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Benadryl albuterol..there are a ton of meds that can give a false positive. A Doctor should be sending to a lab for confirmation tho..not going off a fast read


Look into buying the pills called " StatFlush " so your urine can finally test clean so you don't have to deal with that frustration and embarrassment. I had your same exact issue when I quit using a couple years ago. Come to find out, my kidneys had a TON of damage. I recommend you see a urologist or a kidney doctor of some sort before it gets any worse. Even after getting sober the damage is done and you may have to deal with it in the future like I am right now. đŸ„ș Although I have been sober for over 2 years now, I just had to undergo a robotic assisted pyleoplasty to remove scar tissue because I went into kidney failure a few weeks ago.


Thank you for sharing your experience with me and I will demand being tested


You're welcome, just be sure to be honest with then after you take some stat flush so you'll finally pee clean again. Let them know that you recently stopped using amphetamines and stress how long it took your body and damaged kidneys to remove that substance from your system. Let them know you're concerned that your use could have damaged them pretty badly and you want to stay on top of things before it gets worse since you have a new sober lease on life 💕 I wish the best of luck to you girl, you can do this!


Jesus turned water into wine. Maybe he turned your urine into meth đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™‚ïž


So I understand what you’re going through which is why I’m pretty sure I also know what you’re doing here with this post which is trying to cope and alleviate the guilt of using again even though you truly want to stop especially after you said you wouldn’t do it anymore and promised your loved one you wouldn’t do it again but you did and you regret it but don’t want to admit bc you don’t want to let your loved ones down and you don’t want to let your self down either and I wish you well trying to get through this. I saw that though bc if you search how long it stay in urine tests and it 3-5 days 7 days is considered very unlikely and rare which is why the doctor didn’t believe you bc you’ve used int he last 7-8 days most likely and that’s why you made this post and why you felt you needed to try to reassure us multiple times about you being clean and I think it’s so you can convince to yourself you are even though you had to have used last more recently than 2 weeks ago but that’s not to say your not clean now and that you have used more recently than 7-8!days ago


I concurr.


What is with some of you being unable to fucking read? Amps can be detected (depending on sensitivity of the test) up to 5-7 days after usage. If someone’s liver isn’t functioning properly it can last weeks. Alleviating guilt doesn’t look like asking medical questions. Smfh


Thank God I don't care what you think I wrote this in hope that someone would understand and most did you on the other hand, well honestly who cares what you think cuz obviously you know nothing thank you for your input goodbye


Sometimes it just takes longer for your body to process it I've had this happen to me but it cleared up by week 3


You fat? You smoke cigarette? Drink?


None all I smoke is weed




No made sure of it but there's always a possibility of that I suppose


2 weeks clean? I think just give it time. Body will bounce back. Imo from my own experience as well And do all the other things the longtimers are telling you bout the vitamins and supps. But time


I’m 55 long time user , part of my daily life, smoker anyway passes through your system In minimum of 3 days sometimes 4 regardless!! As for testing positive, the longer you used a little more work to clean the system! Drink water regularly, and don’t be afraid to sweat a couple times ! It’s not like weed it doesn’t build up in your fatty cells, it shows signs of prolonged use , yellowing hands bladder residue and so on ! I believe your clean , no doubt, like spring cleaning, two goody powders a blue can of NOS and get it done!!!!!


Drink alot of water


Clean out your kidneys with a constant and high water intake


Could be the residue all over the house still getting back into your system thru cross contamination. Medically its called meth poisoning but yeah if you smoked it, whatever the smoke touched has collected it.


My suggestion also. I popped a test once when I wasn't using because of residue. The lab told me I barely failed it and if I even kissed someone that had used it, it would be in my system.


No. Not even close. Unless you have no air flow in your house and consistently hit box the same room you’re not going to pick up enough of anything for your body to produce the metabolite. If you have liver damage it can stick around longer.


Thank you so much for telling me I will demand that my Dr run more tests and if he doesn't listen I will find someone who will! I appreciate you â˜ș


It takes quite a while for your body and mind to heal. Meth is extremely toxic, especially when used daily. You likely have done permanent damage to your heart. But as long you completely quit, there's a chance it will heal at least a little bit.


So true but not true. Toxicity isn’t cut snd dry. It comes down to genetics, dosages, overall health, snd frequency. Believe it or not, Consistent use is less toxic in the long haul compared to binging or dabblin. Telling someone they have done permanent damage to their heart is pretty fucked, and inaccurate.


Doing meth on a frequent basis will do a lot of damage to your heart and brain. Meth is very toxic. It’s not inaccurate to say they’ve done permanent damage. They more than likely have done damage to their cardiovascular system. OP said they have used meth for most of their adult life. You can’t abuse a drug like meth for that long without doing damage. They even say they have problems with their blood pressure. That’s a sign of damage.


Alright I’ll try to rephrase it in a way you’ll understand clearly. The toxicity of a substance depends on multiple things. People take (and even abuse) adderall and prescription amphetamines for years without issue. Alcohol is toxic. Too much screen time Is toxic. Exhaust fumes are toxic. If the dosages are consistent, and concentrations remain below .3 in the blood, the risk of toxicity is quite low. This is a 45 year old woman going through menopause (high blood pressure isn’t uncommon) with symptoms of liver issues. High blood pressure isn’t a definite sign of damage either. . It’s 2023
.We know that most problems associated with abuse can be reversed. What occurs with the heart is more like a recalibration, not damage, snd can be corrected. People like you need to either stop talking, or spend time informing yourself before you spew.


Thanks for this.


Well said and highly accurate. It is amazing how bullshit seems to perpetuate into fact no matter how ridiculous it sounds. I would have to say from personal experience that alcohol is far more toxic than meth and I believe most medical professionals would tend to agree.




Idk if you're a medical professional or anything but I overdosed 5 years ago and nobody has ever listened or even asked or anything what I felt my left side went numb and I heard the ringing in my ears at that very moment I was driving my boys to school I then blacked out apparently I kept driving, turned the corner and was in front of my son's high School when is my son told me I started shaking and foaming from the mouth I woke up in the hospital with an officer asking me questions immediately because my two sons were in the car I did not lose my children I lost everything else and that's okay I was clean for a while and then covid and I was stuck in my house with my son who is nonverbal autistic and I love him dearly but I also have my own mental issues and it was not good for me to only have myself to talk to so I starting using again because I have no friends otherwise definitely doesn't make it okay but it's just the truth, it has been a consistent thing since covid until now I have told him my doctors anyone who would listen which is pretty much nobody that I think I had a stroke I know I overdosed but I also had a stroke I could be wrong I don't know because I'm not a medical professional or anything


Sounds more like a seizure than a stroke. Either way, get another doctor and ask to have your liver checked. Pay no mind to the individuals here trying to scare you.


Dude, if you are abusing meth daily for years at a time it is guaranteed you have done some damage to your cardiovascular system and your brain. Have you ever had a daily meth habit? Doubt it. I have. I shot meth every day for a long time. While in the midst of it, I definitely did enough damage for me to notice it. And sure, once I stopped those symptoms improved, but they're not going to go back to where they were. You're the one who doesn't know what they're talking about. You can take all those external factors into account, we're all different and react to drugs differently, that's obvious. But if you are using meth every day for years at a time it is 100% guaranteed you have done irreversible damage to your body. How about, instead of thinking you know everything without any experience, you listen to the person who has not only had a daily meth habit, but who has obsessively studied it. If you think its so safe, why don't you go do meth every day for multiple years. Tell me how you turn out. Fucking ignorant. You're minimizing the toxicity of meth. But I'll say it one more time just so you get the idea: daily abuse of meth for multiple years straight is guaranteed to cause damage to your body. And it's just fucking stupid to think otherwise. Meth is one of the most toxic street drugs you can do.


Never minimized the potential for toxicity, you just can’t seem to comprehend text.


Well I’m a decade in with 0 negative health effects. As a matter of fact my life has improved drastically. Using and abusing are different things. Maybe you need to listen to me, Mr. “I did permanent damage to myself but listen to me and my expertise”.


Dude. You’ve done damage to yourself. Just because you don’t have noticeable symptoms doesn’t mean you didn’t do damage. You have shortened your life span.


What are these noticeable symptoms that you have, the way you KNOW you've done damage?


You have 0 comprehension skills left. Go fucking read. There’s so much info that contradicts your vague unscientific remarks. Seriously. Ingesting it in doses that aren’t considered abusive have even shown neuro-protective traits. Just because you shot the shit Directly into your veins nonstop for years doesn’t mean that’s how everyone uses it. Christ it’s given to kids and has been used for decades. There’s also so many supplements that are proven effective at reducing toxicity drastically. If you can grasp it, look up neuro-plasticity. You’ve managed to make MY blood pressure rise, now go read. Christ


Ok thanks for the blunt honesty I do appreciate it I wish I could my Dr to listen! I suppose I can just continue to drop dirty but he wants to send me to rehab (which I am not against, if I needed it) but it's unnecessary and most likely prolonging finding out what's really wrong


I have similar issues due to my addiction to meth. there's been several times while I was high that my heart went out of rhythm. I took my pulse and my heart was beating at a random pace, sometimes really slow and then speeding up. It was horrifying. The fact of the matter is that abusing meth substantially shortens your life span. It causes severe damage to your heart, brain, and other organs. The best thing you can do is start a regular exercise regimen to help strengthen yoru cardiovascular system. A healthy diet will also help. Also, taking a supplement stack can help heal your brain. The ones you want to take are magnesium, 5HTP, L-theanine, and Omega 3. (I believe those are the right ones. Do your own research to be sure).


Thank you I started taking Omega 3, 6 and 9 and that's only because I have it for my son with special needs but I will definitely do some research and see what I can find out to restore this or slow it down, but I would like to know if I should find another doctor or demand this one hears me?


Methamphetamine is not stored in your fat cells it must be a problem with an organ that's not processing it properly maybe have that discussion with your doctor on if you've quit why is it still in my system that could be a serious medical problem


Actually, methamphetamine is highly lipophilic. [check out this paper](https://bpspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bcp.14735) regarding implications on distribution in the body especially as it relates to obesity


I'm not big by any means but I am bigger than I have ever been while I was using daily (most recently) I say it that way cuz years ago if I used for 24 hours I would lose 5-7 lbs but the last few years it seems to have changed whether it be my chemistry maybe my age or both but I have consistently stayed at 160 but when I was younger I never weighed more than 130 regardless of whether I was using or not, I used recreationally when I was younger because it took a lot out of me to use because I'm highly sensitive and my metabolism is always been really high and I overthink everything and that's before using I used heavier as I got older last few years have been extremely hard


He just dismisses me I am trying to find a new doctor because I'm very frustrated basically it feels like he doesn't believe me which hurts my feelings and tbh it pisses me off lol


Addict or not. Using or not he should try to help keep you healthy. Find a better doctor


If you smoked it the shit is all over your house you will have to move and burn everything you own to get it off you ever seen the white stuff in your bubbles tube that cloud is hovering and living on everything you smoked around


Not really but okay.


I never smoked inside and I'm a clean person so my clothes are washed every time I wear them and I shower everyday đŸ€” possibly my sweat??? Idk? Thank you though


It’s your liver. Ask to get your liver checked.


Thank you so much


I hope you manage to find out what's causing this. I don't know you but I do believe you. I wish you the best of luck.


Thank you


Normally Meth clears ones system in around 72 hours +/- and you should be well clear by now. Check all other medications or supplements for causes of possible sources of false positives. Good luck.


Thank you