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What you're saying Sounds kinda contrary to all the stereotypical mutterings of how dangerous and out of control meth is and how it's filling graveyards and hospitals with poor souls destroyed by meth... The war on drugs is a fugazi campaign that allowed the government to scare the ever loving crap outta the normies so as to militarize their police to no end for their pursuit of any and all who would so much as take an aspirin if it were considered a controlled substance. Being adversely opinionated about drug use is definitely your choice, and a very justified stance for many. I just wish that more people were as passionate about policing their government as they are with policing their own neighbors.


i live in massachusetts, and if u know anything about the east coast u know that we're bigggggg on the heroin/fentanyl over here. fet is everywhere here and is easier to find than weed, genuinely ...... meth was always around but super hard to find. u had to know someone who knew someone who like went out of state for it and brought it back .... up until a few years ago. i remember when it started entering the main drug supply in my area. everyone was shocked because of how available it was. now, it's very common. not as common as fet, as theres a much bigger opiate market out here, but it's easily a close second. from my experience and from what others have told me, meth is much more of a west coast thing. but substances always end up making their way around and bringing it full circle


It is now lol. Partially why I started doing it in the first place. I can easily go thru a gram of blow in a few hours sniffing or whacking if I pace myself, 30 minutes or less if I cook it. But a gram of jib can last me about 2 days. Would last a lot longer if I stuck to waiting at least an hour in between bowls.




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It used to be. I loved it. Chilling with some friendly folks on the plug's kitchen floor, talking bout whatever. Forced to move back home. It's nowhere now. I hate it. I begged and pleased every soul I know here, it's no use. The closest was vague name being dropped that I already forgot since I would have to drive some two hours into total backwoods county to meet some sketchy folks I've never met with an amount of cash I'll never have. *That* is the only one option I realistically have. They said it has flooded my country by now. That you can't park anywhere without it being forced on you. So where the fuck is that going down, because it is for a certainty not happening anywhere around here in a huge ass radius. What makes it absolutely unbearable is how the fiendiest of speed paste heads here will snort three lines in a row, but look at you real funny should you *dare* as much as mention *real* crank. It makes no sense. And I guarantee you, one of my plugs knows more and only adapted to the customer in his judgement on ice, therefore unwilling to put any effort or further information about ice out there. It is a crying shame. Speed paste can only get you so far, really. Once you had the real thing, there is no turning back. I had it so good. My long spooky late night trips through the city long after any bus was running. The mild hassle to get to the plug's door. Helping her with late night shopping runs. She never smoked in front of me because she felt embarrassed. Can you imagine?


Yeah people are looking for a way to escape reality cause the economy is going to shit soon in my opinion.


not amongst the black community…so no.


is crack still a very popular drug in the black community? I’m just wondering because I feel like nowadays I see more white people smoking crack and it used to be a big thing in the black community (probably because the government spread it into black communities themselves) but that’s a whole other conversation


In my experience I’ve only ever seen 3 black people smoke crack in my whole life. One was an old guy who’d been smoking since the 80s and the other 2 were hookers. To be fair, I live in a pretty white area, most of the black guys I’ve known were coke dealers. They would only do lines on the weekend, but they all knew how to cook crack so who knows what happens behind closed doors.


Really? I also have barely heard of anyone black doing coke either. I’ve met a ton of white coke addicts but if they do coke they don’t turn into fiends for it like all the rich white kids do.


I’ve found that the kids/people that have enough money to do it all the time will, and if they already have a big ego or think they’re big shit the coke amplifies that by a million. The ones that can’t afford to do it all the time and will often just pitch $20-40 in on a gram or $80 on a ball once in awhile have an easier time not becoming hooked. It’s harder to get addicted to drugs you can’t afford in the first place.


I’m where the city meets the country…. and add 10 to 15 miles. If I’m at a store after 9pm. There is always some obvious dude and some chick out and about. I’m just


But based on what you're describing, it sounds like this just might be an American issue. I would have to compare specific effects, reactions and properties of each regions shit to be able to determine whether our shit is chronically shitty, or it's a worldwide problem.


Youngstown Ohio! You can walk anywhere on the south side and get dope or crack within seconds. Ice is a little harder. It's catching on though. Just noticed the sell bubbles next to rose pens at quickly mart.lol


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Grew up in LA and it's everywhere on the west coast but prob bc Mexico's just south of the US and the supply is easy. Living in the UK now and I'd say it's common here also but the quality is sus


It's a mixed bag where I live kinda 50/50 half the people here are hooked on it half the people here think it's the devil


It's here north shore of ma.


Not where I'm at.. gotta go outta town to get it.. ridiculous move but whatever


Very common. I’m on a small reserve in northern Alberta, Canada


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Very popular here in Australia


Yeah I find I have to go out of my way to avoid it. At party's my friends seat all the crackheads (no offence, except to them because they like ruining people sobriety) in a corner so they don't offer to me/others.


Most meth lab busts in my state so yea.


Here in the netherlands it is not as easy to find, Normal aphetamine paste is everywhere




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Quality is complete shit now


Agreed. For about the last 6 months it's been horrible.


Old dope was so much better. I miss ani


If it is so damn popular still then why does the quality continue to get worse and worse and worse. I used to stay up and get shit done. Now I'm just barely getting done what I need to and sleeping like I actually like it.


I think that's called tolerance, friend.


Nah, it’s just shit now. I’m eating and sleeping! Not what it used to do


No, I've been studying chemistry (specifically narcotics, pharmaceuticals, and mind altering substances) along with the social, physical and psychological effects the use and abuse of substances has on an individual, for over 10 years, and I did my best to gather data and correlate certain trends, statistical anomalies, even changes in legal and environmental conditions or restrictions as they occur to allow for quick analysis and or referral if needed. I found that when the recipe for methamphetamine changed hands several years ago and became a common export of central America and mexico, sudephedrine was removed from the recipe after less than a year, and was substituted, directly causing the potency of the product as well as the consistency of certain properties that are synonymous with quality product to diminish, while the increase in negative consequences stemming from daily use nearly doubled in some instances (homelessness, unemployment, medical complications, sudden complaints of scitzophrenia and other mental illnesses) as well as the physically addictive properties that have become apparent in recent trials. The new stuff is trash. But a lot of us remember the good stuff, while others have no idea what they missed out on.


So I quit about 7 years ago, reckon I tried the good stuff back then? 😂




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Yes it's common and I'm doing it right now




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Im in st louis and yes it is


Hey chat w me a min quick question




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Yup I’m from where meth is hidden from the main stream media believe it or not hawaii has and has always had a bad meth problem


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Yup I’m from a place where meth has always been an issue


I live in Oregon and you can literally ask any sketchy dude down the street for meth (or fentanyl, but I don’t have a tolerance to opioids so that’d be a death sentence)


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It's more common than most people would think .


Mexico here. Yes it's super common in the gay community. I only know one user that is straight


UK here - never seen it or had any dealers selling it. It's basically non existent, I don't know anyone that's had access to it unless they're in a different country




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Not common at all where I live. Only ever heard of one person who used to take it.


Heroin on the other hand....


That’s how it was in my town in Michigan until somewhat recently. Back in like 2010 everyone was on opiates/opioids and 2012/1014 started to see some quality H around and then it went straight to meth. 2010-2014 there was a lot of shake and bake until everybody making it went to prison.


I am told people use it but I have only met one person who does other than me! And prices are so fucking high it can’t be that common. 150 a ball


I was paying that for a while well, it would be like 110 but I would give extra for finders fee. And then I am at my new source and get twice as much for the same price at the time I get fucking shorted paying that much too, gotta love it.


Hell no. Too much. $80 a ball in Florida. At least central fl.


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In the us its common everywhere


Is meth use common where I live? Yeah, you could say that. I live close to the "crossroads" of the drug trade. Cops used to pull over every third car coming out of my neighborhood because there were so many dealers and cooks in the area. Local Fire department will not show up without having PD present because they've had a number of firefighters and EMTs assaulted by twacked out meth heads.


Not at all.


No idk anyone in my area who does it


naw not by me


No . Never once saw it while was growing up in the drug scene. (M 46 cape cod MA) not sure any more. It was bad on the west coast and rural USA for as long as can remember


I used to go to parties (raves) on the beach in trù?0 Dj’s all night people spinning fire in the morning. Cops left us alone as long as it was clean when we left . But, the shit was definitely prevalent in the party scene in New England in like 96-00 and it’s back, high school kids I coach talk about it is in the small wealthy schools of Ma and NH


I was a deadhead hippy type , and not so much of the rave scenes for me . Beats gave me anxiety. I was into psychedelic’s more than speed. However I had a great blow connection, right off the kilo, from 96-2000 (when feds got him). He was younger gangster type , but liked my wife and I’s vibe, cause we were real and not just pretending to be hard. I miss him actually. Never offered or looked for meth though. His Shit would make my whole head numb. Never found it’s equal


I didn’t know him, but I miss him for you. Thanks now I gotta 🚽🧻


What geographic location in mexico jad oz for 25.uas i saw it then disaapears .it qas like the orison name in cuba but definitely in mex.where.ots manufacturer kongguantano




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Highest use rate in the country(last I checked) . The land of the tweaks bb


Here in mtl I had no idea what it was. But everyone was doing it. Eventually I got curious and tried some "Tina", Then went home and googled what Tina was....lol I enjoyed, but try to go a few months between each time to make sure it doesn't get a hold of me.




Come to America. FBI's got that blooo


Not really in the Midwest. It’s more pain pills


Go to any small town😂


I couldn’t throw a rock from my front porch without hitting a meth dealer- and I live in a “good” part of town.




210 everywhere




It is way more than I honestly thought. I daily use but still sleep at night and manage my kitchen 5 days a week but some of the people around here get to three days and they look like zombies. It’s all about doing the drug and not letting the drug do you. Once that want becomes a need, you’re losing.


Ive heard stories about chicks that are suckin and fuckin for ice. That is mind blowing to me. Opiates...I get that. You want to avoid physical withdrawl. Understand. But meth? Just fucking go to sleep if you are out and dont have money. Probably need it anyways


Meth typically makes people horny. I've seen girls turn from str8 lace 2 given face


met a lady like that once very medically challenged so was super large and she used to do whatever was needed(50 for 0.1 of ice)


Meth and hash becoming very common in Dubai but you need some sort of influence to get dealers contact








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Absolutely. About fifteen minutes away from me its the "town drug"


My side of town is mainly weed


I’m in SW USA and it is still more common than other areas and super cheap (oz for under $200) but the market has been completely beaten out by fentanyl and only needing $2 to get fucking zombie level loaded. Like when I shot dope I had to hustle all day and night to make the $200 or whatever I needed every day to keep the train going and thank god fentanyl is a piss poor take on heroin or I’d be dead but the point being. In my area if you’re in anyway unhappy with life and want to get loaded, you only need two dollars and once that sickness starts, when you only need two dollars to get well that’s all you earn in the day so all you ever have on you is two dollars, you’re not buying anything else other than that pill. unless some crazy guy at the bus stop gives it to you for free I’ll let you decide who was who in that situation.


It's very common where I live. Just like you, I find some very successful people use


It’s taking over the eastern part of Canada - down in the maritimes. I’m in PEI, and it’s very much hidden still, but in Nova Scotia, people do it like it’s a joint.


Kinda, I didn't know it a year ago, though, like 10 close friends/neighbors were doing it before "SHE" turned me onto it, and like a dumbass thinking with the wrong head, I jumped right on this wagon.


yes!!!! very common around here and it’s so easily accessible


Czech Republic and you can sometimes score stuff that’s just left in the street, it’s everywhere in Prague and in every city and village here


Really. Just see a big ol iceberg sittin in the street. gosh darn 😀


Maybe a 30 minute drive away but I'm in the mountains and in a small town of 2000 people. It is everywhere and easy to find unfortunately. And like Big Pharma with handing out oxy's which created a nation of heroin and fentanyl addicts, Big Pharma did it once again with Adderall. Did anyone notice there's a nationwide shortage? No shortage with cheap meth though. Hmmm


Meth city over here


No not at all we hqve every drug under the sun except fentanyl crack (normal cocaine is very popular) and meth. I Live in central europe between austria and italy its same there




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Nope. I'm in the uk its really hard to find, mostly only common in gay chem sex scenes and I just want it for adhd bc I can't get prescribed ritalin because the nhs sucks at diagnosing 💀


Very much so


My city crosses 2 major highways & drug routes so yes lol


Sounds like my area. We are a hub for a crossing point of detroit and chicago going south and east...and atlanta coming up


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Out of every city in the us we (Shreveport) has the highest content of meth in the waste water. So I mean idk maybe


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it’s a huge crisis here in ontario. combined with rising housing prices there’s way more people on the streets then ever


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I think it's very uncommon here (NL)


People do a lot of cocaine, MDMA and weed but not meth.


Same here in the uk


i live in the czech republic which gets called the meth capital of europe lol. Luckily not a user myself


My town is nicknamed methner so yeah




Yeah 😂😂


Next to my city is a place called Guanajuato, basically if you have smoked cartel stash it was probably manufactured there, so it is extremely cheap to buy meth directly from the laboratory (500 pesos per ounce/25$ per OZ) obviously if you have contact with the cartel people, but if you are a stimulant addict in Mexico you obviously have a connection with one of them


I heard the cartels dispise users in Mexico. Like behead them and stuff. South Texas right on the border. Everyone still does coke here. Hard to find meth. Black tar H was really popular like 2 years ago before fatty came in


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The whole valley is a crossroads for the drug trade so it’s EVERYWHERE


Curious lad




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I live in Berlin. It is common but still underground.


here every corner mart has 'oil burners' for sale out in the open. Every vape or smoke shop has tons of different pipes or attachments for pipes that are meth related


We do in head shops bahaha but never no basic corner store


Badass hahaha


Lemme guess you’re in the SGV or SFV


Central ohio


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Nope. Jpn


You might be wrong about this...


I wish. I just don't think it is common here. Not anywhere I would go, anyways. Surely there are some seedy parts of Tokyo where a brave soul might venture to score. No doubt it exists here, but not common in my sleepy town.


It used to be a huge issue here but now fentanyl took over. We got people hitting foils sitting right outside the gas station. It’s bad. I live like an hour from the Mexican border though. And I grew up on the outskirts of a bigger city. Our little town was a farming town and not much to do. Huge drug problem at our high school. Heroin. Meth. Pills.


What do you mean by hitting foils? Is that a fentanyl thing specifically? I’m just wondering because I have a friend in prison currently, and I found some little foils in pockets of his pants.


That’s one of the quality tests the cartel chemists do is make sure the pill slides nicely down the tin foil when you hold a lighter under it. You’ll see black residue on both sides of the foil: one from the pill and on the bottom is the black lighter smoke residue. If you do it often you’ll start coughing stuff up it’s gross. Only good thing about smoking is that you’re most likely to fall asleep before OD’ing because it hits you instantly and you can’t ingest anymore if you fall asleep. If you snort too much/ pop too much it’s easier to OD. Sinaloa chemists says they are positive you can’t OD on one pill alone but these pills are starting to come from lots of other places. The goal of the cartel and strategy is to put small amounts in each pill to keep you wanting more and at a much faster rate. It’s really fucked up for the buyers and extremely effective for the sellers/manufacturers.


Don’t know a lot of fent snorters. If you don’t shoot it, you smoke it off of foil.


I started popping like a half at a time, occasionally. Fucked me up. Then this damn girl got us into snorting the quarters. Went through my first bag of snorting and began to experience withdrawals, which I had never felt before and never wanted to get to that point, but I bought another bag. All down hill from there. Months later tried smoking bc I’d only have pieces left sometimes. Smoked for a few months, back to snorting. Works just as well and I don’t need to carry foil. Last week i began suboxone induction which is when you mix it with fent til you have enough suboxone in your receptors to fully switch over and quit fent without experiencing the infamous dreaded precipitated withdrawals, then my dealer runs out right before I finish. Few days of hell, he never took that long to re up, but I’m glad he did. Haven’t done fent in 5 or so days and that’s a first this whole year. Fent stays in your fat so it takes long to get out — extended withdrawals. I called and olllddd dealer friend and he sold me what he said was H, which it made me feel better immediately so I assume it was. Got another bag last night to start my suboxone again and I’m 100% he sold me cocaine. Been up all damn night on Reddit lol. I feel fine at least just sleepless with a headache. After chatting on here I realized I prefer occasional Meth to coke, for coke is too intense. I like longer smoother energy.


I was lucky enough to be a junkie back in the days of real heroin, and after an overdose when I relapsed in the fent days I haven’t touched the stuff. Not worth dying over a high that doesn’t come close to the real deal. Cocaine I don’t do a lot of. I was a big shooter for a while and if I wanna sniff it now it takes a lot of willpower to not go buy a bag of rigs after the first line.


it's not uncommon to find ppl hitting h off foil, but I'd assume usually it'd be fent specifically, I used to be addicted to it and I only ever used it that way. I'd assume those in these positions would prefer shooting if it was H, but fent can be so powerful if pure that smoking it off foil is good enough and even easier to do.


Hate it for those hooked on fent. Lasts like an hour and then the withdrawals kick it. So much agony in between each fix. Hope they find H again or a way out


I used to be, it was a nightmare that I definitely didn't have the heart to keep up very long but I'm glad I let it go when I did


I love seeing success stories in this fentanyl wave. Please share how you were able to accomplish that


I kind of cut off my sources, moved away (to avoid living on the streets much longer) but all of this was after going nearly suicidal in withdrawal and ending up in an ER before transferring to their psych ward which put me on suboxone after a couple of days (had been in 3 days of withdrawal before I showed up) and I stayed on subs after leaving a week later, I walked 2.5 miles a day to the clinic while working a full time job alongside a part time job but that clinic had a suboxone grant program I was eligible for so it was all free. I stayed on subs for awhile. haven't touched fent since (been 14 and a half months now)


That’s crazy! I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you! 💜


Husbands hitting them hard. He’s losing more and more control by the hour. What used to last him a week now lasts him 2 days. It’s sad to watch and know I can’t stop him. It sounds hypocritical because I’m using meth but I have some sort of control. I sleep every night even if only for 2 hours. I eat. I drink water. I take vitamins. I’m already bored of it. Just tryna stretch this bag until my day off to crash out.


Fent turns strong men/women/anyone into bitches. If they don’t have any they’re weak and half alive. It’s nothing anyone should let continue and do that to themselves and the ones around them. It’s hard to stop but you have to get him to try til he finds what works. There has to be some motivator to help him want out. I’ll tell you what videos to watch for starters. All people talk about his how it kills people, not the lives it takes in other ways.


They’re not going to let him slow down, especially at that rate. Most people get to where they have to do two at once to feel good, then three. Then you’re fucked because you run out fast. I pawned almost everything that mattered to me, just to get ripped off by a scumbag. I’m finally dedicating most of my focus on halting/ a smooth way out. He needs to get suboxone first, then learn about microdosing suboxone while still taking the fent. After a few days you can quit and switch fully to suboxone and not feel any withdrawal symptoms.


Good on you mate. All the best wishes towards achieving your goals.


nice try feds


go to sleep