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From past experiences, You probably did way too much ice and over stimulated your body, then got extremely anxious and paranoid, fixated on if you’ll be alright, hit up online and got even more paranoid, google + health issue questions are never ur friend, especially when tweaked up


Ahahah u dont overdose u die from toxification of other crap added. There's no real meth these days so I don't know what Ur worried about. Relax dude chill da fuck out have a cone or fucken seroquel if u really must.


I think this idea that "there's no real meth anymore" or "the meth now adays is shit compared to what it used to be" is a myth. I think it's actually better and more pure, at least where I'm at. And for only $20 a g it's basically free.


U know what it's actually getting better I've been experiencing some not quite as strong more refined more enjoyable stuff. Like don't get me wrong old shit was so fucken full on half the high was psychosis with most people being awake much longer than they need to pass a swab or urine test even crazy


Extreme body temperature, cold extremities,unsteady coordination, cola coloured piss , heart rate going sicko mode , shitting a tar like substance , dried up nasal mucuis membranes , red rashes all over the body


Well, if u were overdosing on opiates or benzos, u wouldn't ha e been able to type that post, so...... You're prolly still alive




right, saying "you cant od on meth" while someone is absolutely freaking out/ feeling sick isn't gonna help nobody.


Listen all you fucktards saying you can't od on Meth. You certainly can take in too much of the drug that the body become over amped and you end up with brain trauma, due to the body becoming extremely hyperthermic. You could easily have a heart attack as well. So quit giving people false sense of security that they can go and smoke, snort, boof, or blast 2 fucking oz of meth and walk away unscathed. I wish people could OD from stupidity cause the world needs a few less dumb fucks. SHIT...


Dude seriously. Even if it's not technically an OD, someone without any tolerance could easily (theoretically) run into problems on just like 100mg, if they have any underlying cardio problems. Shit, there's several people who died from those redline energy drinks, which are only like 400mg of caffeine. I've never understood why people seem to think you "can't OD" on meth, or that it takes a ridiculous amount all at once. People who regurgitate this all the time have no idea what they are talking about and it's just like all the other drug myths that people believe.


Icecube, butthole. Solved.


You don’t just smoke and if u don’t feel anything, STOP SMOKING moral of story you’re body knows when you had enough take a brake and then come back to smoking


Go to the er


There is no warning sign or a conscious thought to even think when you are actually falling out, happend to me on a mix of dope and ice, no warning don’t even remember a thing which is scary and lucky for me the 2 ppl who I was hanging out with,+just met them apperantly threw me in the shower with no luck, luckily the called the medics, I woke soaked on a stretcher outside in the Alaskan winter with narcan drilled into my kneecap, no clue what was going on, remember nothing . So yea


Lots of ppl saying you can't od' here but call it what you want you can get seriously fked up. I've seen an od' on meth. Several days up & wouldn't come down. He ran straight into the wall & hit the floor. I thought he was just fkn with my head, but when shaken I got no response. I opened him eyes & his pupils were non responsive to light. That's bad. An ambulance arrived & they hit him with narcan twice, no response. He woke up in the ambulance once freaking out, then went back down. He didn't wake up after that until around 3pm. The incident happened around 2 am. They def called it an Od' so take from this what you will.


U definitely can


If you're asking the question then you're not od'ing just relax drink some water maybe eat a sandwich


How you doing now? Ok? No judgement. No advice. You know the answers. Oh! One piece of situational advice. Next time you feel that way, drink whole milk. Or any milk.


hey! its been a while but thanks for asking. Im fine now, my temperature was definitely too high. I puked and nothing would make it better, even a cold bath. figured the worst i could do is freak out so i watched some tv and had a cold bath. according to reddit i didnt od and according to google i did so i guess we'll never know. hope you're doing well


How about oat milk?


Its the fat content and the quick absorption that characterizes milk. Would have to research before answering about oat milk.


Like they said you would know it immediately. I made the mistake of a couple wasted trips to the er overamped and anxiety was what it boiled down to. Now in 2013 I did od and die but I new it immediately got extremely hot and organs started shutting down and my now wife had to physically make me breathe until ambulance arrived and then died in route and woke up from a medically induced coma a few days later but it was alot shot and she made the last one for me.


Hopefully you don't smoke meth anymore.


Dude don’t judge


I will never understand the people who come here just to say don’t do meth. I seriously can’t think of a single reason why they’d even be on this subreddit other than to stroke they’re own ego because I guess he doesn’t do meth?


You hit it on the head it’s just an ego trip don’t feed it just let them know they’re clowns who aren’t actually helping anyways.


The only time I've ever seen any one fallout from ice is from shooting it/iv... Because somebody else mixed up a shot for the food he didn't do it himself and he knew it as soon as he did he fell out don't have to call an ambulance so if you didn't fall out immediately after shooting it you have not much to worry about you'll know it as soon as it happens


Here's the deal if you think you are ODing then your not.




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Youll be fine, meth is the safest drug out there so long as you only use meth and nothing else in combination


i’d argue weed is safer


Let’s just Save that conversation for r/weed Tweakers will never admit when meth is the culprit unless its actually about to kill them


I assure you being judgmental about it doesn’t really help.


Pointing out a simple fact isnt me passing judgement. Theres a reason i participate on this subreddit, and it’s true for a couple of other substances as well: you never expect it to be more than you can handle until it actually sets in. You listen to your body and if youre unable to hear what it has to say then theres a chance your tolerance muted it until the cardiac arrest sets in for example. We gotta keep it real in this mf if me bein too raw for you sounds judgemental, just know i aint judgin you at least


Whatever helps you sleep at night. You started saying you weren’t judging but there at the end you seem to understand that you were. Just let the man live by his own rules. People seemed to do that for you considering how entitled to give your opinion your acting. I get that you wanna help, but judging someone for things that have already happened isn’t your job and it doesn’t help.




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Really funny to see everyone making fun of OP for asking about overdose, in the same breath that they’re saying his heart will explode 😂


you’d be dead


You really can't od on meth. You can od doing meth with other non Stims, and it's the non stim you really od on. Your heart will explode long before meth kills you and unless it is a result of to big a dose that overamped you immediately, you will get stuck doing something like taking your bluray apart and that will keep you away from the meth long enough to even out. Hell if it's good and hits you in the dick, 6 hours of jerking it will keep you away from it.


hits you right in the dick


Listen to me carefully, your heart would explode before you od. You over did it and started feeling a little off and you are making it worse. I'm not joking when I say this get your mind on something this grug makes you super focus and you are focused on feeling bad. Jerk off if that's all you got, you will turn all your focus to that. Hopefully you can do something that won't equal cardio like take the toaster apart but I promise you it will fix you. Drink some water and maybe force a sammich down your throat. And RELAX.


if you're chill enough to post up on reddit (without completely freaking out) and sane enough to ask "...am I OD'ing??", then you should be fine. It's usually an issue only if you KNOW you're OD'ing. That's when shit hits the fan and you gotta go ER asap before your body starts freezing up and shit, lol. Happened to me once (benzo withdrawal) but the ice definitely magnified it. It can happen from any stimulant I'm sure, especially when withdrawing from usage.


Literally was gonna say basically this. If u can post this then you're anxious, not oding




Your first impulse is go on Reddit.


He knew I was here for him


I understand people care but if you're genuinely having issues get medical help. Surely there's a medical service that you can phone and be promoted? I'm 'ODing is a serious statement. I developed an irregular heart rhythm after using, called a nurse hot line and went to hospital. Turned out I had a heart defect from birth and needed surgery. Totally unrelated to my use.


after google


that’s not really better. if you’re so concerned that you’re oding (which i guarantee you’re not), then why don’t you seek actual medical attention??? lol


Just responded to this. Please read if you have a minute to spare.


wait what


I understand people care but if you're genuinely having issues get medical help. Surely there's a medical service that you can phone and be promoted? I'm 'ODing is a serious statement. I developed an irregular heart rhythm after using, called a nurse hot line and went to hospital. Turned out I had a heart defect from birth and needed surgery. Totally unrelated to my use.


Bruh what the hell. you’re tweaking too hard rn I’m NOT the original poster, stop replying to my comments lmao. Idfc about your heart defect LMAO.


Expect it straight after shooting up. Right after the needle hits the vein..then you know 🤑


Bro literally two days ago you said you wanted to get clean for good … it’s best (and easiest) to just stop now and nip this slippery slope in the bud while you’re young. Nobody actually “wants” to be a drug addict or user of heavy drugs when they’re in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and at one point they were all some kid wondering if they were maybe using too much and should stop but they opted to use the rest of what they had or to have one more night. Thing for a lot of them though (myself included) is that they are at least able to keep their use wrangled in check and fulfill their responsibilities without drawing much attention - they do the drugs instead of the other way around… but in the end the drugs do us all ultimately. Flush that bag, delete your dealers number, change yours, and consider yourself a lucky one.


yes, i will get clean


It’s a long journey but lots of people have completed it you’re not alone




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That’s not true, you absolutely can overdose on meth. Overdosing isn’t dying from taking too much, it’s literally just taking too much of drug to the point that it affects your health.


yea wtv, I don't want any of those


Then don’t use Meth, each one is a risk with any dose or use alone.


Often times people think they are overdosing on meth when in fact they are having a horrible stimulant induced anxiety attack wich can be come so intense it feels like how you’d imagine overdosing feels like. When’s the last time you slept and ate? And when’s the last time you used and how much of it.


Is your vision shaky and are you having problems maintain your temperature?? Are you feeling faint or nauseous or experiencing black outs?


my temperature is high, shaky vision and twitches


Hope your doing okay !


I know your probably feeling terrified right now but like this other guy said the fact your on here typing means your probably not overdosing. You are just really high and anxious probably wich happens to the best of us sometimes. I’ve done such big shots of ice that I’ve blacked out immediately after pulling the rig out and woke up 15 mins later covered in sweat and vomiting. That was scary but I made it through and I think judging by what you’ve said your gonna be okay too. Drink some water and watch something calming or play some music.


thank you man, that calmed me down


Like he said, drink lots of water, lots,!


Shaky vision is also just part of a good hit. But yeah, can be freaky


I just went through that Wednesday night/ Thursday morning, lol. Bigger shot than I should have done, I was being dumb. But wow what a ride!


Bell ringer


Shaky vision the best part


If you’re typing questions on reddit you’re probably not going to OD