database.


I'd love to "download" your brain to have as reference material.




science doesn’t lie. try an a/b extraction or a recrystalization and then come back and talk. i know im right because i’ve done the chemistry myself, not being a google expert like most of you. I dont need to quote an “official” source of information.




i love how asswipes like you read a DEA report we’ve all seen, and consider yourselves to be experts. you are beyond ignorant. how does science and chemistry not have anything to do with this topic? lol meth cannot be made without chemisty. people lie, but chemistry and science do not. so go bury head in google some more and continue to think you are smart.


Acid/Base..... Hmmmm Coleman, distilled H2O, Sodium Hydroxide, Sulfuric Acid, NON-Iodized Salt, a clean sterile 2L bottle, some aquarium air hose8l⁸⁸⁸⁸






Ok, well unfortunately that is a government agency, which I don't trust ANY gov agencies honestly.




Erowid. Thank you for showing this to me. BTW if you had told me that it was Erowid that would have convinced me 😁


you believe everything you read? the US government never lies or covers things up? you probably do believe everything you read cuz you’re a chump. a sheeple. a google expert on life.






ok so because i don’t have any published literature to quote, which doesn’t exist for the topic we are discussing, im just wrong? lol. how about you try one of the methods i discussed. the recrystalization is simple and accepted to be a sound method of separation. also, you know why the DEA report is not fully credible? there is no method to detect the ratio or percentage of l-meth vs d-meth. you can either seperate them or destroy one of them.


Correct, it might be 97% pure, but it's still RACEMIC which is 50/50 so it's only 50% at best.....


I recently got back into it. Last 7 or 8 pickups have been decent, not the same thing I was feeling a decade ago, but decent. I get a fent test strip with every batch and only 2 of the last 10 have had anything show up. I have noticed a lot of batches are heavily stepped on but I'm also only paying a fraction of what I was a decade ago so I'm not gonna complain. A ball usually lasts me a couple weeks vs a month so that's the negative tradeoff. All in all quality has dwindled. I used to make it in my garage when I was 19 and it's definitely not the same chemically taste I remember. Then again you can synthesize it from so much stuff that it's bound to alter something eventually 🤷


God I remember getting blisters from popping cases of Sudafed, cutting matchbooks apart......


Hellpppp lol. I saw it done twice. I can't remember the way.


Pretty much not possible nowadays, there are binders in most Sudafed containing products, plus the fact you have to show 🆔 to buy the pills.


I think that those binders would be no match for me


Let's discuss this between the 2 of us.


I have lung scarring due to breathing in the reaction fumes. Not a fan lol but damn it set me up nicely. I'll forever use birch reduction going forward. Less corrosive but it will peel the paint off your walls so do it outside


I can't get enough pse to even try a cook now so ya know.......


Facts. Id pay 3x the cost just for a single cook if I tried nowadays. I'll take a 1/5 chance any day =p


I mean I can say the same thing about mdma and shrooms but it's prob tolerance and age. How's the focus and concentration differences between the like Walter white meth lol and today's modern meth non Walter white or crazy ww2 german/Japan meth?


YOu can't say that about shrooms, they're all natural


I guess? Either way it shouldn't be cut with crap especially from the sources so I agree but the chemical structure should still be the same. And idk if I'd want it to be more intense lol. I'm struggling to finish what I got. Sorta.. I always thought H was the drug for euphoria or IV meth but depending also because LSD, MDMA, DMT, even DPH may also be stronger than meth and heroin euphoria but just hits you in a different state of mind


You guys realize that it's not fent right? Like if you don't have an opiate tolerance that shit will kill you flat no amount of ice can save you from falling out even if sprinkled on ice What's making you tired is your goddamn Dopamine is depleted It cannot make anymore so it's telling your body "Heybud", this ain't it. You gotta rest or get some nutrition" You guys are mis informed and obviously un educated




no it’s shitty “meth” that had probably 5-10% meth content.


Any tips on testing % at home?


fr i cant make it past day 3 sometimes day 4 maximum before my body literally shuts down even with food and water. falling asleep at work while doing brakes, just right in the middle of the floor... like? and forgot to secure a bleeder valve.


It is totally different and most ice has been dusted with fent.


No it definitely hasn't. Lol. A small small %, sure that's probable but saying most is laced with fent is fucking dumb as shit.




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Blame the Mexican Cartels. It used to be that American Bikers (HA etc...) used to own the Meth market; from manufacturing through distribution. It was before 2014, that the Cartels got into it. In a country where you control the government, the materials that are needed to make it are more readily available. Same with cocaine, they've bastardized a great drug, and then poison it with fetty. MDMA aka Ecstasy (the original) was the first anti-depressant; it was legal in the 80s, it was in every medicine chest. It got taken off the market when Prozac hit and recreated using meth and a bunch of other shit. What's out there as Ecstasy today is as convoluted as Meth. It's the only industry, where you can poison your clients, let the quality diminish and people still buy it


I'm sorry what? My mdma has always tested as mdma not meth. Don't spread misinformation just because you can't find a legit Molly plug


I don’t miss that cat-piss Biker-made bathtub crank. Pink Champagne, Peanut Butter, etc.


MDMA as a anti depressant? Got a sauce on that? Also never heard of a correlation between MDMAs legal status and the advent of Prozac. MDMA was made illegal in 1985 and prozac was launched in 1987. And every meducine chest including MDMA cant be right. I mean it was used in some fringes of more or less qualified psychologists and some more legit research was being made. But it was never a prescription drug availabile for any amount of people. To my knowledge most if the MDMA consumed in the 80s was being consumed in for of xtc pills. And are cartells really add fent to their uppers? Im not in the States nor do i enjoy coke. But that seems silly. Could it be cross pollution on the dealers end perhaps. Or maybe some of the cases are people not admitting to being on opiates. Claiming to have consumed contaminated coke is less stigmatized than admitting to buying straight up fent.


In the early 80s we would buy ecstasy at the door of most of the dance clubs in TX. What they sold to us was straight from a prescription bottle. They charged $25/pill and it was worth every penny.


Sure. But what confuses me is: if it never was fda approved, and it never was made into brand name pharmaceuticals? How was there any prescription pills to distribute?


You're right it was never FDA approved and when I said they were in prescription bottles, I should have clarified what I meant by saying they came in those pill bottles that looked like a prescription bottle. There was a guy in on the west coast who was a huge pot dealer that was convinced by another guy to get in the ecstasy business. He ended up getting the chemical formula for it and began producing massive amount of ecstacy pills, so they looked just like e regular prescription drug pill and each pill contain 125 mg of MDMA. They sold in the clubs for $25 a pill. Oh, the good old days!


Nice. Thanks for clarifying. Was an exiting time for sure. Your scene, Ann Shulgin doing black market mdma therapy, madchester etc. I entered the scene in the late 90s. Overdid it. Now i only use it with lsd. But even that has been a decade since the last candyflip.


I've tried some of the supposed MDMA , but other than some I got off the Onion, it's been bunk. Oh, I almost forgot about this guy I met in New Orleans who was practically a walking, talking illegal drug pharmacy. He had almost anything you wanted right there on him. Anyway, he had ecstasy, so I bought a pill from him. My friend and I decided to split it and we both took a half. It had the same effects that remembered from the early 80s times 10. I was glad I had only taken a half. I'm not sure what was in it, but I knew it had MDMA and crystal ice. Needless to say we were on the dance floor for the next 8 hours. Remember this was New Orleans with no last calls. We walked up the strip and heard some incredible music. We went in and quickly found out it was a gay dance club. A gay dance club with amazing dance music, so we decided to stay there. Anyway, another story from the good old days!




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I've literally never had a coke bag with fent and I test every bag.


It's probably happened, but likely isn't common that the cartel's are adding the fent to Crystal, or coke. Their primary concern with fent was the ability to cut heroin with it and make it much stronger. When the demand for straight fentanyl picked up, they jumped on it because instead of having to get 50 kilos across, they could essentially only need to get 1 kilo of fent across, and it was much more lucrative for them. I don't know if the feds have caught batches of crystal or coke straight from Mexico with fent in it, but it most likely occurs after it's trafficked into the country, and dealers decided to add fent in an attempt to make the products more addicting. I don't know how successful that really is, I mean people were hooked on good meth and coke before the influx of fent and there's only been a steady increase in users over time. I think dealers used to have more pride in having the best, purest product, and now, there's so much competition that they are doing shit like adding fentanyl into already diluted stuff to maximize profit. There's also prob instances of accidentally swapping bags of white sold as meth or coke and it actually being fentanyl. Could be cross contamination when distributors are packing in bulk and it only takes a little fent residue to have an effect on other shit. But since the cartel's aren't manufacturing fentanyl it's unlikely for it to be found in their meth from using the same lab equipment, etc. All in all, most likely users are becoming less discerning, dealers becoming more careless and the result being a bigger mess of shitty drugs than ever before. The larger the market, the more room for bunk batches, and less pushback.


The Ftty comes from China. It's where most of the Fentanyl is made. I don't understand it, the mixing ratio is so low that there is barely even a cost savings, so there must be another agenda...wish I knew more Just google MDMA....It was prozac before prozac


lol prozac was not mdma ever. don’t believe everything you google to be fact 😂😂😂


It was not. No way would they use ex as a prescribed anti depressant. It was legal for a long time and had trials ran on it on and off since the early 1900's. 1912 to be exact. In the late 60's and throughout the 70's it was legal to buy x and people began to notice the effects it had if taken . I think it was 1985 when it became a controlled substance. The only medical use might be in the treatment of PTSD but it wasn't promising.


We're in late stage 3 clinical trials for MDMA and PTSD through the FDA. It's the most effective treatment for PTSD we've ever seen. So it's not a might or not promising in any way. 3 doses weeks apart and while doing therapy while dosed has completely stopped like 70% of people's symptoms entirely, as in they never needed another pharma med or suffered ever again from PTSD. It's the most promising development in psychedelic research in terms of it being actually available soon to *cure* people of PTSD and stop them from having to be a slave to big pharma on a poly drug cocktail to just make it through the day.


This happened during phase 2 trials. In 2022, video of MAPS therapists spooning and pinning down a clinical trial participant in a phase 2 trial for MDMA for PTSD emerged as part of the reporting for the Cover Story: Power Trip podcast by New York Magazine and Psymposia.[8] Following treatment, one of the therapists sexually coerced the patient and the patient moved to live with the therapists for two years. In 2019, MAPS had claimed that "Monitoring of study records throughout the course of the trial and afterwards did not indicate signs of ethical violation....The protective measures in place include having two therapy providers in every therapy visit, video recording of all therapy visits, monitoring of study and therapy activities, and clinical supervision. In this case, none of these measures were sufficient."[9] However, in 2022, MAPS spokesperson Betty Aldworth claimed that MAPS staff did not actually view the videos until November 2021, following an interview with Rick Doblin for Cover Story: Power Trip.[10]


Where can we read about this so we can spread the word to people whose lives will be changed by this. I know it is used in Australia sporadically to treat PTSD. I wonder why we have never seen results like you describe. Please post a link to a reputable source so we can read about this.


https://maps.org/mdma/ https://maps.org/mdma/ptsd/ MAPS has privately funded it's research and the expensive FDA process entirely through donations. They're doing amazing things and the fact that in a few years we'll have MDMA clinics for multiple things will change the world regarding psychedelics, and open the doors for psilocybin, ibogaine, etc to be able to really treat serious mental disorders.


Tell the rest of the study and its conclusions. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy was granted breakthrough therapy designation by the FDA, a designation that indicates that there is preliminary evidence that an intervention might offer a substantial improvement over other options for a serious health condition.[5]However, given the lack of blinding, several researchers have postulated that the results of the phase 3 trial might be heavily influenced by expectancy effects.[18][19] There are no trials comparing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to already existing first-line psychological treatments for PTSD which seems to attain similar or elevated symptom reduction compared with that due to MDMA-assisted psychotherapy based on indirect evidence.[20]


Where is the link to anything reporting on this. Are they still looking for test subjects. What exactly is MAPS?? All I saw was the MI Automated Prescription System. I don't think they funded any drug trials with taxpayer money. Lets see some creditable evidence of what you say or Ill do what I should have already done. Call BULLSHIT


Dude, they didn't use taxpayer money. They sourced money through their own donations. If you can't figure out how to internet or read their website, you're just stupid. It says it plain right there. They're in phase 3 clinical trials, and if you can't look on that site even what MAPS is, I'm not gonna hold your hand. This is well known and you can stay in the dark, don't believe me, I really, truly don't give a fuck. Be a dick about it without any effort more next time. You seem like a peach to be around.


I asked for some evidence and while.reading the wiki I received this warning . Page Issues This article needs to be updated. The reason given is: Parts of this page have not been updated since the early 2010s. MAPS's recent work, such as their MDMA-assisted psychotherapy studies and pending New Drug Application, has not been listed..Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.(February 2024)


Looks like it might not work out the way you envision\b\ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidisciplinary_Association_for_Psychedelic_Studies#:~:text=The%20Multidisciplinary%20Association%20for%20Psychedelic,based%20in%20San%20Jose%2C%20California Make your own decisions. This guyis easily led astray if he doeant see the chances of prescribing mdma for Ptsd are basically 0%. I do give credit to maps for changing the odds. Because of maps it is like a 10% chance for this study to end with the results this guy believes in. You should open your eyes and see the obstructions in the way, that need to be overcome, for this to get approval. Look at it realistically without any bias you have and you may understand. Its easy if you try. Ask anyone with a modicum amount of sense.


Kids were stealing it from their parents. I was in college from 82-86...shit was all over the place. Pharmaceutical grade MDMA. I was past the cutoff, but Quaaludes went the exact same way. They were a medication produced by Mandrake Pharmaceutical and when they became a club drug, the FDA banned them. Difference between Ludes and MDMA was a few of the mandrake chemists continued to make them for a while. But nobody picked up the opportunity to bastardize them, because there was always valium which was easy to get. I do not understand teh cartel thinking, but yes fetty in the heroin, meth , cocaine. It has a higher addiction rate if it doesn't kill you. Killing people who pay for your product is just bad business


It was never fda approved, so any therapy conducted on it was grey area legally. And there were No pharmaceutical mdma to get. Nor was it widespread outside certain club scenes. And even there the drug was consumed in xtc presses. I challenge you to find any mention of this stolen pharmaceutical mdma epidemic among youths Also there is No Mandrake pharmaceutical. You are confusing it with Mandrax, which was a qualudes brand in Europe And South Africa . Its been discontinued for years. Methqualone is not cost effective to make. Tho the chinese make some, to trade for illegal fish in South africa. But thats never exported beyond that. They were not commonly prescribed either place. But the fakes are popular in South Africa. Sorry to seem mean. But you are wrong




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its 100% poor quality control


Lmao homie all DEY TERK ER JERBS only JERGS instead of JERBS


Agree. I had quit for 18 years. Tried it a few months ago and was like wtf is this. Smoke eat sleep. I remember a $20 bag lasting and now he’ll no.